Glossary term

lookout - Guet


Additional explanation to clarify meaning or usage of the string.

Component Key Translation Difference to current string
This translation Translated (Lookouts)/(Lookouts)
The following string has different context, but the same source.
Translated (Lookouts)/game # Riding 4


User avatar Lumonox

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(Lookouts) / (Lookouts)French

a year ago
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English French
But you always are alone as the lookout, alone being the odd stick of the gang. No one talks to you unless they need something. Mais tu es toujours seul à faire le guet, seul à être l'hurluberlu de la bande. Personne ne te parle à moins d'avoir besoin de quelque chose. (Lookouts)

lookout - Guet

String information


lookout - Guet

String age
a year ago
Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
fr.tbx, string 1