"# English language name" = "Language name in English"; "# Native language name" = "Language name in language"; "# Boss character name" = "Boss"; "# Guy character name" = "Guy"; "# Robin character name" = "Robin"; "# ??? character name" = "???"; "# Joseph character name" = "Joseph"; "# Sheriff character name" = "Sheriff"; "# Bartholomew character name" = "Bartholomew"; "# Jacob character name" = "Jacob"; "# Curly Wolf character name" = "Curly Wolf"; "# Black Vulture character name" = "Black Vulture"; "# John character name" = "John"; "# Vic character name" = "Vic"; "# Matthew character name" = "Matthew"; "# Col character name" = "Col"; "# Hawky character name" = "Hawky"; "# Hawky & Col character name" = "Hawky & Col"; "# Frankie character name" = "Frankie"; "# The first data is the speaker and the second data is the dialogue said e.g. Robin says \"Hi.\"" = "{0} says, {1}"; "# Intro 1, Speaker \"Boss\"" = "\"So, you sure we can trust this friend of yours' info? It'll be a cryin' shame if you're wrong about this.\""; "# Intro 2, Speaker \"Guy\"" = "\"This guy is someone to ride the river with, he'd never sell me bunk information! That town has struck gold, that's what he heard.\""; "# Intro 3, Speaker \"Boss\"" = "\"Heard? He just heard about it? What kinda source is that - we can't go off of rumours you nutcase.\""; "# Intro 4, Speaker \"Guy\"" = "\"B-but think about it, we'll be living like English kings if we take over a supply like that!\""; "# Intro 5, Speaker \"Guy\"" = "\"What else are we gonna do? The last job was a bust, we got nothin' left.\""; "# Intro 6, Speaker \"Boss\"" = "\"Hrm... alright. We've had some bad luck and are runnin' low on supplies.\""; "# Intro 7, Speaker \"Boss\"" = "\"We'll take that town by hook or by crook, an' if they don't have that gold, we can take 'em for what they do have and skedaddle.\""; "# Intro 8, Speaker \"Boss\"" = "\"The lookout'll go early in the mornin' and see what we're up against. But I reckon we can bulldoze this burg and have some fun either way.\""; "# Intro 9, Speaker \"Boss\"" = "\"Make sure to bring us back some juicy details, won't ya tomboy?\""; "# Intro 10" = "He firmly slaps you on the back. Laughter fills the camp around the roaring fire."; "# Intro 11" = "Sounds like you'll be riding at sun-up to check the town out. You feel it's best to get some sleep."; "# Riding 1" = "The desert is an orange haze. Scorched sands whip up around your horse's legs, the sun hot against your back as you ride towards the town."; "# Riding 2" = "There's not much to be done while riding. The desert is lonely, harsh, bare. Only thing to do is think."; "# Riding 3" = "You don't like being alone with your thoughts so often, for so long."; "# Riding 4" = "But you always are alone as the lookout, alone being the odd stick of the gang. No one talks to you unless they need something."; "# Riding 5" = "You daydream as you ride, like usual. Flights of fancy, of settling down somewhere. You're tied to Curly Wolf and his gang though."; "# Riding 6" = "Is it so much to ask to be able to live in peace? To not have to fight for survival, always on the run?"; "# Riding 7" = "Maybe that's what your life will always be like, gang or not."; "# Riding 8" = "A hunted outcast."; "# Riding 9, Duplicated with dialogue Meeting 75, Eating 115, Hideout 67, Easter Exit 7" = "..."; "# Riding 10" = "They could've sent you off with some playing cards at the very least."; "# Meeting 1" = "You come to an outcropping near a cliff. Tying up your horse, you approach the edge and see the town come into view."; "# Meeting 2" = "A nice frontier town, small but clearly bustling with people. White painted signs on the wooden buildings glint and bloom in the midday sun."; "# Meeting 3" = "You can't see much else from way up here, and turn to go get your binoculars."; "# Meeting 4" = "You open your saddle bag and pull the metal binoculars out, brushing it against your poncho to dust off the lenses."; "# Meeting 5" = "Turning back to walk to the edge, a figure suddenly rounds the corner of the large rock you've decided to set up camp under."; "# Meeting 6, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Ah!\""; "# Meeting 7, Speaker \"???\"" = "\"Cahw!\""; "# Meeting 8" = "Out of instinct, your hand snaps to your holstered gun and pulls it, trained squarely at the head of this new person."; "# Meeting 9" = "The bird who seemingly came from nowhere looks at you, clearly just as surprised and out of sorts from your own presence."; "# Meeting 10" = "He shifts backwards, eyeing your hand on your gun."; "# Meeting 11" = "The air feels very still all of a sudden, and given you have the upper hand, you take a moment to look at who you just crossed paths with."; "# Meeting 12" = "He's definitely an outlaw, like yourself. A rugged beak shining in the sun centres a face you admittedly find charming."; "# Meeting 13" = "His face and arms are marked with scars, and a large sawn-off shotgun hangs in his holster."; "# Meeting 14" = "Since he's a bird you know to be wary. Just like he'll know to be wary of a canid like yourself."; "# Meeting 15, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Howdy there. What's yer name partner?\""; "# Meeting 16, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Joseph.\""; "# Meeting 17, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"And what are you doin' all the way out here, Joseph? You seem a dreadful long way away from where one might think you should be.\""; "# Meeting 18, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Ah could ask you the same question.\""; "# Meeting 19" = "You stare him dead in the eye. He's pretty calm for someone having a gun pointed at his head, but you can see some of his feathers quivering."; "# Meeting 20, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Were you tryna sneak up on me, Joseph?\""; "# Meeting 21, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Rob me blind where no one else can see? I bet you thought a fella missin' an arm would be easy.\""; "# Meeting 22, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"No sir! Ah had no idea you were here 'till ah walked round this here rock.\""; "# Meeting 23" = "He pats the red stone beside him as if to make a point."; "# Meeting 24" = "Sir? What in the Sam Hill..."; "# Meeting 25" = "You lower your gun, like your shoulder joint just gave out, and let it hang there."; "# Meeting 26, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"In all my years, no stranger has ever called me sir.\""; "# Meeting 27, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Well, colour me surprised fella. You'd have to be blind or full as a tick to not see an upstanding young gentleman.\""; "# Meeting 28, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Alright, alright, now you're just lickin' my boots.\""; "# Meeting 29" = "The hawk puts a hand to his chest."; "# Meeting 30, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"God as my witness, I ain't lyin' to ya.\""; "# Meeting 31" = "You holster your gun and snort a small laugh."; "# Meeting 32, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"May he strike you down as penance then!\""; "# Meeting 33, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"What are ya doin' out here? Pickin' flowers?\""; "# Meeting 34" = "The smile drops from his face. He stops short, and swallows. Like he can't bear to say the next words."; "# Meeting 35, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"I'm part of the Black Vulture gang. I'm on lookout here to survey this here burg.\""; "# Meeting 36, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"That's very forward of ya, considering I just had a gun pointed yer way.\""; "# Meeting 37, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I'm part of the Curly Wolf gang.\""; "# Meeting 38, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"I'll be damned, you boys have been all over the west. What brings ya right here?\""; "# Meeting 39, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Much the same as you I would imagine. Rumours of gold.\""; "# Meeting 40, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"You'd have it just right.\""; "# Meeting 41, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Well... I can imagine what my boss might want me to do, coming across someone who's sticking their beak in our business.\""; "# Meeting 42" = "Joseph tenses up, feathers ruffled. He understands full well what you mean. Conflicting interests and all."; "# Meeting 43, Speaker \"$Player\", Duplicated with dialogue Meeting 44, Sheriff 88, Eating 92, Eating 119, Eating 135, Eating 146, VultureHurt 90" = "\"...\""; "# Meeting 44, Speaker \"Joseph\", Duplicated with dialogue Meeting 43, Sheriff 88, Eating 92, Eating 119, Eating 135, Eating 146, VultureHurt 90" = "\"...\""; "# Meeting 45, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"...But he's not here. Would be a real waste of a good bullet to use it on you.\""; "# Meeting 46, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Is that an insult or are ya trying ta make a mash on me?\""; "# Meeting 47" = "The small jibe is enough to make you stop talking and search for the binoculars you threw when you pulled your gun."; "# Meeting 48" = "Turning your face away to hide the blood rushing to your cheeks under your dark fur."; "# Meeting 49" = "You dust the binoculars off again and walk over to where Joseph is standing, his eyes keenly trained on the town."; "# Meeting 50, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Don't need no binoculars then, huh?\""; "# Meeting 51, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"No sir, these eyes can see all the faces of those people down there no problem.\""; "# Meeting 52" = "Sir. Again. Maybe it's just a habit of his to call people that."; "# Meeting 53, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Say why do you keep calling me sir? I ain't your boss, you just that much of a polite suckup?\""; "# Meeting 54, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Costs nothing to be kind on the trail, I've found.\""; "# Meeting 55, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"What do most call you then?\""; "# Meeting 56, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Ah...\""; "# Meeting 57" = "You thought this might come up. Of course. You're surprised it took this long for him to ask about who you are. What you are."; "# Meeting 58, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Most would say tomboy I would think. Or other things I wouldn't repeat in such polite company.\""; "# Meeting 59, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"And what would you call yourself?\""; "# Meeting 60" = "The question takes you by surprise. Something else no one's ever asked you."; "# Meeting 61, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I'd call myself a man.\""; "# Meeting 62, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Huh, is that so...\""; "# Meeting 63" = "He's gonna think you're a nut now, you just know it."; "# Meeting 64" = "You'd be better getting on your horse right now and riding back than staying another second round this stranger."; "# Meeting 65, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"How funny, ah guess we're in the same boat if I'm picking up what you're putting down.\""; "# Meeting 66, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Might say that the guys at the camp don't use 'shove the queer' to talk about money.