"brave_darkness_00" = "You cannot brave the Darkness."; "brave_darkness_01" = "Despite everything, you still can't brave the Darkness."; "ui_skip_text" = "HOLD Menu to skip"; "ui_loading" = "L O A D I N G"; "title_lucah" = "L U C A H"; "title_subtitle" = "b o r n o f a d r e a m"; "menu_save_overwrite" = "This save file will be overwritten. Continue?"; "menu_load" = "Load Game"; "menu_new" = "New Game"; "menu_no" = "No"; "menu_no_caps" = "NO"; "menu_quit" = "Quit"; "menu_start" = "— Start Game —"; "menu_yes_caps" = "YES"; "menu_credits" = "A game by melessthanthree\\n[Colin, Kevin, Nicolo,\\nBrianna, and Ryan]"; "menu_quit_caps" = "— QUIT —"; "menu_options" = "— Options —"; "menu_back" = "— Back —"; "menu_yes" = "Yes"; "menu_any_button" = "Press Any Button"; "menu_any_key" = "Press Any Key"; "menu_select" = "Select"; "menu_cancel" = "Cancel"; "menu_move" = "Move"; "ui_rewind_display" = "RW"; "ui_heal_display" = "HP"; "ui_bonus_damage" = "No Damage +{S}"; "ui_bonus_time" = "Time Bonus +{S}"; "ui_condition_title" = "CONDITION:"; "ui_condition_fail" = "CONDITION [FAILED]"; "ui_condition_pass" = "CONDITION SUCCESS"; "ui_condition_time" = "Complete combat within {TIME} seconds."; "ui_condition_damage" = "Complete combat without taking damage."; "ui_condition_combo" = "Complete combat without breaking your combo."; "ui_verse" = "Verse"; "ui_map_label" = "MAP"; "ui_menu_label" = "MENU"; "ui_menu_paradigm_i" = "Paradigm I"; "ui_menu_paradigm_ii" = "Paradigm II"; "ui_menu_virtues" = "Virtues"; "ui_menu_tech" = "Tech"; "ui_menu_paradigm_i_desc" = "Customize Paradigm I"; "ui_menu_paradigm_ii_desc" = "Customize Paradigm II"; "ui_menu_virtue_desc" = "Equip Virtues"; "ui_menu_tech_desc" = "Enable/Disable Tech"; "ui_menu_tech_display" = "Display"; "ui_menu_tech_abilities" = "Abilities"; "ui_menu_tech_mods" = "Mods"; "tech_player_ui_name" = "Player UI"; "tech_player_ui_desc" = "Player UI: Display player Health, Stamina, Charge, and La (experience)."; "tech_enemy_ui_name" = "Enemy UI"; "tech_enemy_ui_desc" = "Enemy UI: Display damage numbers and boss health values."; "tech_item_ui_name" = "Item UI"; "tech_item_ui_desc" = "Item UI: Display number of Rewinds/Health Essences, as well as unused key items."; "tech_verse_ui_name" = "Verse UI"; "tech_verse_ui_desc" = "Verse UI: Display Verse number and title."; "tech_hold_action_name" = "Hold Action"; "tech_hold_action_desc" = "Hold Action: Hold the light or heavy attack button to execute a powerful magic action at the cost of some Charge."; "tech_parry_name" = "Parry"; "tech_parry_desc" = "Parry: dodge toward an attacking enemy with perfect timing to counter the enemy attack."; "tech_transform_name" = "Transform"; "tech_transform_desc" = "Transform: Hold and release the Transform button to enter a super-powered state. Dramatically increases Corruption during use."; "tech_taunt_name" = "Taunt"; "tech_taunt_desc" = "Taunt: press the Taunt button to enrage all nearby enemies, making them stronger but more vulnerable to attacks."; "mod_health_name" = "Extra Health"; "mod_health_desc" = "Extra Health: Massively increase player health."; "mod_infinite_health_name" = "Infinite Stamina"; "mod_infinite_health_desc" = "Infinite Stamina: Actions that normally reduce Stamina no longer reduce Stamina."; "mod_infinite_charge_name" = "Infinite Charge: "; "mod_infinite_charge_desc" = "Infinite Charge: Actions that normally drain Charge no longer drain Charge."; "mod_infinite_items_name" = "Unlimited Items"; "mod_infinite_items_desc" = "Unlimited Items: Using Rewinds or Health Essences does not reduce the number of uses available for each."; "mod_weaker_enemies_name" = "Weak Enemies"; "mod_weaker_enemies_desc" = "Weak Enemies: Massively reduces enemy health and attack power."; "ui_map_missing" = "No Map Data"; "mantra_00_name" = "LUNA: Mid-damage, mid-range. Increased charge absorption."; "mantra_00_desc" = "Hold Action: CHARGE EXPLOSION"; "mantra_01_name" = "SOL: Mid-range, fast. Ignores defense but cannot BREAK. "; "mantra_01_desc" = "Hold Action: CHARGE EXPLOSION"; "mantra_02_name" = "AERO: Low-damage, high-range. Increases attack range."; "mantra_02_desc" = "Hold Action: LINEAR BURST"; "mantra_03_name" = "PYRA: Mid-damage, high-range. Lowers stamina use."; "mantra_03_desc" = "Hold Action: FIERY PUNISHMENT"; "mantra_04_name" = "ANIMA: High-damage, low-range. Increases attack speed."; "mantra_04_desc" = "Hold Action: HEEL STOMP"; "mantra_05_name" = "AQUA: Short-range, multi-attack. Increases BREAK time."; "mantra_05_desc" = "Hold Action: RAINING STRIKE"; "mantra_06_name" = "GAEA: Mid-damage, mixed-range. Higher BREAK chance."; "mantra_06_desc" = "Hold Action: CHARGE PULSE"; "mantra_07_name" = "EREBOS: Low-damage, mid-range. Increases BREAK damage."; "mantra_07_desc" = "Hold Action: BACKSTAB"; "mantra_08_name" = "BIOS: Low-damage, multi-attack. Increases finisher power."; "mantra_08_desc" = "Hold Action: LIFE SURGE"; "mantra_09_name" = "FOS: Technical. Hold Actions do not drain stamina."; "mantra_09_desc" = "Hold Action: SUMMON CHARGE"; "mantra_10_name" = "THANATOS: High-damage, mid-range. Increases strength."; "mantra_10_desc" = "Hold Action: TRIPLE BURST"; "mantra_11_name" = "AETHER: the final Mantra. Adds a shockwave to all attacks."; "mantra_11_desc" = "Hold Action: REALITY TEAR"; "mantra_12_name" = "KTISIS: the entirety of creation flows through you."; "mantra_12_desc" = "Hold Actions do not drain charge."; "familiar_00" = "Burst: Fires long-range projectile on command."; "familiar_01" = "Impulse: Shoots mid-range spread on command."; "familiar_02" = "Shock: Shoots powerful mid-range burst on command."; "familiar_03" = "Pierce: Fires piercing projectile with a high BREAK chance on command."; "familiar_04" = "Rapid: Fires a stream of small projectiles on command."; "familiar_05" = "Aura: Fires a damaging aura on command."; "familiar_06" = "Heal: Heals player at cost of full charge."; "familiar_07" = "Laser: Shoots a powerful laser that bypasses enemy defense on command."; "virtue_00" = "Unstoppable (Cost: 2) [Once per combat, lethal damage does not kill player. Resets at full health or on REWIND]"; "virtue_01" = "Determined (Cost: 5) [Charge Attacks and combo finishers have a higher chance of auto-killing weakened enemies.]"; "virtue_02" = "Empowered [Cost: 4] (greatly reduces attack stamina use at max health)"; "virtue_03" = "Paranoid [Cost: 4] (attack damage increases slightly for each successive attack in a combo)"; "virtue_04" = "Adaptive [Cost: 4] (Paradigm Shift right at the end of an attack or a dodge to recover Stamina)"; "virtue_05" = "Perceptive (Cost: 3) [Turns on enemy health indicators]"; "virtue_06" = "Driven [Cost: 4] (charge fully replenishes on an enemy guard break)"; "virtue_07" = "Repellant [Cost: 2] (Well-timed Mantra attacks reflect enemy projectiles)"; "virtue_08" = "Trusting [Cost: 5] (Familiar attacks are more powerful.)"; "virtue_09" = "Agile [Cost: 5] (dodge an enemy attack with perfect timing to replenish Stamina)"; "virtue_10" = "Anxious [Cost: 3] (Constant small charge regeneration during combat.)"; "virtue_11" = "Condemned [Cost: 2] (Survive for a short time after health reaches 0)"; "virtue_12" = "Parasitic [Cost: 6] (For a brief time after taking damage, deal damage to recover lost health)"; "virtue_13" = "Hated [Cost: 6] (Increases damage player gives and receives)"; "virtue_14" = "Loved [Cost: 4] (enemy attacks deal less damage)"; "virtue_15" = "Marked [Cost: 0] (Face the corruption with courage and grace; Cannot be unequipped)"; "virtue_16" = "Cautious [Cost: 5] (Slower enemy attacks and projectiles)"; "virtue_17" = "Untethered [Cost: 6] (perfect dodges slow time briefly)"; "virtue_18" = "Disconnected [Cost: 4] (double-tap the dodge button to teleport to target enemy at the cost of some Charge)"; "virtue_19" = "Incensed [Cost: 2] (reduces Dodge and Sprint stamina costs and increases power of Dash and Counter Attacks)"; "virtue_20" = "Enraged [Cost: 3] (Perfect Dodges and Parries increase player strength for a short time)"; "virtue_21" = "Scorned [Cost: 2] (reduces all stats, but increases max VP by 20)"; "virtue_22" = "Ascended [Cost: 2] (drastically reduces Corruption rate)"; "ui_tech_locked" = "— LOCKED —"; "ui_game_checkpoint" = "Return to the last checkpoint visited?"; "ui_game_return" = "Exit game and return to the main menu?"; "ui_game_option_00" = "Return to Game"; "ui_game_option_01" = "Return to Last Checkpoint"; "ui_game_option_02" = "Options"; "ui_game_option_03" = "Exit to menu"; "options_header_game" = "// GAME"; "options_header_control" = "Customize Controls >>"; "options_header_speed" = "game speed"; "options_header_difficulty" = "// DIFFICULTY"; "options_difficulty_sin" = "Sin"; "options_difficulty_punishment" = "Punishment"; "options_difficulty_easy" = "Easy"; "options_difficulty_normal" = "Normal"; "options_difficulty_hard" = "Hard"; "options_difficulty_challenge" = "Challenge"; "options_header_audio" = "// AUDIO"; "options_header_music" = "music volume"; "options_header_sound" = "sfx volume"; "options_header_visual" = "// VISUAL"; "options_header_fullscreen" = "fullscreen"; "options_menu_on" = "ON"; "options_menu_off" = "OFF"; "options_header_resolution" = "resolution"; "options_header_screenshake" = "Screenshake"; "options_header_post" = "Post Processing"; "options_header_exit" = "Exit"; "options_menu_low" = "LOW"; "options_menu_turbo" = "TURBO"; "ui_menu_paused" = "— P A U S E D —"; "options_control_instruction" = "Select the action for which you want to customize control."; "options_control_type" = "control type"; "options_control_gamepad" = "Gamepad"; "options_control_keyboard" = "Keyboard (No Mouse)"; "options_control_mouse" = "Keyboard & Mouse"; "options_control_ps4" = "Gamepad (PS4)"; "options_control_l_attack" = "Light Attack"; "options_control_h_attack" = "Heavy Attack/Exit Menu"; "options_control_f_attack" = "Familiar Attack"; "options_control_replace" = "Press the button you wish to use for the selected action."; "options_control_talk" = "Talk/Examine"; "options_control_dodge" = "Dodge"; "options_control_shift" = "Paradigm Shift"; "options_control_item" = "Use Item"; "options_control_switch" = "Switch Item"; "options_control_taunt" = "Taunt"; "options_control_transform" = "Transform"; "options_control_equip" = "Equip Menu"; "options_control_game" = "Game Menu"; "options_control_default" = "Restore Defaults"; "menu_level_up" = "Level up"; "menu_level_travel" = "Travel"; "menu_level_revert" = "† Revert †"; "travel_checkpoint_00" = "Forest - Camp"; "travel_checkpoint_01" = "Forest - Reprieve"; "travel_checkpoint_02" = "Forest - Cliff"; "travel_checkpoint_03" = "Sanctum - Confessional"; "travel_checkpoint_04" = "Metro - Brooksvale Station"; "travel_checkpoint_04a" = "Metro - Maintenance"; "travel_checkpoint_05" = "Metro - Southvale"; "travel_checkpoint_06" = "Metro - End Station"; "travel_checkpoint_07" = "Suburbs - 110 Crescent St"; "travel_checkpoint_08" = "Arena - Fighters' Quarters"; "travel_checkpoint_09" = "Highways - The Harbor"; "travel_checkpoint_10" = "Highways - Control"; "travel_checkpoint_11" = "Linear Trail"; "travel_checkpoint_12" = "Lethean - Gate II"; "travel_checkpoint_13" = "Radio Tower - Exterior"; "travel_checkpoint_14" = "Radio Tower - Final Rest"; "travel_checkpoint_15" = "The Descent"; "travel_checkpoint_16" = "Familiar Garden"; "travel_descent_exit" = "Exit the Descent?\\nProgress will be lost."; "revert_track" = "Track"; "revert_corruption" = "Corruption"; "revert_track_n1" = "Cradle"; "revert_track_00" = "Sacrament I."; "revert_track_01" = "Lost In The World"; "revert_track_02" = "Flesh Without Blood"; "revert_track_03" = "Inside"; "revert_track_04" = "When The Sun Hits"; "revert_track_05" = "Stay Here"; "revert_track_06" = "No Stars"; "revert_track_07" = "Lethean"; "revert_track_08" = "One Last Time"; "revert_track_09" = "Run Away With Me"; "travel_descent_end" = "End Descent"; "revert_track_09_check" = "High Rise"; "menu_load_check" = "Last Checkpoint"; "menu_load_time" = "Total Playtime"; "revert_track_00_check" = "Abandoned Faith"; "revert_track_01_check" = "The Shore"; "revert_track_02_check" = "Sanctum - Atrium"; "revert_track_03_check" = "Metro - Brooksvale Station"; "revert_track_07_check" = "The Shore?"; "menu_revert_confirm" = "Progress in current Track will be lost.\\nContinue?"; "menu_revert_instruct" = "Select a track to revert progress"; "menu_upgrade_cost" = "Cost"; "game_la" = "La"; "warning_stamina_low" = "— Stamina LOW —"; "warning_stamina_out" = "! ! STAMINA OUT ! !"; "warning_charge_low" = "— Charge LOW —"; "warning_charge_out" = "! CHARGE OUT !"; "warning_health_low" = "! ! HEALTH LOW ! !"; "warning_rewinds_low" = "— REWINDs LOW —"; "warning_rewinds_out" = "! REWINDS OUT !"; "menu_retry_restart" = "Restart Scene"; "menu_retry_load" = "Load from Checkpoint"; "ui_cant_skip" = "Cannot skip scene!!"; "dream_00_00" = "A dream."; "dream_00_07" = "You feel like screaming./n/nYou feel like crying./n/nBut you can't."; "dream_00_08" = "So, you breathe./n/nIn...out..."; "dream_00_09" = "You muster the courage /nto open your eyes."; "dream_00_10" = "A vast expanse,/nit threatens to consume."; "dream_00_11" = "You can't help but feel /nyou've been here before./n/nYou can't help but feel/nthey only want to hurt you."; "dream_00_12" = "But you know you must move forward./n/nYou must fight."; "dream_00_13" = "It's all you know..."; "menu_delete" = "Delete"; "colin_intro_00" = ". . ."; "colin_intro_01" = ". . . . ."; "colin_intro_02" = ". . . . . . ."; "colin_intro_03" = "Oh, hi there...are you finally awake?"; "colin_intro_04" = "Okay then, let's see..."; "colin_intro_05" = "Before we begin, I need...uh..."; "colin_intro_06" = "Oh, that's right, I need to know what your name is."; "colin_intro_07" = "So, what's your name?"; "colin_intro_08" = "Thank you PLAYERNAME; my name is Colin. It's so nice to finally meet you."; "colin_intro_09" = "Now, I need you to promise me, that no matter what happens, you will have faith in both me and in yourself"; "colin_intro_10" = "and know that everything will be okay in the end."; "colin_intro_11" = "I know it won't be easy, but...you trust me, right?"; "colin_intro_12" = "Anyways, are you ready, PLAYERNAME? Let's get started."; "colin_intro_13" = "I want to go back to where it began..."; "chapter_text_n1" = "Track -1 ~ Cradle"; "checkpoint_message_00" = "Health restored. Progress saved."; "checkpoint_message_01" = "Health restored. Progress saved.\\nREWINDs restored."; "menu_loading_ellipses" = "Loading..."; "examine_label_ex" = ": Examine"; "examine_label_rest" = ": Rest"; "examine_label_jump" = ": Jump"; "warning_charge_insufficient" = "— INSUFFICIENT Charge —"; "memo_intro" = "A voice echoes in your ear:"; "tutorial_light_attack" = "Light\\nAttack"; "tutorial_light_attack_00" = "Light attacks are weak, but fast and consume little stamina."; "tutorial_light_attack_01" = "Chain light attacks together to form combos that end in a powerful Finishing Attack."; "tutorial_heavy_attack" = "Heavy\\nAttack"; "tutorial_heavy_attack_00" = "Heavy attacks are strong and can break an enemy's guard, but consume more stamina."; "tutorial_heavy_attack_01" = "Chain a heavy attack to light attacks to perform more powerful Finishing Attacks."; "door_mother_locked" = "A statue of a shrouded woman. She seems to be reaching for something."; "door_mother_unlocked" = "Placed Mother's Sword."; "door_broken" = "It won't open."; "dialogue_ellipses" = "..."; "maria_basement_00" = "Natalie..."; "maria_basement_01" = "You're doing the right thing."; "maria_basement_02" = "I hope you can believe me..."; "lvl_item_hp" = "HP"; "lvl_item_hp_name" = "HP Up"; "lvl_item_hp_desc" = "Increase max Health."; "lvl_item_st" = "ST"; "lvl_item_st_name" = "ST Up"; "lvl_item_st_desc" = "Increase max Stamina."; "lvl_item_ch" = "CH"; "lvl_item_ch_name" = "CH Up"; "lvl_item_ch_desc" = "Increase max Charge."; "lvl_item_ab" = "AB"; "lvl_item_ab_name" = "AB Up"; "lvl_item_ab_desc" = "Increase Charge Absorbtion per successful attack."; "lvl_item_rc" = "RC"; "lvl_item_rc_name" = "RC Up"; "lvl_item_rc_desc" = "Increase Stamina Recover rate."; "lvl_item_pw" = "PW"; "lvl_item_pw_name" = "PW Up"; "lvl_item_pw_desc" = "Increase Attack Power."; "chapter_text_01" = "Track 1 ~ Lost in the World"; "chapter_text_02" = "Track 2 ~ Flesh Without Blood"; "chapter_text_03" = "Track 3 ~ Inside"; "chapter_text_04" = "Track 4 ~ When the Sun Hits"; "chapter_text_05" = "Track 5 ~ Stay Here"; "chapter_text_06" = "Track 6 ~ No Stars"; "chapter_text_07" = "Track 7 ~ Lethean"; "chapter_text_08" = "Track 8 ~ One Last Time"; "chapter_text_09" = "Track 9 ~ Run Away With Me"; "lvl_virtue_perceptive_name" = "PERCEPTIVE"; "lvl_virtue_perceptive_desc" = "Grants Virtue: PERCEPTIVE (turns on enemy health indicators) [Virtues must be equipped in the EQUIP MENU]."; "lvl_virtue_adaptive_name" = "ADAPTIVE"; "lvl_virtue_adaptive_desc" = "Grants Virtue: ADAPTIVE (Paradigm Shift right at the end of an attack or a dodge to recover Stamina) [Virtues must be equipped in the EQUIP MENU]."; "lvl_virtue_driven_name" = "DRIVEN"; "lvl_virtue_driven_desc" = "Grants Virtue: DRIVEN (charge fully replenishes on enemy BREAK) [Virtues must be equipped in the EQUIP MENU]."; "lvl_virtue_agile_name" = "AGILE"; "lvl_virtue_agile_desc" = "Grants Virtue: AGILE (dodge an enemy attack with Perfect timing to replenish Stamina) [Virtues must be equipped in the EQUIP MENU]."; "lvl_virtue_loved_name" = "LOVED"; "lvl_virtue_loved_desc" = "Grants Virtue: LOVED (enemy attacks deal less damage) [Virtues must be equipped in the EQUIP MENU]."; "lvl_virtue_empowered_name" = "EMPOWERED"; "lvl_virtue_empowered_desc" = "Grants Virtue: EMPOWERED (greatly reduces Stamina use when at full health) [Virtues must be equipped in the EQUIP MENU]."; "dream_01_00" = "It wants you/n/nit needs you/n/n/nIt Hates You."; "dream_01_01" = "Down."; "dream_01_02" = "Rejoice, for we are reborn."; "dream_01_03" = "Rejoice; we will be cleansed."; "dream_02_00" = "eyes to the ground/n/nA Hand/n/n presses your forehead."; "dream_02_01" = "cool to the Touch/n/nOiLy/nand/nBrITtLe"; "dream_02_02" = "your hair parts and you feel"; "dream_02_03" = "./n/nnaked/n/n."; "dream_02_04" = "One, then a thousand at once."; "dream_02_05" = "let THE SPIRIT come in"; "dream_02_06" = "you are dirty"; "dream_02_07" = "let THE SPIRIT come"; "dream_02_08" = "but your heart begins to scream"; "dream_02_09" = "i dont want"; "dream_02_10" = "i don't want"; "dream_02_11" = "I Don't Want This-"; "tape_dream_00" = "The Dream."; "tape_future_00" = "The Future."; "tape_past_00" = "The Past."; "dream_03_00" = "A Vision."; "dream_03_01" = "an ever-present space collapses/nand the air fills with dust/ntiny grains scouring her skin"; "dream_03_02" = "a stare that pierces through time and only sees oblivion/n her heart is swallowed whole"; "dream_03_03" = "everything turns to nought, a reflection of the self"; "dream_03_04" = "on the edge of the world/n staring into the beast’s eye"; "dream_03_05" = "i let myself fall"; "dream_03_06" = ". /n. /n. "; "dream_03_07" = "oh brother, brother/nwhy did they take you away"; "dream_arcade_00" = "i am not a machine."; "dream_arcade_01" = "i cannot run"; "dream_arcade_02" = "from the ghosts inside my head"; "dream_arcade_03" = " "; "dream_04_00" = "What are you doing?"; "dream_04_01" = "What are you doing here?"; "dream_04_02" = "Something is wrong..."; "dream_05_00" = "Lilli looks away, hiding her eyes/nBut you can still feel the guilt,/nthe disappointment"; "dream_05_01" = "pulling you apart"; "dream_05_02" = "Your skin starts to crawl,/nas Lilli shrinks down /nand you see the tears /nand your head wants to burst"; "dream_05_03" = "the heat/n/n.../n/n the pain"; "dream_05_04" = "YOU DESERVE THIS/n/n YOU DID THIS"; "dream_05_05" = "It looks at you/n and you feel DEATH"; "dream_05_06" = "ALL IS PAIN/n BURN IN HELLFIRE"; "dream_05_07" = "WITH SO MUCH HATRED/n UNSPEAKABLE FEELINGS AND MEMORIES/n COLLAPSED INTO NOTHING"; "dream_05_08" = "OBLIVION AS DARK AS THE SUN/n THAT NO LONGER SHINES"; "dream_05_09" = "your chest tightens/nas if breathing your last…"; "dream_05_10" = "your mind clears/nyou can’t control it anymore/nthen you give in"; "dream_05_11" = "the corruption calls to you…"; "ending_b_00" = "They’re gone…"; "ending_b_01" = "They’re finally gone…"; "ending_b_02" = "so why do I still feel this way?"; "ending_b_03" = "I thought the pain would go away/n but instead it’s…nothing"; "ending_b_04" = "it’s nothing"; "ending_b_05" = "I’m nothing"; "ending_b_06" = "THERE’S NOTHING!!!!"; "ending_b_07" = "PLAYERNAME…"; "ending_b_08" = "Why have you forsaken me?"; "ending_c_00" = "I hope I get to see you again."; "ending_c_01" = "Good bye, PLAYERNAME..."; "ending_c_02" = "I love you."; "dream_06_00" = "She awakens."; "dream_06_01" = "As the cultist speaks,/nyou begin to drift away"; "dream_06_02" = "Floating up,/naway from your body,/naway from yourself"; "dream_06_03" = "Rising like vapors,/npurple, blue and black,/nyour skin begins to fade "; "dream_06_04" = "As the hole inside your chest grows,/nand grows,/nAnd swallows all"; "dream_07_00" = "The priest lays a hand on your forehead."; "dream_07_01" = "Under his sway, you kneel/n/nand he prays..."; "dream_07_02" = "The murmurs start, soft,/n/nthen grow,/n/nand grow"; "dream_07_03" = "as if the whole Enclave is joining in BUT/nthere's No One"; "dream_07_04" = "But you/n/nand your Heart"; "dream_07_05" = "and the Darkness"; "dream_07_06" = "And then you can’t breathe"; "dream_07_07" = "You gasp and gasp and try to get the air in,/nbut nothing works"; "dream_07_08" = "It’s empty, stale, bloody"; "dream_07_09" = "And your head pounds and pounds/n You feel Him, squeezing and squeezing/n Your Heart"; "dream_07_10" = "Until you can’t anymore/n/n And it stops"; "dream_07_11" = "And as if they were never there, the voices settle/n Soft, distant…"; "dream_07_12" = "You don’t feel the pain, or anger, or sadness"; "dream_07_13" = "You don’t feel anything."; "dream_qq_00" = "A Memory."; "dream_qq_01" = "There’s this…bridge/nyou pass everyday..."; "dream_qq_02" = "And as you stand there,/nyou see the cars go by"; "dream_qq_03" = "Lights twinkling into the distance/n Swallowed by/nthe mountains and buildings and clouds/nahead"; "disable_transform" = "Tech: TRANSFORM has been disabled."; "sin_desc_easy" = "[SIN]: Dictates Nightmare Strength."; "punish_desc_easy" = "[PUNISHMENT]: Dictates Player Vulnerability."; "difficulty_select_desc" = "( Difficulty can be changed at any time from the OPTIONS menu )"; "marked_message_00" = "A trauma reveals itself/nat the center of the world."; "marked_message_01" = "You have been MARKED."; "marked_message_02" = "Others may see you differently,/nand the world will reject you."; "marked_message_03" = "But maybe, we can finally awaken."; "marked_message_04" = "Maybe..."; "ng_message_00" = "Like a whisper at the end of the world.../n/nit calls to you..."; "ng_message_01" = "This story is done,/nbut there are many still unheard."; "ng_message_02" = "Load your save file marked with the †/nto see the world anew."; "ng_message_03" = "And find a way out of this nightmare"; "ng_message_04" = "so we may never wake again..."; "corruption_message_00" = "REVERT is now available from/nCheckpoints."; "corruption_message_01" = "If the Corruption becomes/ntoo great, REVERT to/na previous Track to/ntry and fight it back."; "transform_message_00" = "Tech: TRANSFORM has been awakened."; "transform_message_01" = "Fear the darkness within/none's heart."; "ending_a_reward" = "Unlocked Mantra: SOL."; "ending_b_reward" = "Unlocked Mantra: AETHER."; "ending_c_reward_00" = "Unlocked Virtue: ASCENDED."; "ending_c_reward_01" = "Unlocked Difficulty: CHALLENGE."; "darkness_revive_00" = "Oh, this isn't good..."; "darkness_revive_01" = "Please, I don't want you to give in."; "darkness_revive_02" = "We can't let Maria have her way."; "darkness_revive_03" = "Maria? Oh, I think you've met her..."; "darkness_revive_04" = "Agh, never mind."; "darkness_revive_05" = "My powers are so weak now, but I think I can help you a bit."; "darkness_revive_06" = "Just this once..."; "darkness_revive_07" = "I can push back the creeping darkness, but it's up to you to do the rest."; "darkness_revive_08" = "I love you PLAYERNAME, so please..."; "darkness_revive_09" = "Don't give in..."; "darkness_complete_00" = "PLAYERNAME! No..."; "darkness_complete_01" = "I'm sorry I can't do more...that I couldn't do more..."; "darkness_complete_02" = "I feel so far away from you."; "darkness_complete_03" = "I..."; "darkness_complete_04" = "..."; "darkness_complete_05" = "Maybe this is for the best."; "darkness_complete_06" = "I mean, this dream...is there any other way?"; "darkness_complete_07" = "Just, I didn't want you to lose yourself."; "darkness_complete_08" = "I love you PLAYERNAME, but things are going to be so different over there."; "darkness_complete_09" = "I don't know what I'll say, or how you'll end up."; "darkness_complete_10" = "Please, be strong for me, even if I couldn't be strong for you."; "darkness_complete_11" = "..."; "darkness_complete_12" = ". . . . ."; "darkness_complete_13" = "Good bye, PLAYERNAME."; "natalie_room_bed" = "My bed. I haven't been able to sleep."; "natalie_room_tv" = "An old TV. Nothing is playing."; "natalie_room_tvon" = "A beautiful figure, tall and assured, dances across the screen. She's so strong, the demons can't even touch her."; "natalie_room_game" = "A game console. I don't really play this anymore..."; "natalie_room_gameoff" = "It's broken."; "examine_label_exit" = ": Exit"; "examine_label_fall" = ": Fall"; "examine_label_advance" = ": Advance"; "post_colin_00" = "A message from the developer:"; "post_colin_01" = "Dear PLAYERNAME,"; "post_colin_02" = "This is probably the last time you’ll hear from me for a while, and for that, I’m sorry."; "post_colin_03" = "Watching you grow and fight and overcome it all has brought me so much joy in the time we’ve been together,\\n\\nmore than you may ever know."; "post_colin_04" = "Think of how far you’ve come since your first steps on the sand:\\nthe waves lapping behind you, a whole unknown world ahead."; "post_colin_05" = "You moved forward, even when you were hunted at every turn, even when tragedy struck - when there was nothing you could do\\nand even your heart was working against you."; "post_colin_06" = "Because you knew, there had to be something more;\\nthere HAD to be a way out."; "post_colin_07" = "The thing is, I really don’t know if there can be. Your journey in this world may be no more, but as long as there’s more out there, our doubts and fears will never relent."; "post_colin_08" = "But, seeing you complete this journey, if ANYTHING, has shown me there is a place for hope in our world. "; "post_colin_09" = "The world here, your world, with its challenges and triumphs, will be here if you need it, when you need it. If that’s tomorrow, or next week, or 10 years from now, that’s okay, because it’ll still be here;\\n\\nbecause what you accomplished - how much you grew - will never leave you. "; "post_colin_10" = "I promise."; "post_colin_11" = "I promise it’s okay to feel alone, to feel unwanted, to be hurt, because I’ve been there, and you’ve been there, and yet you’re still here,\\n\\nand I love you for that."; "post_colin_12" = "While you’re here, there’s hope.