Source string Source string

Component Context Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Read only Butterfly Soup/translations akarsha2_6276c5a5
The following strings have different contexts, but the same source.
Read only Butterfly Soup/translations niceTry_f8a1f174
Read only Butterfly Soup/translations niceTry_6276c5a5_1
Read only Butterfly Soup/translations lookBaby_6276c5a5
Read only Butterfly Soup/translations lunchbox_6276c5a5
Read only Butterfly Soup/translations lookSquirrel_6276c5a5
Read only Butterfly Soup/translations enclosure_6276c5a5
Read only Butterfly Soup/translations lookLiz_6276c5a5
Read only Butterfly Soup/translations lookLiz_5db23ed9
Read only Butterfly Soup/translations lookLiz_6a61dc07
Read only Butterfly Soup/translations ch6_f8a1f174
Read only Butterfly Soup/translations wakeUp_6276c5a5
Read only Butterfly Soup/translations wakeUp_6276c5a5_1
Read only Butterfly Soup/translations wakeUp_6276c5a5_2
Read only Butterfly Soup/translations wakeUp_6276c5a5_3
Read only Butterfly Soup/translations wakeUp_6276c5a5_4
Read only Butterfly Soup/translations furry_63981d3d
Read only Butterfly Soup/translations date_5db23ed9
Read only Butterfly Soup/translations niceTry_6276c5a5
Read only Butterfly Soup/translations date_6a61dc07


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String updated in the repository

Butterfly Soup / translationsEnglish

a year ago
Browse all string changes

Things to check


The string uses three dots (...) instead of an ellipsis character (…)



English English
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string description
Speaker: Diya
Source string location
String age
a year ago
Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
translations.pot, string 3904