\""; "# Meeting 67" = "You nod at him, unsure whether to laugh or not. Neither of you seem sure what to say now."; "# Meeting 68" = "Instead, you hold the binoculars to the bridge of your nose and investigate the town, looking down into the valley."; "# Meeting 69" = "After a spell of looking at nothing in particular in silence, you take the binoculars away from your face again, readjusting to the late morning light."; "# Meeting 70" = "You glanced at Joseph's keenly trained eyes, then back to the town."; "# Meeting 71" = "You can't help but stare at the clump of a couple dozen or so buildings."; "# Meeting 72" = "You couldn't help but think about the real people's lives going on down there, every day. Deaths and celebrations, harvests, prayers."; "# Meeting 73" = "How you were gonna hurt 'em."; "# Meeting 74" = "How you were both gonna hurt 'em."; "# Meeting 75, Duplicated with dialogue Riding 9, Eating 115, Hideout 67, Easter Exit 7" = "..."; "# Meeting 76, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Ah don't get it.\""; "# Meeting 77" = "Joseph's voice snaps you out of your staring."; "# Meeting 78, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Why would Black Vulture wanna come here? There's nothin' here! No mines in use, no bank, and they sure as Hell ain't rich by the looks of things.\""; "# Meeting 79, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Maybe they struck a new vein. This is a miner's town after all.\""; "# Meeting 80, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"But you're right... something strange going on.\""; "# Meeting 81, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Well, two sets of eyes are better than one, right?\""; "# Meeting 82, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"...You wanna work together?\""; "# Meeting 83, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"You watch my back, I'll watch yours. Deal?\""; "# Meeting 84" = "A huge feathered hand shoots out at you in expectation."; "# Meeting 85" = "You look at his face, and you both lock eyes for a moment."; "# Meeting 86" = "You're not sure what, but there's something in his eyes that makes you feel... seen. Being looked at, rather than through."; "# Meeting 87" = "You gently grab his hand, and a second winged hand clasps on and gives your whole arm a big shake."; "# Meeting 88, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Woah, careful there, don't need to lose another.\""; "# Meeting 89" = "He lets go and puts his hands on his hips, smiling at you."; "# Meeting 90, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Hey, come on now, let's get on down there.\""; "# Meeting 91" = "He walks past you and heads toward a winding rocky pathway down the side of the valley cliff."; "# Meeting 92" = "You take a moment to look at the town again, walking along the cliff edge to catch up with Joseph."; "# Meeting 93" = "Wondering if he could see how red your face had been under your black fur."; "# Town 1" = "Clambering down the cliff face, the shade of the valley is a welcome change after your long ride in the sun."; "# Town 2" = "The climb down is quiet, only a few grunts and gripes, a couple voices of concern from Joseph you quickly waved off."; "# Town 3" = "You both approach a wooden sign you spotted a little ways off, swaying in the desert wind."; "# Town 4" = "It looked relatively new, a board hanging on two chains, a word carved into the wood."; "# Town 5, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Can you read it?\""; "# Town 6" = "It was only a single word but you couldn't piece together quite how to say it."; "# Town 7, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Uh... no.\""; "# Town 8, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Ah well, I'm sure someone will tell us.\""; "# Town 9" = "You notice some familiar smells drift on the wind as a gust blows through the town past you."; "# Town 10" = "Tobacco smoke, whiskey, stewing meat from somewhere."; "# Town 11" = "It reminded you of the camp."; "# Town 12" = "Walking more into the town, you get a better look at the buildings that were just dots up on the cliff."; "# Town 13" = "There was a saloon at least, seemingly one of the older buildings in the town."; "# Town 14" = "As well as what you guessed was a Sheriff's building, although the sign outside looked to be busted up."; "# Town 15" = "Everything else you could see from here seemed to be houses and whatnot."; "# Town 16" = "Leftovers clearly made by miners, not built to be sturdy or last long, but had been fixed up to be liveable for folks."; "# Town 17" = "Clearly the people here like this place. And if they get a whiff of why you're both here..."; "# Town 18, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Alright partner, I say if we get given any evil eyes we hightail it out of here. Ain't worth getting shot in a place like this.\""; "# Town 19, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Sure thing. We got each other's backs, remember?\""; "# Town 20" = "You nod at him."; "# Town 21, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"We'd best get talkin' to people, daylight's burnin'.\""; "# Town 22, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Oh, here comes someone now!\""; "# Town 23" = "Sure enough you see a short figure approaching you from the Sheriff's office."; "# Town 24" = "You hear the pound of a cane on the dirt as they limp towards you with a vigor in their step."; "# Town 25" = "When they get closer and the haze of the desert heat obscures them less, you see a smartly-dressed old lizard standing before you both."; "# Town 26" = "Cane in one hand, and a metal flask in the other."; "# Town 27, Speaker \"???\"" = "\"Howdy fellas. I'm Sheriff, welcome to Clemency.\""; "# Town 28, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"A pleasure to meet ya, Sheriff...?\""; "# Town 29" = "He gave the lizard an expectant look, waiting for a name."; "# Town 30, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"My name is Sheriff... just Sheriff, that's all you need.\""; "# Town 31, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"And what do you call yourselves?\""; "# Town 32, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"My name's Joseph, an' my... associate here... is...\""; "# Town 33" = "He gestured toward you and turned to look at you, a subtle panic running across his eyes."; "# Town 34" = "You realise, that he just realised, you never gave your name."; "# Town 35" = "What is your name?"; "# Town 36, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I'm $Player, pleasure to meet you.\""; "# Town 37" = "You said this while looking at Joseph, resisting the urge to wink at him before looking back to Sheriff."; "# Town 38, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"So what brings you two to our fine town?\""; "# Town 39, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"We're just riding through, needed a rest stop. There a problem with that?\""; "# Town 40" = "Joseph nudges you with his elbow a bit, glancing at his eyes you can tell he's saying \"Don't be so rude.\""; "# Town 41, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"No, no, not at all. I'm just the closest thing we have ta a welcome committee, and it's always nice to see some new faces all the way out here.\""; "# Town 42, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"How long will you be staying? The saloon has some rooms if you'd like to stay the night.\""; "# Town 43, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"That's an awful kind offer Sheriff, but we'll be gone before nightfall, at least that's the idea. Maybe we'll like this town so much we stay!\""; "# Town 44" = "Joseph and Sheriff both chuckle, and Sheriff sighs."; "# Town 45, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"Well, you boys let me know if you need anything else, I'll be at home most likely.\""; "# Town 46, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Will do.\""; "# Town 47, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Yup...\""; "# Town 48" = "With a tip of the hat, Sheriff turned and started walking back to the building at the end of the road."; "# Town 49" = "With the lizard out of earshot, Joseph turns to you."; "# Town 50, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"So, pardner, what's our plan?\""; "# Town 51" = "You look around the town for a moment, surveying the handful of people walking about, talking to each other around their houses."; "# Town 52" = "Taking in the warm wind blowing past you with a deep breath."; "# Town 53, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"We get talking to folks.\""; "# Town 54, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"And what, they just run their mouth about all the gold they've found?\""; "# Town 55, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"No, but I reckon a town this size, if they've struck something there'll be a buzz about.\""; "# Town 56, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"We ask 'em about themselves, about the town. Someone'll spill sooner or later.\""; "# Town 57, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Alright then, well ah got a priddy good peep at the place on the way down.\""; "# Town 58, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"We got a saloon just here, we got some sorta town hall over on the far side, and we got Sheriff's station at the end of the road by the looks.\""; "# Town 59, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Where to?\""; "# Choices:787" = "Saloon"; "Choice at line 788" = "Town Hall"; "Choice at line 791" = "Sheriff's Office"; "# Saloon 1, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Let's check out the saloon. I reckon if anyone knows anything about these rumours, it'll be in there.\""; "# Saloon 2, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Awrighty then.\""; "# Saloon 3" = "Walking through the doors of the saloon, you're hit with the very familiar smell of tobacco and alcohol hanging in the air."; "# Saloon 4" = "A couple patrons drink and talk quietly in the corner, not taking any notice of you two."; "# Saloon 5" = "You see a dozen or so tables, and looking up there's a second floor with the rooms Sheriff mentioned."; "# Saloon 6, Speaker \"???\"" = "\"Howdy there!\""; "# Saloon 7" = "Your attention is grabbed by an excitable and friendly voice coming from a short bird standing behind the bar, who was now grabbing a couple glasses."; "# Saloon 8, Speaker \"Bartholomew\"" = "\"My name's Bartholomew, what can I get you fellas?\""; "# Saloon 9" = "He started wiping the glasses expectantly, glancing between you both as you walked the few steps from the doors to stand at the bar."; "# Saloon 10, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"I'll get a beer.\""; "# Saloon 11, Speaker \"Bartholomew\"" = "\"Alright alright, and you?\""; "# Saloon 12, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I'll uh... have what he's having.\""; "# Saloon 13, Speaker \"Bartholomew\"" = "\"Yep, coming right up.\""; "# Saloon 14" = "He set the mugs down and disappeared through a door behind the bar into a backroom."; "# Saloon 15, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I don't have any money on me, Joseph...\""; "# Saloon 16, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Don't worry 'bout that, it's on me.\""; "# Saloon 17" = "He pat you on the back with a big wing a couple times, but withdrew his hand when he saw you wince a little."; "# Saloon 18, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Oh, sorry, was ah too hard...\""; "# Saloon 19, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"No no, you're fine.\""; "# Saloon 20" = "You hadn't winced from pain. You just weren't... used to someone touching you, like that at least. Friendly like."; "# Saloon 21" = "Bartholomew reappeared with two glass bottles, tipping them into the mugs with satisfying glugs before taking a couple coins from Joseph."; "# Saloon 22, Speaker \"Bartholomew\"" = "\"Thank ya kindly.