\\n\\nIf nothing else…"; "post_colin_13" = "..."; "post_colin_14" = "Thank you PLAYERNAME. Thank you for seeing this through. I hope someday I can find the strength to do the same."; "post_colin_15" = "Sincerely."; "post_colin_16" = "Until next time,\\n\\n- colin. <3"; "post_credits_00" = "PLAYERNAME..."; "post_credits_01" = "I'm surprised you made it this far."; "post_credits_02" = "Remember how I promised, it'd all be okay in the end?"; "post_credits_03" = "I'm sorry, I was just trying to help..."; "post_credits_04" = "I really don't know if there is a happy ending to this."; "post_credits_05" = "It feels like we've been trapped here for so long, fighting and fighting, night after night."; "post_credits_06" = "And then it all sort of drifts away, like a bad dream."; "post_credits_07" = "Only to start again."; "post_credits_08" = "Maybe this time, something can be different?"; "post_credits_09" = "Do you really want to see what's happening here?"; "post_credits_10" = "I can't even take it, but maybe..."; "post_credits_11" = "Maybe you can be the one to finally break free."; "post_credits_12" = "Paradise...what a joke..."; "post_credits_13" = "Will we be okay, PLAYERNAME? I don't even know."; "post_credits_14" = "I pray...no, I hope...that you can be the one to show us the way."; "post_credits_15" = "PLAYERNAME..."; "item_rewind_00" = "Found REWIND (x3)."; "item_rewind_01" = "Found REWIND."; "item_heal_00" = "Found HEALTH ESSENCE."; "found_mantra_anima" = "Found Mantra: ANIMA\\n[Mantras can be equipped in the EQUIP Menu]."; "found_cross_insignia" = "Found KEY ITEM: CROSS Insignia."; "found_virtue_enraged" = "Found Virtue: ENRAGED. "; "found_mantra_pyra" = "Found Mantra: PYRA\\n[Mantras can be equipped in the EQUIP Menu]."; "found_familiar_impulse" = "Found Familiar: Impulse\\n[Familiars can be equipped in the EQUIP Menu]."; "found_tech_parry" = "Found Tech: PARRY\\n[Dodge towards an attacking enemy with perfect timing to Counter the enemy attack]."; "found_rotting_seed" = "Found KEY ITEM: Rotting Seed."; "found_virtue_scorned" = "Found Virtue: SCORNED. "; "found_mantra_thanatos" = "Found Mantra: THANATOS\\n[Mantras can be equipped in the EQUIP Menu]."; "found_travel_pass" = "Found KEY ITEM: TravelPass."; "found_virtue_determined" = "Found Virtue: DETERMINED."; "found_mantra_gaea" = "Found Mantra: GAEA\\n[Mantras can be equipped in the EQUIP Menu]."; "found_key_delimiter" = "Found Delimiter."; "memory_maria_00" = "Found Memory of Maria:"; "memory_maria_01" = "\"I pray for the downtrodden; I pray for the weak. I pray for all in need."; "memory_maria_02" = "I pray for those I left behind, and those I can no longer remember."; "memory_maria_03" = "With each passing day, more seem to vanish, as if they were never there."; "memory_maria_04" = "What is happening to me?\""; "found_virtue_paranoid" = "Found Virtue: PARANOID. "; "found_rail_lever" = "Found Rail Lever."; "found_speed_pass" = "Found KEY ITEM: Speed Pass."; "found_virtue_untethered" = "Found Virtue: UNTETHERED. "; "memory_colin_00" = "Found Memory of Colin:"; "memory_colin_01" = "I used to have this dream.\\nI would be in an empty room with no doors and no windows. As I stood there, I’d start to become lighter and lighter until I was weightless."; "memory_colin_02" = "I’d float into the air, and my eyelids would drop. Slowly, pieces of me would start to disappear. My legs, my arms, my torso, then my head - all drifting into nothingness, leaving only my shadow behind."; "memory_colin_03" = "I didn't exist, and it made me so, so, happy."; "memory_colin_04" = "I don’t have that dream anymore."; "found_virtue_incensed" = "Found Virtue: INCENSED. "; "found_virtue_parasitic" = "Found Virtue: PARASITIC [for a brief time after taking damage, deal damage to recover lost health]."; "found_tape_dream" = "Found Videotape: \"Dream\". Maybe there's somewhere I can play this..."; "found_tape_past" = "Found Videotape: \"Past\". Maybe there's somewhere I can play this..."; "found_tape_future" = "Found Videotape: \"Future\". Maybe there's somewhere I can play this..."; "found_prayer_bead" = "Found Prayer Bead; max VP increased by 5.\\n(VP dictates the number of Virtues that can be equipped)"; "found_mantra_bios" = "Found Mantra: BIOS\\n[Mantras can be equipped in the EQUIP Menu]."; "found_crane_key" = "Found KEY ITEM: Crane Key."; "memory_father_00" = "Found Memory of Father:"; "memory_father_01" = "\"My name, I don't even remember my name."; "memory_father_02" = "I remember those eyes, those lips, the beating of my heart,"; "memory_father_03" = "but not my name."; "memory_father_04" = "That faded when I took this creed, and I was promised salvation."; "memory_father_05" = "If I could go back, I'd do it all so differently...\""; "found_control_key" = "Found KEY ITEM: Control Key."; "found_virtue_repellant" = "Found Virtue: REPELLANT. "; "memory_julia_00" = "Found Memory of Julia:"; "memory_julia_01" = "\"There was water here once. It's gone now."; "memory_julia_02" = "There was life and green and birds and sky."; "memory_julia_03" = "As the days rolled on, the nights got longer, my scars got deeper."; "memory_julia_04" = "And the sun became a husk of what it once was."; "memory_julia_05" = "Only our truths remain.\""; "found_mantra_aqua" = "Found Mantra: AQUA\\n[Mantras can be equipped in the EQUIP Menu]."; "found_mantra_fos" = "Found Mantra: FOS\\n[Mantras can be equipped in the EQUIP Menu]."; "found_mantra_aero" = "Found Mantra: AERO."; "found_tech_charge" = "Found Tech: HOLD ACTION\\n [hold attack button: costs Charge to use]."; "found_crescent_key" = "Found Crescent Key."; "found_mothers_sword" = "Found KEY ITEM: Mother's Sword."; "found_la_250" = "Found 250 la [use la to level up at checkpoints]."; "track_00_verse_00" = "Verse 1 - Hostility"; "track_00_verse_01" = "Verse 2 - Chance"; "track_00_verse_02" = "Verse 3 - Avoidance"; "track_00_verse_03" = "Verse 4 - Distance"; "track_00_verse_04" = "Verse 5 - All-Out"; "track_00_verse_05" = "Verse 6 - Resolve"; "track_00_verse_06" = "Verse 7 - Conflict"; "track_00_refrain_00" = "Refrain I - Harbinger"; "track_01_verse_00" = "Verse 1 - Intro"; "track_01_verse_01" = "Verse 2 - Ignorance"; "track_01_verse_02" = "Verse 3 - Danger"; "track_01_verse_03" = "Verse 4 - Hope"; "track_01_verse_04" = "Verse 5 - Ambush"; "track_01_bridge_00" = "Bridge - Unknown"; "track_01_verse_05" = "Verse 6 - Pursuit"; "track_01_verse_06" = "Verse 7 - Trial"; "track_01_verse_07" = "Verse 8 - Vision"; "track_01_verse_08" = "Verse 9 - Clash I"; "track_01_verse_09" = "Verse 10 - Clash II"; "track_01_refrain_00" = "Refrain II - The Hive"; "track_02_verse_00" = "Verse 1 - Option"; "track_02_verse_01" = "Verse 2 - Sacrament"; "track_02_verse_02" = "Verse 3 - Sin"; "track_02_verse_03" = "Verse 4 - Punishment"; "track_02_refrain_00" = "Refrain III - Messiah"; "track_02_verse_04" = "Verse 5 - Descend"; "track_03_verse_00" = "Verse 1 - Secrets"; "track_03_verse_01" = "Verse 2 - Turn Back"; "track_03_verse_02" = "Verse 3 - Stalker"; "track_03_verse_03" = "Verse 4 - Interim"; "track_03_verse_04" = "Verse 5 - Dropped"; "track_03_verse_05" = "Verse 6 - Overextended"; "track_03_verse_06" = "Verse 7 - Guardian"; "track_03_bridge_00" = "Bridge - Paranoid"; "track_03_bridge_01" = "Bridge - Upwards"; "track_03_verse_07" = "Verse 8 - Defenders"; "track_03_bridge_02" = "Bridge - Sloth"; "track_03_refrain_00" = "Refrain IV - The Forsaken"; "track_03_refrain_01" = "Refrain V - Christian"; "track_03_verse_08" = "Verse 9 - Falling Down"; "track_03_verse_09" = "Verse 10 - Guardians"; "track_03_verse_10" = "Verse 11 - Lair"; "track_03_verse_11" = "Verse 12 - Shortcuts"; "track_03_bridge_03" = "Bridge - Collapsing"; "track_03_hidden_00" = "Hidden Verse 1 - Post"; "track_03_bridge_04" = "Bridge - The Tape"; "track_03_bridge_05" = "Bridge - Rites"; "track_03_verse_12" = "Verse 13 - Amass"; "track_04_bridge_00" = "Bridge - Prototype"; "track_04_verse_00" = "Verse 1 - Delay"; "track_04_verse_01" = "Verse 2 - Ebb"; "track_04_verse_02" = "Verse 3 - Flow"; "track_04_verse_03" = "Verse 4 - Bloodflow"; "track_04_verse_04" = "Verse 5 - Awareness"; "track_04_verse_broken" = "U#HDS*( _ SHDA* "; "keypad_enter" = "Ent"; "keypad_del" = "Del"; "track_04_verse_05" = "Verse 6 - Shiver"; "track_04_verse_06" = "Verse 7 - Guarded"; "track_04_verse_07" = "Verse 8 - Contained"; "track_04_verse_08" = "Verse 9 - Stress"; "track_04_verse_09" = "Verse 10 - Blinded"; "track_04_verse_10" = "Verse 11 - Resistance"; "track_04_verse_11" = "Verse 12 - Remembrance"; "track_04_verse_12" = "Verse 13 - Revenge"; "track_04_verse_13" = "Verse 14 - Fulfillment"; "track_04_verse_14" = "Verse 15 - Fantasy"; "track_04_refrain_00" = "Refrain VI - The Hollow"; "track_05_verse_00" = "Verse 1 - Purge"; "track_05_verse_01" = "Verse 2 - Empty Threats"; "track_05_verse_02" = "Verse 3 - Brawl"; "track_05_verse_03" = "Verse 4 - Encounter"; "track_05_verse_04" = "Verse 5 - Melee"; "track_05_verse_05" = "Verse 6 - Duel"; "track_05_verse_06" = "Verse 7 - Champion"; "track_05_verse_07" = "Verse 8 - Promise"; "track_05_verse_08" = "Verse 9 - Destruction"; "track_05_refrain_00" = "Refrain VII - Serah"; "track_05_training_00" = "Training 1 - Untouched"; "track_05_training_01" = "Training 2 - Unphased"; "track_05_training_02" = "Training 3 - Unbroken"; "track_05_verse_09" = "Verse 10 - Hated"; "track_05_verse_10" = "Verse 11 - Scorned"; "track_05_verse_11" = "Verse 12 - Disconnected"; "track_05_verse_12" = "Verse 13 - Marked"; "track_06_refrain_00" = "Refrain IX - ???"; "track_06_refrain_01" = "Refrain IX - The Depths"; "track_06_refrain_02" = "Refrain XIII - Christian"; "track_06_verse_00" = "Verse 1 - Wayward"; "track_06_verse_01" = "Verse 2 - Control"; "track_06_verse_02" = "Verse 3 - Seeking"; "track_06_verse_03" = "Verse 4 - Communicate"; "track_06_bridge_00" = "Bridge - Insight"; "track_06_verse_04" = "Verse 5 - Wrong"; "track_06_verse_05" = "Verse 6 - So"; "track_06_verse_06" = "Verse 7 - Tired"; "track_06_hidden_00" = "Hidden Verse 2 - Reflect"; "track_07_verse_00" = "Verse 1 - Support"; "track_07_verse_01" = "Verse 2 - Trial"; "track_07_verse_02" = "Verse 3 - Precursor"; "track_07_verse_03" = "Verse 4 - Insidious"; "track_07_verse_04" = "Verse 5 - Tribulation"; "track_07_verse_05" = "Verse 6 - Run-Up"; "track_07_verse_06" = "Verse 7 - Pride"; "track_07_refrain_00" = "Refrain X - Harbinger"; "track_07_verse_07" = "Verse 8 - Lone"; "track_08_verse_00" = "Verse 1 - Climb"; "track_08_verse_01" = "Verse 2 - Trapped"; "track_08_verse_02" = "Verse 3 - Determination"; "track_08_verse_03" = "Verse 4 - Damnation"; "track_08_refrain_00" = "Refrain XI - Christian"; "track_08_refrain_01" = "Final Refrain - PLAYERNAME"; "track_08_refrain_02" = "Final Refrain - Messiah"; "track_08_refrain_03" = "Hidden Refrain - Thomas"; "track_08_refrain_04" = "Final Refrain - Maria"; "boss_name_00" = "HARBINGER"; "boss_name_01" = "THE HIVE"; "boss_name_02" = "MESSIAH"; "boss_name_03" = "THE FORSAKEN"; "boss_name_04" = "CHRISTIAN"; "boss_name_05" = "???"; "boss_name_06" = "THE HOLLOW"; "boss_name_07" = "PROTOTYPE"; "boss_name_08" = "SERAH"; "boss_name_09" = "THE DEPTHS"; "boss_name_10" = "THOMAS"; "boss_name_11" = "PLAYERNAME"; "boss_name_12" = "MARIA"; "boss_name_13" = "MARIA?"; "examine_label_rewind" = "Rewind"; "tutorial_rewind_00" = "REWINDs give you a second chance at any encounter."; "tutorial_rewind_01" = "When you use a REWIND, your health and charge are restored to the state they were in when the fight began."; "tutorial_rewind_02" = "Use REWINDs to erase a battle that is going poorly. REWINDs are restored at checkpoints."; "examine_label_familiar" = "Familiar\\nAttack"; "tutorial_familiar_00" = "Familiars can attack with long-range magic at the cost of Charge."; "tutorial_familiar_01" = "Recover Charge by hitting enemies with Light and Heavy Attacks."; "tutorial_familiar_02" = "Use Familiar Attacks to keep up your offensive while recovering Stamina."; "examine_label_dodge" = "Dodge"; "examine_label_sprint" = "Sprint"; "examine_label_sprint_a" = " :\\n(Hold)"; "tutorial_dodge_00" = "Dodges provide brief invulnerability to enemy attacks."; "tutorial_dodge_01" = "Hold the Dodge button to Sprint at great speed."; "examine_label_descend" = ": Descend"; "checkpoint_name_00" = "Abandoned Faith - Basement"; "examine_label_paradigm" = "Switch Mantra"; "tutorial_mantra_00" = "Mantras represent different attack styles you can utilize."; "tutorial_mantra_01" = "Each has different attack properties and combos of Light and Heavy attacks."; "tutorial_mantra_02" = "Switch between two equipped \"Paradigms\" of Mantras at any time to create new combos and play styles."; "memory_david_00" = "Found Memory of David:"; "memory_david_01" = "\"Twelve boys lined all in a row. Paraded to the cellar, we sit on musty yellow chairs. 'Today, you will learn of strength and faith’. "; "memory_david_02" = "\"A screen swivels around and we stare. Animated figures dance in stilted motion."; "memory_david_03" = "\"They fear a monster of great stature, coming to destroy all they hold dear. No hope remains; the colors are distracting."; "memory_david_04" = "“The monster is upon them. He crushes bones and swallows them whole. A comedic sound makes the boys laugh."; "memory_david_05" = "\"A hero appears. We know he is the hero for he radiates gold. Sling in hand, he attacks the monster. The monster’s face crumples into a bloody heap."; "memory_david_06" = "\"My first taste of the nightmare.\""; "tutorial_charge_00" = "Hold the Light or Heavy Attack button to execute a powerful Hold Action."; "tutorial_charge_01" = "Hold Actions use both stamina and charge, but they tear through nightmares."; "tutorial_charge_02" = "Use a Hold Action on a vulnerable enemy to take it out quickly. "; "examine_label_ascend" = ": Ascend"; "intro_cutscene_00" = "Fear not child, for there is salvation to be found,\\neven of your kind."; "intro_cutscene_01" = "The Mark...has claimed another."; "intro_cutscene_02" = "Does it always have to be like this?"; "intro_cutscene_03" = "Oh dear fallen, another has given in to this wretched\\nplace."; "intro_cutscene_04" = "May the Null Sun have mercy."; "examine_label_equip" = "Open \\nEquip Menu"; "dead_npc_00" = "...he's dead."; "examine_label_talk" = ": Talk"; "forest_serah_00" = "Are you lost like me?"; "forest_serah_01" = "I had someone here, but they went off to try and save us."; "forest_serah_02" = "I don't think they're coming back..."; "forest_serah_03" = "We're incomplete. We can't survive like this."; "forest_serah_04" = "Please, bring them back to me."; "forest_serah_05" = "Help me, please..."; "forest_serah_06" = "beFoRe the DaRk CoMeS"; "memory_michael_00" = "Found Memory of Michael:"; "memory_michael_01" = "\"Acceptance is key. Acceptance is life."; "memory_michael_02" = "\"Work hard for acceptance and all will be forgiven."; "memory_michael_03" = "\"The thoughts, the hair, the clothes..."; "memory_michael_04" = "\"Cut it all away and you will be normal. You will be loved. You will be happy.\""; "examine_label_item" = "Switch Item"; "tutorial_parry_00" = "Press the Dodge button while moving towards an attacking enemy to Parry."; "tutorial_parry_01" = "A Parry will cancel the enemy attack and break their guard, opening them up for massive damage."; "tutorial_parry_02" = "Parry enemy attacks and follow up with powerful Counter Attacks!"; "examine_label_climb" = ": Climb"; "forest_descend_ex" = "It's too dark to descend."; "door_vine_locked" = "A snarl of vines obscures the way forward. If only there was a way to clear them..."; "door_vine_unlocked" = "Placed Rotting Seed."; "door_sanctum_locked" = "ERROR: NO ACCESS WITHOUT REGISTRATION."; "door_sanctum_unlocked" = "Showed INSIGNIA."; "sanctum_worshipper_00" = "Another has come! Rejoice, rejoice!"; "sanctum_worshipper_01" = "Father be kind, Father have mercy!"; "sanctum_worshipper_02" = "salvation...sAlvatiOn..."; "sanctum_worshipper_03" = "The cleansings are always my favorite."; "sanctum_worshipper_04" = "Water, blood, darkness; they flow so beautifully!"; "sanctum_worshipper_05" = "Father be kind, Father have mercy!"; "sanctum_worshipper_06" = "Don't look at me."; "sanctum_worshipper_07" = "Don't look at me!"; "sanctum_worshipper_08" = "STOP LOOKING AT ME!!"; "sanctum_worshipper_09" = "!!"; "sanctum_worshipper_10" = "!! !!"; "sanctum_worshipper_11" = "Rapture! Rapture!!"; "sanctum_worshipper_12" = "AAAAAHHHHHGHHHHHH~!"; "sanctum_christian_00" = "...why are you back?"; "sanctum_cutscene_00" = "Master, quick!"; "sanctum_cutscene_01" = "Ah, child, you have arrived!"; "sanctum_cutscene_02" = "Out in the garden - it's happening!"; "sanctum_cutscene_03" = "Come over to the font, your Cleansing is nigh."; "sanctum_cutscene_04" = "Ahahahaha...already?"; "sanctum_cutscene_05" = "How exciting!"; "sanctum_cutscene_06" = "Come, little one. Our salvation is at hand!"; "sanctum_cutscene_07" = "Father, wait!!"; "sanctum_cutscene_08" = "Please, stop. I have a bad feeling about this."; "sanctum_cutscene_09" = "SHUT UP, CHILD!"; "sanctum_cutscene_10" = "This is what we've been praying for! Now, COME!!"; "sanctum_cutscene_11" = "But, Dad..."; "sanctum_cutscene_12" = "Don't..."; "sanctum_father_00" = "\"Close your eyes; let's begin...\""; "memory_christian_00" = "Found Memory of Christian:"; "memory_christian_01" = "\"I loved you. I trusted you."; "memory_christian_02" = "I did all you told me to and I was good."; "memory_christian_03" = "You asked me to confess and I came up with blanks."; "memory_christian_04" = "There was a god who died for us, but it wasn't enough. As we forsake them, the sun forsakes us."; "memory_christian_05" = "Now we have to come up with the sins no one will forgive."; "memory_christian_06" = "Forgive me, for I have sinned.\""; "sanctum_worshipper_13" = "The danger in The Below is exquisite."; "sanctum_worshipper_14" = "Every time I go in the darkness grows. Some time I might be lucky enough to not return!"; "sanctum_worshipper_15" = "Father said we weren't to enter The Below, but I can't help it."; "sanctum_worshipper_16" = "Sometimes only the pain can absolve my guilt..."; "sanctum_worshipper_17" = "If Father discovers I've gone in again, the darkness might overcome me."; "sanctum_worshipper_18" = "How...tempting."; "found_la_1500" = "Found 1500 la [use la to level up at checkpoints]."; "door_metro_locked" = "\"Insert payment\""; "door_metro_unlocked" = "Inserted TravelPass."; "metro_directory" = "— Station Directory —\\nBROOKSVALE <-> AVON <-> HIGHLAND <-> SOUTHVALE <- ...\\n[The rest of the line is faded]"; "memory_nikki_00" = "Found Memory of Nikki:"; "memory_nikki_01" = "\"Those late summer nights were always the worst."; "memory_nikki_02" = "After you were gone, the place felt so empty, and the walls got so dark."; "memory_nikki_03" = "The figures that moved in the edge of my vision became real, and I would run for my life."; "memory_nikki_04" = "Around and around in my head, until I couldn't take it any longer."; "memory_nikki_05" = "I just had to take the edge, and drive through. Crash..."; "memory_nikki_06" = "I looked up, and saw you again. I had never been happier.\""; "metro_sign_brooksvale" = "— BROOKSVALE STATION —\\nAvon Station ->"; "merchant_00_00" = "I hope this helps, friend. Is there anything else?"; "merchant_00_01" = "Take care and safe travels. I will see you again."; "merchant_00_02" = "Two more times if you do good, three more times if you do not."; "merchant_00_03" = "Hello friend. What can I do for you?"; "merchant_00_04" = "Do you feel it as well? The creeping dread inside you?"; "merchant_00_05" = "They say it can be stopped, but I was raised to just accept it."; "merchant_00_06" = "Is this what we have to look forward to?"; "merchant_item_00" = "Virtue: TRUSTING"; "merchant_item_00_desc" = "Grants Virtue: TRUSTING (Familar attacks are more powerful)."; "merchant_item_01" = "Virtue: CONDEMNED"; "merchant_item_01_desc" = "Grants Virtue: CONDEMNED (Survive for a short time after health reaches 0)."; "merchant_item_02" = "Prayer Bead"; "merchant_item_02_desc" = "Increases max VP by 5 (VP dictates the number of Virtues that can be equipped)."; "merchant_item_03" = "Tiny Bell"; "merchant_item_03_desc" = "Allows access to the Familiar Garden from the Travel Menu."; "door_level_locked" = "A mechanism. It appears to be missing something."; "door_level_unlocked" = "Placed Rail Lever."; "metro_sign_avon" = "— AVON STATION —\\n<- Brooksvale Station\\nHighland Station ->"; "examine_label_lever" = ": Pull Lever"; "lever_pull_00" = "Train now runs EAST."; "lever_pull_01" = "Train now runs WEST."; "examine_label_train" = ": Board Train"; "metro_sign_highland" = "— HIGHLAND STATION —\\n<- Avon Station\\nSouthvale Station ->"; "found_la_2000" = "Found 2000 la [use la to level up at checkpoints]."; "metro_sign_southvale" = "— SOUTHVALE STATION —\\n<- Highland Station\\n=+ZxX-)&% ->\\n[the letters have been scratched out]"; "metro_sign_end" = "The writing is too faded to read."; "examine_label_train_leave" = ": Leave Train"; "train_text_00" = "Brooksvale Station."; "train_text_01" = "Avon Station."; "train_text_02" = "Highland Station."; "train_text_03" = "Southvale Station."; "train_text_04" = "$%&?&^ Station."; "train_text_05" = "Next Stop: !(#()#(@*&EUSHADJKAHWI!"; "train_text_06" = "#!*(JAHFJKSAJKRGU*(!("; "train_text_07" = "~(*~*(*!*!!!!!!!"; "train_text_08" = "Why are you doing this? Why do you resist?"; "train_text_09" = "You Will Die. Why don't you seek such destruction?"; "train_text_10" = "We can save you. You can save you."; "train_text_11" = "YoU Can SAve YOU"; "train_text_12" = "YOU CAN SAVE YOU CAN SAVE"; "train_text_13" = "embrace Him"; "train_text_14" = "for You Will Die"; "train_text_15" = "Please step back. Doors are closing..."; "train_text_16" = "Next stop:"; "train_text_17" = "Now arriving:"; "metro_sign_avon_up" = "[NW] : TickETiNg\\n[NE] : reSPite (under ConsTRucTion)"; "examine_label_pipe" = ": Enter Pipe"; "metro_worshipper_00" = "You're probably wondering why you're here."; "metro_worshipper_01" = "We all do. We all feel it."; "metro_worshipper_02" = "Why can't you let it go?"; "metro_worshipper_03" = "Let the dread consume you - it's a most delicious fate."; "metro_worshipper_04" = "the monsters...the monsters...the monsters...."; "examine_label_pipe_leave" = ": Exit Pipe"; "metro_christian_00" = "So, you made it out again?"; "metro_christian_01" = "So, you made it out too?"; "metro_christian_02" = "God DAMN you!"; "metro_christian_03" = "I'm not letting you stop me here..."; "metro_christian_04" = "Not before you feel the shame I feel."; "metro_christian_05" = "You should have died back there, you know."; "metro_christian_06" = "I wish I had."; "metro_christian_07" = "Father…the acolytes…all of them, they were my family."; "metro_christian_08" = "My home, my family; they're all gone now."; "metro_christian_09" = "Murdered right in front of my eyes."; "metro_christian_10" = "My home, my family; they're all gone."; "metro_christian_11" = "I thought I had them all back, but that's the cruel joke of this \"Paradise\"."; "metro_christian_12" = "Murdered right in front of my eyes, no matter what I do."; "metro_christian_13" = "But you get to keep going, oblivious to it all."; "metro_christian_14" = "Or, do you think you know better? "; "metro_christian_15" = "Trust me, you don't get it."; "metro_christian_16" = "It’s all your fault!"; "metro_christian_17" = "Why did you have to come here? Why did you have to come NOW!??"; "metro_christian_18" = "Why did you have to come here? How can you even EXIST!??"; "metro_christian_19" = "I couldn’t keep hiding what I was, but Father was so kind and patient."; "metro_christian_20" = "He forgave me for my sin. He said I was almost ready to ascend."; "metro_christian_21" = "To become whole again…To finally have peace..."; "metro_christian_22" = "This is...my Damnation."; "metro_christian_23" = "Father was the only one to ever show me kindness. I didn't deserve any of it!"; "metro_christian_24" = "He could forgive me of my sin! I thought this time, I could ascend."; "metro_christian_25" = "And you TOOK THAT AWAY FROM ME!"; "metro_christian_26" = "EVERY! SINGLE! TIME!"; "metro_christian_27" = "WE DON’T BELONG IN THIS WORLD! NEITHER OF US DESERVE TO GO ON!!"; "metro_christian_28" = "IF I’M GOING TO HELL, I’M BRINGING YOU DOWN WITH ME!!"; "metro_christian_29" = "WE DON’T BELONG IN THIS WORLD! NEITHER OF US DESERVE TO LIVE!!"; "metro_sign_southvale_up" = "[NE] : eLecTRONICS\\n[WW] : aCCident Preventio-"; "metro_sign_southvale_down" = "[NORTH] : Maintenance Passage\\n[SOUTH] : Edge of the world."; "door_speed_locked" = "\"Premium access required.