Check Total Dismissed Active Translated
Starting newline 2 0 2 0
Starting spaces 9 0 9 9
Double space 7 0 7 7
Consecutive duplicated words 177 37 140 140
Ellipsis 2,759 4 2,755 2,755
Mismatched colon 19 1 18 14
Mismatched ellipsis 11 0 11 11
Mismatched exclamation mark 377 32 345 310
Mismatched question mark 416 42 374 337
Mismatched semicolon 9 2 7 7
Trailing space 112 0 112 107
Mismatched full stop 751 56 695 665
Mismatched \n 1 1 0 0
Kashida letter used 33 0 33 33
Long untranslated 2 0 2 2
Multiple failing checks 1,105 0 1,105 1,105
Mismatching line breaks 16 3 13 10
Punctuation spacing 973 23 950 950
Unchanged translation 1,801 213 1,588 1,560
Has been translated 309 1 308 0


Customizable quality checks will help you improve the quality of translations.

The checks can help you identify problematic translations or source strings which are hard to translate.