\""; "# Saloon 23" = "You both take a sip. Joseph seems to enjoy it, but you find it a bit more... bitter. You try not to pull a face."; "# Saloon 24, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Not like it?\""; "# Saloon 25" = "You smile weakly."; "# Saloon 26, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Not my thing.\""; "# Saloon 27, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Noted.\""; "# Saloon 28" = "He winks at you and you feel your cheeks redden a little."; "# Saloon 29" = "You both keep drinking while the bartender busies himself behind the bar."; "# Saloon 30" = "The saloon is quiet. A piano sits gathering dust in the corner, seemingly untouched for many moons."; "# Saloon 31" = "Wind whistles through a gap in the saloon doors, carrying the sound of desert insects."; "# Saloon 32, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Slow day huh?\""; "# Saloon 33" = "You look up from your drink, and see he's looking at the bartender, who doesn't seem to have taken any notice."; "# Saloon 34" = "He glances at you both and realises rather sheepishly he was being talked to."; "# Saloon 35, Speaker \"Bartholomew\"" = "\"Oh, beg yer pardon. Slow day? Naw, this is about the usual.\""; "# Saloon 36, Speaker \"Bartholomew\"" = "\"Gets a lot more lively in the evenings when the sun goes down. Everyone comes here to take a load off.\""; "# Saloon 37, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"So you know everyone here priddy well then?\""; "# Saloon 38, Speaker \"Bartholomew\"" = "\"Well, 'course! Not exactly a big town, we're a pretty tight-knit lot here.\""; "# Saloon 39, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Why is that? This is a mining town, right? These places usually explode with people.\""; "# Saloon 40, Speaker \"Bartholomew\"" = "\"Uh, well... I can't say I know much.\""; "# Saloon 41" = "He looks oddly unsettled by your question."; "# Saloon 42, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"How long you lived here for?\""; "# Saloon 43" = "He perks up again from whatever you said that troubled him, the brightness returning to his voice."; "# Saloon 44, Speaker \"Bartholomew\"" = "\"Oh, well, I'd say somewhere close to eight years?\""; "# Saloon 45, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"That's a darn long time.\""; "# Saloon 46, Speaker \"Bartholomew\"" = "\"Heh, yeah I s'pose it is.\""; "# Saloon 47, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"What made you stay?\""; "# Saloon 48, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Nevermind stayin', how'd ya even find this place! I've never even heard it till we stumbled past.\""; "# Saloon 49" = "Bartholomew's cheery smile dropped a little, morphing into something more wistful."; "# Saloon 50" = "Like the face of someone looking at an old, now bittersweet photograph."; "# Saloon 51, Speaker \"Bartholomew\"" = "\"You boys ask a lot of questions, don't ya?\""; "# Saloon 52" = "You and Joseph look at each other for a moment, expecting the other to say something, but nothing comes out."; "# Saloon 53, Speaker \"Bartholomew\"" = "\"I don't mind, to give it a fair shake this town ain't the most exciting.\""; "# Saloon 54, Speaker \"Bartholomew\"" = "\"It's nice to talk to some new ears that ain't tired of my squawking already.\""; "# Saloon 55" = "He gives a little half-hearted chuckle."; "# Saloon 56, Speaker \"Bartholomew\"" = "\"Well, I found this place 'cause I heard about there being gold. Like a lot of folks I was fixin' to get my fill.\""; "# Saloon 57" = "You and Joseph both lean in a little at the mention of gold."; "# Saloon 58, Speaker \"Bartholomew\"" = "\"My fiancé was running away from home, and I was going with 'em. We thought we'd go out West and make our fortune.\""; "# Saloon 59, Speaker \"Bartholomew\"" = "\"Lookin' back on it, I get why so many called us foolish. I might've been one of 'em if it were the other way round.\""; "# Saloon 60, Speaker \"Bartholomew\"" = "\"But we had our hearts set on it. We followed the road by wagon, and it was... damn tough - hellish even.\""; "# Saloon 61, Speaker \"Bartholomew\"" = "\"Thank our lucky stars, we made it here to Clemency on a wing and a prayer.\""; "# Saloon 62, Speaker \"Bartholomew\"" = "\"That was when we really felt like we were foolish. When we got here, talking 'bout gold, we almost got ran out of town.\""; "# Saloon 63, Speaker \"Bartholomew\"" = "\"I don't know the details, but there was a lot of trouble here when miners ran this place.\""; "# Saloon 64, Speaker \"Bartholomew\"" = "\"No one's been digging for decades now, but word hadn't travelled far enough it seems to let us know at the time.\""; "# Saloon 65, Speaker \"Bartholomew\"" = "\"At first Sheriff told us to leave, didn't want no more of our kind causing trouble.\""; "# Saloon 66, Speaker \"Bartholomew\"" = "\"But when Sheriff saw how stuck we were, how we had nowhere else to go, how rough the journey had been on us.\""; "# Saloon 67, Speaker \"Bartholomew\"" = "\"Sheriff's nothing if not kind. Could see we weren't troublemakers... just wanted a better life somewhere.\""; "# Saloon 68" = "He shrugged, like there was nothing more to it."; "# Saloon 69, Speaker \"Bartholomew\"" = "\"With the town's help we gussied up this here saloon into something I could run, and the rest is history.\""; "# Saloon 70, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"I'm glad y'all found something here.\""; "# Saloon 71, Speaker \"Bartholomew\"" = "\"Yeah I can say that fer sure. Clemency may be small but it's somethin' real special if you ask me.\""; "# Saloon 72, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"So there's no gold here.\""; "# Saloon 73" = "Bartholomew leaned back against the shelves behind him, crossing his arms."; "# Saloon 74, Speaker \"Bartholomew\"" = "\"Not as far as I know. The mines are around here somewhere but I've never seen 'em.\""; "# Saloon 75, Speaker \"Bartholomew\"" = "\"This hasn't been a mining town for a long time, and folks here don't think of it as one. You'd do well to keep that in mind.\""; "# Saloon 76" = "He tapped the side of his beak as if to say \"if you catch my drift.\""; "# Saloon 77, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Even so ah would be interested in the history of the town.\""; "# Saloon 78, Speaker \"Bartholomew\"" = "\"Afraid that well runs dry here, but there's others who have been here far longer than I have.\""; "# Saloon 79, Speaker \"Bartholomew\"" = "\"You can always talk to Sheriff if you haven't yet.\""; "# Saloon 80, Speaker \"Bartholomew\"" = "\"Sheriff made this place what it is today. Wanna know somethin', that's the lizard to talk to.\""; "# Saloon 81, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Thank you, Bartholomew.\""; "# Saloon 82, Speaker \"Bartholomew\"" = "\"No problem, it's my pleasure.\""; "# Saloon 83" = "Bartholomew stood up from his lean and stretched his back and arms a little."; "# Saloon 84" = "Slinging his cloth over his shoulder, he picked up a small clinking and rattling box before walking through to the backroom."; "# Saloon 85, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Daylight's burnin', I think we best get going.\""; "# Saloon 86, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Agreed.\""; "# Saloon 87" = "You stood at the bar and waited a moment while Joseph downed his beer. And then yours too."; "# Saloon 88, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Hope you can hold that.\""; "# Saloon 89, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Aw, please, how lil you must think of me. Only a couple beers.\""; "# Saloon 90, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"You shoulda seen me at the Long Branch in Dodge. Drank the entire gang under the table.\""; "# Saloon 91" = "You can't help but smile at his cockiness, unsure whether to believe him."; "# Saloon 92" = "You briefly think back on the times the gang had gone to bars. You were always told to stay outside. Don't wander off."; "# Saloon 93" = "A dog on a leash waiting for master to come back."; "# Saloon 94" = "Staring into lamplit streets and hearing the braying crowds all around you, drunken strangers enjoying each other's company as much as their liquor."; "# Saloon 95" = "At first they told you it was dangerous for you to stray too far."; "# Saloon 96" = "Then they started telling you to stay outside after you'd beaten the teeth out of a guy in an alley who you knew had been staring at you."; "# Saloon 97" = "Couldn't have you causing them needless trouble."; "# Saloon 98, Speaker \"Bartholomew\"" = "\"Off so soon?\""; "# Saloon 99" = "Bartholomew re-emerged into the bar, looking expectantly."; "# Saloon 100, Speaker \"Bartholomew\"" = "\"Well, don't be a stranger, strangers.\""; "# Saloon 101, Speaker \"Bartholomew\"" = "\"You're welcome to come back later when the bar's more lively! My husband would love to meet you both.\""; "# Saloon 102" = "The casual lilt of his words caught you off-guard, and you think you see Joseph stumble a little."; "# Saloon 103" = "Failing to get any words out, he just tips his hat, and you both leave the saloon, stepping back into the dust and dry desert heat."; "# Town Hall 1, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"There might be a meeting we can drop in on at the town hall, seems worth a look.\""; "# Town Hall 2, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Sounds good ta me, ah wouldn't mind sitting down a spell neither.\""; "# Town Hall 3" = "You both start walking to the outskirts of the town, weaving between the clumps of houses and down the dirt banks."; "# Town Hall 4" = "You keep walking on a flat stretch, smooth and compacted from the frequent travels of people."; "# Town Hall 5" = "Some townsfolk on their porches wave at you or give a little \"Afternoon\" as you pass on by."; "# Town Hall 6, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Is it just me, or does it feel like everyone here is nicer than most?\""; "# Town Hall 7, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Well, maybe, but I ain't complainin'.\""; "# Town Hall 8" = "He gives an enthusiastic wave to a small kid shyly hanging around outside their house, under the shade."; "# Town Hall 9, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"I could get used to folk bein' nice to me.\""; "# Town Hall 10, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"They not usually?\""; "# Town Hall 11, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Ah mean... ah don't stray far from the gang a lot of the time.\""; "# Town Hall 12, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Maybe this is normal.\""; "# Town Hall 13, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Yeah, I s'pose I wouldn't know either...\""; "# Town Hall 14" = "You arrive at the large wooden building you'd been heading towards, noting how similar to a chapel it looked."; "# Town Hall 15" = "Joseph walks up the small steps and opens the door with a rattle, holding it open for you."; "# Town Hall 16, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Thank you kindly.\""; "# Town Hall 17" = "He follows you into the short darkened hallway, closing the door behind him with another wooden rattle."; "# Town Hall 18" = "The meeting hall is fairly large, and simple, and bright."; "# Town Hall 19" = "The wood walls are varnished, and gleaming from the ample sunlight filtering through the arched windows."; "# Town Hall 20" = "Rows of benches line the aisle, half facing away and half facing toward you on each side."; "# Town Hall 21" = "Sitting on a nearby bench turned away from you is a hunched figure in black."; "# Town Hall 22" = "Hearing you come in, the figure jumps to life, rising from the seat."; "# Town Hall 23" = "They turn to you both, revealing themselves to be an elderly tortoise, holding a small book in one hand."; "# Town Hall 24, Speaker \"???