\""; "door_speed_unlocked" = "Tapped Speed Pass."; "door_limiter_locked" = "LIMITER ENGAGED. DO NOT UNLOCK."; "door_limiter_unlocked" = "DANGER !! LIMITER DISENGAGED !! DANGER !!"; "dead_npc_01" = "They're dead."; "found_familiar_laser" = "Found Familiar: Laser\\n[Familiars can be equipped in the EQUIP Menu]."; "found_familiar_pierce" = "Found Familiar: Pierce\\n[Familiars can be equipped in the EQUIP Menu]."; "found_familiar_rapid" = "Found Familiar: Rapid\\n[Familiars can be equipped in the EQUIP Menu]."; "found_familiar_shock" = "Found Familiar: Shock\\n[Familiars can be equipped in the EQUIP Menu]."; "suburbs_stranger_00" = "Are you lost like me?"; "suburbs_stranger_01" = "I had someone here, but they didn't like who I became."; "suburbs_stranger_02" = "Why are we all so alone?"; "suburbs_stranger_03" = "Do you know? Do you know?"; "suburbs_stranger_04" = "...you must see."; "suburbs_stranger_05" = "I deluded myself into thinking I was something I was not."; "suburbs_stranger_06" = "That I could be special somehow, not like the others."; "suburbs_stranger_07" = "It was just a dream."; "suburbs_stranger_08" = "Do you ever have those nightmares where you feel like a different person?"; "suburbs_stranger_09" = "Your clothes don't fit right, so you try to take them off..."; "suburbs_stranger_10" = "but they Won't Let Go."; "suburbs_stranger_11" = "Trapped in yourself..."; "suburbs_stranger_12" = "I wish I didn't try so hard..."; "suburbs_house_00" = "The lock is broken. It won't open."; "suburbs_house_01" = "The door won't open."; "suburbs_house_02" = "You can hear faint murmurs inside. You don't feel like going in."; "examine_label_house" = ": Enter House"; "examine_label_building" = ": Enter Building"; "examine_label_build_exit" = ": Exit Building"; "examine_label_trailer" = ": Enter Trailer"; "examine_label_house_exit" = ": Exit House"; "door_keypad_locked" = "The door is locked. A keypad awaits input."; "door_keypad_unlocked" = "INPUT ACCEPTED."; "door_keypad_error" = "ERROR !! INPUT DENIED !! ERROR !! "; "school_cross_00" = "...as the day breaks..."; "school_cross_01" = "...wanting to be Free."; "school_cross_02" = "...the defiled still scream..."; "school_cross_03" = "We couldn't have known..."; "school_cross_04" = "...until it was too late..."; "school_cross_05" = "I'm so sorry..."; "school_cross_06" = "...for what I've done..."; "school_cross_07" = "...and what it's made me into..."; "school_cross_08" = "How long has it been like this?"; "examine_label_unknown" = ": ???"; "suburbs_marked_00" = "I told you, I know what I need to do."; "suburbs_marked_01" = "Why did they bother sending you anyway?"; "suburbs_marked_02" = "Oh, sorry. I thought you were someone else."; "suburbs_marked_03" = "How sweet, you're still so small..."; "suburbs_marked_04" = "My path is not the way forward. If you turn back, your path will be open."; "suburbs_marked_05" = "However..."; "suburbs_marked_06" = "If you want to follow me, I won't stop you."; "suburbs_marked_07" = "People like us all end up the same way anyways."; "suburbs_marked_08" = "Goodbye, friend."; "examine_label_watch" = ": Watch"; "suburbs_tv_00" = "Images flicker on the screen. It draws you in..."; "suburbs_tv_01" = "It's broken."; "suburbs_tv_02" = "An old TV. Nothing is playing."; "suburbs_tv_03" = "The TV is on. The numbers \"[TVNUM]\" flicker on the screen."; "arcade_machine_00" = "This game has controllers that look like guns. You're not allowed to play it."; "arcade_machine_01" = "...you don't want to look at this."; "arcade_machine_02" = "Air Hockey. You like this game, but you can't play it by yourself."; "arcade_machine_03" = "The cabinet is decorated with cute characters. You want to play but it won't turn on."; "arcade_machine_04" = "The TV shows a movie you don't recognize. A man shoots at uniformed soldiers with a laser gun while dramatic music plays."; "arcade_machine_05" = "A crane machine filled with prizes. You've never won one of these."; "arcade_machine_06" = "The cabinet reads \"i am not a machine.\" Play?\\n[Warning: Contains flashing lights.]"; "examine_label_arcade_exit" = ": Leave Arcade"; "lake_00" = "A hole extends into the ground. You can't see the bottom. Do you wish to descend?"; "door_crane_locked" = "The door is locked."; "door_crane_unlocked" = "Used Crane Key."; "merchant_01_00" = "Hello friend. What can I do for you?"; "merchant_01_01" = "The end is near, but the struggle continues."; "merchant_01_02" = "Multiple paths await you, but which is your truth?"; "merchant_01_03" = "Do not let others dictate that answer for you."; "merchant_01_04" = "I hope this helps, friend. Is there anything else?"; "merchant_01_05" = "Take care and safe travels. I will see you again."; "merchant_01_06" = "Only once more if you do good, but twice if you do not."; "merchant_item_04" = "Mantra: EREBOS"; "merchant_item_04_desc" = "Grants Mantra: EREBOS (Mid-range, low-damage, high crit.)."; "merchant_item_05" = "Familiar: Heal"; "merchant_item_05_desc" = "Grants Familiar: Heal."; "merchant_item_06" = "Virtue: ANXIOUS"; "merchant_item_06_desc" = "Grants Virtue: ANXIOUS (Constant small Charge regeneration during combat)."; "merchant_item_07" = "Virtue: CAUTIOUS"; "merchant_item_07_desc" = "Grants Virtue: CAUTIOUS (Slower enemy attacks and projectiles)."; "merchant_item_08" = "Shuffle Charm"; "merchant_item_08_desc" = "Unlocks option in Level Up menu to refresh new Upgrade choices."; "examine_label_enter" = ": Enter"; "depths_lilli_00" = "LOOK OUT!"; "depths_lilli_01" = "We have to stop this thing before it swallows everything..."; "depths_lilli_02" = "Do you see that rig over there?"; "depths_lilli_03" = "If we can get to it, we should be able to destroy that thing."; "depths_lilli_04" = "Now come on, go!! I can't hold it off forever!"; "depths_lilli_05" = "What are you waiting for!? MOVE!"; "christian_01_00" = "WHY DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING!?"; "christian_01_01" = "WHY CAN’T YOU STAY DOWN LIKE THE REST OF US!!"; "christian_01_02" = "I’LL ERASE YOU…I’LL ERASE ALL OF THIS!"; "christian_01_03" = "I can see it…the end, our way out."; "christian_01_04" = "It’s so close, I just want to jump."; "christian_01_05" = "But you and I both know that won’t work."; "christian_01_06" = "Oh...you're here."; "christian_01_07" = "We don’t have to rush this. Please...sit with me?"; "christian_01_08" = "You still dream, right?"; "christian_01_09" = " Mine are fading, night by night."; "christian_01_10" = "I know they’re going away soon."; "christian_01_11" = "Like everything else."; "christian_01_12" = "I’m scared, PLAYERNAME."; "christian_01_13" = "There’s nothing left for me, but I still don’t want to let it all go."; "christian_01_14" = "This world is just ghosts and echoes, and i think that’s all it was supposed to be."; "christian_01_15" = "You don’t think that though, right? Is that why you fight?"; "christian_01_16" = "I hate you, PLAYERNAME."; "christian_01_17" = "Or...I think I do. It’s getting harder for me to feel anything."; "christian_01_18" = ". . ."; "christian_01_19" = "PLAYERNAME,"; "christian_01_20" = "do you think, if we knew each other, you know, before all this…"; "christian_01_21" = "Do you think we could have been friends?"; "christian_01_22" = "I..."; "christian_01_23" = "The worst part is, I think we were."; "christian_01_24" = "I don’t want to see you anymore. I can't-"; "christian_01_25" = "I need you to leave this world, forever."; "christian_01_26" = "I’m sorry, PLAYERNAME."; "christian_01_27" = "This is the only way I know."; "examine_label_sit" = ": Sit"; "examine_label_flip" = ": Flip Switch"; "highways_control_00" = "You hear the sounds of machines and metal clanging."; "highways_control_01" = "The switch is stuck."; "highways_control_02" = "Machinery starts to whir."; "found_la_3000" = "Found 3000 la [use la to level up at checkpoints]."; "found_la_7500" = "Found 7500 la [use la to level up at checkpoints]."; "suburbs_house_03" = "You can hear faint shouting inside. You don't feel like going in."; "suburbs_cross_00" = "The people passed as ghosts; looking with haunted eyes."; "door_control_unlocked" = "Used Control Key."; "highways_control_03" = "You hear the sounds of machines and metal clanging. Something rumbles outside."; "depths_lilli_06" = "Come on, go!"; "depths_lilli_07" = "We need to break through!"; "depths_lilli_08" = "What are you waiting for!? GO! The ladder!!"; "depths_lilli_09" = "Almost there!"; "depths_lilli_10" = "You'll need to climb the ladder up ahead!!"; "examine_label_bus" = "A Button: Wait for Bus"; "arena_guard_00" = "No way, kid. Only those who fight for Cardinal's blessing can pass."; "arena_band_00" = "Flower petals dancing in the ocean breeze /"; "arena_band_01" = "Begging on my hands and knees /"; "arena_band_02" = "Standing before one whose soul's so delicate /"; "arena_band_03" = "An hour's waking before I take."; "arena_band_04" = "As a petal drops on sand and dust /"; "arena_band_05" = "In my mouth the taste of blood and rust."; "arena_band_06" = "Oh mother oh mother, who art thou /"; "arena_band_07" = "I can feel myself tiptoeing over fragile bough /"; "arena_band_08" = "Taking a step too far and too thin /"; "arena_band_09" = "You make me count every meter, every sin."; "arena_band_10" = "Everything I had done and lost /"; "arena_band_11" = "Every little thing and every little cost."; "arena_band_12" = "Why can't you see me /"; "arena_band_13" = "why can't you see me /"; "arena_band_14" = "cut through my veil and /"; "arena_band_15" = "set us free."; "arena_worshipper_00" = "Terrible. All terrible."; "arena_worshipper_01" = "Mother...Mother...Mother..."; "arena_worshipper_02" = "Why does that name sound so familiar?"; "arena_worshipper_03" = "Cardinal's love of music and art is an admirable one."; "arena_worshipper_04" = "It shows in his services, I believe!"; "arena_worshipper_05" = "Are you here to fight for Cardinal's blessing?"; "arena_worshipper_06" = "Another has come! Rejoice, rejoice!"; "arena_worshipper_07" = "Ay! Ayayaya!"; "arena_worshipper_08" = "I'm so...tired..."; "arena_worshipper_09" = "When will it be my turn to see?"; "arena_worshipper_10" = "It must have been a bad dream..."; "arena_worshipper_11" = "Just staying here, tracking the coming and going."; "arena_worshipper_12" = "...wait, have I seen you before?"; "arena_worshipper_13" = "Make sure to not get hit, if you can."; "arena_worshipper_14" = "Cardinal's fighters are vicious, but not perfect."; "arena_worshipper_15" = "The shows here are so thrilling!"; "arena_worshipper_16" = "Water, blood, darkness; they flow so beautifully!"; "arena_worshipper_17" = "Be sure to attend the Champions' Service, if you can."; "arena_worshipper_18" = "You can almost TASTE the transcendence."; "arena_worshipper_19" = "There's sin in these words."; "arena_worshipper_20" = "Hahahyayaayaya ya!"; "arena_worshipper_21" = "heeeeeeee--"; "arena_combat_00" = "Brawl"; "arena_combat_01" = "Encounter"; "arena_combat_02" = "Melee"; "arena_combat_03" = "Duel"; "arena_combat_04" = "Champion"; "arena_combat_05" = "Current Rank:"; "arena_combat_06" = "Required Rank:"; "arena_giver_00" = "Welcome little one...are you here to fight for Cardinal's blessing?"; "arena_giver_01" = "In this arena, those of your stature have a chance to be saved."; "arena_giver_02" = "Blessed Cardinal, in all His Grace, gives you a chance to be redeemed through the blood of others."; "arena_giver_03" = "It's quite marvelous, really...transcendence through spectacle!"; "arena_giver_04" = "Really, it would be the greatest honor for you to fight and die here."; "arena_giver_05" = "Earn a high enough rank so you can fight with the Champions; show Cardinal what you deserve!"; "arena_giver_06" = "Excellent - the Gate now opens for you."; "arena_giver_07" = "Good luck, and put on a fantastic showing!"; "arena_giver_08" = "The only hope for you is here in the Arena."; "arena_giver_09" = "I know your path will only bring you back, so I await your return."; "arena_giver_10" = "Head through the gate and embrace your destiny."; "arena_giver_11" = "You will be rewarded for your sacrifice."; "arena_trainer_00" = "Hey. You look lost. Do you need some help?"; "arena_trainer_01" = "Let me teach you how to be beautiful."; "arena_trainer_02" = "To survive in this place, you can't hesitate."; "arena_trainer_03" = "Any sign of fear and they will tear you from the inside out."; "arena_trainer_04" = "Be brave; be beautiful - even if you don't feel it."; "arena_trainer_05" = "Okay, head through the hatch and the challenge will come."; "arena_trainer_06" = "Whatever happens, don't die, okay?"; "arena_trainer_07" = "Fine...go ahead if you think you're ready."; "arena_trainer_08" = "I'll just be here if you ever want to come back."; "arena_trainer_09" = "Why are you still here? Go."; "arena_trainer_10" = "You won't get anywhere if you don't even try."; "arena_trainer_11" = "Hey, uh, I just wanted to say..."; "arena_trainer_12" = "Good job there. I honestly didn't expect you to complete my training."; "arena_trainer_13" = "You should have something for your efforts."; "arena_trainer_14" = "(She hands you a HEALTH ESSENCE)"; "arena_trainer_15" = "Do good with that, alright?"; "arena_trainer_16" = "I hope a brighter future is ahead of us."; "arena_trainer_17" = "Hey, did you want to retry a challenge?"; "arena_trainer_18" = "Feel free to train as much as you want."; "arena_trainer_19" = "Come back here if you ever crave the challenge."; "arena_trainer_20" = "Just don't get too caught up...there's a lot out there beyond these walls."; "arena_trainer_21" = "Terrible things are happening out there, but that's not gonna stop me."; "arena_trainer_22" = "Let me teach you how to be beautiful."; "arena_trainer_23" = "No matter what happens, we must pull ourselves up and get stronger."; "arena_trainer_24" = "I'm staying here to train, and you're free to train with me whenever you'd like."; "arena_trainer_25" = "Complete combat without taking damage."; "arena_trainer_26" = "Complete combat within a time limit. "; "arena_trainer_27" = "Finish combat without breaking combo."; "arena_trainer_28" = "[COMPLETE]"; "arena_marked_00" = "I wonder what my friends are doing back home..."; "arena_marked_01" = "I haven't heard from them in a while."; "arena_marked_02" = "My magic makes me feel so strong, but it hollows me out the more I use it."; "arena_marked_03" = "I love my friends, but sometimes their voices are so loud."; "arena_marked_04" = "They make me want to shout and drown them all out, even though I hate it."; "arena_marked_05" = "Do you like the fighting? Sometimes I think it really helps me..."; "arena_marked_06" = "Is that bad?"; "arena_marked_07" = "Oh, you..."; "arena_marked_08" = "...thanks again for helping us out back in the forest."; "arena_marked_09" = "Hit, jab, slash, one- two- one- two."; "arena_marked_10" = "They took us away, but I'm gonna get myself back home!"; "arena_marked_11" = "Whatever it takes!!"; "arena_marked_12" = "The fights are numbing; my head hurts so bad."; "arena_marked_13" = "No matter how many times we fade, there's no escape."; "arena_marked_14" = "I used to love fighting...I didn't even mind being here."; "arena_marked_15" = "I don't know what's wrong with me."; "arena_marked_16" = "I've been training for the big event, but you have to be really good to get in there."; "arena_marked_17" = "Someday!!"; "arena_marked_18" = "I don't really want to talk. Please leave me alone."; "arena_marked_19" = "Am I going to be okay?"; "arena_marked_20" = "You have to hit them hard before they even have the chance."; "arena_marked_21" = "That's the key to winning - and the crowd loves it too."; "arena_marked_22" = "I can't even dream anymore..."; "arena_marked_23" = "Soon, I'm not even sure there will be any of me left."; "arena_marked_24" = "I hope they invite me back. I really miss them."; "arena_marked_25" = "Am I a bad person?"; "arena_marked_26" = "Everything is my fault, and then they leave."; "arena_marked_27" = "I don't even blame them."; "arena_marked_28" = "I just have to fight. I have to fight."; "arena_marked_29" = "I have to get Michael back..."; "arena_marked_30" = "Seriously, can you leave me alone?"; "arena_marked_31" = "I really don't like you being around."; "examine_label_finish" = ": Finish"; "arena_main_00" = "Stop!!"; "arena_main_01" = "Hahaha, salvation, salvation!"; "arena_main_02" = "Isn't this splendid!?"; "arena_main_03" = "Cardinal, please! I gave everything..."; "arena_main_04" = "Please let us go!!"; "arena_main_05" = "Welcome all to the Champion's Service!!"; "arena_main_06" = "Yes, yes!!"; "arena_main_07" = "Oh, but it's so fun..."; "arena_main_08" = "However...ah."; "arena_main_09" = "Fair enough little one. I shall grant its freedom!"; "arena_main_10" = "I've had it Cardinal! You promised!!"; "arena_main_11" = "Give my brother back!"; "arena_main_12" = "Feel the motion; feel the violence!"; "arena_main_13" = "It tears through you, as blood litters the sand."; "arena_main_14" = "Elation is freedom!"; "arena_main_15" = "Ohoho child, you haven't earned your freedom yet."; "arena_main_16" = "But, how exciting it could be to show you your prize..."; "arena_main_17" = "I'm so sorry child..."; "arena_main_18" = "We feel! We feel!"; "arena_main_19" = "All, behold! The prey!!"; "arena_main_20" = "We taste! We taste!"; "arena_main_21" = "And we love, we love."; "arena_main_22" = "We cannot forget love..."; "arena_main_23" = "It Wasn't Supposed To End Like This."; "arena_main_24" = "Now the real show begins..."; "arena_main_25" = "!!"; "arena_main_26" = "Michael!"; "arena_main_27" = "I, Cardinal, have brought you a tremendous offering tonight!"; "arena_main_28" = "Behold, our strongest little ones, for whom the Darkness hungers!!"; "arena_main_29" = "Hah; tingles, tingles."; "arena_main_30" = "Though, I must say something feels wrong. I do not feel the Darkness hunger."; "arena_main_31" = "More, then! More I say! The Beasts will consume us all!"; "arena_main_32" = "More blood must be shed before the prisoner can be freed!"; "arena_main_33" = "Come, my most vicious of nightmares!"; "arena_main_34" = "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! ! !"; "arena_main_35" = "MICHAAAAAAEEEELLLL!!!"; "arena_main_36" = "EcstaSY! EcStAsY ExIsTeNt!"; "arena_main_37" = "E - X - I - S - T - E - N - T !"; "arena_main_38" = "You!"; "arena_main_39" = "...I don't feel okay-"; "arena_main_40" = "As the Order teaches, only through attrition can we be cleansed."; "arena_main_41" = "So tonight, these impure ones will spill their blood, so that their pain may be our ecstasy!"; "arena_main_42" = "Praise be, praise be to me..."; "arena_main_43" = "Let the Nightmares roam!"; "examine_label_arcade" = ": Enter Arcade"; "found_virtue_hated" = "Found Virtue: HATED [increases power of both player and enemy attacks]."; "trail_lilli_00" = "Hey, it's time to wake up."; "trail_lilli_01" = "You okay? You were acting weird back there."; "trail_lilli_02" = "You’re looking for Lethean, right? "; "trail_lilli_03" = "Don’t worry, I’ve seen a lot like you coming through here recently."; "trail_lilli_04" = "You're not the first, and you won't be the last."; "trail_lilli_05" = "Does that make you feel any better?"; "trail_lilli_06" = "We don't have much more to go."; "trail_lilli_07" = "Come on, I'll meet you up ahead."; "trail_lilli_08" = "Go on already; I'll meet you up ahead."; "trail_lilli_09" = "So, Natalie…"; "trail_lilli_10" = "Oh, err...sorry."; "trail_lilli_11" = "What are you calling yourself now? PLAYERNAME?"; "trail_lilli_12" = "You’re ready for this to end, right?"; "trail_lilli_13" = "You’re sure you want to do this?"; "trail_lilli_14" = "There’s no going back once it’s done."; "trail_lilli_15" = "Alright, just let me handle this then."; "trail_lilli_16" = "The quicker I have you off my hands, the better."; "trail_lilli_17" = "Alright, fine. I don’t like this any more than you."; "trail_lilli_18" = "That’s normal. It kinda reeks here."; "trail_lilli_19" = "I don’t even know how I keep doing this."; "trail_lilli_20" = "Yeah, you say that now…"; "trail_lilli_21" = "(What’s wrong with all of you…why do you always look away?)"; "lilli_response_00" = "I'm okay."; "lilli_response_01" = "I feel sick."; "lilli_response_02" = "Just take\\n me there."; "trail_lilli_22" = "We're still a ways away...make sure you're ready for whatever's ahead."; "trail_lilli_23" = "EMPTY YOUR MIND OF IMPURE THOUGHT"; "trail_lilli_24" = "Good, you're back. Can we get going now?"; "trail_lilli_25" = "This is the first gate. It's up to you to clear this."; "lilli_response_03" = "It doesn't \\nfeel right."; "lilli_response_04" = "It's all I've\\n ever known."; "lilli_response_05" = "I'm not \\nsure."; "trail_lilli_26" = "Yeah, you say that now…"; "trail_lilli_27" = "(What’s wrong with all of you…why do you always look away?)"; "trail_lilli_28" = "Damn, I guess I see where you're coming from."; "trail_lilli_29" = "Well, you'll get what you want soon."; "trail_lilli_30" = "But like, why though? Have you thought about that?"; "trail_lilli_31" = "They were just trying to help..."; "trail_lilli_32" = "You're not very talkative, huh?"; "trail_lilli_33" = "That's fine I guess...a bit weird..."; "trail_lilli_34" = "(Why do I always get the weirdos?)"; "trail_lilli_35" = "Hey PLAYERNAME."; "trail_lilli_36" = "There's something I don't get..."; "trail_lilli_37" = "Like, it's supposed to be so much easier this way, right?"; "trail_lilli_38" = "But these monsters...they seem pretty bad for you."; "trail_lilli_39" = "Worse than lots of the ones I've seen recently."; "trail_lilli_40" = "What keeps you going?"; "trail_lilli_41" = "Um, anyway...let's keep moving."; "trail_lilli_42" = "Are you still doing ok?"; "trail_lilli_43" = "Actually, nevermind. I don't really care."; "trail_lilli_44" = "Okay PLAYERNAME."; "trail_lilli_45" = "Two ways we can go from here."; "trail_lilli_46" = "Now, which way was it..."; "trail_lilli_47" = "...shoot, I don't remember."; "trail_lilli_48" = "What feels right to you..."; "trail_lilli_49" = "Wait, scratch that, we're going left."; "trail_lilli_50" = "See? Easy."; "trail_lilli_51" = "Come on, hurry up."; "depths_fight_00" = "PLAYERNAME..."; "depths_fight_01" = "why do you want to hurt?"; "trail_lilli_52" = "Ha! Knew it!!"; "trail_lilli_53" = "I mean, I always knew..."; "trail_lilli_54" = "Shut up."; "trail_lilli_55" = "The next gate is there, see?"; "trail_lilli_56" = "I knew, I knew..."; "trail_lilli_57" = "Hurry up, PLAYERNAME!"; "trail_lilli_58" = "Stop thinking so much."; "trail_lilli_59" = "FEEL YOUR BODY HOLLOW FROM WITHIN"; "trail_lilli_60" = "You did it. Yay. Can we go now?"; "trail_lilli_61" = "Next one. Come on, you should have the hang of it by now."; "trail_lilli_62" = "Are you ready for this?"; "trail_lilli_63" = "The final gate is up ahead, and then there's no stopping it."; "trail_lilli_64" = "Lethean..."; "trail_lilli_65" = "PLAYERNAME, you know what this means, right?"; "trail_lilli_66" = "You won't be the same after this."; "trail_lilli_67" = "I can't promise it'll be okay."; "lilli_response_06" = "I'm not \\nokay now."; "lilli_response_07" = "I don't have \\na choice."; "lilli_response_08" = "I know."; "trail_lilli_68" = "I wish I didn't hear that so much."; "trail_lilli_69" = "Is it better you're not making excuses anymore?"; "trail_lilli_70" = "Yeah, I don't think you'd be here otherwise."; "trail_lilli_71" = "\"Paradiso\", paradise...it's such a joke."; "trail_lilli_72" = "I hope you find your way out."; "trail_lilli_73" = "That's what I was afraid of."; "trail_lilli_74" = "Maybe this really is the best way."; "trail_lilli_75" = "Is nonexistence really so bad? It didn't bother us before..."; "trail_lilli_76" = "...and it doesn't bother us now."; "trail_lilli_77" = "God, why do I feel so sick? "; "trail_lilli_78" = "Please, just end this soon. For everyone's sake."; "trail_lilli_79" = "Congrats PLAYERNAME, you did it."; "trail_lilli_80" = "I'm supposed to say something silly now, like..."; "trail_lilli_81" = "\"EMBRACE NONEXISTENCE\""; "trail_lilli_82" = "or..."; "trail_lilli_83" = "\"IN OBLIVION, REBIRTH\""; "trail_lilli_84" = "but we don't really deserve even that, right?"; "trail_lilli_85" = "She's gone..."; "examine_label_transform" = "TRANSFORM"; "trail_lilli_86" = "I'm sorry PLAYERNAME."; "trail_lilli_87" = "I tried, but...I can't do it anymore."; "trail_lilli_88" = "I just don't get you."; "trail_lilli_89" = "Please, try to stay strong."; "trail_lilli_90" = "I'm sorry."; "merchant_02_00" = "Hello friend. What can I do for you?"; "merchant_02_01" = "I'm not sure what purpose lies beyond here."; "merchant_02_02" = "One day I came upon the end of the world, but I couldn't let myself fall."; "merchant_02_03" = "I wish I could say it was courage that stopped me, but that's just another lie I tell myself."; "merchant_02_04" = "Are we really so broken?"; "merchant_02_05" = "I hope this helps, friend. Is there anything else?"; "merchant_02_06" = "Good luck, friend."; "merchant_02_07" = "I'm not really sure what else there is to say."; "merchant_item_09" = "Plenary Indulgence"; "merchant_item_09_desc" = "Do you beckon Death?"; "merchant_item_10" = "Familiar: Aura"; "merchant_item_10_desc" = "Entrega Familiar: Aura"; "merchant_item_11" = "Virtue: DISCONNECTED"; "merchant_item_11_desc" = "Grants Virtue: DISCONNECTED (Double-tap Dodge to Teleport to target enemy)."; "merchant_item_12" = "HEALTH ESSENCE"; "merchant_item_12_desc" = "Gives a HEALTH ESSENCE."; "merchant_item_13" = "Revert Charm"; "merchant_item_13_desc" = "Unlocks option in Level Up menu to revert previous Upgrade choices."; "elevator_00" = "Going up."; "elevator_01" = "F2."; "elevator_02" = "F5."; "examine_label_leave" = ": Leave"; "elevator_03" = "There is no turning back beyond this point. Do you still wish to continue?"; "elevator_04" = "To pass beyond this point means accepting the consequences of your actions and whatever else may come. Do you still wish to continue?"; "elevator_05" = "Your fate will be sealed and there will be no one but yourself to blame. Do you still wish to continue?"; "elevator_06" = "F12."; "examine_label_end" = ": End"; "examine_label_embrace" = ": Embrace"; "christian_02_00" = "GOD DAMMIT!!"; "christian_02_01" = "IT'S NOT SUPPOSED TO BE LIKE THIS!"; "christian_02_02" = "I'M THE STRONG ONE, ME! IT'S ME!!"; "christian_02_03" = "But I know your tricks, PLAYERNAME...I've figured you out..."; "christian_02_04" = "AGHHHHHHHHHHH!!"; "christian_02_05" = "WHY DOES IT HURT SO MUCH!?"; "christian_02_06" = "I HATE YOU PLAYERNAME!!"; "christian_02_07" = "Hey..."; "christian_02_08" = "PLAYERNAME..."; "christian_02_09" = "I'm so scared."; "christian_02_10" = "I don't want to feel like this..."; "christian_02_11" = "I DON'T WANT TO BE LIKE THIS!!"; "christian_02_12" = "No..."; "christian_02_13" = "BURN IN HELL!!"; "christian_02_14" = "YOU'RE NOT BETTER THAN ME!!"; "christian_02_15" = "It’s all so horrible, so hot, enveloping…"; "christian_02_16" = "…but it’s comforting, in a way."; "christian_02_17" = "We fight and fight and fight, but the nightmares never stop."; "christian_02_18" = "Have you ever thought about why?"; "christian_02_19" = "It’s us!..I mean, it's gotta be, right?"; "christian_02_20" = "We bring it on ourselves."; "christian_02_21" = "I mean, look, there’s nothing!"; "christian_02_22" = "We’ve arrived, this is our “cleansing”, and look!"; "christian_02_23" = "It’s just dusty relics, emptiness, a sun that doesn’t shine."; "christian_02_24" = "It’s…us."; "christian_02_25" = "I’m tired of it. I’m tired of these empty promises, I’m tired of lying to myself."; "christian_02_26" = "I want to fight! I want TO DIE!!"; "christian_02_27" = "This is the end, PLAYERNAME!! This is all we have left!!"; "christian_02_28" = "Show me you’re better than me! Show me you deserve to go on! "; "christian_02_29" = "SHOW ME!!"; "examine_label_taunt" = "Taunt"; "messiah_00" = "IT IS HAPPENING AGAIN"; "messiah_01" = "Natalie..."; "messiah_02" = "...I did everything I could."; "messiah_03" = "I'm sorry it had to be like this."; "thomas_00" = "Oh, hey...I didn't think you'd be here."; "thomas_01" = "You...you..."; "thomas_02" = "...thank you, PLAYERNAME..."; "thomas_03" = "It's...sort of beautiful, isn't it?"; "thomas_04" = "I must have been here too long, because this world..."; "thomas_05" = "...it's horrid, it's dark, and it hurts, but it feels more perfect than the one before."; "thomas_06" = "It's so messed up, what we do to ourselves...but why can't we stop?"; "thomas_07" = "Is this all there is?"; "thomas_08" = "...I've started to think as much, and there's no way out."; "thomas_09" = "It's sad, I guess. I've been here a lot longer than you."; "thomas_10" = "The sun used to shine, and there was life...or, it felt that way."; "thomas_11" = "But slowly, it all hollowed out, to match us - the way we saw it all."; "thomas_12" = "It became -our- paradise."; "thomas_13" = "I don't know what I feel anymore...IF I feel anymore..."; "thomas_14" = "...but I feel...the end..."; "thomas_15" = "I guess I'll see you...around..."; "thomas_16" = "Goodbye, PLAYERNAME..."; "thomas_17" = "I've been waiting for so long to see more, to see someone with HOPE."; "thomas_18" = "Is that why you fight, PLAYERNAME? Is that why you seek DEATH??"; "thomas_19" = "Or are they just the same to you!?"; "thomas_20" = "COME FOR IT! COME FOR ME, PLAYERNAME!"; "thomas_21" = "MAYBE...FINALLY...I CAN BE FREE!!"; "radio_cultist_00" = "Marked one...I can see the struggle under your eyes. Do you want to give in?"; "radio_cultist_01" = "They teach us it's no way out, but there's a freedom in acceptance. Do you agree?"; "radio_cultist_02" = "Then, will you let me help you? Help you reject their teaching?"; "radio_cultist_03" = "There's no going back. Say so now, and you will be free."; "radio_cultist_04" = "ahHhH..."; "radio_cultist_05" = "Not many of us get this far."; "radio_cultist_06" = "Even I can feel my limit."; "radio_cultist_07" = "You've...come back?"; "radio_cultist_08" = "...you really want this, huh."; "radio_cultist_09" = "You're not afraid of what you might find? Ascension wasn't enough?"; "radio_cultist_10" = "Fine, the Descent awaits."; "radio_cultist_11" = "You're...not gone?"; "radio_cultist_12" = "Below us is the Descent."; "radio_cultist_13" = "They say it goes to the center of the world,"; "radio_cultist_14" = "and those who reach it can find...well, we're not sure."; "radio_cultist_15" = "Fulfillment? Happiness? An End? "; "radio_cultist_16" = "Legends and stories, I'm sure..."; "radio_cultist_17" = "Hey..."; "radio_cultist_18" = "I like what Priest is saying, but I don't know."; "radio_cultist_19" = "I'm so scared."; "radio_cultist_20" = "please...stop..."; "radio_cultist_21" = "If my heart is not ready, then neither is yours."; "radio_cultist_22" = "Maybe someday, but not now."; "radio_cultist_23" = "It's safe here."; "radio_cultist_24" = "I don't think it will last, but for now it's safe."; "radio_cultist_25" = "I feel lucky I'm here, but I don't think I can go on."; "radio_cultist_26" = "My luck has to run out, right? "; "radio_cultist_27" = "I don't feel so good."; "radio_cultist_28" = "I'm always so scared."; "radio_cultist_29" = "Maybe I should just give in?"; "radio_cultist_30" = "We've shut away the Descent for fear of the true Darkness within. "; "radio_cultist_31" = "We lost too many, with stronger hearts than mine."; "radio_cultist_32" = "But I won't stop you, if that's what you want."; "radio_cultist_33" = "There's a scar, deep in the heart of this place...what will you do when you find it?"; "radio_cultist_34" = "I can't stop turning at night. It's like someone's there, pushing and clawing."; "radio_cultist_35" = "Squeezing my heart so tight, I can barely breathe."; "radio_cultist_36" = "And then we have to do it all over again."; "radio_cultist_37" = "I used to think the fear comforted me."; "radio_cultist_38" = "I'm not so sure anymore."; "radio_cultist_39" = "...I'm not sure where else we can go."; "radio_cultist_40" = "i just want to wither away...Alone"; "radio_cultist_41" = "please go aWay"; "radio_cultist_42" = "please...stop..."; "radio_cultist_43" = "I don't feel so good."; "radio_worshipper_00" = "Oh, little one, the Corruption is so strong in you...would you like me to help?"; "radio_worshipper_01" = "I cannot cleanse you fully, but I can stem the Corruption's influence. There's no undoing this, understood?"; "radio_worshipper_02" = "You will be sacrificing much, so I ask again, is this what your heart desires?"; "radio_worshipper_03" = "Very well. I shall start if you give me one final word."; "radio_worshipper_04" = "We feel Father's loss, but celebrate nonetheless."; "radio_worshipper_05" = "Priest promised us freedom, and I eagerly await the day it comes."; "radio_worshipper_06" = "Welcome, little one."; "radio_worshipper_07" = "Even though you are unclean, we can make you better."; "radio_worshipper_08" = "Talk to Priest up ahead and be blessed."; "radio_worshipper_09" = "Did you hear what happened to Cardinal!"; "radio_worshipper_10" = "Such light! Such ecstasy!!"; "radio_worshipper_11" = "How I wish that were me!"; "radio_worshipper_12" = "There is salvation to be found, even of your kind."; "radio_worshipper_13" = "If you're willing to sacrifice, that is..."; "radio_worshipper_14" = "I will wait patiently, but until then..."; "radio_worshipper_15" = "Rejoice! Rejoice!!"; "radio_worshipper_16" = "Even when the world weighs on me, I give in, because I know what's to come."; "radio_worshipper_17" = "Why can't you see the world this way? "; "radio_worshipper_18" = "That's what sets us apart."; "radio_worshipper_19" = "There is salvation to be found, even of your kind!"; "radio_worshipper_20" = "Rejoice! How merciful is He!"; "radio_worshipper_21" = "I'd feel sorry for you, little one, but it's what He decrees."; "radio_worshipper_22" = "Accept it, you'll be so much happier."; "radio_worshipper_23" = "I see the ritual worked. I'm...sorry."; "maria_00" = "Ha, you're funny."; "maria_01" = "I was trying to be quick, but if you want to fight, then we'll fight."; "maria_02" = "I've HAD IT!"; "maria_03" = "No more games, no more mercy!"; "maria_04" = "I'm...not surprised you're here."; "maria_05" = "You remind me of someone I knew, long ago..."; "maria_06" = "So rebellious...so free..."; "maria_07" = "So Naive."; "maria_08" = "That innocence...that's what led me here. That's what led me to create all this."; "maria_09" = "This Paradise, doomed from the start."; "maria_10" = "I'm so sorry...PLAYERNAME..."; "maria_11" = "I'm so sorry for what I've become."; "maria_12" = "Please...please forgive me!"; "maria_13" = "Naomi...no, Natalie...no..."; "maria_14" = "PLAYERNAME!"; "maria_15" = "Naomi...I remember..."; "maria_16" = "I am...Anna..."; "maria_17" = "Oh my god...what have I done..."; "maria_18" = "Oh my god...Naomi...NAOMI!!"; "maria_19" = "You wouldn't even BE HERE without me!"; "maria_20" = "Do you really think you can escape!?"; "maria_21" = "There's no way out!! None!!"; "maria_22" = "Accept it and DIE!"; "maria_23" = "LAY DOWN AND DIE!!"; "maria_24" = "Meant to decay...like everything."; "maria_25" = "I don't have that hope anymore."; "maria_26" = "I accepted it, and begged for mercy that never came."; "maria_27" = "So now we're alone."; "maria_28" = "No sun, no God...only an empty Faith."; "maria_29" = "And it's all I have..."; "maria_30" = "There's no point in hiding it now."; "maria_31" = "Come, let me show you...the real me...what our Paradise really is."; "maria_32" = "Do you see, Natalie? Our hearts are one and the same."; "maria_33" = "But you don't fight the corruption; you embrace it."; "maria_34" = "You let PLAYERNAME into your heart, where they have no right to be."; "maria_35" = "And it's changed you, made you...impure."; "maria_36" = "I've given you so many chances Natalie, but it's obvious you're not meant for my world."; "maria_37" = "So, I'll remove you, just like the others."; "maria_38" = "No more chances, PLAYERNAME. This time, you die."; "christian_final_00" = "You’re going to be okay…"; "christian_final_01" = "Just a little more…"; "christian_final_02" = "PLAYERNAME…"; "christian_final_03" = "It’s okay, I’ve got you…"; "christian_final_04" = "I get it now, PLAYERNAME."; "christian_final_05" = "I finally get it."; "christian_final_06" = "We’re not what they told us we were. We’re not who they want us to be."; "christian_final_07" = "Your strength showed me, that it’s okay now. We can be okay."; "christian_final_08" = "We are us, and that’s okay."; "christian_final_09" = "I couldn’t accept it before, and it tore our hearts apart."; "christian_final_10" = "But now, I can accept it. I can accept me."; "christian_final_11" = "I wasn’t okay, and I don’t think I’m okay, but I don’t have to be this way. WE don’t have to be this way. Not anymore."; "christian_final_12" = "Because I know I don’t have to be alone. That we’re not doomed to be like this forever. You showed me that."; "christian_final_13" = "We’re almost there, PLAYERNAME. "; "christian_final_14" = "This world is coming apart, but we don’t need it anymore."; "christian_final_15" = "We can finally be free, we can finally wake up,"; "christian_final_16" = "if we just make it a bit farther."; "christian_final_17" = "There…you got it…you got it…"; "christian_final_18" = "You can do it…you can do it…"; "pre_maria_00" = "Not this time."; "pre_maria_01" = "My bed. I don't need to sleep anymore."; "pre_maria_02" = "An old TV. Nothing is playing."; "pre_maria_03" = "I like this game, but I don't need to play it now."; "pre_maria_04" = "A game console. I'll play another time."; "pre_maria_05" = "It's broken."; "pre_maria_06" = "Born of a Dream"; "sacrament_i_title" = "sacrament i"; "sacrament_i_00" = "In the Sanctum, they do not allow us to dream."; "sacrament_i_01" = "\"What is your name?\""; "sacrament_i_02" = "So at night, Naomi and I go to our secret place, "; "sacrament_i_03" = "and I dream for the two of us."; "sacrament_i_04" = "After Mother has done the rounds, Naomi waits for the footsteps to fade, and climbs to my bed."; "sacrament_i_05" = "“All clear” she whispers, harsh and dramatic like one of the old stars. I stifle a laugh, and she breaks with a giggle. "; "sacrament_i_06" = "The hairs on my neck prickle at her voice, the air rushing over my ear. I smile, open my eyes, and we go."; "sacrament_i_07" = "Deeper."; "sacrament_i_08" = "Deeper."; "sacrament_i_09" = "\"Insolent!"; "sacrament_i_10" = "I should pluck your feathers for this!\""; "sacrament_i_11" = "I try to stay strong, but my eyes are burning. "; "sacrament_i_12" = "I have to pull through. Naomi would pull through; she’s strong like that."; "sacrament_i_13" = "I don’t want Naomi to see me like this."; "sacrament_i_14" = "What is my name?"; "sacrament_i_15" = "I hold back tears as the title leaves my lips."; "sacrament_i_16" = "“There. You should have said that first.”"; "sacrament_i_17" = "“Maria, if you continue down this path, there will be nothing I can do to help you. "; "sacrament_i_18" = "\"You will be damned, and you know what the worst part will be?"; "sacrament_i_19" = "“It’ll be only your fault. God cannot save those who don’t want to be saved.”"; "sacrament_i_20" = "“You want to be saved, right Maria?”"; "sacrament_i_21" = "As much as I want to speak, my lips stay sealed."; "sacrament_i_22" = "Mother won’t approve either way."; "sacrament_i_23" = "As Mother Olivia stares at me, I’m overcome with a crushing gravity,"; "sacrament_i_24" = "Black as the pupils of her eyes."; "sacrament_i_25" = "“Good, child. We have no need for such foolish games."; "sacrament_i_26" = "“The corruption might be stopped yet.”"; "sacrament_i_27" = "Mother stands and I flinch. No shout comes, but I catch a smirk on her face."; "sacrament_i_28" = "“The world is not made for people like you and I. We are different; we are special."; "sacrament_i_29" = "\"We must take what makes us special -- our blessings, our wings! -- and transcend.”"; "sacrament_i_30" = "“We are more than what we are made of, and for that we must feel pain."; "sacrament_i_31" = "“We forsake ourselves. We must obey. We must show thanks."; "sacrament_i_32" = "Only then can we be joyous"; "sacrament_i_33" = "“You are thankful for this joy, right Maria?”"; "sacrament_i_34" = "Mother Olivia turns. I can’t help but notice the bruise on her left cheek."; "sacrament_i_35" = "In that moment, time freezes. "; "sacrament_i_36" = "I’m unable to avert my gaze before Mother strikes."; "sacrament_i_37" = "My mind blanks, and my chest is hollow."; "sacrament_i_38" = "!!"; "sacrament_i_39" = "I only feel a fear and sadness for where we’ve been, and what’s to come."; "sacrament_i_40" = "\"No!\""; "sacrament_i_41" = "Mother Olivia's voice cracks like a switch."; "sacrament_i_42" = "\"Again, what is your Name!?\""; "sacrament_i_43" = "."; "sacrament_i_44" = "Anna"; "sacrament_i_45" = "Maria"; "sacrament_i_46" = "descend"; "sacrament_i_47" = "Yes Mother, I am thankful"; "sacrament_i_48" = "sharp and fragile"; "sacrament_i_49" = "sinewy and tense"; "sacrament_i_50" = "formless and unknowing"; "sacrament_i_51" = "Are you okay"; "sacrament_i_52" = "Quiet!"; "sacrament_i_53" = "Thump"; "sacrament_i_54" = "The Sanctum’s walls are tall and metallic."; "sacrament_i_55" = "On sunny days, the reflections are so blinding everything becomes a haze."; "sacrament_i_56" = "Massive and lumbering."; "sacrament_i_57" = "It’s okay - the haze is all we’ve ever known."; "sacrament_i_58" = "The walls mark the edges of our lives. Nothing in, nothing out."; "sacrament_i_59" = "Mother says we need the walls to keep the Nightmares out."; "sacrament_i_60" = "Even though we can’t dream, they can still hurt us."; "sacrament_i_61" = "At night, you can hear them walking."; "sacrament_i_62" = "I’ve never seen one, but their faces seem etched in my mind."; "sacrament_i_63" = "Just the thought terrifies me..."; "sacrament_i_64" = "So effortless. So assured. "; "sacrament_i_65" = "“It’s ok, it’s ok, Mother should be in bed by now.”"; "sacrament_i_66" = ". . ."; "sacrament_i_67" = "Not that she has to, but I...I don’t want to stop her. "; "sacrament_i_68" = "And when I’m with her, I feel a bit of that warmth."; "sacrament_i_69" = "“Are you ok? I’m sorry I bumped-”"; "sacrament_i_70" = "\"Naomi! Are you okay?\""; "sacrament_i_71" = "Any bit of worry that was in Naomi’s face vanishes."; "sacrament_i_72" = "I hate when I’m like this - instant regret, so afraid Naomi won’t understand "; "sacrament_i_73" = "As we get up, Naomi puts her arm around me, and my fear vanishes."; "sacrament_i_74" = "As we get up, Naomi puts her arm around me, and my pain disappears."; "sacrament_i_75" = "\"Quiet!!\""; "sacrament_i_76" = "Naomi looks at me with her off-center grin and laughs."; "sacrament_i_77" = "I’m the only one Naomi apologizes to, but she does it so much when she’s around me. "; "sacrament_i_78" = "I snap, afraid we’ll be caught. "; "sacrament_i_79" = "It’s...cute?"; "sacrament_i_80" = "Naomi looks up with her crooked grin. Her eyes shine like green marble, beaming right at me."; "sacrament_i_81" = "She still understands. Good."; "sacrament_i_82" = "“Besides, if we get caught, I can protect you!”"; "sacrament_i_83" = "Naomi never lets anything like this phase her."; "sacrament_i_84" = "“No, it’s okay, really!”"; "sacrament_i_85" = "Afraid she’ll push me away."; "sacrament_i_86" = "She makes me feel-"; "sacrament_i_87" = "And my sigh turns to a smile."; "sacrament_i_88" = "I sigh."; "sacrament_i_89" = "“Yeah, I’m good.”"; "sacrament_i_90" = "Unstoppable."; "sacrament_i_91" = "Living as nothing."; "sacrament_i_92" = "“Anna, right here!”"; "sacrament_i_93" = "\"Now, can you tell me another dream?\""; "sacrament_i_94" = "“Wha-!?”"; "sacrament_i_95" = "Before I realize what’s happening, I crash into Naomi."; "sacrament_i_96" = "“Ah!!!”"; "sacrament_i_97" = "We fall."; "sacrament_i_98" = "In our space, nothing can hurt us."; "sacrament_i_99" = "I sit Naomi down before taking my place across from her."; "sacrament_i_100" = "We lock eyes and breathe."; "sacrament_i_101" = ". . ."; "sacrament_i_102" = "Deeper"; "sacrament_i_103" = "“Let the water consume…”"; "sacrament_i_104" = "The pen reaches my name. I’ve rehearsed this a thousand times, but my lips still falter."; "sacrament_i_105" = "The Pain gets subtler every time. Maybe that’s the point."; "sacrament_i_106" = "Though somehow, I trust it’ll all be okay..."; "sacrament_i_107" = "Whichever unlucky sister Father has his sights on goes down the list, marking off as we regurgitate our given names and creeds."; "sacrament_i_108" = "I feel that sting again. She’s so much better at this than me."; "sacrament_i_109" = "\"Na-o-...I mean-\""; "sacrament_i_110" = "Or maybe I'm just paranoid..."; "sacrament_i_111" = "The pen reaches Naomi’s title. Per usual, she’s stumbling into line, failing to hide her tardiness. "; "sacrament_i_112" = "She stands erect, patting her shirt to flatten the wrinkles. She's trying so hard to appear -together-."; "sacrament_i_113" = "in the end."; "sacrament_i_114" = "until there's nothing left..."; "sacrament_i_115" = "But, Mother knows what she did."; "sacrament_i_116" = "\"My-mm-m\""; "sacrament_i_117" = "She catches herself."; "sacrament_i_118" = "From her podium, Mother Olivia flashes a stare that sears into my brain."; "sacrament_i_119" = "She’ll call Naomi to one of her “private meetings” - show how dark her feathers have become and berate her about purity, even if punishment only adds to the guilt."; "sacrament_i_120" = "\"Davi. Here\""; "sacrament_i_121" = "That...that sounds like something Naomi would say."; "sacrament_i_122" = "Drifting..."; "sacrament_i_123" = "Falling..."; "sacrament_i_124" = "The days pass in and out like ghosts through the halls."; "sacrament_i_125" = "We meander along, aimless and scared. Only knowing the course set for us."; "sacrament_i_126" = "Father says we’re destined for greatness. Mother keeps us in line."; "sacrament_i_127" = "At morning roll-call, I see my classmates file up."; "sacrament_i_128" = "I make sure to get there early, not because I enjoy Catechism,"; "sacrament_i_129" = "but because I don’t want to be singled out more than I already am."; "sacrament_i_130" = "“Natalie”"; "sacrament_i_131" = "“Christopher”"; "sacrament_i_132" = "“Serah”"; "sacrament_i_133" = "“Ciara”"; "sacrament_i_134" = "“Jonathan”"; "sacrament_i_135" = "“Lilli”"; "sacrament_i_136" = "Down"; "sacrament_i_137" = "go"; "sacrament_i_138" = "Erase and Erase"; "sacrament_i_139" = "Out"; "sacrament_i_140" = "In"; "sacrament_i_141" = "Breathe"; "sacrament_i_142" = "Concentrate"; "sacrament_i_143" = "Dream Together"; "sacrament_i_144" = "Together"; "sacrament_i_145" = "Swim in the water"; "sacrament_i_146" = "Smell the flowers"; "sacrament_i_147" = "Gaze at the sky"; "sacrament_i_148" = "Climb the Trees"; "sacrament_i_149" = "Naomi"; "sacrament_i_150" = "Palpable"; "sacrament_i_151" = "We are dreaming."; "sacrament_i_152" = "I grab her hand and we land, gently. One foot, then the other. The surface is wet and shimmering, on top an endless ocean that glints in the void."; "sacrament_i_153" = "Floating, weightless…"; "sacrament_i_154" = "Slowly, stars appear in the sky, one here, another there. They are faint and flickering, but that they’re shining gives us hope and warmth. One day, we will fly."; "sacrament_i_155" = "I open my eyes, and Naomi is drifting with me."; "sacrament_i_156" = "One day, we will see stars."; "sacrament_i_157" = "Down, down into the darkness..."; "sacrament_i_158" = "Naomi’s eyes twinkle at the sight, her mouth agape in wonder. She reaches to the heavens, hoping to catch a star as it falls."; "sacrament_i_159" = "Now, "; "sacrament_i_160" = "I smile and exclaim, "; "sacrament_i_161" = "I take it, grasp it, bring it to my chest, then sprinkle it onto the light. Glittering dust turns to grains of sand, the sand gathers into a mass, and soon we’re standing on the shore of a magnificent island."; "sacrament_i_162" = "\"And we'll...\""; "sacrament_i_163" = "\"Yes! And we'll...\""; "sacrament_i_164" = "A gasp escapes our lips. Naomi looks at me."; "sacrament_i_165" = "“I want to go here. Will you take me someday?”"; "sacrament_i_166" = "The birds we planted in the sky sway in the wind. Their feathers drop as they fly. Drifting, floating, falling - they envelop us."; "sacrament_i_167" = "Sweet and soft, dotting the land. Poking from the grass to say hello."; "sacrament_i_168" = "No more haze, no more grey. White clouds rolling in the breeze, protecting us and granting shade. A sun so brilliant and warm, so you don’t need your robes, but never overbearing."; "sacrament_i_169" = "Cool, blue, lovely and clear. The fish are our guide, wondrous and free."; "sacrament_i_170" = "Trees of all different kinds, springing from the ground. Some tall, some leafy, all green and beautiful."; "sacrament_i_171" = "Letting our wings out to shine, letting us soar with the birds."; "sacrament_i_172" = "Gentle as snow."; "sacrament_i_173" = "Dancing as if in space, nothing tying us to our mortal flesh."; "sacrament_i_174" = "Picked and nestled into dazzling bouquets; crowns for you and me."; "sacrament_i_175" = "Like the ones we only know from the picture book, fronds sway and rustle. We climb, we see, we gather the fruits and roll in the leaves."; "sacrament_i_176" = "Every color we can imagine, even the ones we’ve never seen."; "sacrament_i_177" = "A dream of our own; no one to stop us."; "sacrament_i_178" = "All sound erased. No more lectures or punishment. No more sin."; "sacrament_i_179" = "We can"; "sacrament_i_180" = "I narrate the feelings going through my body; thousands of senses both real and imaginary, that I breathe life into with my words."; "sacrament_i_181" = "A small light shows beneath the surface. As I whisper, it grows, until it envelopes all the ocean we see. The light rises, the water breaks, and though the waves are tall, they pass over us like a gentle breeze."; "sacrament_i_182" = "The excitement is"; "sacrament_i_183" = "Tears roll, but no voice comes."; "sacrament_i_184" = "“Breathe Naomi! Naomi!!”"; "sacrament_i_185" = "Naomi releases her hand. She's breathing heavily."; "sacrament_i_186" = "“Naomi! Naomi!! Breathe!”"; "sacrament_i_187" = "Gasping for air, she grabs at her chest, eyes wide in terror."; "sacrament_i_188" = "She doubles over, and I cry at her side-"; "sacrament_i_189" = "Because Mother takes it out on us."; "sacrament_i_190" = "Naomi comes back that night, crying like I’ve never seen. She hides her wings as she slinks into bed."; "sacrament_i_191" = "The presence of Father is always felt, even if he’s never seen."; "sacrament_i_192" = "She only does that when something is really wrong."; "sacrament_i_193" = "The sisters scramble, a dark cloud covers the children, and our feathers wilt - even Mother Olivia is on edge."; "sacrament_i_194" = "I want to help, but Naomi just shakes and murmurs."; "sacrament_i_195" = "The shouting never seems to end, and when it does, there’s no relief to come."; "sacrament_i_196" = "I don’t know what’s wrong."; "sacrament_i_197" = "I can’t reach her. "; "sacrament_i_198" = "She didn’t have to say more, but-"; "sacrament_i_199" = "I can only smile when she says"; "sacrament_i_200" = "“I want to have a dream of our own”"; "sacrament_i_201" = "“Anna, I found a way out, but I need your help."; "sacrament_i_202" = "Please, help me. "; "sacrament_i_203" = "I need to get out of here.”"; "sacrament_i_204" = "I seat Naomi down, and take my place across from her. "; "sacrament_i_205" = "Naomi listens for the rounds to end, then crawls to my bed."; "sacrament_i_206" = "The cracks come together to form a picture in my head - a gap, an emptiness, forming through my will."; "sacrament_i_207" = "A lone shadow on a sunny day."; "sacrament_i_208" = "As we enter our sleep, I take us outwards instead of in, to the Sanctum’s hazy walls."; "sacrament_i_209" = "Taking hold, wrapping our bodies."; "sacrament_i_210" = "So I push, I strain, forcing myself harder than I ever have, to drag Naomi and I towards the darkness."; "sacrament_i_211" = "“Come on-”"; "sacrament_i_212" = "I picture them, tall and chrome, with our figures lurking beneath. I search the ground for the tiniest of imperfections, gathering them in my head like doubts and memories."; "sacrament_i_213" = "We’re off, back to our secret place."; "sacrament_i_214" = "I scream a silent scream that cracks the world around us."; "sacrament_i_215" = "We’re looking back on the other side of the wall."; "sacrament_i_216" = "It all shatters, vision by vision, leaving only Naomi, the world, and me."; "sacrament_i_217" = "We’ve escaped."; "sacrament_i_218" = "A weight lifts and we can open our"; "sacrament_i_219" = "I wake to Naomi’s eyes staring at mine. They pierce the darkness, even as they’re hazy with tears."; "sacrament_i_220" = "She grabs me, and struggles to squeeze out her words:"; "sacrament_i_221" = "\"I found a way out.