\"" = "\"Ah, do my eyes deceive me or do I see new visitors to our town!\""; "# Town Hall 25" = "He walks with the characteristic slowness of someone his age and nature down the aisle towards you both, but with a sprightly spring to his step."; "# Town Hall 26" = "He tucks the book under one arm and extends both his hands to shake hands with Joseph, and then you."; "# Town Hall 27, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"Welcome, welcome to Clemency, and to our meeting hall. I am Jacob, and what might your names be?\""; "# Town Hall 28, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"I'm Joseph, an' this here is my associate $Player.\""; "# Town Hall 29, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Pleasure to meet you.\""; "# Town Hall 30, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"I assure you, the pleasure is all mine. It has been a good while since we had fresh faces around here.\""; "# Town Hall 31, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"Now you'll have to excuse me but I have some business to attend to quickly, feel free to sit and pray here until I return if you so wish.\""; "# Town Hall 32" = "Before you can ask any more questions he shuffles between you both and out the door."; "# Town Hall 33" = "You and Joseph look at each other quizzically, sitting down on the nearest bench together."; "# Town Hall 34, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"What did he say? Sit and pray here?\""; "# Town Hall 35, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"That's what I heard too.\""; "# Town Hall 36, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Is this a meeting hall for prayer? The meeting house of God? Ah don't get it.\""; "# Town Hall 37" = "You can't help but smile at his musings as he looks around the room, looking into the rafters of the ceiling, before turning back to you."; "# Town Hall 38" = "You lock eyes with him, staring into the honey-gold and brown streaked rings of his keen gaze."; "# Town Hall 39" = "He smiles at you coyly and looks away, readjusting in his seat. You realise you were holding your breath."; "# Town Hall 40" = "You sit up on the bench more too. The hard wood at your back reminds you of church days."; "# Town Hall 41" = "All the fuss and protest against your mother about your Sunday best."; "# Town Hall 42" = "You don't miss the frills and laces at all. You do miss singing hymns with her."; "# Town Hall 43" = "She had a beautiful voice."; "# Town Hall 44, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Ah don't remember the last time I prayed. Don't cross my mind very much.\""; "# Town Hall 45, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Can't say you're missing anything, all the good it'd do you.\""; "# Town Hall 46, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Not a believer?\""; "# Town Hall 47, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I don't wanna blaspheme, but, God's done a whole lot of jack squat to help me all my life.\""; "# Town Hall 48, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Don't really feel like praying to someone who doesn't care about me - or anyone like me for that matter.\""; "# Town Hall 49, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Which is why I wouldn't have pegged you for a devout man.\""; "# Town Hall 50" = "Joseph laughed a bit, almost mocking the idea."; "# Town Hall 51, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"No, no, ah don't think anyone coulda accuse me of that. Not with some of the things I've done.\""; "# Town Hall 52, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"But ah still pray. Only the Lord knows if he's listening, but it helps remind me what's, uh, important to me.\""; "# Town Hall 53, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"A lotta the time ah just pray for family, hope they're doin' fine.\""; "# Town Hall 54, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"...I hope they are too.\""; "# Town Hall 55" = "There was a momentary silence between you, like the subtle shift of coals in a long-burning fire - now snuffed by the door rattling open again."; "# Town Hall 56" = "You looked behind you and sure enough it was Jacob shuffling in."; "# Town Hall 57" = "He grabbed a broom and briefly swept some dust he'd tracked in back outside before closing the door with another rattle."; "# Town Hall 58, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"Forgive me for the delay, I hope I haven't kept you two from your business.\""; "# Town Hall 59, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Don't worry yerself, we're doin' just fine here.\""; "# Town Hall 60" = "He leaned into and nudged you playfully."; "# Town Hall 61, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"Good, good... so, how may I help you gentlemen?\""; "# Town Hall 62" = "The word catches you off guard a little, the way it trips off his tongue so easily. No bitterness or mockery."; "# Town Hall 63" = "Joseph seems to stall for a moment before a little wry smile returns to his face."; "# Town Hall 64" = "He adjusted in his seat to turn to Jacob, who had now taken a seat facing you on another bench."; "# Town Hall 65, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Well, we're jus' passin' through, but I'm curious, you mentioned somethin' about prayer?\""; "# Town Hall 66, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"Ah, well yes, of course, you must forgive me, I'm clearly far too used to the usuals of the town.\""; "# Town Hall 67" = "His slow drawl of words is comforting, like being told a long-worn story by a grandparent."; "# Town Hall 68, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"This is a meeting hall for Friends, Quakers, if you will. We're a largely Quaker community here in Clemency.\""; "# Town Hall 69, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Quakers, Quakers... oh yeah, there's a lotta you folks over in Pennsylvania and the likes ain't there.\""; "# Town Hall 70, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"Yes, indeed that's true, in fact that is where I hail from - but I must admit, it has been a long long time since I last visited.\""; "# Town Hall 71, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Sorry, I've gotta say I'm at sea here, I've never even heard of Quakers.\""; "# Town Hall 72, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Ah can't say I'm much more enlightened myself, I don't know nothing about 'em.\""; "# Town Hall 73" = "You both turn to Jacob expectantly."; "# Town Hall 74, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"Well, what's the simplest way I can explain our beliefs...\""; "# Town Hall 75" = "He fell into deep thought for a few moments, eyes staring into the middle distance, before coming back to life."; "# Town Hall 76, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"We believe that there is that of God in everyone. That we all have a... inner light, that guides us.\""; "# Town Hall 77, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"We don't perform sermons or sing hymns, instead we pray in silence together.\""; "# Town Hall 78, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"There are no guidelines as to what you should do, other than try to connect and listen to the light within yourself.\""; "# Town Hall 79, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"We also very strongly believe in pacifism and do what we can to promote peace.\""; "# Town Hall 80, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"Denouncing all forms of violence and the degradation of our fellows who walk the earth with us.\""; "# Town Hall 81, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"It's important to respect the light of God within everyone - that's certainly how I see it.\""; "# Town Hall 82, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"That sounds nice but, well... things don't often work that way. In my experience.\""; "# Town Hall 83" = "Jacob smiled wisely, likely having heard the same sentiment many times before."; "# Town Hall 84, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"Yes, there's certainly some that adhere to it more than others in town here, but it's always been an important tenet of our community.\""; "# Town Hall 85, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"So everyone in this town are Quakers?\""; "# Town Hall 86, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"Well, yes, and no. Many of us are but some of us moreso just adhere to the same principles and ideals of non-violence and so forth.\""; "# Town Hall 87, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"Quakerism isn't enforced, but it bonds this community.\""; "# Town Hall 88, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Huh, interestin'. Whatta 'bout old Sheriff?\""; "# Town Hall 89, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"What about Sheriff?\""; "# Town Hall 90, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"With the pacifism and whatnot. Doesn't seem like it'd be easy.\""; "# Town Hall 91, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"Oh, well, yes I can see how you might suppose that. Sheriff cares about keeping the peace, but isn't solely responsible for it. We all are.\""; "# Town Hall 92, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"It's what made this town so easy to keep going, me and Sheriff see eye-to-eye on many things.\""; "# Town Hall 93, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"So you and Sheriff have been here a while then?\""; "# Town Hall 94, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Did ya found the place or somethin'?\""; "# Town Hall 95" = "You'd have believed it by the tortoise's age, he could definitely be as old as this town."; "# Town Hall 96, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"Aha, no, you flatter me for I am not quite that pioneering, but I have indeed been here for a long time.\""; "# Town Hall 97, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"If you'd indulge me, I could tell you a little of my story.\""; "# Town Hall 98, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Please do.\""; "# Town Hall 99" = "Jacob nodded, again drifting off into thought for a moment, before coming back with his words."; "# Town Hall 100, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"As I said, I'm from Pennsylvania.\""; "# Town Hall 101, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"During the height of the gold rush, with so many heading West, many Quakers thought it would be of benefit to follow.\""; "# Town Hall 102, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"I was much younger then, much more eager to get on the trail and spread the ideals of the Friends.\""; "# Town Hall 103, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"Although, I can't say my love of blabbing has waned much.\""; "# Town Hall 104" = "He gave a charming and hoarse little laugh at his own jibe."; "# Town Hall 105, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"The trail was very hard, but I learned much from others in the caravans and towns and cities on the way, so much life and light.\""; "# Town Hall 106, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"I arrived in this here town maybe more chipper than I had left... but it was not to be.\""; "# Town Hall 107" = "His expression softened, drawing into himself, emotion failing to find its way onto his face."; "# Town Hall 108, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"I loathe to speak ill of my fellow man, but when I arrived this was a godless place.