\""; "sacrament_i_222" = "Eyes"; "sacrament_i_223" = "Release"; "sacrament_i_224" = "Out"; "sacrament_i_225" = "In"; "sacrament_i_226" = "Small"; "sacrament_i_227" = "There are trees and flowers and stones and rivers."; "sacrament_i_228" = "We run, jumping around; the grass is so inviting."; "sacrament_i_229" = "Everything was so immediate."; "sacrament_i_230" = "Dirt and sand holding us to the heavens."; "sacrament_i_231" = "Light bounces off every surface, the lunar glow wrapping around us."; "sacrament_i_232" = "Everything was so real."; "sacrament_i_233" = "Our feathers shine, and in our hearts, we can feel the cage being lifted."; "sacrament_i_234" = "As soon as the air hit our face, it was like Naomi transformed, back to who I knew."; "sacrament_i_235" = "I turn to Naomi and look her in the eyes, "; "sacrament_i_236" = "“I’m ready to dream.”"; "sacrament_i_237" = "And we let ourselves get lost in each other."; "sacrament_i_238" = "Gravity"; "sacrament_i_239" = "Too innocent."; "sacrament_i_240" = "Solemnity"; "sacrament_i_241" = "Too naive."; "sacrament_i_242" = "Electricity"; "sacrament_i_243" = "“Anna, wake up! "; "sacrament_i_244" = "what"; "sacrament_i_245" = "Stalking."; "sacrament_i_246" = "She pulls me up and points."; "sacrament_i_247" = "stripped"; "sacrament_i_248" = "Haunting."; "sacrament_i_249" = "THEY FOUND US!!\""; "sacrament_i_250" = "In the distance, three figures."; "sacrament_i_251" = "from"; "sacrament_i_252" = "is"; "sacrament_i_253" = "reverie"; "sacrament_i_254" = "reality"; "sacrament_i_255" = "N...no..."; "sacrament_i_256" = "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"; "sacrament_i_257" = "NO"; "sacrament_i_258" = "Naomi"; "sacrament_i_259" = "Her wings more brilliant than any I've ever seen."; "sacrament_i_260" = "Shining in the darkness, Naomi brings hope. "; "sacrament_i_261" = "She looks back to me, and time freezes."; "examine_label_listen" = ": Listen"; "sacrament_i_262" = "BANG"; "sacrament_i_263" = "Mother"; "sacrament_i_264" = "Go"; "sacrament_i_265" = "Faster"; "sacrament_i_266" = "Free"; "sacrament_i_267" = "Have you ever seen an angel die?"; "sacrament_i_268" = "Over the hill."; "sacrament_i_269" = "She sows discord among the Nightmares. They recoil in pain as Naomi’s light hits, blood leaking from every crack, smoke rising from every wound."; "sacrament_i_270" = "She's...beautiful."; "sacrament_i_271" = "And Naomi’s light only grows stronger, and stro…"; "sacrament_i_272" = "My legs hurt "; "sacrament_i_273" = "I want to say something, but a force pushes me back,"; "sacrament_i_274" = "So happy..."; "sacrament_i_275" = "but i cannot falter"; "sacrament_i_276" = "So I"; "sacrament_i_277" = "So..."; "sacrament_i_278" = "My insides turn to stone as Naomi snaps,"; "sacrament_i_279" = "Naomi's words make my heart jump, but I don't want to go."; "sacrament_i_280" = "“Go Anna! I’ve got this!"; "sacrament_i_281" = "And beside them."; "sacrament_i_282" = "Among them."; "sacrament_i_283" = "She motions and points, sealing our doom."; "sacrament_i_284" = "I have to be strong for..."; "sacrament_i_285" = "A flash of light bathes the forest in white."; "sacrament_i_286" = "her."; "sacrament_i_287" = "I look behind me, and there..."; "sacrament_i_288" = "I don't want to leave her."; "sacrament_i_289" = "Within them."; "sacrament_i_290" = "“Run!”"; "sacrament_i_291" = "\"I said I’d protect you, didn’t I?”"; "sacrament_i_292" = "The Nightmare is upon us."; "sacrament_i_293" = "...she did. She promised."; "sacrament_i_294" = "Controlling them."; "sacrament_i_295" = "IT DOESN'T HELP\\n\\nIT DOESN'T HELP\\n\\nIT DOESN'T HELP"; "sacrament_i_296" = "They don’t stop they don’t stop they don’t stop"; "sacrament_i_297" = "It doesn't help."; "sacrament_i_298" = "A slash across her cheek."; "sacrament_i_299" = "Tearing the flesh from her wrists"; "sacrament_i_300" = "Smashing her bones into Nothingness."; "sacrament_i_301" = "She pushes me down further. The ground sinks at my weight. "; "sacrament_i_302" = "the ground takes me"; "sacrament_i_303" = "Kill me."; "sacrament_i_304" = "They crumble to dust as I shred their brittle bodies."; "sacrament_i_305" = "I don’t want to live anymore."; "sacrament_i_306" = "Rage,"; "sacrament_i_307" = "It Doesn't Help."; "sacrament_i_308" = "A palm on my face, Mother is upon me."; "sacrament_i_309" = "Kill me!"; "sacrament_i_310" = "I don’t want to live anymore."; "sacrament_i_311" = "only the Darkness remains"; "sacrament_i_312" = "ONE."; "sacrament_i_313" = "Her final cry, pathetic and meek, floats into the air. Scattered white and black dust."; "sacrament_i_314" = "sorrow,"; "sacrament_i_315" = "The earth is retaking me, returning to ash."; "sacrament_i_316" = "I'll kill everyone!!!!!-"; "sacrament_i_317" = "AAAAAAAAA-"; "sacrament_i_318" = "AFTER."; "sacrament_i_319" = "ANOTHER."; "sacrament_i_320" = "I accept this. "; "sacrament_i_321" = "KILL ME!!"; "sacrament_i_322" = "bloodlust."; "sacrament_i_323" = "Crashing into the ground. My head pounds, my ears ring. I feel blood trickle down my neck. Mother must die."; "sacrament_i_324" = "But not before Mother"; "sacrament_i_325" = "Mother Must Die."; "sacrament_i_326" = "Dies"; "sacrament_i_327" = "Kill"; "sacrament_i_328" = "i Deserve this"; "sacrament_i_329" = "Together"; "sacrament_i_330" = "Let the water consume..."; "sacrament_i_331" = "As I sink, I feel cold."; "sacrament_i_332" = "Deep in my body; deep in my self."; "sacrament_i_333" = "Floating, falling."; "sacrament_i_334" = "Is it...Naomi?"; "sacrament_i_335" = "My vision starts to return."; "sacrament_i_336" = "Naomi, I’ve finally done it. For you."; "sacrament_i_337" = "I am here, standing on an endless ocean."; "sacrament_i_338" = "A dream of our own."; "sacrament_i_339" = "I can see the shore ahead of me, and the ethereal sun, half-remembered."; "sacrament_i_340" = "I made it..."; "sacrament_i_341" = "But you are here, in my arms."; "sacrament_i_342" = "come back"; "sacrament_i_343" = "As she takes shape in my mind,"; "sacrament_i_344" = "I focus as hard as I can, picturing her: her eyes, her smile,"; "sacrament_i_345" = "Naomi..."; "sacrament_i_346" = "It made her so insecure, but she never showed it…"; "sacrament_i_347" = "In my arms"; "sacrament_i_348" = "please, come back"; "sacrament_i_349" = "So fearless, self-assured"; "sacrament_i_350" = "That awkward way she walked, legs too long for her body"; "sacrament_i_351" = "and shoulders slightly too broad-"; "sacrament_i_352" = "A weight brings me down, further..."; "sacrament_i_353" = "come back to me"; "sacrament_i_354" = "If only on the outside"; "sacrament_i_355" = "-so perfect to me"; "sacrament_i_356" = "and further..."; "upgrade_revert" = "Revert Upgrade"; "upgrade_revert_desc" = "Reverts last stat Upgrade and replenishes spent La."; "upgrade_shuffle" = "Shuffle Upgrade"; "upgrade_shuffle_desc" = "Refresh Upgrade options at a small cost."; "school_cross_09" = "It's the spaces between where the visions thrive."; "vcr_00" = "Inserted Videotape \"The Dream\". The TV begins to hum."; "vcr_01" = "Inserted Videotape \"The Future\". The TV begins to hum."; "vcr_02" = "Inserted Videotape \"The Past\". The TV begins to hum."; "vcr_03" = "A tape is inserted. The TV seems to be waiting for you."; "vcr_04" = "An old VCR. It can play videotapes."; "vcr_05" = "The tape ends, but the TV still flickers."; "sacrament_v_00" = "Deep"; "sacrament_v_01" = "You see the clouds, the stars, the smoke, the expanse"; "sacrament_v_02" = "And lift yourself up"; "sacrament_v_03" = "Closer, \\n closer! "; "sacrament_v_04" = "A twinge in your back"; "sacrament_v_05" = "Painful, piercing"; "sacrament_v_06" = "a wish for "; "sacrament_v_07" = "So you lift your spirit,"; "sacrament_v_08" = "and you let"; "sacrament_v_09" = "your"; "sacrament_v_10" = "body"; "sacrament_v_11" = "And the cars below screech"; "sacrament_v_12" = "A reflection of the polluted sky "; "sacrament_v_13" = "Twinkling, streaking, dreaming..."; "sacrament_v_14" = "As the wind whips your hair and kisses your face"; "sacrament_v_15" = "You hope you can hit the water"; "sacrament_v_16" = "And be purified"; "sacrament_v_17" = "Find salvation "; "sacrament_v_18" = "Or, at least you think..."; "sacrament_v_19" = "you thought..."; "sacrament_v_20" = "So that this may be the end."; "sacrament_v_21" = "Is this what you wanted?"; "sacrament_v_22" = "For we will be cleansed"; "sacrament_v_23" = "We fall so he may rise"; "sacrament_v_24" = "and"; "sacrament_v_25" = "that we may never wake again"; "sacrament_v_26" = "At the end of the world"; "sacrament_v_27" = "Where you will no longer exist"; "sacrament_v_28" = "Feathers to tear your skin, bursting forth"; "sacrament_v_29" = "The pain, the blood, pulling you to a place"; "sacrament_v_30" = "Promised in your early days"; "sacrament_v_31" = "into"; "sacrament_v_32" = "below"; "sacrament_v_33" = "rejoice"; "sacrament_v_34" = "pray"; "sacrament_v_35" = "oblivion"; "sacrament_v_36" = "sacrament V"; "sacrament_v_37" = "wings"; "sacrament_v_38" = "fall"; "sacrament_iii_00" = "In the distance, you see a small glimmer\\nand you"; "sacrament_iii_01" = "A lamp post, then two, then the whole street"; "sacrament_iii_02" = "Cobblestone shifts beneath your feet"; "sacrament_iii_03" = "You…know this place, where you know you’ve never been"; "sacrament_iii_04" = "Only the vaguest memory of an old dream"; "sacrament_iii_05" = "nil recurring\\nbut still, it beckons you"; "sacrament_iii_06" = "She beckons"; "sacrament_iii_07" = "it sounds warm and inviting\\nand all you have to do is walk"; "sacrament_iii_08" = "but again, something draws you away"; "sacrament_iii_09" = "away from the lamps, ascending the stone walls\\nup the stairwell"; "sacrament_iii_10" = "the glow and din of the old city fades "; "sacrament_iii_11" = "as the path comes upon a freeway, paved but\\nneglected"; "sacrament_iii_12" = "wearing years of cracks and decay"; "sacrament_iii_13" = "and ahead, a row of high rises\\neach the same as the last"; "sacrament_iii_14" = "wilted and pale, but with a memory of shimmering\\nblue"; "sacrament_iii_15" = "of an ocean that once was, beyond the horizon"; "sacrament_iii_16" = "one door is unlocked, and opens as you pass"; "sacrament_iii_17" = "the hum of electricity comforts you\\nit reminds you of a home you never had"; "sacrament_iii_18" = "and you feel less"; "sacrament_iii_19" = "110…110…110"; "sacrament_iii_20" = "the number, repeating"; "sacrament_iii_21" = "as you ride the elevator, up, and up, and up"; "sacrament_iii_22" = "the cable creaking, shaking"; "sacrament_iii_23" = "and yet, you’re peaceful"; "sacrament_iii_24" = "shaking, up, and"; "sacrament_iii_25" = "you find the apartment, same as the others"; "sacrament_iii_26" = "at the end of the hall"; "sacrament_iii_27" = "you know, because no one was there\\nin any of the other rooms"; "sacrament_iii_28" = "you know, because no one was there\\nyou can feel that they left, years ago"; "sacrament_iii_29" = "leaving everything behind"; "sacrament_iii_30" = "they only had so much time"; "sacrament_iii_31" = "but here, here…"; "sacrament_iii_32" = "You Are Here."; "sacrament_iii_33" = "It All Comes Back"; "sacrament_iii_34" = "The Feeling "; "sacrament_iii_35" = "ThE FeELInG"; "sacrament_iii_36" = "THE FEELING"; "sacrament_iii_37" = "silence"; "sacrament_iii_38" = "nothingness"; "sacrament_iii_39" = "As you walk down the street, you see the buildings\\nalong your side"; "sacrament_iii_40" = "With a separate path, twisting over the slope of the hill"; "sacrament_iii_41" = "You hear laughter, excitement, togetherness - people in the darkness ahead"; "sacrament_iii_42" = "DOOR"; "sacrament_iii_43" = "the"; "sacrament_iii_44" = "open"; "sacrament_iii_45" = "alone"; "sacrament_iii_46" = "approach"; "sacrament_iii_47" = "you"; "sacrament_iii_48" = "instead"; "sacrament_iii_49" = "up"; "sacrament_iii_50" = "oblivion"; "sacrament_iii_51" = "sacrament iii"; "sacrament_vii_00" = "I can see the edges, and i’m afraid"; "sacrament_vii_01" = "Like the ones you made for me."; "sacrament_vii_02" = "Anna"; "sacrament_vii_03" = "Afraid we’ll be "; "sacrament_vii_04" = "It’s time for me to go."; "sacrament_vii_05" = "I love you, \\nbut this world is not for me anymore."; "sacrament_vii_06" = "swallowed"; "sacrament_vii_07" = "whole"; "sacrament_vii_08" = "thousands and thousands in the sky,"; "sacrament_vii_09" = "extending to infinity,"; "sacrament_vii_10" = "I stole that feeling, alone with you"; "sacrament_vii_11" = "pristine, gentle,"; "sacrament_vii_12" = "so,"; "sacrament_vii_13" = "Your face, soft and peaceful,"; "sacrament_vii_14" = "When your breath slowed, I took my chance."; "sacrament_vii_15" = "Slid into the shadows and opened the door."; "sacrament_vii_16" = "a warmth in our hearts"; "sacrament_vii_17" = " a petal on the breeze kisses my cheek"; "sacrament_vii_18" = "showed the most pleasant"; "sacrament_vii_19" = "so"; "sacrament_vii_20" = "dancing at our touch"; "sacrament_vii_21" = "shooting stars"; "sacrament_vii_22" = "fields of flowers"; "sacrament_vii_23" = "mountains of snow"; "sacrament_vii_24" = "One Last Time"; "sacrament_vii_25" = "sacrament vii"; "sacrament_vii_26" = "quietly"; "sacrament_vii_27" = "dream"; "sacrament_vii_28" = "I grip the feather"; "sacrament_vii_29" = "With the memory of your touch on my skin"; "sacrament_vii_30" = "I’m such a coward"; "sacrament_vii_31" = "every nerve screams"; "sacrament_vii_32" = "How you hid your wings even once we reached paradise"; "sacrament_vii_33" = "I grip the feather"; "sacrament_vii_34" = "every nerve screams"; "sacrament_vii_35" = "Your face pulling from mine, eyes cast downward"; "sacrament_vii_36" = "Because i was happy and now there’s nothing"; "sacrament_vii_37" = "To climb the trees and knit crowns of leaves"; "sacrament_vii_38" = "Did you construct each to grate against my skin?"; "sacrament_vii_39" = "How we’d entwine our fingers as you held my hand"; "sacrament_vii_40" = "How soft your skin felt"; "sacrament_vii_41" = "How you’d whisper in my ear all the things"; "sacrament_vii_42" = "I don’t know anymore"; "sacrament_vii_43" = "No matter how rough, how much we toiled or fought."; "sacrament_vii_44" = "But as the days went on you began to feel safe"; "sacrament_vii_45" = "Even as you sang, lullabies in the air to create these beautiful escapes"; "sacrament_vii_46" = "because i couldn't stand to see you cry"; "sacrament_vii_47" = "And that we were so trapped"; "sacrament_vii_48" = "AND THE NIGHTMARES CAME BACK"; "sacrament_vii_49" = "every nerve screams"; "sacrament_vii_50" = "Your lips, how they spoke to me"; "sacrament_vii_51" = "I grip the feather"; "sacrament_vii_52" = "The light becoming so dark against your radiance"; "sacrament_vii_53" = "i want to go back"; "sacrament_vii_54" = "And slowly, you let them"; "sacrament_vii_55" = "Though there’s no hope to go back to, no home beckons"; "sacrament_vii_56" = "and that i was really here"; "sacrament_vii_57" = "With the countless stars and waves"; "sacrament_vii_58" = "Waking in your arms, feeling the water and the grass"; "sacrament_vii_59" = "Beautiful and bright, a sparkle in my eye"; "sacrament_vii_60" = "But each thereafter, could only be echoes"; "sacrament_vii_61" = "I grip the feather"; "sacrament_vii_62" = "I love you but the words are failing me"; "sacrament_vii_63" = "All melt, wash, sink into the ocean"; "sacrament_vii_64" = "I let my wings unfurl"; "sacrament_vii_65" = "The spark in your eye became the birds and the snow and the drops of rain"; "sacrament_vii_66" = "At least back then"; "sacrament_vii_67" = "How i’d run my fingers through your hair."; "sacrament_vii_68" = "And make you feel warm and safe"; "sacrament_vii_69" = "At least, not any longer"; "sacrament_vii_70" = "Only memories but real in your heart"; "sacrament_vii_71" = "I’d be there to comfort you and tell you it was okay"; "sacrament_vii_72" = "You’ve kept them to yourself as i hid"; "sacrament_vii_73" = "As I held you"; "sacrament_vii_74" = "I grip the feather"; "sacrament_vii_75" = "every nerve screams"; "sacrament_vii_76" = "with all feeling in my heart"; "sacrament_vii_77" = "every nerve screams"; "sacrament_vii_78" = "The color of your eyes turning pale; i can no longer remember their shade"; "sacrament_vii_79" = "Like it knows."; "sacrament_vii_80" = "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you then."; "sacrament_vii_81" = "On the shore, the waves grew so large"; "sacrament_vii_82" = "SOMETHING IS WRONG SOMETHING IS WRONG"; "sacrament_vii_83" = "On the nights where the nightmares roamed"; "sacrament_vii_84" = "the connection"; "sacrament_vii_85" = "The connection"; "sacrament_vii_86" = "and with these thoughts of you, i pull"; "sacrament_vii_87" = "something is wrong, something is wrong"; "sacrament_vii_88" = "but i don't know how to make it "; "sacrament_vii_89" = "we’ll never get to do."; "sacrament_vii_90" = "but I'm afraid of how this"; "sacrament_vii_91" = "but i don't know how to make it "; "sacrament_vii_92" = "I place my hand on the next feather"; "sacrament_vii_93" = "Because the feeling fades, and i know that’s supposed to be okay"; "sacrament_vii_94" = "But i have to go on"; "sacrament_vii_95" = "But an empty shell and a million grains of sand"; "sacrament_vii_96" = "I can’t remember who you are or what i am"; "sacrament_vii_97" = "as i failed"; "sacrament_vii_98" = "The darkness no longer haunting"; "sacrament_vii_99" = "Scared of what might become, and what i might never have"; "sacrament_vii_100" = "it's impossible to go"; "sacrament_vii_101" = "That come more and more each day"; "sacrament_vii_102" = "To remind me that what we have is fleeting?"; "sacrament_vii_103" = "your words, my only comfort"; "sacrament_vii_104" = "Under a sky where the sun is fading"; "sacrament_vii_105" = "As you pulled me close to kiss my shaking head"; "sacrament_vii_106" = "Because you felt they weren’t beautiful enough"; "sacrament_vii_107" = "As i place my hand on the first feather"; "sacrament_vii_108" = "Gripping and pulling me along"; "sacrament_vii_109" = "That the nightmares couldn’t catch you"; "sacrament_vii_110" = "I place my hand on the next feather"; "sacrament_vii_111" = "With a finger on my cheek"; "sacrament_vii_112" = "How they’d make you toss and turn and scream"; "sacrament_vii_113" = "To splash in the waves and pick at the flowers"; "sacrament_vii_114" = "How it was so thick it’d hide your horns that pressed gently against my skin."; "sacrament_vii_115" = "because i couldn’t stand to see you"; "sacrament_vii_116" = "with you"; "sacrament_vii_117" = "And we couldn’t escape"; "sacrament_vii_118" = "I place my hand on the next feather"; "sacrament_vii_119" = "AND MY HEART ACHED"; "sacrament_vii_120" = "Crashing, filling my ears"; "sacrament_vii_121" = "I place my hand on the next feather"; "sacrament_vii_122" = "They don’t shine like before, but they glint in the moonlight"; "sacrament_vii_123" = "And i embraced you, joyous"; "sacrament_vii_124" = "Before the memories came back"; "sacrament_vii_125" = "I drop to my knees on the sand"; "sacrament_vii_126" = "Reminding us of infinity, and our special place within it"; "sacrament_vii_127" = "Before you drifted back off"; "sacrament_vii_128" = "Paralyzed "; "sacrament_vii_129" = "A world of ghosts and whispers, none of which i can hear"; "sacrament_vii_130" = "Digging into my skin"; "sacrament_vii_131" = "And they rang, they rang, they rang."; "sacrament_vii_132" = "What’s done is "; "sacrament_vii_133" = "Making it all the more painful."; "sacrament_vii_134" = "How when you cut it, the back of your head would prickle on my hand"; "sacrament_vii_135" = "I’m so foolish and frightened, but the damage is done and i have to pull away"; "sacrament_vii_136" = "and think of you:\n"; "sacrament_vii_137" = "That Mother couldn’t hurt you"; "sacrament_vii_138" = "I felt myself melt into you, happy once and in all"; "sacrament_vii_139" = "But i don’t want to be"; "sacrament_vii_140" = "Because they were too dark, too dull, and did not shine"; "sacrament_vii_141" = "We couldn’t fly, but we could finally dream..."; "sacrament_vii_142" = "AND I COULDN'T STAND TO TELL YOU"; "sacrament_vii_143" = "severs\n"; "sacrament_vii_144" = "It recalled the first, our"; "sacrament_vii_145" = "To that rupturing feeling"; "sacrament_vii_146" = "This way and that, to show me the paradise we had created"; "sacrament_vii_147" = "your hands"; "sacrament_vii_148" = "If i even exist"; "sacrament_vii_149" = "And sunk their claws in"; "sacrament_vii_150" = "When you see this fall apart"; "sacrament_vii_151" = "Or when you pulled me close"; "sacrament_vii_152" = "I place in your"; "sacrament_vii_153" = "Before a comfort, now coarse and burning"; "sacrament_vii_154" = "your wings"; "sacrament_vii_155" = "your hair"; "sacrament_vii_156" = "your lips"; "sacrament_vii_157" = "your eyes"; "sacrament_vii_158" = "you"; "sacrament_vii_159" = "further"; "sacrament_vii_160" = "work"; "sacrament_vii_161" = "unfurl"; "sacrament_vii_162" = "together"; "sacrament_vii_163" = "stop"; "sacrament_vii_164" = "back"; "sacrament_vii_165" = "right"; "sacrament_vii_166" = "hair"; "sacrament_vii_167" = "first"; "sacrament_vii_168" = "okay"; "sacrament_vii_169" = "ends"; "sacrament_vii_170" = "done"; "sacrament_vii_171" = "go"; "sacrament_vii_172" = "step"; "sacrament_vii_173" = "scream"; "sacrament_vii_174" = "When it became harder and harder to fit in this dream you had of you and i"; "sacrament_vii_175" = "We went back to where the stars played for us, but they no longer flew"; "sacrament_vii_176" = "When the highs became higher, but i couldn’t drown out the fighting"; "sacrament_vii_177" = "I took my first step, and the first stories leave"; "sacrament_vii_178" = "Then the new life we forged together, when the cracks started to show"; "sacrament_vii_179" = "I step, further onto the water"; "sacrament_vii_180" = "But i came to the edge"; "sacrament_vii_181" = "Anna,"; "sacrament_vii_182" = "And i felt you crying, even when i only saw shimmers in the air"; "sacrament_vii_183" = "Closer to the horizon"; "sacrament_vii_184" = "I know you were there, i could hear you shifting in the sand."; "sacrament_vii_185" = "Colors so brilliant they split the sky"; "sacrament_vii_186" = "The feathers lay on the sand before me, piled and matted."; "sacrament_vii_187" = "We strolled through the fields of flowers where we once hid, but they were wilted and brittle"; "sacrament_vii_188" = "I wasn’t what you needed and i tried, i really did"; "sacrament_vii_189" = "I can’t pull away from your gaze"; "sacrament_vii_190" = "And the waves quell before me"; "sacrament_vii_191" = "It wasn’t a dream of our own, it was only yours"; "sacrament_vii_192" = "My chest becomes so hot, so hot"; "sacrament_vii_193" = "The end of your world"; "sacrament_vii_194" = "It’s time for me to go"; "sacrament_vii_195" = "I feel so weightless and broken as the blood flows from my back."; "sacrament_vii_196" = "I may be naomi, but i’m not your naomi"; "sacrament_vii_197" = "I wanted to turn back, i wanted to cry out,"; "sacrament_vii_198" = "“Naomi”"; "sacrament_vii_199" = "I want to shout; i want it to stop; i need to breathe"; "sacrament_vii_200" = "When you held me and showed me the world"; "sacrament_vii_201" = "Im sorry for what i couldn’t be"; "sacrament_vii_202" = "Each memory and story hurts more than the last"; "sacrament_vii_203" = "And the weight in my stomach gets heavier and heavier"; "sacrament_vii_204" = "Whimpers leaving on my breath"; "sacrament_vii_205" = "And i don’t think you can be my anna anymore"; "sacrament_vii_206" = "In one last tortured whisper, you speak"; "sacrament_vii_207" = "And i took my last"; "sacrament_vii_208" = "I see you before me "; "sacrament_vii_209" = "Then you’re gone"; "sacrament_vii_210" = "Step by step, i begin to forget"; "sacrament_vii_211" = "Malnourished and i couldn’t bring them back"; "sacrament_vii_212" = "So i make it disappear"; "sacrament_vii_213" = "The feathers burn."; "sacrament_vii_214" = "But i hold"; "sacrament_vii_215" = "Purples and greens,"; "sacrament_vii_216" = "Please let me"; "sacrament_vii_217" = "My hands clasp and i scream a silent"; "sacrament_vii_218" = "reds and yellows"; "sacrament_vii_219" = "Everything turns to white"; "sacrament_iv_00" = "OBJECTIVE: Reach Ground Zero and investigate cause. "; "sacrament_iv_01" = "But I feel the ground begin to fall."; "sacrament_iv_02" = "12:01 AM, City Center: the sky turns red before a massive explosion demolishes half of downtown."; "sacrament_iv_03" = "File: Operation GOMORRAH\\nDate: April 15, 2049"; "sacrament_iv_04" = "Return any evidence of terrorism or blasphemous activity."; "sacrament_iv_05" = "Entire city blocks are decimated, and thousands of lives are wiped away without a trace."; "sacrament_iv_06" = "For the Glory and the Power; Now and Forever."; "sacrament_iv_07" = "All that remains is a single school building at the center of Ground Zero."; "sacrament_iv_08" = "Deployment:"; "sacrament_iv_09" = "A lake surrounded by green and white bloom"; "sacrament_iv_10" = "A summer’s breeze, reprieve from the heat that envelops me whole"; "sacrament_iv_11" = "Soft, drowning - but a voice reaches out"; "sacrament_iv_12" = "Kind eyes, welcoming me"; "sacrament_iv_13" = "Safe…"; "sacrament_iv_14" = "3..."; "sacrament_iv_15" = "2..."; "sacrament_iv_16" = "1..."; "sacrament_iv_17" = "Countdown"; "sacrament_iv_18" = "DROP"; "sacrament_iv_19" = "sacrament iv"; "sacrament_iv_20" = "AA"; "sacrament_iv_21" = "C"; "sacrament_iv_22" = "command"; "sacrament_iv_23" = "drifting"; "sacrament_iv_24" = "T H U D"; "sacrament_iv_25" = "Except for The Target."; "sacrament_iv_26" = "AA - 77"; "sacrament_iv_27" = "To my right, Special Agent AA-77 removes his parachute with precision."; "sacrament_iv_28" = "C - 89"; "sacrament_iv_29" = "The blast consumed everything that even hinted at life."; "sacrament_iv_30" = "As we descend, the air gets hotter"; "sacrament_iv_31" = "The skyline is radiant and grey."; "sacrament_iv_32" = "Burning, burning-"; "sacrament_iv_33" = "Tall, dark shadows dot a place that once was."; "sacrament_iv_34" = "What once sprung from the ground is not even ash."; "sacrament_iv_35" = "If we could still feel pain, it would be excruciating."; "sacrament_iv_36" = "Oblivion, left with only a grey-red sky."; "sacrament_iv_37" = "I’m not sure if the clouds mask dawn or dusk, but their stillness unsettles all the same"; "sacrament_iv_38" = "His eyes betray a clarity none of us have."; "sacrament_iv_39" = "Either courageous or reckless, we’re never sure. Death is such a foreign concept to our kind, maybe it’s curiosity that drives her spirit."; "sacrament_iv_40" = "AA for short, though “nicknames” are prohibited in official communication. He doesn’t wish to break that rule, and C teases him for it."; "sacrament_iv_41" = "We land. A swirl of red dust kicks up beneath our feet."; "sacrament_iv_42" = "The two turn to me."; "sacrament_iv_43" = "An expert in field aid and emergency response."; "sacrament_iv_44" = "Still, she’s the best fighter we’ve got."; "sacrament_iv_45" = "“Agent AA-77, reporting”. "; "sacrament_iv_46" = "To my left, Special Agent C-89 rips off her parachute and throws it to the ground."; "sacrament_iv_47" = "Her eyes beam with focus and bloodlust."; "sacrament_iv_48" = "“Agent C-89, reporting”."; "sacrament_iv_49" = "The earpiece audio is tinny, more than usual."; "sacrament_iv_50" = "“Director K-201, awaiting your ”. "; "sacrament_iv_51" = "I look at our team among the rubble, AA tall and stark, C lithe and anxious."; "sacrament_iv_52" = "We’re surrounded by abyss and totality; a field of rubble and dirt, red from the fires that burn away the nothingness."; "sacrament_iv_53" = "Stare into the space too long, and you feel lost, "; "sacrament_iv_54" = "And at the top, a shining light. A star in the morning sky. "; "sacrament_iv_55" = "\"On My Advance,\" and we "; "sacrament_iv_56" = "Protocol"; "sacrament_iv_57" = "a giant among the emptiness: P.S. 109."; "sacrament_iv_58" = "Slightly-below national average in performance. "; "sacrament_iv_59" = "Target 01: The Source."; "sacrament_iv_60" = "Three stories, standard construction, unremarkable but for its standing."; "sacrament_iv_61" = "As quickly as the thought invades, it leaves."; "sacrament_iv_62" = "The distortion takes notice."; "sacrament_iv_63" = "I raise my gun, but hesitate"; "sacrament_iv_64" = "C raises her gun."; "sacrament_iv_65" = "And I fire into the dust."; "sacrament_iv_66" = "“Team, move.”"; "sacrament_iv_67" = "“K, focus!!”"; "sacrament_iv_68" = "Faint, but present - the air distorts as wreckage seems to dissipate."; "sacrament_iv_69" = "Cover is sparse, low - the remains of a storefront; a crumpled new stand."; "sacrament_iv_70" = "No Way Back."; "sacrament_iv_71" = "“Hold!”, and my team complies."; "sacrament_iv_72" = "Over the airwave, the breathing of the squad."; "sacrament_iv_73" = "In my headset, the agents intone."; "sacrament_iv_74" = "Still,"; "sacrament_iv_75" = "Practice"; "sacrament_iv_76" = "“Draw weapons; forward”"; "sacrament_iv_77" = "C’s steps have a spring to them I don’t understand."; "sacrament_iv_78" = "Pebbles crunch under our boots."; "sacrament_iv_79" = "“Take aim and fir-”"; "sacrament_iv_80" = "That was stolen"; "sacrament_iv_81" = "The gears of bicycles turning."; "sacrament_iv_82" = "Over dead twigs that crumpled at mere sight."; "sacrament_iv_83" = "Stop"; "sacrament_iv_84" = "Fortune"; "sacrament_iv_85" = "There were more of them."; "sacrament_iv_86" = "Falling, standing;"; "sacrament_iv_87" = "Practice"; "sacrament_iv_88" = "Tires tracking down forbidden paths, past abandoned outposts and skeletal trees."; "sacrament_iv_89" = "Stone stairways and structures standing among nothing, rotted husks of a life that never was."; "sacrament_iv_90" = "Focus..."; "sacrament_iv_91" = "over the years - gliding."; "sacrament_iv_92" = "We evade right, towards a large pile of cement."; "sacrament_iv_93" = "C short, rapid, alert. AA slow, measured."; "sacrament_iv_94" = "We face...silence."; "sacrament_iv_95" = "AA moves without hesitation."; "sacrament_iv_96" = "AA and C take off, I follow."; "sacrament_iv_97" = "“Where is your hatred?”"; "sacrament_iv_98" = "Heat waves emitting before the school’s entrance."; "sacrament_iv_99" = "Before the command finishes, C unleashes hell on the presence."; "sacrament_iv_100" = "Swirling before us, it billows as we reload."; "sacrament_iv_101" = "fire,"; "sacrament_iv_102" = "“K, how do we engage?”"; "sacrament_iv_103" = "AA nods."; "sacrament_iv_104" = "It jitters in and out of existence, passing from cover to cover."; "sacrament_iv_105" = "“For the power and glory”"; "sacrament_iv_106" = "C’s cry pierces my eardrum."; "sacrament_iv_107" = "Step, step, one, two-"; "sacrament_iv_108" = "Silence."; "sacrament_iv_109" = "The movement has stopped, but the air reeks of tension."; "sacrament_iv_110" = "One two one two one two."; "sacrament_iv_111" = "Was it a skyscraper, or maybe a hospital?"; "sacrament_iv_112" = "crackle."; "sacrament_iv_113" = "It’s stifling."; "sacrament_iv_114" = "What’s wrong with m-"; "sacrament_iv_115" = "AA is quick to follow, steadying himself before picking his shots."; "sacrament_iv_116" = "Where- what-?"; "sacrament_iv_117" = "For a moment, I forget our purpose, until the air tears in two."; "sacrament_iv_118" = "The presence flickers between us and the Target."; "sacrament_iv_119" = "C doesn’t need to be told."; "sacrament_iv_120" = "And, it begins to clear."; "sacrament_iv_121" = "“Movement in the distance,” AA points."; "sacrament_iv_122" = "We’re not alone."; "sacrament_iv_123" = "S I L E N C e . . ."; "sacrament_iv_124" = "Protocol, practice, or fortune - we don’t question which."; "sacrament_iv_125" = "stoeln"; "sacrament_iv_126" = "All of us, together,"; "sacrament_iv_127" = "STolEN"; "sacrament_iv_128" = "laughing, playing, riding."; "sacrament_iv_129" = "solten"; "sacrament_iv_130" = "slslndslln"; "sacrament_iv_131" = "Ad vance"; "sacrament_iv_132" = "Fir e"; "sacrament_iv_133" = "e vade"; "sacrament_iv_134" = "M o v e"; "sacrament_iv_135" = "We flew through the woods; our escape."; "sacrament_iv_136" = "I look and it frightens me. I see danger and death, but my...."; "sacrament_iv_137" = "Who did I know?"; "sacrament_iv_138" = "I'm"; "sacrament_iv_139" = "I feel a feeling I forget and remember again."; "sacrament_iv_140" = "I’m free. I’m"; "sacrament_iv_141" = "Wheels spinning,"; "sacrament_iv_142" = "Struggle, I struggle, but the faces blur."; "sacrament_iv_143" = "The wires lead us home."; "sacrament_iv_144" = "So"; "sacrament_iv_145" = "Their faces peer back at me. Always there for me. Always patient."; "sacrament_iv_146" = "They stop; the trees clear."; "sacrament_iv_147" = "My friends see freedom."; "sacrament_iv_148" = "C? AA?"; "sacrament_iv_149" = "And so they turn to me. No eyes, but a smile."; "sacrament_iv_150" = "I trust my friends, and I trust their smiles."; "sacrament_iv_151" = "a"; "sacrament_iv_152" = "Friends"; "sacrament_iv_153" = "We"; "sacrament_iv_154" = "No, I didn’t know them then."; "sacrament_iv_155" = "Always there"; "sacrament_iv_156" = "Familiar, not quite there. My mind fills in the gaps."; "sacrament_iv_157" = "Where did their kindness come from."; "sacrament_iv_158" = "faster and faster,"; "sacrament_iv_159" = "Before us, miles of open air and grass. "; "sacrament_iv_160" = "My chest tightens, so tight I can’t breathe."; "sacrament_iv_161" = "Who Do I know?"; "sacrament_iv_162" = "Diving deeper into a place the world forgot,"; "sacrament_iv_163" = "Happy"; "sacrament_iv_164" = "Always patient..."; "sacrament_iv_165" = "feather"; "sacrament_iv_166" = "My heart hurts but it doesn’t matter."; "sacrament_iv_167" = "downwards"; "sacrament_iv_168" = "Highways of electricity carrying whispers and secrets."; "sacrament_iv_169" = "Down, they say; we go down."; "sacrament_iv_170" = "hoping"; "sacrament_iv_171" = "Where does kindness go."; "sacrament_iv_172" = "I know more than them? Why is it so hard to remember!?"; "sacrament_iv_173" = "Friends?"; "sacrament_iv_174" = "I know they want what’s best for me."; "sacrament_iv_175" = "Fall..."; "sacrament_iv_176" = "it'd"; "sacrament_iv_177" = "and"; "sacrament_iv_178" = "in"; "sacrament_iv_179" = "the"; "sacrament_iv_180" = "up"; "sacrament_iv_181" = "forget"; "sacrament_iv_182" = "wind."; "sacrament_iv_183" = "us"; "sacrament_iv_184" = "too..."; "sacrament_iv_185" = "\"So pull it together,\""; "sacrament_iv_186" = "“Relax, AA,”"; "sacrament_iv_187" = "Everything is wrong. "; "sacrament_iv_188" = "“What the HELL was that thing!?”"; "sacrament_iv_189" = "“Come on,"; "sacrament_iv_190" = "leader,"; "sacrament_iv_191" = "let’s move”. "; "sacrament_iv_192" = "And she tosses the handgun aside."; "sacrament_iv_193" = "Its blood; our blood; pain and dust and death."; "sacrament_iv_194" = "AA cries."; "sacrament_iv_195" = "AA doesn’t get shaken like this. C is never this collected."; "sacrament_iv_196" = "BANG"; "sacrament_iv_197" = "C steps to the body, drawing her sidearm. She fires into its head."; "sacrament_iv_198" = "C and AA start walking towards the school. "; "sacrament_iv_199" = "I sigh and follow them in."; "sacrament_iv_200" = "We can see it, we can feel it, but it still doesn’t feel real."; "sacrament_iv_201" = "I look up from its corpse. I feel its blood trickle down my cheek. It’s still warm."; "sacrament_iv_202" = "“We can shoot it, we can kill it."; "sacrament_iv_203" = "“They didn’t train us for nothing.”"; "sacrament_iv_204" = "She throws a glare my way and it burns my face."; "sacrament_iv_205" = "There’s no child, only dust."; "sacrament_iv_206" = "In the corner, the muffled gasps of a child."; "sacrament_iv_207" = "Every desk is upturned. Chairs are thrown this way and that."; "sacrament_iv_208" = "Nothing but desks and a whiteboard. An unmoving ceiling fan."; "sacrament_iv_209" = "A blue screen from an outdated OS. It asks for a password. I don’t have time for this."; "sacrament_iv_210" = "Amongst dusty bookshelves stands a single desk and chair."; "sacrament_iv_211" = "Desks, papers, flickering monitors. A dripping coffee maker."; "sacrament_iv_212" = "There’s three levels. Stairs on the east and west sides."; "sacrament_iv_213" = "Inside the entrance, a large WELCOME board nailed to the wall."; "sacrament_iv_214" = "A flicker behind me. I thought there was nothing?"; "sacrament_iv_215" = "...like the ones I went to?"; "sacrament_iv_216" = "And the figures that overlook us."; "sacrament_iv_217" = "This story is dedicated to the Norton crew; they know who they are."; "sacrament_iv_218" = "Unmoving and threatening. So tall, ready to crush us."; "sacrament_iv_219" = "[2/12/2020]\\nToday the coffee was too hot. My throat still burns. Please advise."; "sacrament_iv_220" = "C’s glare burns my eyes. I feel AA’s resentment."; "sacrament_iv_221" = "I don’t see anything, but I feel their presence."; "sacrament_iv_222" = "Is command messing with us?"; "sacrament_iv_223" = "I gotta leave. Get back on track. Accomplish"; "sacrament_iv_224" = "It’s definitely not simple graffiti, and I don’t recognize the symbol from anywhere."; "sacrament_iv_225" = "I could try shooting the handle off, but I don’t want to risk detection from another of those..."; "sacrament_iv_226" = "The door doesn’t open."; "sacrament_iv_227" = "I turn at the sound of boots and guns."; "sacrament_iv_228" = "[4/12/2048]\\nTHeY tell me the children’s secrets. I only see red and grey. Kill them, please, please-"; "sacrament_iv_229" = "[10/30/2036]\\nThe children are too loud. Why are they getting so loud. Please advise."; "sacrament_iv_230" = "Laughing, smiling, their teeth sharp and hungry."; "sacrament_iv_231" = "The door’s collapsed. The stairwell is crumbled to dust."; "sacrament_iv_232" = "I only hear their gears as they fade away"; "sacrament_iv_233" = "My leg...the pedal’s mangled me, the chains entangle."; "sacrament_iv_234" = "I’ve lost control of the mission; whatever."; "sacrament_iv_235" = "Hollow cavities where their eyes would be. No kindness, only jeers. Circling as if the rub in my failure, burying me with the dust and grass."; "sacrament_iv_236" = "Oh god, oh god, don’t take this away from me too."; "sacrament_iv_237" = "\"I'm on my way\""; "sacrament_iv_238" = "Help me "; "sacrament_iv_239" = "Except C and AA. Where are they?"; "sacrament_iv_240" = "I turn on my Low-Light Vision, but I’m not surprised by what I see."; "sacrament_iv_241" = "“K, are you okay!?” AA’s voice comes through my earpiece."; "sacrament_iv_242" = "So many papers on the wall:"; "sacrament_iv_243" = "The school’s lights are out, obviously."; "sacrament_iv_244" = "“C? AA? Report…”"; "sacrament_iv_245" = "The fall was too much."; "sacrament_iv_246" = "stop"; "sacrament_iv_247" = "C and AA are gone."; "sacrament_iv_248" = "It hurts, it hurts"; "sacrament_iv_249" = "the damn pedal..."; "sacrament_iv_250" = "I have to"; "sacrament_iv_251" = "What the hell K, keep it together."; "sacrament_iv_252" = "Anything"; "sacrament_iv_253" = "Oh, they’re gone again. Were they there? Oh my GOD"; "sacrament_iv_254" = "It looks vaguely occult, but we always skipped over that sort of stuff in training."; "sacrament_iv_255" = "Nothing seems wrong, though the handle is ice-cold."; "sacrament_iv_256" = "Everything else is normal; why did this have to be ruined."; "sacrament_iv_257" = "My chest loses its grip; I can’t believe it."; "sacrament_iv_258" = "Command..."; "sacrament_iv_259" = "things."; "sacrament_iv_260" = "Little ghosts flickering around me, somehow both pale and luminous."; "sacrament_iv_261" = "The edges of my vision take hold. So dark, so red."; "sacrament_iv_262" = "We were attacked by a thing that didn’t even look like it should exist."; "sacrament_iv_263" = "No, they can handle themselves."; "sacrament_iv_264" = "There’s no windows in this room, but I can feel them looking at me."; "sacrament_iv_265" = "Or I think I went."; "sacrament_iv_266" = "A machine I don’t recognize flashes to life. It emits a white light and projects to the wall. A symbol like the one on the door."; "sacrament_iv_267" = "banners for bake sales,"; "sacrament_iv_268" = "We’re not getting out of here, are we?"; "sacrament_iv_269" = "A main office straight ahead, and classrooms the rest of the way."; "sacrament_iv_270" = "He’s hunched over, facing away. I hear my own voice in his gentle sobs."; "sacrament_iv_271" = "It’s an empty school. I’m almost disturbed it's so ordinary."; "sacrament_iv_272" = "Tall, creaky, leather."; "sacrament_iv_273" = "my voice trails off."; "sacrament_iv_274" = "I go deeper, beyond the glass walls into the interior office, past the copiers and printers."; "sacrament_iv_275" = "Three memos are stuck to the bottom of the screen."; "sacrament_iv_276" = "The air is sterile like the fluorescent lights overhead (if they still worked)."; "sacrament_iv_277" = "Staring, looking, piercing me."; "sacrament_iv_278" = "So much dust, I’m going to be sick."; "sacrament_iv_279" = "And then I hear them again. My ears are ringing, I can’t stop shaking."; "sacrament_iv_280" = "I feel nauseous. I have to leave."; "sacrament_iv_281" = "These weren’t my friends, but I can’t remember anything else. "; "sacrament_iv_282" = "“K, we found something, we need you over here,” C’s voice is calm, reassuring. Oh God, thank you."; "sacrament_iv_283" = "At least there are windows looking out on the destroyed city."; "sacrament_iv_284" = "Like they were afraid just talking about it would Damn us."; "sacrament_iv_285" = "Something in the air suffocates the words."; "sacrament_iv_286" = "They don’t need me."; "sacrament_iv_287" = "From this vast emptiness to this...prison, I can’t let this anxiety go."; "sacrament_iv_288" = "I hear that hurt, it feels so familiar…"; "sacrament_iv_289" = "after school clubs"; "sacrament_iv_290" = "Shouldn’t exist. Exist. E-xi-sten-t"; "sacrament_iv_291" = "What...was it again?"; "sacrament_iv_292" = "An ordinary school."; "sacrament_iv_293" = "no, still Alone."; "sacrament_iv_294" = "The only Command I hear is that running critique in my head."; "sacrament_iv_295" = "On closer inspection, something is scratched into the door."; "sacrament_iv_296" = "The grey cement closes in."; "sacrament_iv_297" = "The subtle glow of the computer reflects off a cracked picture frame hanging on the far wall."; "sacrament_iv_298" = "the basketball schedule."; "sacrament_iv_299" = "Come back, please come back please..."; "sacrament_iv_300" = "we haven’t heard from them."; "sacrament_iv_301" = "i dont need me"; "sacrament_iv_302" = "Proof of existence. "; "sacrament_iv_303" = "WORTHLESS"; "sacrament_iv_304" = "might as well be"; "sacrament_iv_305" = "help me"; "sacrament_iv_306" = "I’m not meant for this"; "sacrament_iv_307" = "Fallen in the dirt"; "sacrament_iv_308" = "I'm sorry I went so far away."; "sacrament_iv_309" = "I scream; only echoes answer"; "sacrament_iv_310" = "Im not meant for thiS"; "sacrament_iv_311" = "help me help me help me help me help me"; "sacrament_iv_312" = "Know I still love you all, even if I'm not very good at showing it."; "sacrament_iv_313" = "A tangle of plants and chrome"; "sacrament_iv_314" = "The wires cackle above"; "sacrament_iv_315" = "[Help me]"; "sacrament_iv_316" = "f o c u s"; "sacrament_iv_317" = "Flyers"; "sacrament_iv_318" = "m a p"; "sacrament_iv_319" = "blank"; "sacrament_iv_320" = "east\\nstairwell"; "sacrament_iv_321" = "west\\nstairwell"; "sacrament_iv_322" = "office"; "sacrament_iv_323" = "classrooms a"; "sacrament_iv_324" = "classrooms b"; "sacrament_iv_325" = "please"; "sacrament_iv_326" = "go"; "sacrament_iv_327" = "Examine"; "sacrament_iv_328" = "[2/12/2020]"; "sacrament_iv_329" = "[10/30/2036]"; "sacrament_iv_330" = "[4/12/2048]"; "sacrament_iv_331" = "There's nothing for me here."; "sacrament_iv_332" = "help"; "sacrament_iv_333" = "blink"; "sacrament_iv_334" = "Oh"; "sacrament_iv_335" = "GOD"; "sacrament_iv_336" = "SOMETHING"; "sacrament_iv_337" = "SCREAM"; "sacrament_iv_338" = "way"; "sacrament_iv_339" = "I take point, raising my weapon as we head into the stairwell."; "sacrament_iv_340" = "I feel like I’m seeing my squad for the first time again."; "sacrament_iv_341" = "C and AA turn their flashlights to check the corners. We only see the shadows of cobwebs and dust."; "sacrament_iv_342" = "C tries to keep a whisper, but I can feel the excitement."; "sacrament_iv_343" = "“Let’s do this thing!”"; "sacrament_iv_344" = "“Let’s Move”"; "sacrament_iv_345" = "SHRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEE"; "sacrament_iv_346" = "“I was so worried, I thought we lost you…” C struggles to get her words out."; "sacrament_iv_347" = "“Yeah, I’m okay,” I don’t know what else to say."; "sacrament_iv_348" = "“We’ll find the target up this stairwell,” AA points as he lets me go."; "sacrament_iv_349" = "I rush to AA and C standing before the Western Stairwell. "; "sacrament_iv_350" = "I take a step up, then another. I hear C behind me, and AA-"; "sacrament_iv_351" = "The adrenaline, the rush...maybe we can do this."; "sacrament_iv_352" = "I know this is wrong but I don’t care."; "sacrament_iv_353" = "The door is off its hinge, and I feel like crying."; "sacrament_iv_354" = "“Whenever you’re ready, we await your command.”"; "sacrament_iv_355" = "They’re beaming with life and enthusiasm, like this nightmare wasn’t happening."; "sacrament_iv_356" = "If it’s what I needed to get pulled from That place, I won’t question it."; "sacrament_iv_357" = "i can't breathe"; "sacrament_iv_358" = "0.0006134259259259259"; "sacrament_iv_359" = "All those days, long ago"; "sacrament_iv_360" = "But they aren’t jeering, they aren’t laughing"; "sacrament_iv_361" = "0.0006018518518518519"; "sacrament_iv_362" = "0.00062500000000000001"; "sacrament_iv_363" = "It’s young, innocent, familiar"; "sacrament_iv_364" = "and the light fills me..."; "sacrament_iv_365" = "There, before me: my face."; "sacrament_iv_366" = "Now made real, the truth in my heart"; "sacrament_iv_367" = "Because i couldn’t do it"; "sacrament_iv_368" = "Christopher...Tyler...Kyle...and the rest...."; "sacrament_iv_369" = "Existent and paranoid, gathering my flesh and broken wings"; "sacrament_iv_370" = "I’m so hurt, i can’t move\\nThe blood pools around me"; "sacrament_iv_371" = "0.00059027777777777778"; "sacrament_iv_372" = "The pain, the pain; i yell and scream and shout\\nI want to stop but i can’t"; "sacrament_iv_373" = "The boy falls limp. A trickle of blood falls from his mouth."; "sacrament_iv_374" = "And then I see it. All of it, collapsing…"; "sacrament_iv_375" = "0.00068287037037037036"; "sacrament_iv_376" = "0.00065972222222222224"; "sacrament_iv_377" = "0.00067129629629629625"; "sacrament_iv_378" = "“Yeah, I’m okay,” I don’t know what else to say."; "sacrament_iv_379" = "sacrament_iv_379"; "sacrament_iv_380" = "“We’ll find the target up this stairwell,” AA points as he lets me go."; "sacrament_iv_381" = "When i wore that face"; "sacrament_iv_382" = "I see them, my friends, gather around me"; "sacrament_iv_383" = "They’re crying"; "sacrament_iv_384" = "And seeps into the heart\\nI fill it with my rage"; "sacrament_iv_385" = "So much hatred, i turn inward"; "sacrament_iv_386" = "They’re so scared"; "sacrament_iv_387" = "I hear them, i see their names, their eyes"; "sacrament_iv_388" = "The guilt like a knife in my stomach"; "sacrament_iv_389" = "More torn than the mess of blood and steel and bone that was my leg"; "sacrament_iv_390" = "They’re paralyzed and crying as the things rise from my blood"; "sacrament_iv_391" = "The figures; nightmares; this boy, my face with the empty eyes"; "sacrament_iv_392" = "Raising them up, slowly, agonizing"; "sacrament_iv_393" = "And we carry away, to my new life, swallowed by fear, gristle, guilt\\n\\nFeathers falling as we fade"; "sacrament_iv_394" = "Because I was too scared to feel"; "sacrament_iv_395" = "Because i couldn’t love them like they loved me"; "sacrament_iv_396" = "My mouth."; "sacrament_iv_397" = "Tightening; every muscle tightens\\nHands to my chest, I can’t breathe."; "sacrament_iv_398" = "Command, can you hear me? "; "sacrament_iv_399" = "C? AA? Anyone? Anyone there?"; "sacrament_iv_400" = "I’m sorry, "; "sacrament_iv_401" = "I’m sorry."; "sacrament_iv_402" = "There were people here, friends...but they’ve gone away."; "sacrament_iv_403" = "I threw them all away."; "sacrament_iv_404" = "Washed away with the tides."; "sacrament_iv_405" = "And the sky grows so red."; "sacrament_iv_406" = "All I can see…"; "sacrament_iv_407" = "0.00063657407407407413"; "sacrament_iv_408" = "When we were young, we always knew when to stop."; "sacrament_iv_409" = "Now I can’t...I can’t stop it, I can’t stop it."; "sacrament_iv_410" = "0.00064814814814814813"; "sacrament_iv_411" = "Throwing, wasting away."; "sacrament_iv_412" = "The ground, it’s so cold..."; "sacrament_iv_413" = "I'm not going to be okay-"; "sacrament_iv_414" = "This story is dedicated to the Norton crew; they know who they are."; "sacrament_iv_415" = "I'm sorry I went so far away."; "sacrament_iv_416" = "Know I still love you all, even if I'm not very good at showing it."; "sacrament_iv_417" = "-colin."; "sacrament_iv_418" = "SHRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEE"; "sacrament_iv_419" = "“God” AA intones."; "sacrament_iv_420" = "No..."; "sacrament_iv_421" = "(resume)"; "sacrament_iv_422" = "We’ve heard stories, or-"; "sacrament_iv_423" = "My hesitation is too much; C takes the cue:"; "sacrament_iv_424" = "Its claws - or what I can only call claws - whip by my face"; "sacrament_iv_425" = "It's dead."; "sacrament_iv_426" = "Abstract but corporeal, before us-"; "sacrament_iv_427" = "AA is scared. AA is never scared."; "sacrament_iv_428" = "\"ENGAGE THE NIGHTMARE!!