\""; "# Town Hall 109, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"The miners had little care for each other.\""; "# Town Hall 110, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"Be it out of greed, or desperation, they were consumed by their need for gold, even those who had had their fill.\""; "# Town Hall 111, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"The whole town was tense and unpredictable.\""; "# Town Hall 112, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"Arguments, even violence, would erupt whenever something valuable turned up, a new vein, gold in the river...\""; "# Town Hall 113, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"They'd do whatever they had to to get what they wanted.\""; "# Town Hall 114, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"The night I arrived, they told me of the so-called \"savages\" that used to reside there.\""; "# Town Hall 115, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"Very little makes my blood boil I tell you boys what, but the way the miners talked about those Indians...\""; "# Town Hall 116, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"How... happily they told me stories about the ways they drove them out.\""; "# Town Hall 117, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"Unspeakable things, things I dare not and would not want to repeat to anyone.\""; "# Town Hall 118, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"I tried explaining the Friends' way, how even the \"savages\", as they called them, had the light of God in them.\""; "# Town Hall 119, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"How we were equally important in the presence of God's light.\""; "# Town Hall 120, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"That the people we share this Earth with were not our enemy.\""; "# Town Hall 121, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"They had no care for my explanations, they had no care for the needs or lives of others than themselves.\""; "# Town Hall 122, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"It made me wonder how Quakers past had convinced people; of the evils of slavery, of the importance of peace.\""; "# Town Hall 123, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"Building bonds instead of destroying one other.\""; "# Town Hall 124, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"I lost hope. I thought maybe... things had changed so much, perhaps this was the people's limit.\""; "# Town Hall 125, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"Tolerance of those who could get in their way was no longer an option.\""; "# Town Hall 126, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"...Or perhaps I was just a failure, unable to convince a single soul of giving a damn.\""; "# Town Hall 127" = "The old tortoise looked forlorn, brow furrowed, like he was reliving these moments so vividly that these were the same faces he wore."; "# Town Hall 128, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"Then along came Sheriff, oh, Sheriff!\""; "# Town Hall 129, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"I was a little worried when Sheriff was first assigned to the town.\""; "# Town Hall 130, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"That I'd just have another person to fight with, someone with authority on the side of the miners.\""; "# Town Hall 131, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"Instead I found a kindred spirit, someone who actually listened to me, and agreed with me on many things.\""; "# Town Hall 132, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"Very quickly we became firm, firm friends.\""; "# Town Hall 133, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"Eventually, Sheriff got sick of the miners. Decided enough was enough, and shut down the town. Forced the miners to move elsewhere.\""; "# Town Hall 134" = "The entire time he'd been talking about Sheriff, his face was lively and lit up, his hands moving with his words."; "# Town Hall 135" = "It was a lot like how your pastor used to give sermons."; "# Town Hall 136, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Surely there was resistance to a whole mining town being packed up like that?\""; "# Town Hall 137, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"Of course. But Sheriff did what's right - that's the way Sheriff's soul is set.\""; "# Town Hall 138, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"I'd felt buried by the weight of the town's hate, their convictions like stone walls I could not scale.\""; "# Town Hall 139, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"I'll be grateful to God until the day I die that Sheriff came here. I was given so much hope when I'd lost it all.\""; "# Town Hall 140, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"And you've been here ever since?\""; "# Town Hall 141" = "Jacob chuckled."; "# Town Hall 142, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"Yes, we have. Only a handful of us stayed after the miners left, and it was hard to know whether this town would still stand.\""; "# Town Hall 143, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"But we felt sure we could find more people who cared, as long as we worked together.\""; "# Town Hall 144, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"More people like us.\""; "# Town Hall 145" = "His words hung in the air, settling around you and Joseph as Jacob settled his gaze on you both."; "# Town Hall 146, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"...So, those mines are still around?\""; "# Town Hall 147, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"Hm?\""; "# Town Hall 148, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"A lot of mining towns die down 'cause of the gold dryin' up, but if the miners just left, I guess there's some still here.\""; "# Town Hall 149, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"Well, yes, I suppose so. I can't say I've thought much about it in recent years.\""; "# Town Hall 150, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"We don't encourage those looking for gold, I'm sure you understand. It's nothing but trouble.\""; "# Town Hall 151" = "His warm gaze turned somewhat steely. You weren't sure how long it might go on for if Joseph didn't pipe up."; "# Town Hall 152, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"'Course, 'course Jacob, we're just a curious bunch. Thank ya for talking with us strangers so long.\""; "# Town Hall 153" = "His stern eyes disappeared in an instant and he humbly waved away Joseph's thanks."; "# Town Hall 154, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"No no, the pleasure's all mine. It's been good to talk to new ears.\""; "# Town Hall 155, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"If you'll excuse me now, I must get this place tidied up before today's meeting.\""; "# Town Hall 156, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Quaker meeting?\""; "# Town Hall 157, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"Yes, indeed. You're both welcome to join us if you'd like.\""; "# Town Hall 158, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Thank you Jacob, but I'm thinking we'll be off anyhow.\""; "# Town Hall 159" = "You all stand, stretching and shaking off the stiffness from wings and tails and legs."; "# Town Hall 160, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"Go well, and keep the light close to you.\""; "# Town Hall 161" = "You both nod, and leave through the same rattling door as before, catching one last glance at Jacob starting his chores before you close it."; "# Town Hall 162" = "Joseph stands with you for a moment in the porch of the meeting hall, looking off into the town."; "# Town Hall 163, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"...What you thinking?\""; "# Town Hall 164, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Well, we know now that these folks ain't gonna put up much of a fight. Maybe some of them, but...\""; "# Town Hall 165, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"...And there's definitely gold here. Somewhere.\""; "# Town Hall 166" = "Joseph had no real emotions playing across his face, but he was standing much more still than you had seen him before."; "# Town Hall 167" = "Like he was trying not to breathe."; "# Town Hall 168, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"C'mon, we've got more people to talk to.\""; "# Town Hall 169" = "He exhaled sharply, the feathers on his beak next to his nose holes fluttering."; "# Town Hall 170, Speaker \"Joseph\", Duplicated with dialogue Plan 56, Goodbye 32" = "\"Yeah.\""; "# Town Hall 171" = "You walked past the houses and people like before, but didn't feel like waving back."; "# Sheriff 1, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Sheriff should know something, surely?\""; "# Sheriff 2, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Yessir, I doubt we're the only ones who've come lookie-looin' before.\""; "# Sheriff 3, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"And Sheriff did say to come find 'em if we needed anythin'.\""; "# Sheriff 4" = "You walk the same direction you saw Sheriff leave."; "# Sheriff 5" = "Down toward the closest edge of town, through what might be considered the main street were this town bigger."; "# Sheriff 6" = "Sheriff's office is modest, one of the smaller buildings in town, a short, square, stone block with barred windows and a lopsided wooden door."; "# Sheriff 7" = "As you get close to the squat building, Joseph slows down and raises an arm to your chest to slow you as well."; "# Sheriff 8, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Ok partner, what's the plan here? You an' I both know Sheriff is gonna be the most paranoid, owl-headed son of a gun in this burg.\""; "# Sheriff 9, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"We can't go waltzin' in there shooting our mouths off about just anything.\""; "# Sheriff 10, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Yeah, you're right. All we really need to know is if Sheriff is gonna put up a fight.\""; "# Sheriff 11, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Somehow I feel like they're... not your usual lawman.\""; "# Sheriff 12" = "You look around thinking for a bit. Two halves of a tattered sign swing in the wind on chattering chains in front of the building."; "# Sheriff 13" = "It seems it had said \"Sheriff\" once, and the edges of it had the remnants of bullet holes, shattered and charred wood."; "# Sheriff 14, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I say we tell 'em what's really happening.\""; "# Sheriff 15" = "To call Joseph's face incredulous at that moment would've been an understatement."; "# Sheriff 16" = "He scoffed a little out of curiosity, rubbing his chin with a feathered hand and trying to think what you could mean."; "# Sheriff 17, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"What're you sayin', we admit why we're here, acknowledge the corn?\""; "# Sheriff 18, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Sort of. I think we can tell Sheriff that there's outlaws coming, and we're worried like, about the town.\""; "# Sheriff 19, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"That's a dangerous play.\""; "# Sheriff 20, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Look, Sheriff is gonna have a good idea why we're snooping around if we don't have a simple, honest reason to throw off the scent.\""; "# Sheriff 21, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"It's easier to lie when there's some truth to it.