\""; "sacrament_iv_429" = "It wasn't like this..."; "sacrament_iv_430" = "The air splits like an atom, fracturing time"; "sacrament_iv_431" = "The threat"; "sacrament_iv_432" = "blood-red in form and feel."; "sacrament_iv_433" = "A slice on my cheek."; "sacrament_iv_434" = "It glares with eyes I only assume exist."; "sacrament_iv_435" = "I’m perplexed."; "sacrament_iv_436" = "No"; "sacrament_iv_437" = "CRITICAL"; "sacrament_iv_438" = "nightmare"; "sacrament_iv_439" = "The nightmare slinks out of sight."; "sacrament_iv_440" = "The nightmare vanishes."; "sacrament_iv_441" = "The nightmare disappears behind some rubble."; "sacrament_iv_442" = "You still feel its presence."; "sacrament_iv_443" = "You hear it skittering in the shadows."; "sacrament_iv_444" = "scritch scratch scritch scratch"; "sacrament_iv_445" = "A being lashes from the shadows."; "sacrament_iv_446" = "A flash of red-"; "sacrament_iv_447" = "A howl rings out."; "sacrament_iv_448" = "TARGET recoils from the nightmare's edge."; "sacrament_iv_449" = "The nightmare appears, TARGET's blood on its teeth."; "sacrament_iv_450" = "The nightmare appears as a blur, barely missing TARGET's face."; "sacrament_iv_451" = "TARGET flinches as the nightmare runs past."; "sacrament_iv_452" = "Out of the dust, the nightmare returns."; "sacrament_iv_453" = "The nightmare lunges for TARGET."; "sacrament_iv_454" = "You can barely follow the nightmare as it moves."; "sacrament_iv_455" = "The nightmare shrieks as it pounces at TARGET."; "sacrament_iv_456" = "TARGET recoils from the nightmare's strike."; "sacrament_iv_457" = "Blood flies through the air as TARGET stumbles."; "sacrament_iv_458" = "TARGET cries in pain."; "sacrament_iv_459" = "TARGET narrowly avoids the nightmare."; "sacrament_iv_460" = "TARGET flinches as the nightmare runs past."; "sacrament_iv_461" = "The air whistles as the nightmare strikes past TARGET."; "sacrament_iv_462" = "TARGET flinches as the nightmare runs past."; "sacrament_iv_463" = "The air whistles as the nightmare strikes past TARGET."; "sacrament_iv_464" = "K — 201"; "sacrament_iv_465" = "C — 89"; "sacrament_iv_466" = "AA — 77"; "sacrament_iv_467" = "f i r e"; "sacrament_iv_468" = "s u p p r e s s"; "sacrament_iv_469" = "e x e c u t e"; "sacrament_iv_470" = "o v e r w a t c h"; "sacrament_iv_471" = "f i r s t a i d "; "sacrament_iv_472" = "t a k e c o v e r"; "sacrament_iv_473" = "K fires into the darkness."; "sacrament_iv_474" = "K fires at the nightmare."; "sacrament_iv_475" = "K lets loose a spray of bullets."; "sacrament_iv_476" = "The nightmare recoils in pain."; "sacrament_iv_477" = "The nightmare lets out a shriek."; "sacrament_iv_478" = "Direct hit."; "sacrament_iv_479" = "The bullets graze nothingness."; "sacrament_iv_480" = "He's only greeted by empty impacts."; "sacrament_iv_481" = "The bullets seem to vanish into thin air."; "sacrament_iv_482" = "K lays down suppressing fire."; "sacrament_iv_483" = "K blind-fires from cover."; "sacrament_iv_484" = "K hears the nightmare, and fires in its direction."; "sacrament_iv_485" = "The nightmare hesitates at the sound K's gunfire."; "sacrament_iv_486" = "The nightmare is forced to retreat."; "sacrament_iv_487" = "The nightmare is hit and seeks cover."; "sacrament_iv_488" = "The nightmare seems to slink away."; "sacrament_iv_489" = "The nightmare doesn't seem to be affected."; "sacrament_iv_490" = "The nightmare is not intimidated."; "sacrament_iv_491" = "K readies himself."; "sacrament_iv_492" = "K prepares to cover TARGET."; "sacrament_iv_493" = "K surveys TARGET's blindspots."; "sacrament_iv_494" = "K prepares to support TARGET."; "sacrament_iv_495" = "Choose ally to cover."; "sacrament_iv_496" = "K takes cover behind some rubble."; "sacrament_iv_497" = "K runs behind some ruins."; "sacrament_iv_498" = "K slides into cover."; "sacrament_iv_499" = "He takes the chance to catch his breath."; "sacrament_iv_500" = "Once behind cover, K begins to apply some minor first aid."; "sacrament_iv_501" = "K catches the nightmare in its attack!"; "sacrament_iv_502" = "K spots the nightmare and fires!"; "sacrament_iv_503" = "K interrupts the nightmare attack with cover fire!"; "sacrament_iv_504" = "The nightmare is struck by K's bullets."; "sacrament_iv_505" = "The nightmare flinches under K's gunfire."; "sacrament_iv_506" = "The nightmare barely escapes K's aim."; "sacrament_iv_507" = "The nightmare changes direction mid-air and evades."; "sacrament_iv_508" = "C lights up the darkness."; "sacrament_iv_509" = "C fires at the nightmare."; "sacrament_iv_510" = "C takes aim and unloads her clip."; "sacrament_iv_511" = "The bullet collides; direct impact."; "sacrament_iv_512" = "A small cloud of blood explodes from the nightmare."; "sacrament_iv_513" = "Hit Confirmed."; "sacrament_iv_514" = "The bullets sound like hellfire when they strike the rubble."; "sacrament_iv_515" = "She curses under her breath when the bullets miss their target."; "sacrament_iv_516" = "There's some sound in the distance, but no nightmares hit."; "sacrament_iv_517" = "C lays down suppressing fire."; "sacrament_iv_518" = "C fires from cover."; "sacrament_iv_519" = "C fires towards the nightmare's position."; "sacrament_iv_520" = "The nightmare hesitates at C's raining gunfire."; "sacrament_iv_521" = "The nightmare is forced to retreat."; "sacrament_iv_522" = "The nightmare is hit and seeks cover."; "sacrament_iv_523" = "The nightmare seems to slink away."; "sacrament_iv_524" = "The nightmare doesn't seem to be affected."; "sacrament_iv_525" = "The nightmare doesn't take notice."; "sacrament_iv_526" = "C lunges for the nightmare."; "sacrament_iv_527" = "C launches into a frenzy."; "sacrament_iv_528" = "C screams as she rushes the nightmare."; "sacrament_iv_529" = "She grabs the nightmare and fires point-blank."; "sacrament_iv_530" = "She thrashes the nightmare and unloads a clip into its skull."; "sacrament_iv_531" = "She tears into the nightmare with bullets and blade."; "sacrament_iv_532" = "The nightmare retreats, leaving C stranded."; "sacrament_iv_533" = "The dust clears, but no nightmare to be seen."; "sacrament_iv_534" = "C fires and fires, but hits nothing."; "sacrament_iv_535" = "C runs to cover."; "sacrament_iv_536" = "C jumps behind some rubble."; "sacrament_iv_537" = "She uses the chance to plan her next attack."; "sacrament_iv_538" = "Behind cover, she reloads and takes aim."; "sacrament_iv_539" = "AA places his shots."; "sacrament_iv_540" = "AA shoots at the nightmare."; "sacrament_iv_541" = "AA fires with intent."; "sacrament_iv_542" = "The bullets land, right as AA intended."; "sacrament_iv_543" = "One, two, three - the nightmare stumbles."; "sacrament_iv_544" = "Blood and dust fill the air as the bullets hit."; "sacrament_iv_545" = "He sighs as his bullets whiz through the air."; "sacrament_iv_546" = "His bullets fade into the darkness."; "sacrament_iv_547" = "His bullets graze only rubble and dirt."; "sacrament_iv_548" = "AA places suppressing fire."; "sacrament_iv_549" = "AA exits cover and fires at the nightmare's position."; "sacrament_iv_550" = "AA takes aim at the nightmare's cover."; "sacrament_iv_551" = "Impacts dance around the nightmare's position."; "sacrament_iv_552" = "AA's gunfire seems to pin the nightmare in place."; "sacrament_iv_553" = "AA's bullets eclipse the nightmare's sight."; "sacrament_iv_554" = "Choose ally to heal."; "sacrament_iv_556" = "AA prepares to heal TARGET."; "sacrament_iv_557" = "AA attempts to tend TARGET's wounds."; "sacrament_iv_558" = "AA heads to TARGET."; "sacrament_iv_559" = "TARGET is healed."; "sacrament_iv_560" = "AA treats TARGET's wounds."; "sacrament_iv_561" = "AA is unable to reach TARGET."; "sacrament_iv_562" = "TARGET is too far away for AA to reach."; "sacrament_iv_563" = "TARGET is in too much danger right now to heal."; "sacrament_iv_564" = "AA takes cover ."; "sacrament_iv_565" = "AA takes a defensive position."; "sacrament_iv_566" = "AA hides from the nightmare."; "sacrament_iv_567" = "He takes the chance to heal his wounds."; "sacrament_iv_568" = "He then tends to his wounds."; "sacrament_iv_569" = "It falls to the ground."; "sacrament_iv_570" = "Your squad is wiped out."; "sacrament_iv_571" = "E N G A G E _ N I G H T M A R E"; "sacrament_iv_572" = "K gets into position."; "sacrament_iv_573" = "K readies his aim."; "sacrament_iv_574" = "K begins to move."; "sacrament_iv_575" = "K stumbles, his condition now critical."; "sacrament_iv_576" = "K coughs up blood; he's in critical condition."; "sacrament_iv_577" = "K falls to the ground, weakened."; "sacrament_iv_578" = "C steadies herself."; "sacrament_iv_579" = "C is shaking in anticipation."; "sacrament_iv_580" = "C reloads her gun."; "sacrament_iv_581" = "C falls."; "sacrament_iv_582" = "C fights to retain consciousness."; "sacrament_iv_583" = "C is struggling to stay standing."; "sacrament_iv_584" = "AA falls."; "sacrament_iv_585" = "AA stumbles; he's in critical condition."; "sacrament_iv_586" = "AA can feel his condition declining."; "sacrament_iv_587" = "AA draws his gun."; "sacrament_iv_588" = "AA breathes in."; "sacrament_iv_589" = "AA calms himself."; "sacrament_iv_590" = "He coughs up blood and jolts up before recoiling back down. "; "sacrament_iv_591" = "Come on K, focus!!"; "sacrament_iv_592" = "“C…” AA struggles."; "sacrament_iv_593" = "But then, there was so much blood\\nStaining the grass, surrounded"; "sacrament_iv_594" = "The nightmare’s dead."; "sacrament_iv_595" = "His blood"; "sacrament_iv_596" = "As my friends came back, their stares vacant\\nTheir wings dull, uncaring"; "sacrament_iv_597" = "His chest is torn in two, his blood soaks the ground, but he holds on."; "sacrament_iv_598" = "C lights up. “What happened to protocol, you dumbass?”"; "sacrament_iv_599" = "C runs to AA’s side. She shakes him, screams at him, strikes him."; "sacrament_iv_600" = "Blood?"; "sacrament_iv_601" = "She chokes back a tear as we begin to lift him up."; "sacrament_iv_602" = "“AA!! AA! AA!!!”"; "sacrament_iv_603" = "Fading"; "sacrament_iv_604" = "We’re not supposed to bleed…"; "sacrament_iv_605" = "into"; "sacrament_iv_606" = "Nothing"; "sacrament_iv_607" = "C springs into action. I’m right behind her."; "sacrament_iv_608" = "What...where did!?"; "sacrament_iv_609" = "With fire in our eyes, we"; "sacrament_iv_610" = "“AA!!” C screams."; "sacrament_iv_611" = "AA must be saved. That thing is going to"; "sacrament_iv_612" = "No, no, this isn’t happening. It couldn’t have happened."; "sacrament_iv_613" = "A T T A C K"; "sacrament_iv_614" = "D I E"; "sacrament_iv_615" = "The thing falls."; "sacrament_iv_616" = "No...not this way..."; "sacrament_iv_617" = "The nightmare falls."; "sacrament_iv_618" = "The nightmare stumbles."; "sacrament_iv_619" = "The nightmare stops moving, then slinks to the ground."; "sacrament_iv_620" = "The nightmare stops moving."; "sacrament_iv_621" = "The nightmare stumbles."; "sacrament_iv_622" = "f u r y"; "sacrament_iv_623" = "K musters up some minor aid."; "sacrament_iv_624" = "K rushes towards TARGET."; "sacrament_iv_625" = "K heads to an injured TARGET."; "sacrament_iv_626" = "With his little first aid knowledge, K tends TARGET as best he can."; "sacrament_iv_627" = "K is able to treat TARGET's minor wounds."; "sacrament_iv_628" = "K administers aid to TARGET before the nightmare approaches."; "sacrament_iv_629" = "However, K cannot get to TARGET."; "sacrament_iv_630" = "The nightmare is too close for K to do anything."; "sacrament_iv_631" = "The nightmare begins to attack before K can help TARGET."; "sacrament_iv_632" = "The nightmare glances at TARGET."; "sacrament_iv_633" = "The nightmare turns towards TARGET."; "sacrament_iv_634" = "There's an unsettling rage in its eyes."; "sacrament_iv_635" = "Your spirit sinks at its gaze."; "sacrament_iv_636" = "It begins to advance."; "sacrament_iv_637" = "The nightmare's gaze does little."; "sacrament_iv_638" = "The nightmare howls and rushes TARGET. "; "sacrament_iv_639" = "The nightmare shrinks in before lashing out."; "sacrament_iv_640" = "With a howl of rushing air, the nightmare lunges for TARGET."; "sacrament_iv_641" = "With Hate in its eyes, the nightmare attacks."; "sacrament_iv_642" = "TARGET is grazed by the nightmare's massive blade."; "sacrament_iv_643" = "TARGET lets out a tormented cry and the nightmare's claws sink in."; "sacrament_iv_644" = "In its fury, the nightmare barely misses TARGET."; "sacrament_iv_645" = "TARGET rolls out of the way, just avoiding the nightmare's blade."; "sacrament_iv_646" = "The nightmare's claws strike the cement wall as TARGET escapes."; "sacrament_iv_647" = "The nightmare swings for TARGET."; "sacrament_iv_648" = "The nightmare raises its blade and lunges."; "sacrament_iv_649" = "With a great roar, the nightmare attacks."; "sacrament_iv_650" = "The nightmare strikes TARGET with great force."; "sacrament_iv_651" = "TARGET is slashed across the face, their blood painting the darkness."; "sacrament_iv_652" = "TARGET shrieks as the nightmare strikes."; "sacrament_iv_653" = "TARGET narrowly avoids the nightmare's wrath."; "sacrament_iv_654" = "TARGET nearly escapes the nightmare's blow."; "sacrament_iv_655" = "The nightmare strikes the ground near TARGET with a loud clang."; "sacrament_iv_656" = "blinding"; "sacrament_iv_657" = "SQUEEZE"; "sacrament_iv_658" = "MYSELF"; "sacrament_iv_659" = "I raise my gun; the child stands."; "sacrament_iv_660" = "My chest is so tight, my heart bangs against my ribs"; "sacrament_iv_661" = "All of the pain and sorrow and sin I’ve brought into this world."; "sacrament_iv_662" = "But it doesn’t react\\nIt looks up"; "sacrament_iv_663" = "Hands around his little throat"; "sacrament_iv_664" = "Squeeze the life out of those non-existent eyes"; "sacrament_iv_665" = "I stare into that abyss, and fire."; "sacrament_iv_666" = "I toss down my weapon"; "sacrament_iv_667" = "The Target."; "sacrament_iv_668" = "I start to see"; "sacrament_iv_669" = "Nightmare. No, that’s over."; "sacrament_iv_670" = "The air so heavy, it falls"; "sacrament_iv_671" = "The light is so brilliant up here."; "sacrament_iv_672" = "Ahead of me, a single form appears;"; "sacrament_iv_673" = "Its little face, looking at me"; "sacrament_iv_674" = "Feel its body grow limp"; "sacrament_iv_675" = "So i look at its unfeeling eyes"; "sacrament_iv_676" = "I can hear that pulse - beat, beat BEAT"; "sacrament_iv_677" = "Forming around us"; "sacrament_iv_678" = "And I’m finally gonna snuff it out."; "sacrament_iv_679" = "It turns its eyes from the sky, and looks towards me."; "sacrament_iv_680" = "a child, crowned in light."; "sacrament_iv_681" = "So bright, it swallows the sound -"; "sacrament_iv_682" = "I don’t see them, crawling, clawing into my vision...from the corners of my eyes."; "sacrament_iv_683" = "I want to throttle it"; "sacrament_iv_684" = "This useless piece of trash\\nI have to do this myself"; "sacrament_iv_685" = "or did the nightmares..?"; "sacrament_iv_686" = "Shake it"; "sacrament_iv_687" = "The light, so blinding, so"; "sacrament_iv_688" = "Am I finally free?"; "sacrament_iv_689" = "The nightmare"; "sacrament_iv_690" = "Vacant, empty, not even there. Dissipating into the air…"; "sacrament_iv_691" = "Tighter\\nTIGHTEr"; "sacrament_iv_692" = "I want to see terror, i want to see"; "sacrament_iv_693" = "Tighter"; "sacrament_iv_694" = "Tighter"; "sacrament_iv_695" = "ANYTHING"; "sacrament_iv_696" = "no no no no no"; "sacrament_iv_697" = "The nightmare glances at TARGET."; "sacrament_iv_698" = "The nightmare turns towards TARGET."; "sacrament_iv_699" = "There's an unsettling rage in its eyes."; "sacrament_iv_700" = "Your spirit sinks at its gaze."; "sacrament_iv_701" = "It begins to advance."; "sacrament_iv_702" = "the nightmare is silent"; "sacrament_iv_703" = "the child is silent"; "sacrament_iv_704" = "the nightmare stares with empty eyes"; "sacrament_iv_705" = "the child stares with empty eyes"; "sacrament_iv_706" = "the patter of steps"; "sacrament_iv_707" = "i feel nothing"; "sacrament_iv_708" = "it steps, closer..."; "sacrament_iv_709" = "i feel it move"; "sacrament_iv_710" = "my chest is so heavy"; "sacrament_iv_711" = "i feel the fire grow"; "sacrament_iv_712" = "it has to die, it has to DIE"; "sacrament_iv_713" = "The nightmare horde swings for TARGET."; "sacrament_iv_714" = "FIRE, FIRE, FIRE"; "sacrament_iv_715" = "KILL"; "sacrament_iv_716" = "RATATATAT"; "sacrament_iv_717" = "DIE, DIE, DIE"; "sacrament_iv_718" = "K fires into the child."; "sacrament_iv_719" = "The bullets hit the child."; "sacrament_iv_720" = "The nightmare flinches, then continues to walk."; "sacrament_iv_721" = "The child gets closer."; "sacrament_iv_722" = "The nightmare gets closer."; "sacrament_iv_723" = "how could you let me go?"; "sacrament_iv_724" = "We can’t make it"; "sacrament_iv_725" = "“Go, NOW!”"; "sacrament_iv_726" = "It’s hideous, and the stench…"; "sacrament_iv_727" = "SHRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEE"; "sacrament_iv_728" = "no"; "sacrament_iv_729" = "“C…” AA struggles."; "sacrament_iv_730" = "With their screeches and cries"; "sacrament_iv_731" = "Then the building shakes."; "sacrament_iv_732" = "so i let them Fall"; "sacrament_iv_733" = "WHY AM I LIKE THIS!????"; "sacrament_iv_734" = "slam the door, barricade it with whatever scraps i find"; "sacrament_iv_736" = "AA’s body goes first, consumed by the mass. As I reach the exit, C is firing and firing and firing."; "sacrament_iv_737" = "I can’t take it"; "sacrament_iv_738" = "All those eyes, fixated on us"; "sacrament_iv_739" = "A jolt - C turns. I didn’t say a word."; "sacrament_iv_740" = "He coughs up blood and jolts up before recoiling back down. "; "sacrament_iv_741" = "His blood"; "sacrament_iv_742" = "But then, there was so much blood\\nStaining the grass, surrounded"; "sacrament_iv_743" = "Blood?"; "sacrament_iv_744" = "Blood, smoke, terror.\\nIt’s no use."; "sacrament_iv_745" = "They’re not going to get me"; "sacrament_iv_746" = "C jumps; we drag AA’s body up the steps. First, then the next."; "sacrament_iv_747" = "A swirling mass of mangled bodies, grotesqueries crawling on all fours"; "sacrament_iv_748" = "I’ve seen too much and i know we’re going to die"; "sacrament_iv_749" = "i have to"; "sacrament_iv_750" = "His chest is torn in two, his blood soaks the ground, but he holds on."; "sacrament_iv_751" = "All I see is fear. I’ve only seen fear like that once before."; "sacrament_iv_752" = "Rumble...rumble"; "sacrament_iv_753" = "no no no no no no n"; "sacrament_iv_754" = "C lights up. “What happened to protocall, you dumbass?”"; "sacrament_iv_755" = "As my friends came back, their stares vacant\\nTheir wings dull, uncaring"; "sacrament_iv_756" = "They’re coming"; "sacrament_iv_757" = "She chokes back a tear as we begin to lift him up."; "sacrament_iv_758" = "They’re not going to get me NOT GOING TO GET ME"; "sacrament_iv_759" = "They’re coming"; "sacrament_iv_760" = "I’m sorry. I’m sorry im sorry im sorry"; "sacrament_iv_761" = "But why, why, WHYYYYY"; "sacrament_iv_762" = "I’m sorry C\\nI’m sorry AA"; "sacrament_iv_763" = "Devouring, tearing each other’s figures as they swarm over and over"; "sacrament_iv_764" = "We’re not supposed to bleed…"; "sacrament_iv_765" = "Skittering dust and rubble; i can hear the windows resonate"; "sacrament_iv_766" = "Fading"; "sacrament_iv_767" = "nononononono"; "sacrament_iv_768" = "into"; "sacrament_iv_769" = "Nothing"; "sacrament_iv_770" = "What...where did!?"; "sacrament_iv_771" = "C springs into action. I’m right behind her."; "sacrament_iv_772" = "With fire in our eyes, we"; "sacrament_iv_773" = "“AA!!” C screams."; "sacrament_iv_774" = "AA must be saved. That thing is going to"; "sacrament_iv_775" = "No, no, this isn’t happening. It couldn’t have happened."; "sacrament_iv_776" = "U P"; "sacrament_iv_777" = "let go"; "sacrament_iv_778" = "D I E"; "sacrament_iv_779" = "A T T A C K"; "sacrament_iv_780" = "The horde won't stop."; "sacrament_iv_781" = "The nightmares stumble, but more keep coming."; "sacrament_iv_782" = "It doesn't end."; "sacrament_iv_783" = "The horde gets closer and closer..."; "sacrament_iv_784" = "The nightmares roar and shriek."; "sacrament_iv_785" = "The clanging of the nightmares gets louder."; "sacrament_iv_786" = "You can see the nightmare's eyes as they approach."; "sacrament_iv_787" = "You can't escape."; "sacrament_iv_788" = "You'll never escape."; "sacrament_iv_789" = "Do you think you have a chance?"; "sacrament_iv_790" = "Give them up."; "sacrament_iv_791" = "so close, so close"; "sacrament_iv_792" = "The nightmare horde swings for TARGET."; "sacrament_iv_793" = "You can barely comprehend the mass."; "sacrament_iv_794" = "The nightmares rush for TARGET."; "sacrament_iv_795" = "The nightmares strikes TARGET with great force."; "sacrament_iv_796" = "The nightmares slash at TARGET."; "sacrament_iv_797" = "The nightmares grab and tear at TARGET's flesh."; "sacrament_iv_798" = "TARGET narrowly avoids the horde's wrath."; "sacrament_iv_799" = "TARGET can barely escape the nightmares."; "sacrament_iv_800" = "The nightmares get closer and closer."; "sacrament_iv_801" = "K fires down the stairwell."; "sacrament_iv_802" = "K fires at the nightmare horde."; "sacrament_iv_803" = "The mass recoils in pain."; "sacrament_iv_804" = "Nightmares let out a shriek."; "sacrament_iv_805" = "The horde is hit."; "sacrament_iv_806" = "r a g e"; "sacrament_iv_807" = "c a r r y"; "sacrament_iv_808" = "K fires with a rage in his heart."; "sacrament_iv_809" = "K fires indiscriminately."; "sacrament_iv_810" = "The horde hesitates at the sound K's gunfire."; "sacrament_iv_811" = "The horde stutters, but redoubles"; "sacrament_iv_812" = "The nightmare is hit and continues to scramble."; "sacrament_iv_813" = "The nightmare horde barely slows."; "sacrament_iv_814" = "The horde doesn't seem to be affected."; "sacrament_iv_815" = "The horde is not intimidated."; "sacrament_iv_816" = "K tries to drag AA away from the horde."; "sacrament_iv_817" = "K runs to grab AA."; "sacrament_iv_818" = "K lifts AA to carry him away."; "sacrament_iv_819" = "K carries AA a bit higher."; "sacrament_iv_820" = "K is able to delay the inevitable, just a little..."; "sacrament_iv_821" = "But K is so...tired..."; "sacrament_iv_822" = "K can't keep his grip."; "sacrament_iv_823" = "AA slips from K's grasp. His body thuds as it hits the ground."; "sacrament_iv_824" = "C fires blindly."; "sacrament_iv_825" = "C tries to hold the horde at bay."; "sacrament_iv_826" = "The horde barely hesitates at K's raining gunfire."; "sacrament_iv_827" = "The nightmare horde is slowed, for a second."; "sacrament_iv_828" = "The nightmares scramble, but quickly reassemble."; "sacrament_iv_829" = "The nightmares maintain their approach."; "sacrament_iv_830" = "Nothing stops the horde."; "sacrament_iv_831" = "The horde doesn't take notice."; "sacrament_iv_832" = "She grabs the closest nightmare and fires point-blank."; "sacrament_iv_833" = "She thrashes a nightmare and unloads a clip into its skull."; "sacrament_iv_834" = "C screams as she rushes the horde."; "sacrament_iv_835" = "She tears into the nightmares with bullets and blade."; "sacrament_iv_836" = "The chaos is too great."; "sacrament_iv_837" = "The nightmares don't even flinch."; "sacrament_iv_838" = "But C can't even get close to the horde."; "sacrament_iv_839" = "C lunges into the fray."; "sacrament_iv_840" = "Some bullets collide, but the horde keeps coming."; "sacrament_iv_841" = "Blood fills the air as the nightmares claw through each other."; "sacrament_iv_842" = "The bullets land; the nightmares get even closer."; "sacrament_iv_843" = "The bullets rain onto the stairwell walls."; "sacrament_iv_844" = "The bullets don't even seem to affect the horde."; "sacrament_iv_845" = "You can't even tell if her shots land."; "sacrament_iv_846" = "C struggles to carry AA."; "sacrament_iv_847" = "C drags AA up the steps."; "sacrament_iv_848" = "They barely escape the nightmares' grasps."; "sacrament_iv_849" = "They cannot escape."; "sacrament_iv_850" = "Her effort seems futile."; "sacrament_iv_851" = "Her grip slips."; "sacrament_iv_852" = "She's getting tired..."; "sacrament_iv_853" = "AA tries to fire."; "sacrament_iv_854" = "AA musters all his strength..."; "sacrament_iv_855" = "AA struggles to raise his gun."; "sacrament_iv_856" = "He hits some nightmares; more take their place."; "sacrament_iv_857" = "A couple shots land."; "sacrament_iv_858" = "The bullets land, but the horde keeps coming."; "sacrament_iv_859" = "He fails to even pull the trigger."; "sacrament_iv_860" = "He's too weak to fire."; "sacrament_iv_861" = "His bullets strike the walls."; "sacrament_iv_862" = "Empty impacts echo in the stairwell."; "sacrament_i_357" = "I am so"; "examine_label_pet" = ": Pet"; "examine_label_read" = ": Read"; "npc_the_tape" = "DANGER !! DO NOT CROSS !!"; "forest_serah_07" = "I'm sorry, do I know you?"; "forest_serah_08" = "No, wait, I'm sorry, I think I'm misremembering."; "sacrament_iv_863" = "crackle."; "descent_colin_intro_00" = "Why are you here?"; "descent_colin_intro_01" = "Sorry, I was just surprised..."; "descent_colin_intro_02" = "I thought you already got your ending?"; "descent_colin_intro_03" = "Or if you hadn't, you definitely shouldn't be here..."; "descent_colin_intro_04" = "What are you hoping to find?"; "descent_colin_intro_05" = "There is a trauma at the center of the world."; "descent_colin_intro_06" = "And I can lead the way."; "descent_colin_intro_07" = "But I don't think you'll be happy to find it."; "descent_colin_intro_08" = "This