\""; "# Sheriff 22" = "Joseph rubbed his chin again and sighed."; "# Sheriff 23, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Ah think so too, but still I can't help to feel jumpy walking into the lion's den.\""; "# Sheriff 24" = "You knew what he meant. For people like you, a Sheriff's office was never where you wanted to wind up."; "# Sheriff 25" = "Walking in to the office together, Joseph ducks to clear the doorway."; "# Sheriff 26" = "You find the inside to be much more well-kept than the outside, which had clearly seen some wear and tear in its time."; "# Sheriff 27" = "Sunlight and dust in equal measures came in through the windows."; "# Sheriff 28" = "Landing upon the desk of Sheriff, who was currently rapidly filling a piece of paper with pencil in hand."; "# Sheriff 29" = "After you close the door behind you, you both wait for a few seconds for Sheriff to notice you."; "# Sheriff 30" = "Before you can politely knock on the closed door for attention, Sheriff raises a finger on a pencil-holding hand to ask for a moment's more waiting."; "# Sheriff 31" = "This was followed by a hasty scribbling onto the end of the piece of paper, before the pencil was thrown onto the desk with little regard."; "# Sheriff 32" = "Two keen eyes landed on you and Joseph."; "# Sheriff 33, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"Howdy there, fellas. Thought I might be seein' you again.\""; "# Sheriff 34, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Howdy again, Sheriff.\""; "# Sheriff 35, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"Now what can I be helpin' you both with today.\""; "# Sheriff 36, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Uh, well...\""; "# Sheriff 37" = "Joseph turned to you, locking eyes, you saw the slight wild panic of someone caught in a trap and looking for a way out."; "# Sheriff 38, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Do you protect this town?\""; "# Sheriff 39" = "Sheriff looked miffed, unsure how to respond, like someone had just asked if the sky was blue."; "# Sheriff 40, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"As much as anyone else who lives here, yes.\""; "# Sheriff 41, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"What does that mean? I thought you were a lawman.\""; "# Sheriff 42" = "Sheriff regarded you with some annoyance, still seemingly puzzled over what you were asking."; "# Sheriff 43, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"I think I see the confusion here. I'm not a lawman.\""; "# Sheriff 44, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"...In fact I'd say I'm not a man at all, or a woman.\""; "# Sheriff 45" = "Sheriff kept looking at you both, trying to gauge your reactions. Whether you could be trusted, you guessed."; "# Sheriff 46, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"My name is Sheriff, that is the moniker I've chosen, and I'd ask you kindly to refer to me as so, or not at all.\""; "# Sheriff 47" = "Joseph tipped his hat politely."; "# Sheriff 48, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Not a problem, Sheriff.\""; "# Sheriff 49, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Do you run this town then?\""; "# Sheriff 50, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"That would also be a no. I'm a founder, you might say, but I don't solely run this town.\""; "# Sheriff 51, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"You boys are asking some real strange questions, is there something I oughta know?\""; "# Sheriff 52" = "Joseph had faltered and now you did too. This isn't what you'd just planned."; "# Sheriff 53" = "You were just saying the first things that came to mind, fixing on Sheriff with a calm pair of eyes, but a shakiness in the knees."; "# Sheriff 54" = "Maybe you hoped Sheriff would say something that would change things, change what you were both there for."; "# Sheriff 55" = "Before you could fall over, Joseph placed a hand on your shoulder, and you tensed before he gave it a light squeeze, stepping in."; "# Sheriff 56, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"We... heard from some other fellas on the trail that there were outlaws around, comin' this way even.\""; "# Sheriff 57, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"I see, I see... well you boys shouldn't worry. We know how to care of ourselves in Clemency.\""; "# Sheriff 58, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"We don't get trouble round here often, but we make sure to run 'em off before anything starts.\""; "# Sheriff 59, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"So you've been here a while then?\""; "# Sheriff 60, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"Yeah. Ages.\""; "# Sheriff 61, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"How'd you end up livin' here anyhow? What's the story, you said you're some kinda founder?\""; "# Sheriff 62, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"Don't get it twisted now, I'm not really a founder. I'm... well, hard to explain.\""; "# Sheriff 63, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"I used to be a Marshal, got sent here some... what, thirty years ago already?\""; "# Sheriff 64, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"And ya liked it so much ya stayed!\""; "# Sheriff 65" = "Joseph gives a little bellow of a laugh, but Sheriff's is much more half-hearted."; "# Sheriff 66, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"No, well, I wish I could say things back then were as good as they are now...\""; "# Sheriff 67" = "Sheriff stood up, grabbing the cane by the desk that thumped softly as Sheriff started pacing a little through the small office, stretching stiff legs."; "# Sheriff 68, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"You boys know this used to be a minin' town right?\""; "# Sheriff 69, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"'Course.\""; "# Sheriff 70, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"Well, I used to be the lawman of this mining town.\""; "# Sheriff 71, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"Greenhorn out on their first assignment, trying to keep the peace here...\""; "# Sheriff 72, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"What a joke.\""; "# Sheriff 73, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"The miners had it out for each other. There was nothing but bad blood, and gold fever.\""; "# Sheriff 74, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"I learnt all too well during that time what it looks like. Gold fever in the eyes.\""; "# Sheriff 75, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"And what people will do to satisfy it.\""; "# Sheriff 76, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"That town was a constant powder keg, and I was... only one Marshal. Felt like there was nothing I could do.\""; "# Sheriff 77, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"I felt like I needed to do more, I needed to do somethin' to calm the place.\""; "# Sheriff 78, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"I asked the Marshals who sent me, they don't give a hoot!\""; "# Sheriff 79, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"If anything they tell me to keep hands off, let 'em figure it out themselves, shoot 'em if they step too outta line.\""; "# Sheriff 80, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"That... that never sat right with me.\""; "# Sheriff 81, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"If there's something you should know about me, about how I conduct my business and take care of this town - it's that I care about justice.\""; "# Sheriff 82, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"Real justice.\""; "# Sheriff 83, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"Not the justice others suck up to, claim to care about. I learned very quickly that the law is not about real justice.\""; "# Sheriff 84" = "Sheriff punctuated those words, said with such fire, with bangs of the cane on the floor."; "# Sheriff 85, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"The law of the Marshals was not - is not - the justice I recognise.\""; "# Sheriff 86, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"It's why I took on the name Sheriff. I wanted the name for myself, they didn't deserve it. Strange I know.\""; "# Sheriff 87, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"Thank the Lord, much good he's done me, that I met at least one like-mind in that town.\""; "# Sheriff 88, Speaker \"Sheriff\", Duplicated with dialogue Meeting 43, Meeting 44, Eating 92, Eating 119, Eating 135, Eating 146, VultureHurt 90" = "\"...\""; "# Sheriff 89, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"Sometime in the winter, we had a caravan arrive in town.\""; "# Sheriff 90, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"People who had been travelling long across the trail, needing somewhere to stay for a spell.\""; "# Sheriff 91, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"Had some to sell as well, furs and such, anything to help get by.\""; "# Sheriff 92, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"Friendly folks, I enjoyed their company. Spent a night drinking with them around their wagons.\""; "# Sheriff 93, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"The miners... didn't take kindly to them. Didn't trust them.\""; "# Sheriff 94, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"That was a week I'll never forget. Constant accusations of stealing and flare ups, shouting matches almost ending in drawn irons.\""; "# Sheriff 95, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"The miners were so darn jumpy and owl-headed about the slightest things.\""; "# Sheriff 96, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"Three days later, a miner turns up dead. Stabbed in his sleep.\""; "# Sheriff 97, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"The miners all accused one of the traders of doing it, a Mexican fella. Claimed it was his knife that did the deed.\""; "# Sheriff 98, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"I... hadda arrest him. Held him in this cell here.\""; "# Sheriff 99" = "A tap of the somewhat rusted metal bars with the cane rang out into the room."; "# Sheriff 100, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"The traders all came to tell me that I was wrong, that he'd never do something of the sort.\""; "# Sheriff 101, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"They helped push me in the right direction, I'd already had some suspicion about the miners' claims.\""; "# Sheriff 102, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"A lot of accusations had been flyin' around about the Mexicans and Indians travelling in the caravans.\""; "# Sheriff 103, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"I did a little investigating and found that the miner had been killed by one of his friends.\""; "# Sheriff 104, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"Another feud about gold. Some stolen or missing, and his so-called friend had killed him for it.\""; "# Sheriff 105, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"The miners wouldn't believe it, insisted the man in the cell was guilty.\""; "# Sheriff 106, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"I wonder if maybe they just couldn't see what I could. See things through my eyes.\""; "# Sheriff 107, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"It felt like a mockery of justice. Of everything I cared about.\""; "# Sheriff 108, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"That was the straw that broke the camel's back.