is My story."; "descent_colin_intro_09" = "Here, the Corruption grows so strong, and you cannot falter."; "descent_colin_intro_10" = "It's the only way."; "descent_colin_intro_11" = "Come, PLAYERNAME...I hope you're ready."; "sacrament_ii_00" = "sacrament ii"; "sacrament_ii_01" = "There's this...bridge"; "sacrament_ii_02" = "I pass everyday."; "descent_isolated" = "Descent"; "sacrament_ii_03" = "As I stop and stare, with the cars rushing underneath, into the distance, sky and clouds and towers and nothing"; "sacrament_ii_04" = "I point at the sky, and see them, three shining glimmers of gold"; "sacrament_ii_05" = "I will crack the sky and rain blood upon us "; "sacrament_ii_06" = "all"; "sacrament_ii_07" = "NO"; "sacrament_ii_08" = "Focus"; "sacrament_ii_09" = "focus"; "sacrament_ii_10" = "That is not My story."; "sacrament_ii_11" = "Not now."; "sacrament_ii_12" = "There, out in the distance, I see"; "sacrament_ii_13" = "lights"; "sacrament_ii_14" = "haze"; "sacrament_ii_15" = "cars"; "sacrament_ii_16" = "them"; "sacrament_ii_17" = "satellites, stars, people"; "sacrament_ii_18" = "dancing through darkness"; "sacrament_ii_19" = "I don’t get to be there"; "sacrament_ii_20" = "on some days, it’s worse than others"; "sacrament_ii_21" = "I feel these doubts, crushing my chest"; "sacrament_ii_22" = "it’s getting harder and harder to breathe"; "sacrament_ii_23" = "carrying people to and fro"; "sacrament_ii_24" = "their lives uninterrupted"; "sacrament_ii_25" = "ignorant of what awaits"; "sacrament_ii_26" = "I don’t want to talk about them"; "sacrament_ii_27" = "Tall, everpresent"; "sacrament_ii_28" = "Watching me, always watching"; "sacrament_ii_29" = "Like needles in my heart"; "sacrament_ii_30" = "They remind me of the things I don’t want to remember"; "sacrament_ii_31" = "It began so long ago"; "sacrament_ii_32" = "In the green and reverie"; "sacrament_ii_33" = "Poking around where we shouldn’t have been"; "sacrament_ii_34" = "Away from the teachers and lashes, and "; "sacrament_ii_35" = "whips"; "sacrament_ii_36" = "tears"; "sacrament_ii_37" = "I first saw, up in the trees"; "sacrament_ii_38" = "Symbols, ornate, ancient and weathered"; "sacrament_ii_39" = "on the nights I don’t feel too weak, I run"; "sacrament_ii_40" = "Over that bridge"; "sacrament_ii_41" = "Into the night"; "sacrament_ii_42" = "In the time I feel most vulnerable"; "sacrament_ii_43" = "But cloaked in shadow"; "sacrament_ii_44" = "So only They may see"; "sacrament_ii_45" = "Tall, everpresent"; "sacrament_ii_46" = "Watching me"; "sacrament_ii_47" = "They see me sleep"; "sacrament_ii_48" = "Or do I see them?"; "sacrament_ii_49" = "Through the eye of Dream"; "sacrament_ii_50" = "Walking closer, I turn cold"; "sacrament_ii_51" = "Awake"; "sacrament_ii_52" = "Awake!"; "sacrament_ii_53" = "Through the darkness I run, through concrete and tar"; "sacrament_ii_54" = "Until the edges fade away into dirt and shadow"; "sacrament_ii_55" = "And life teeming underneath"; "sacrament_ii_56" = "The trees, tall, everpresent"; "sacrament_ii_57" = "Ask me of my sins"; "sacrament_ii_58" = "And reveal themselves to me"; "sacrament_ii_59" = "They didn’t strike us anymore, but at this point They didn’t need too"; "sacrament_ii_60" = "Because They taught us to do it ourselves"; "sacrament_ii_61" = "And it hurt so, so nicely"; "sacrament_ii_62" = "The blood cleansing us...in totality"; "sacrament_ii_63" = "Those dreams that take you somewhere you feel you know"; "sacrament_ii_64" = "From the early days, a place of warmth"; "sacrament_ii_65" = "Where a friend promises to care for you"; "sacrament_ii_66" = "But then it starts to fade, until only the memory remains"; "sacrament_ii_67" = "Of a place that never was"; "sacrament_ii_68" = "No proof of but the hole in your heart"; "sacrament_ii_69" = "existence"; "sacrament_ii_70" = "is this what it was like for you, PLAYERNAME?"; "sacrament_ii_71" = "before we pulled you in"; "sacrament_ii_72" = "this world we created"; "sacrament_ii_73" = "anna, myself, and you..."; "sacrament_ii_74" = "how can it be a dream"; "sacrament_ii_75" = "if we all see it?"; "sacrament_ii_76" = "Like the touch of an "; "sacrament_ii_77" = "angel"; "sacrament_ii_78" = "Sometimes I didn’t know until I was there"; "sacrament_ii_79" = "What had happened or who I was"; "sacrament_ii_80" = "where I am"; "sacrament_ii_81" = "a place where I know nothing, and feel everything"; "sacrament_ii_82" = "where am I"; "sacrament_ii_83" = "I dream of snowflakes, dancing on the wind"; "sacrament_ii_84" = "of a past no longer"; "sacrament_ii_85" = "than what I dream"; "sacrament_ii_86" = "So I journeyed deeper, as the sky got darker and darker"; "sacrament_ii_87" = "Night or the thickness of leaves"; "sacrament_ii_88" = "No reception so I couldn’t call for help"; "sacrament_ii_89" = "Like i would in the first place"; "sacrament_ii_90" = "A dream of heroes in my head"; "sacrament_ii_91" = "Confident, beautiful, within my grasp"; "sacrament_ii_92" = "Fading with the beating of my heart"; "sacrament_ii_93" = "And the thinning of my breath"; "sacrament_ii_94" = "The first falls from in her head"; "sacrament_ii_95" = "noises"; "sacrament_ii_96" = "Screeching, crying, clawing as if to take her eyes out"; "sacrament_ii_97" = "She runs back, two others remain"; "sacrament_ii_98" = "The second goes down as we come upon a field"; "sacrament_ii_99" = "Of trees missing their heads, uniformly disfigured"; "sacrament_ii_100" = "Shorn at the height of our chest, as if we could be cut"; "sacrament_ii_101" = "And be no more"; "sacrament_ii_102" = "Yet, even without the leaves"; "sacrament_ii_103" = "The sky can’t be seen"; "sacrament_ii_104" = "I've sunk too "; "sacrament_ii_105" = "deep"; "sacrament_ii_106" = "Two paths ahead,\\n\\n and "; "sacrament_ii_107" = "right"; "sacrament_ii_108" = "left"; "sacrament_ii_109" = "I cannot go right, because They will kill me right then and there"; "sacrament_ii_110" = "I see Them, I know Them, They are I"; "sacrament_ii_111" = "I can’t escape I can’t escape"; "sacrament_ii_112" = "Those eyes"; "sacrament_ii_113" = "I can’t forgive myself this time"; "sacrament_ii_114" = "I can only go left"; "sacrament_ii_115" = "They’ll watch and follow me, but only from afar this way"; "sacrament_ii_116" = "Electric thrum guides me"; "sacrament_ii_117" = "Away from those eyes"; "sacrament_ii_118" = "Those eyes"; "sacrament_ii_119" = "A momentary escape"; "sacrament_ii_120" = "Paralyzed at the thought of action"; "sacrament_ii_121" = "I CANNOT BE WRONG"; "sacrament_ii_122" = "The third body runs back, starting empty life anew"; "sacrament_ii_123" = "My mind empties"; "sacrament_ii_124" = "Like the tide retreating"; "sacrament_ii_125" = "shallow"; "sacrament_ii_126" = "I can see Their eyes, screaming, screaming"; "sacrament_ii_127" = "Their mouth opening too wide"; "sacrament_ii_128" = "Screaming, screaming"; "sacrament_ii_129" = "They want to hurt me so bad i can’t escape i can’t escape"; "sacrament_ii_130" = "Soon THey will crush my chest, my heart will give in"; "sacrament_ii_131" = "And even nonexistence won’t stop Them"; "sacrament_ii_132" = "Before swallowing me whole"; "sacrament_ii_133" = "I can’t forget Your eyes, PLAYERNAME"; "sacrament_ii_134" = "Nightmares shouldn’t have eyes like that"; "sacrament_ii_135" = "A family, who loved and cared for me"; "sacrament_ii_136" = "Friends, abandoned"; "sacrament_ii_137" = "Because they would not love me"; "sacrament_ii_138" = "They cannot love"; "sacrament_ii_139" = "What I’ve become"; "sacrament_ii_140" = "Because I do not love"; "sacrament_ii_141" = "Let me tell you, PLAYERNAME"; "sacrament_ii_142" = "Tell you the ways"; "sacrament_ii_143" = "You remember a time when you hurt everyone that you loved"; "sacrament_ii_144" = "When they opened themselves to you and you sliced their chest, neck to stomach"; "sacrament_ii_145" = "And squeezed their heart until they could no longer breathe"; "sacrament_ii_146" = "Just, crying, so much crying"; "sacrament_ii_147" = "It makes a tear come to your eye, but you can’t tell why"; "sacrament_ii_148" = "There was no one there"; "sacrament_ii_149" = "Because they never came"; "sacrament_ii_150" = "You are finally , and it appears"; "sacrament_ii_151" = "alone"; "sacrament_ii_152" = "The center of the "; "sacrament_ii_153" = "world"; "sacrament_ii_154" = "And so you walk towards it, this ordinary looking shed, build of brick and fence,"; "sacrament_ii_155" = "Rusted and aged from the winds and rain, millennia after millennia"; "sacrament_ii_156" = "Passing in your head"; "sacrament_ii_157" = "The door so black, you can’t even see it under the absence of sky"; "sacrament_ii_158" = "Where am i, again?"; "sacrament_ii_159" = "This is , though i’ve never been"; "sacrament_ii_160" = "home"; "sacrament_ii_161" = "Your eyes open, and you’re back"; "sacrament_ii_162" = "Walking into the"; "sacrament_ii_163" = "night"; "sacrament_ii_164" = "open"; "sacrament_ii_165" = "a gate of rust and blood"; "sacrament_ii_166" = "Falls at my touch"; "sacrament_ii_167" = "As if I were meant to be"; "sacrament_ii_168" = "The darkness is calling"; "sacrament_ii_169" = "The lock clicks under my grasp"; "sacrament_ii_170" = "And as I turn the knob, the door falls away"; "sacrament_ii_171" = "Fading to nothingness"; "sacrament_ii_172" = "And I see"; "sacrament_ii_173" = "Steps to infinity"; "sacrament_ii_174" = "Annihilation of self"; "sacrament_ii_175" = "a soul’s contrition"; "sacrament_ii_176" = "The path to Paradise, through Hell itself"; "sacrament_ii_177" = "I am a selfish person at heart"; "sacrament_ii_178" = "I made this game for myself"; "sacrament_ii_179" = "And no one else"; "sacrament_ii_180" = "It was an accident I got this far"; "sacrament_ii_181" = "I was working a job I hated"; "sacrament_ii_182" = "living life behind a mask"; "sacrament_ii_183" = "knowing nothing except"; "sacrament_ii_184" = "how much i hated myself"; "sacrament_ii_185" = "slowly dying"; "sacrament_ii_186" = "Chasing an impossible dream"; "sacrament_ii_187" = "In a world with no future"; "sacrament_ii_188" = "You were my way out"; "sacrament_ii_189" = "a tear in my reality"; "sacrament_ii_190" = "Starting from the tiniest cut…"; "sacrament_ii_191" = "cut"; "sacrament_ii_192" = "A trickle of blood, warm to the touch"; "sacrament_ii_193" = "I raise it to my lips, and whisper my fears"; "sacrament_ii_194" = "My hopes, my desires"; "sacrament_ii_195" = "my life, my Future"; "sacrament_ii_196" = "My Dream"; "sacrament_ii_197" = "cut it away, leaving only the dream"; "sacrament_ii_198" = "This is my Dream"; "sacrament_ii_199" = "And for it, I turned away from all I had loved"; "sacrament_ii_200" = "In search of what?"; "sacrament_ii_201" = "Fame?"; "sacrament_ii_202" = "Power?"; "sacrament_ii_203" = "Acceptance?"; "sacrament_ii_204" = "Acceptance"; "sacrament_ii_205" = "You and I, one eternally chases the other"; "sacrament_ii_206" = "As we fade into nothing"; "sacrament_ii_207" = "And the world goes "; "sacrament_ii_208" = "Dark"; "sacrament_ii_209" = "A game!"; "sacrament_ii_210" = "A dream!"; "sacrament_ii_211" = "It was all a Dream!"; "sacrament_ii_212" = "A mistake"; "sacrament_ii_213" = "That made me lash out at the slightest misstep"; "sacrament_ii_214" = "Mine, theirs"; "sacrament_ii_215" = "At myself, at those who tried to help"; "sacrament_ii_216" = "I drove them all away"; "sacrament_ii_217" = "Until it was only myself"; "sacrament_ii_218" = "And I had only myself to blame"; "sacrament_ii_219" = "no"; "sacrament_ii_220" = "It’s their fault! They wouldn’t love me!"; "sacrament_ii_221" = "They wouldn’t accept me!"; "sacrament_ii_222" = "I don’t know what I AM!"; "sacrament_ii_223" = "PLAYERNAME…"; "sacrament_ii_224" = "“Lucah”"; "sacrament_ii_225" = "That was the name I chose for myself"; "sacrament_ii_226" = "when I thought I had a happier life"; "sacrament_ii_227" = "But that life isn’t mine now"; "sacrament_ii_228" = "It’s yours, PLAYERNAME"; "sacrament_ii_229" = "And that strength is yours"; "sacrament_ii_230" = "I can see it, in your eyes…"; "sacrament_ii_231" = "step"; "sacrament_ii_232" = "I feel every hit, every cut, every burn"; "sacrament_ii_233" = "Blood rushing through my head"; "sacrament_ii_234" = "Forgetting to breathe"; "sacrament_ii_235" = "Just slightly too long"; "sacrament_ii_236" = "I feel every minute, every hour"; "sacrament_ii_237" = "Running from myself"; "sacrament_ii_238" = "From Them"; "sacrament_ii_239" = "You can see Them"; "sacrament_ii_240" = "Sometimes"; "sacrament_ii_241" = "In the corner of your eye"; "sacrament_ii_242" = "Or under the light of the street lamp"; "sacrament_ii_243" = "or as a fleeting shadow"; "sacrament_ii_244" = "As you turn your head"; "sacrament_ii_245" = "Convinced they’re there"; "sacrament_ii_246" = "Watching, waiting"; "sacrament_ii_247" = "Wanting to tear you"; "sacrament_ii_248" = "From the inside out"; "sacrament_ii_249" = "And petrify you where you stand"; "sacrament_ii_250" = "As if the hurt is not your own"; "sacrament_ii_251" = "As if you didn’t want this"; "sacrament_ii_252" = "Descend"; "sacrament_ii_253" = "Over the years, that forest was razed"; "sacrament_ii_254" = "It just comes with the times, moving and remodelling"; "sacrament_ii_255" = "The town is just too big now, they had to move the high school to a better location"; "sacrament_ii_256" = "You know, mundanity and the like"; "sacrament_ii_257" = "And you left for a while, and came back for Christmas and Easter, and for not much else"; "sacrament_ii_258" = "Until even Easter was too much, and despite your family’s pleas, you never could muster the courage to explain"; "sacrament_ii_259" = "That you loved them, but it was too hard to show and accept it, because you felt so horrible and it made you feel so horrible to even think you were worthy of anything except"; "sacrament_ii_260" = "This horrible office, I walk to"; "sacrament_ii_261" = "Every day"; "sacrament_ii_262" = "Over this , where the cars drive off, into the towers and smog and dirt"; "sacrament_ii_263" = "And you see the sky and the glimmers of light that you will pull down onto this wretched place,"; "sacrament_ii_264" = "In one day, when we’ll all finally "; "sacrament_ii_265" = "die"; "sacrament_ii_266" = "And that night, it creeps ever closer"; "sacrament_ii_267" = "Your eyes are closed, but you can still see it, staring at you"; "sacrament_ii_268" = "Fearing the dream when i’ll finally run into its arms"; "sacrament_ii_269" = "It’s been waiting for me for so long, ever since that day"; "sacrament_ii_270" = "This is a Holy place"; "sacrament_ii_271" = "It fascinated you, once"; "sacrament_ii_272" = "Inspired me, taught me"; "sacrament_ii_273" = "Created Me"; "sacrament_ii_274" = "or…You?"; "sacrament_ii_275" = "I can’t tell anymore"; "sacrament_ii_276" = "It felt like Eternity, and it was"; "sacrament_ii_277" = "But now you’re here"; "sacrament_ii_278" = "At the final step"; "sacrament_ii_279" = "No one else is waiting"; "sacrament_ii_280" = "But You"; "sacrament_ii_281" = "In an empty room, at the center of it All"; "sacrament_ii_282" = "Where no light shines, and yet I see"; "sacrament_ii_283" = "Because I Created It, and I Created"; "sacrament_ii_284" = "You"; "sacrament_ii_285" = "Back to your little apartment, its rooms and darkness"; "sacrament_ii_286" = "Empty and waiting for no one but me"; "sacrament_ii_287" = "It’s barely twilight, but I slink into bed, defeated"; "sacrament_ii_288" = "I’m just so, so tired"; "sacrament_ii_289" = "I drift away, to dreamless sleep"; "sacrament_ii_290" = "YOU SCREAM, YOU SCREAM"; "sacrament_ii_291" = "THOUGH NOTHING COMES OUT"; "sacrament_ii_292" = "YOU CAN’T MOVE BUT IT’S THERE, STARING"; "sacrament_ii_293" = "THOSE EYES, COMING TO RIP OUT YOUR FILTHY SOUL"; "sacrament_ii_294" = "DIE PLAYERNAME, WHY CANT YOU"; "sacrament_ii_295" = "PLAYERNAME?"; "sacrament_ii_296" = "Lucah?"; "sacrament_ii_297" = "Why do you fight?"; "sacrament_ii_298" = "I’d like to know"; "sacrament_ii_299" = "I wish I could talk to you"; "sacrament_ii_300" = "Beyond the confines of this screen"; "sacrament_ii_301" = "I hope…no, I think…we would have been Friends"; "sacrament_ii_302" = "But not after this"; "sacrament_ii_303" = "Every drop, every wish, every fear, every sin"; "sacrament_ii_304" = "Every friend I scorned, every love I betrayed"; "sacrament_ii_305" = "To pursue…what? This? “Paradise”? “Oblivion”?"; "sacrament_ii_306" = "Every time I told myself I wasn’t good enough"; "sacrament_ii_307" = "Wasn’t ever going to amount to anything"; "sacrament_ii_308" = "Every time I proved myself right"; "sacrament_ii_309" = "This is my Proof of Existence"; "sacrament_ii_310" = "my failure."; "sacrament_ii_311" = "I bled, I whispered, I reached out"; "sacrament_ii_312" = "And you started to form"; "sacrament_ii_313" = "A red outline in the void"; "sacrament_ii_314" = "My child, my Self, Lucah"; "sacrament_ii_315" = "Lucah"; "sacrament_ii_316" = "You."; "sacrament_ii_317" = "My world was collapsing."; "sacrament_ii_318" = "And from this space, this void, I created…this."; "sacrament_ii_319" = "The Dream."; "sacrament_ii_320" = "It’s…not a very good Dream, is it?"; "sacrament_ii_321" = "But it’s strong."; "sacrament_ii_322" = "You can feel it, can’t you?"; "sacrament_ii_323" = "Anna did. It nearly destroyed her."; "sacrament_ii_324" = "And you saw to that, didn’t you?"; "sacrament_ii_325" = "Every night, I ran through the city"; "sacrament_ii_326" = "Found the edge of the world,"; "sacrament_ii_327" = "And let myself "; "sacrament_ii_328" = "Fall."; "sacrament_ii_329" = "Through that Place"; "sacrament_ii_330" = "Where Their effigies stood"; "sacrament_ii_331" = "Into that little shack"; "sacrament_ii_332" = "And down those stairs"; "sacrament_ii_333" = "I loved the"; "sacrament_ii_334" = "Because I told you my sins"; "sacrament_ii_335" = "And you grew so strong"; "sacrament_ii_336" = "So, so"; "sacrament_ii_337" = "strong"; "sacrament_ii_338" = "Look how Far you’ve Come"; "sacrament_ii_339" = "my Dream"; "sacrament_ii_340" = "My Paradise"; "sacrament_ii_341" = "My Oblivion"; "sacrament_ii_342" = "It swallowed everything"; "sacrament_ii_343" = "All of Us"; "sacrament_ii_344" = "With no love"; "sacrament_ii_345" = "Least for Ourselves"; "sacrament_ii_346" = "Because we weren’t meant to be"; "sacrament_ii_347" = "That’s what drew you here, right, PLAYERNAME?"; "sacrament_ii_348" = "No one would really Dream this"; "sacrament_ii_349" = "No, this is Us, laying awake"; "sacrament_ii_350" = "Paralyzed, as They look at us"; "sacrament_ii_351" = "Whispering our sins, and what they’ll do"; "sacrament_ii_352" = "When they get their hands on us"; "sacrament_ii_353" = "IT’S WHAT WE DESERVE"; "sacrament_ii_354" = "And so we created THIS"; "sacrament_ii_355" = "Paradise"; "sacrament_ii_356" = "It’s what we deserve"; "sacrament_ii_357" = "You think so too"; "sacrament_ii_358" = "I know you do"; "sacrament_ii_359" = "Why else would you be HERE?"; "sacrament_ii_360" = "The nights have gotten so cold"; "sacrament_ii_361" = "And I can’t see the surface anymore"; "sacrament_ii_362" = "Only Them, and you, and this dream"; "sacrament_ii_363" = "But"; "sacrament_ii_364" = "You’ve grown so strong"; "sacrament_ii_365" = "And now"; "sacrament_ii_366" = "My blood"; "sacrament_ii_367" = "The darkness"; "sacrament_ii_368" = "The anger, the sadness, the hate"; "sacrament_ii_369" = "I ca t keep doi g this or i t will dest oy me"; "sacrament_ii_370" = "Colin coLin Clin OI Col iCNcni L"; "sacrament_ii_371" = "AHGJKDGHDAKJGHDJK ahs"; "sacrament_ii_372" = "This world is nothing"; "sacrament_ii_373" = "And that’s what we wanted"; "sacrament_ii_374" = "That’s what ties us together"; "sacrament_ii_375" = "One night, this night"; "sacrament_ii_376" = "Finally"; "sacrament_ii_377" = "…there’s this bridge"; "sacrament_ii_378" = "And tonight is the last time I’ll see it."; "sacrament_ii_379" = "Out there, I see"; "sacrament_ii_380" = "dimming"; "sacrament_ii_381" = "extinguished"; "sacrament_ii_382" = "those people aren’t there"; "sacrament_ii_383" = "they’ve all gone away"; "sacrament_ii_384" = "a dying world"; "sacrament_ii_385" = "I saw no other way"; "sacrament_ii_386" = "so I brought the rains and the droughts"; "sacrament_ii_387" = "HEAT, ELECTRICITY"; "sacrament_ii_388" = "famine, dust, decay"; "sacrament_ii_389" = "and you let it swallow you whole"; "sacrament_ii_390" = "still, broken"; "sacrament_ii_391" = "husks of a life that once was"; "sacrament_ii_392" = "and a life you’ll never have"; "sacrament_ii_393" = "because this is what you chose"; "sacrament_ii_394" = "tall, everpresent"; "sacrament_ii_395" = "still they stand, HORRORS in my heart"; "sacrament_ii_396" = "i cannot see them, but I know they did this,"; "sacrament_ii_397" = "THEY DID IT ALL!!"; "sacrament_ii_398" = "without doing a thing"; "sacrament_ii_399" = "that way, there was no way we could STOP"; "sacrament_ii_400" = "It’s us, it’s me."; "sacrament_ii_401" = "The me I wanted to be."; "sacrament_ii_402" = "And the me I became."; "sacrament_ii_403" = "Why, PLAYERNAME?"; "sacrament_ii_404" = "WHY ARE WE SO BROKEN?"; "sacrament_ii_405" = "It’s been a year, and a lot has happened."; "sacrament_ii_406" = "And I want to get better, and I know you do too."; "sacrament_ii_407" = "Please, PLAYERNAME, please."; "sacrament_ii_408" = "Show me it wasn’t for nothing."; "sacrament_ii_409" = "It’s no longer there, I can’t see it anymore."; "sacrament_ii_410" = "But that bridge, that bridge…"; "sacrament_ii_411" = "I want to see the world again."; "sacrament_ii_412" = "Not this horrible world, this one we’ve made."; "sacrament_ii_413" = "But the imperfect one; the one we escaped."; "sacrament_ii_414" = "Where the sun still shines"; "sacrament_ii_415" = "And the pain’s still real"; "sacrament_ii_416" = "And what’s gone is lost."; "sacrament_ii_417" = "I want to have your courage."; "sacrament_ii_418" = "I want to see it again."; "sacrament_ii_419" = "I want to know I MATTER!"; "sacrament_ii_420" = "…PLAYERNAME, my head hurts so bad."; "sacrament_ii_421" = "Please, please…"; "sacrament_ii_422" = "…help me!"; "descent_final_refrain" = "Final Refrain - Colin"; "descent_final_boss" = "Colin"; "descend_end_00" = "Unlocked Mantra: KTISIS."; "descend_end_01" = "Unlocked Game Speed: TURBO."; "descend_end_02" = "LUCAH, CHRISTIAN\\nand\\nthe MARKED\\nwill return in\\nCHRISTIAN: DEATH OF A WISH."; "sacrament_ii_423" = "bridge"; "sacrament_ii_424" = "These are my creations, Lucah!"; "sacrament_ii_425" = "Do you like them?? I made them for YOU!"; "sacrament_ii_426" = "Why does it hurt so much!?"; "sacrament_ii_427" = "Why can't I let go!!!"; "sacrament_ii_428" = "Lucah, PLAYERNAME!"; "sacrament_ii_429" = "I can't get out, help me!"; "sacrament_ii_430" = "HELP ME!!"; "sacrament_ii_431" = "Oh, your name is Lucah? That’s great!"; "sacrament_ii_432" = "I had a name like that once, but I go by ‘Colin’ now."; "sacrament_ii_433" = "It didn’t really work out…it represented a life and a path that I couldn’t really bear to go down."; "sacrament_ii_434" = "Where there was so much on me to be...not myself."; "sacrament_ii_435" = "You probably know about that too, right Lucah?"; "sacrament_ii_436" = "People aren’t kind to people like us in the real world, so we have to dream, right?"; "sacrament_ii_437" = "Sometimes I dream of being beautiful, and strong, and assured, like nothing can stop me or tell me I’m wrong to be who I am."; "sacrament_ii_438" = "Something that doesn’t quite fit...someone who never quite fit…"; "sacrament_ii_439" = "But it’s so easy to let a dream turn bad."; "sacrament_ii_440" = "Lucah, why do ours turn so bad?"; "sacrament_ii_441" = "Why do we have to be so strong, just to struggle? To survive?"; "sacrament_ii_442" = "If you cry out and no one hears, how can you still have hope?"; "sacrament_ii_443" = "Someone did hear you, though. Right?"; "sacrament_ii_444" = "How else could you, or anyone, get this far?"; "sacrament_ii_445" = "There are others...like PLAYERNAME, right? That’s your name?"; "sacrament_ii_446" = "There must be so many PLAYERNAMEs out there, maybe some I haven’t even heard of."; "sacrament_ii_447" = "And they all have their own “Lucah”, just as you are mine."; "sacrament_ii_448" = "I loved you so much Lucah, and it was so hard to see you struggle."; "sacrament_ii_449" = "And I know there’s a happy end ahead, I know, but it doesn’t make it any easier."; "sacrament_ii_450" = "I wish I could have done more for you."; "sacrament_ii_451" = "And Christian, and Serah, and Lilli, Michael and the others..."; "sacrament_ii_452" = "I let this dream get so dark, and I'm so sorry for it."; "sacrament_ii_453" = "Please, I hope you’ll forgive me. I hope you can still love me."; "sacrament_ii_454" = "In a year, or two, or five, or ten...however long it is, I want to see you again."; "sacrament_ii_455" = "I just hope you’ll want to see me."; "sacrament_ii_456" = "I wish you could see me right now."; "sacrament_ii_457" = "Not this me, the dream me...but the real me, out there."; "sacrament_ii_458" = "This is the hardest good bye I’ve ever had to make."; "sacrament_ii_459" = "I don’t think there’s anything else for me here. There are others I need to help. More dreams I need to dream."; "sacrament_ii_460" = "And you have yours, and PLAYERNAME, and I know you’ll be okay."; "sacrament_ii_461" = "So please, take care of yourself, until next time."; "sacrament_ii_462" = "Good bye, Lucah."; "sacrament_ii_463" = "I love you so much."; "descent_fail_00" = "I knew you couldn't handle this."; "descent_fail_01" = "I can't even handle this."; "descent_fail_02" = "Please...come back..."; "descent_fail_03" = "I need this. "; "descent_fail_04" = "I need you..."; "examine_label_shop" = "Shop"; "ui_menu_language" = "Language";