\""; "# Sheriff 109, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"Early the next morning, I asked the traders to leave, and take their friend with them.\""; "# Sheriff 110" = "Sheriff notices how intently you both are listening, watery eyes flicking between you both."; "# Sheriff 111, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"Anyway, that's a lot of blabbing from me already. Long story short, I kicked the miners out, for the better.\""; "# Sheriff 112, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Ya make it sound like it was real easy. How'd you get that many miners to just abandon gold?\""; "# Sheriff 113, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"I did what I had to, and I have no regrets or weight on my soul for it.\""; "# Sheriff 114, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"Really, getting them out, that was the easy part I s'pose.\""; "# Sheriff 115, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"We moved and rebuilt some of the town, further from the mines. We all wanted a fresh start.\""; "# Sheriff 116, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"The years since have been hard, very hard. I don't have this stick 'cause I've been sitting on my jollies and gazing at sunsets.\""; "# Sheriff 117, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"This town may be small but it's a lot of work to keep goin'.\""; "# Sheriff 118" = "Sheriff turned and went to sit at the desk again, the chair creaking beneath old bones."; "# Sheriff 119, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"Don't take my griping to think I'm not thankful for this place, though. I've done a lot for it, but it's done just as much, more even, in return.\""; "# Sheriff 120, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"How d'you mean? I can't say I've ever really had somewhere I lived do much for me.\""; "# Sheriff 121" = "Sheriff sighed softly, looking out the windows into town, a clear view of the cobbled together houses cascading down the shallow hillside."; "# Sheriff 122, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"Clemency has given me... somewhere to live.\""; "# Sheriff 123, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"I had many hopes when I chose to stay in this town, to try make somethin' of it.\""; "# Sheriff 124, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"I've worked hard to earn the respect of those who live here, as a person, not as an authority.\""; "# Sheriff 125, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"People here don't see me as an oddity, they don't fear me, they don't mock or interrogate others for how they live.\""; "# Sheriff 126, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"This ain't just a community, it's family.\""; "# Sheriff 127, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"We're all far from our homes, from the people who made us, but here we can make ourselves what we want to be.\""; "# Sheriff 128, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"A town of runaways who don't got to keep runnin' any more.\""; "# Sheriff 129" = "Sheriff stared out the window for a few more moments. The sun was a bright golden shine crossing wistful eyes."; "# Sheriff 130" = "Turning back to you, Sheriff pulled back into the desk and got comfortable once more."; "# Sheriff 131, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"Anyway, that's enough sap from me. Those outlaws all you wanted to talk about?\""; "# Sheriff 132, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Yeah... yeah, I think so.\""; "# Sheriff 133" = "You wished you had more questions to ask. More to say. More to hear about, but no other words escaped your maw, except for-"; "# Sheriff 134, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Thank you.\""; "# Sheriff 135, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"Don't mention it, and thank you too for the tip off. I'll keep these old peepers peeled.\""; "# Sheriff 136, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Yeah, thank ya for talkin' Sheriff. We'll be on our way now, but I did have one more question for ya.\""; "# Sheriff 137, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"You still with those Marshals? In contact with 'em?\""; "# Sheriff 138, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"I quit the day I rebelled against the miners. Never heard from 'em again.\""; "# Sheriff 139" = "Joseph nodded, tipping his hat, and Sheriff tipping in turn, you stepped out the station into the blinding sun together."; "# Rest 1" = "The dry desert air is warm in your lungs. Blazing afternoon sun bakes the ground beneath you as you walk near the edge of town again."; "# Rest 2" = "Your throat feels tight. Feet sore."; "# Rest 3" = "There's a gentle pounding of blood in your head accompanied by a familiar piercing ache."; "# Rest 4" = "Everything seems... hazier than it usually is."; "# Rest 5" = "Thoughts are swimming."; "# Rest 6" = "You're fine."; "# Rest 7" = "Just keep walking."; "# Rest 8" = "You almost bump into Joseph as he stops short, looking around again, searching for anything you might've missed."; "# Rest 9" = "You look as well, but the sun seems... too bright somehow. You look down at your feet to shield your eyes."; "# Rest 10" = "Staring at the tiny dunes of your footprints in the dust."; "# Rest 11, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Alright, so, where to now? Ah think there's only one place of interest left.\""; "# Rest 12" = "You heard what he said but it didn't quite stick with you."; "# Rest 13, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Uhm, yeah. Sure.\""; "# Rest 14, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"...Should we get going there then?\""; "# Rest 15" = "Again. Hearing, but nothing stays. Your thoughts feel like just-caught fish wriggling from your hand."; "# Rest 16, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Uh. Hmm.\""; "# Rest 17, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Awright then, let's go.\""; "# Rest 18" = "Yeah. Let's keep moving."; "# Rest 19" = "Joseph starts walking away, and you follow."; "# Rest 20" = "You try to follow. Your feet move but they don't land where you want, and you stumble a little."; "# Rest 21" = "Joseph looks around at you as you stand there, staring at your feet again."; "# Rest 22, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Hey, what's the matter pardner?\""; "# Rest 23, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Huh? Uh I feel... a little dizzy.\""; "# Rest 24, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"You doin' alright? Didn't say anything.\""; "# Rest 25" = "He placed his hands on your shoulders and twisted you to face him, looking down into your face."; "# Rest 26, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Hmm yeah, yer looking a lil' sick there. Let's go sit down a spell.\""; "# Rest 27" = "He started walking with a hand on your shoulder, guiding you over to a ledge with a shallow drop you could both sit on and hang your legs over."; "# Rest 28" = "You felt better sitting down, more stable."; "# Rest 29" = "You hear the rustle of Joseph unclipping something from the back of his belt, seeing him pull a round canteen between the two of you."; "# Rest 30, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"When's the last time ya had a real drink? Must be mighty thirsty if you're feelin' that dizzy.\""; "# Rest 31" = "Of course, how could you have forgotten? You'd been riding and walking all day but hadn't had a drop of anything since you set out."; "# Rest 32" = "Although you weren't sure what Joseph had brought with him..."; "# Rest 33, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Ha, what's that look for? You think I got liquor in here?\""; "# Rest 34" = "He chuckled a little and unscrewed the cap, letting you smell it a moment before taking a long gulp."; "# Rest 35, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Just water, see. Get it down you 'fore you collapse on me or sum'n.\""; "# Rest 36" = "You sheepishly took the canteen from him and gave it a little wave in his direction as a \"Cheers\"."; "# Rest 37" = "You tilt it to your dry mouth and take deep gulps for a few seconds, licking water drops hanging on the edge of your lips after."; "# Rest 38, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Bit warm fer my liking. Can't beat cold water from a clean stream - but better than drying out like your mama's washing.\""; "# Rest 39" = "You take another swig before handing it back to him."; "# Rest 40, Speaker \"$Player\", Duplicated with dialogue Eating 19" = "\"Thank you...\""; "# Rest 41, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Don't worry about it, jus' pipe up next time! Almost hit the dirt just 'cause you didn't say anything.\""; "# Rest 42, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Sorry, it was just... we have a job here. Didn't feel like I could waste time.\""; "# Rest 43, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Pshcaw, can't even make time to sit down and drink? You're unlike most ah met.\""; "# Rest 44, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Who put a snake in yer boots anyway, you gotta slow down a little.\""; "# Rest 45, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Mm. Maybe.\""; "# Rest 46, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Ah mean, whadda you do to relax? When you're off the job?\""; "# Rest 47, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Relax?\""; "# Rest 48, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Yeah, you know, relax? Unwind? Take a load off?\""; "# Rest 49, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I know what... you mean.\""; "# Rest 50" = "The question just caught you off guard a little. You weren't sure how to answer, you'd never given it much thought."; "# Rest 51" = "What do you do to relax? The gang is always busy with something; travelling, hiding out, making trouble."; "# Rest 52" = "Not a lot of time to... not do anything."; "# Rest 53, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Uh, I guess I play cards sometimes. Mostly just solitaire.\""; "# Rest 54, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Respectable. You win much?\""; "# Rest 55, Speaker \"$Player\", Duplicated with dialogue Rules 1" = "\"Nope.\""; "# Rest 56, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Ain't about winning, anyway. Just helps to pass the time.\""; "# Rest 57, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Yeah ah know what ya mean. Me and the boys usually play some rounds of cards, sometimes betting.\""; "# Rest 58, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Although some'a them are some real sore losers, sometimes it's easier just to let them win and avoid the issue.\""; "# Rest 59, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Ah beat one of 'em at poker five times in a row, and ah swear, the rest of the week he was givin' me the eyes.\""; "# Rest 60, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Found my hat full of knife holes one morning too, but ah think it was just to scare me. Least I hope it was!\""; "# Rest 61" = "He gave out a loud guffaw, the real and unrestrained kind that made you doubt a second if the canteen really was just water."; "# Rest 62" = "He had a nice laugh, you thought. Someone actually enjoying themselves."; "# Rest 63" = "Maybe it was just nice to hear a laugh that wasn't done at you."; "# Rest 64, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"You a gambling man?\""; "# Rest 65" = "A flutter in your chest, at the end of the ribs."; "# Rest 66, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Not really. Never had much to gamble in the first place. Always seemed like a waste.\""; "# Rest 67, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Ah can respect that restraint.\""; "# Rest 68, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Don't always have to be about money, mind you.\""; "# Rest 69, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"When ah was younger, me and papa used to...\""; "# Rest 70" = "He stopped for a moment, thinking and scratching his neck, his train of thought slowed by some forgotten memory."; "# Rest 71, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"We used to play cards after dinner. And a lot of days when ah came home, I'd bring pebbles from the river.\""; "# Rest 72, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Ah always liked how smooth and pretty they looked. All sortsa colours and shapes, all of 'em different.\""; "# Rest 73, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"We kept them on the mantelpiece, and when we played cards we'd bet with 'em.\""; "# Rest 74, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"He always won, but it was too much fun for me to ever be mad.\""; "# Rest 75, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Think he did let me win though when ah was betting big and was gonna lose one of the rocks I really liked.\""; "# Rest 76, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"He always knew which ones were ma favourite, and never wanted to see me cry.\""; "# Rest 77, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Ha, can't think of any other reason he woulda lost to me.\""; "# Rest 78, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Suppose I oughta thank him for teaching me.\""; "# Rest 79" = "You weren't sure what to say, so you just gave him a soft smile."; "# Rest 80" = "Family could be so complicated. You didn't wanna say the wrong thing."; "# Rest 81, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Oh, you know what?\""; "# Rest 82" = "He dug into a pocket and produced a tattered looking packet in his hand that you recognised to be playing cards."; "# Rest 83, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"How 'bout some vingt-et-un? You played that before?\""; "# Rest 84, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"And we can bet with uhh, hmm.\""; "# Rest 85" = "He twisted around himself, looking for anything you could use as stand-in betting chips."; "# Rest 86" = "You saw his eyes settle on a small pile of rocks for a moment, but instead noticed a stray feather, barely holding onto the back of his hand."; "# Rest 87" = "He plucked it and placed it between you both, twisting how he sat to face you better."; "# Rest 88, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"We can bet on this feather. We'll do a first to five - you get it if you win, ah keep it if I win.\""; "# Rest 89" = "You swivelled yourself round to sit cross-legged and face him."; "# Rest 90, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Didn't know you were so desperate to gamble you'd use your own body.\""; "# Rest 91, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Hardy-har. Just thought it'd be more interesting than rocks.\""; "# Rest 92, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Oh well I thought you were a rock lover. Mister Rock Collector.\""; "# Rest 93, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Take them on the open road, your own little rock circus.\""; "# Rest 94, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"A regular Barnum.\""; "# Rest 95" = "Joseph couldn't help but smile, even through his fake pouting at your teasing."; "# Rest 96, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Hm, ah don't know if J.H. Barnum has quite the same ring to it frankly.\""; "# Rest 97, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"J.H?\""; "# Rest 98, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Yeah, as in, Joseph Harrier. My initials.\""; "# Rest 99, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Oh, of course.\""; "# Rest 100, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"...So, do you know how to play vingt-et-un?\""; "# Choices:2857" = "Yes"; "Choice at line 2858" = "No"; "# Rest 101, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Yep.\""; "# Rest 102, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Right, let's play. Like I said, first to five wins.\""; "# Rest 103" = "You took the feather in your hand. Twisting the smooth quill back and forth a couple times between your thumb and forefinger."; "# Rest 104" = "It was thin and tapered and the colour of coffee. Thick, uneven stripes of cream white ran all along it from the middle."; "# Rest 105, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Thank you, Joseph.\""; "# Rest 106, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Don't mention it.\""; "# Rest 107" = "You pocketed the feather carefully."; "# Rest 108, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"...We should probably, uh, get back to it.\""; "# Rest 109, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Long as you're happy to and can stand steady then I'm ready too!\""; "# Rest 110" = "You swung yourself on to your knees and stood up with a spritely jump."; "# Rest 111, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"All ready. Let's get a wiggle on.\""; "# Rest 112, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Yessir.\""; "# Rules 1, Speaker \"$Player\", Duplicated with dialogue Rest 55" = "\"Nope.\""; "# Rules 2, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Awright, rules are simple. I'm the dealer, ah deal you two cards face up, and deal myself one face up and one face down.\""; "# Rules 3, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Idea is to get as high a number from yer cards as you can without going over twenty one.\""; "# Rules 4, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"If you go over twenty one, it's a bust, same goes for me. But you need to get a higher number than me to win. A draw is called a push.\""; "# Rules 5, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"You can hit to get another card, or stand to stick with what you have. You can hit as many times as you like as long as yer under twenty one.\""; "# Rules 6, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"After you stand, ah flip over my face down card and have to hit as long as it's under seventeen.\""; "# Rules 7, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"If ah go bust, or my number is lower than yours, you win.\""; "# Rules 8, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"If you get twenty one exactly then you don't hit or stand, and ah can get a push in that case if ah also get twenty one.\""; "# Rules 9, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Cards are worth what the number says, face cards like King, Queen, Jack are ten.\""; "# Rules 10, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Where things can get a lil confoundin' is that the Ace is worth either one or eleven.\""; "# Rules 11, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Ace is worth eleven in a hand unless it would be a bust, in which case it's just a one. Ace can still be an eleven if it would let you win.\""; "# Rules 12, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Gets a little muddled during games sometimes but I ain't tryna cheat ya, so don't worry 'bout it too much.\""; "# Won 1, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Darn, well, there ya have it.\""; "# Won 2, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Take your prize sir!\""; "# Lost 1, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Sorry, bucko. House always wins, eh?\""; "# Lost 2, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Ah well, it's still a game of luck, end of the day. Well played, sir.\""; "# Lost 3" = "He picked up the feather, but to your surprise, held it out to you."; "# Lost 4, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Here, take it.\""; "# Lost 5, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"...But you won?\""; "# Lost 6, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Well ah don't have much use for a stray feather, do I? Got plenty of 'em anyway.\""; "# Lost 7, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"You keep it.\""; "# Exiled 1" = "Walking back to the edge of town, on the other side from the sign you now knew read \"Clemency\", you both sit on the edge of a little hillside slope."; "# Exiled 2" = "Kicking dust up on yourselves as you settle on the rocky crevices."; "# Exiled 3, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Ah think that's all the useful places of interest here, unless we wanna go knockin' on folks' doors asking for gold.\""; "# Exiled 4, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I think we've disturbed this lot enough for a day.\""; "# Exiled 5" = "Your resting hand becomes restless as it brushes against some dry desert grass. Entwining it between your fingers, slowly pulling it from its roots."; "# Exiled 6, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"So what did we actually figure out. Everyone here is kind, and mostly... defenceless.\""; "# Exiled 7, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Ah think pacifist is the word.\""; "# Exiled 8" = "You tug more grass up into your hand."; "# Exiled 9, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"They can maybe fight off some bandits, but no officers are gonna come help, and they ain't gonna do much good against a whole gang.\""; "# Exiled 10, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"...And there is gold here. Somewhere. In some forgotten mines no one's seen for decades.\""; "# Exiled 11, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Well it's gotta be around here, this is a minin' town fer Pete's sake! How far could it be?\""; "# Exiled 12" = "You shrug."; "# Exiled 13, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Sheriff said the town was moved. The mines could be anywhere now.\""; "# Exiled 14, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Maybe it really was just rumours. Maybe there's not really anything to find here.\""; "# Exiled 15, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"I think you know as well as ah do that these folks were antsy. Friendly as well, but gold gets their hackles up.\""; "# Exiled 16, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Someone has to know where the mines are.\""; "# Exiled 17" = "You knew he was right. You knew how to read people well enough."; "# Exiled 18" = "Joseph stood up, gazing out across the landscape of the town and beyond, searching toward the horizon."; "# Exiled 19, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Gonna use those special eyes of yours birdbrain?\""; "# Exiled 20, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"More use than you chasing your tail, mutt.\""; "# Exiled 21" = "He looked at you for a moment with a smirk, and you smirked back."; "# Exiled 22" = "You rolled the grass in your hand between your fingers, squashing the reeds of it together, dropping seeds in the sand."; "# Exiled 23, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"I can't see nothin'. God damn sun in my eyes ain't helpin' neither.\""; "# Exiled 24, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"I don't know if uh, Bartholomew would help out. He was maybe the most friendly one of the bunch, Sheriff didn't even talk about the gold.\""; "# Exiled 25, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Because Sheriff knows how to keep the town safe.\""; "# Exiled 26" = "You look up at Joseph, his puzzled face squinting in the sun looking down at you."; "# Exiled 27" = "Looking back out into the desert, the sun sits between two rocky outcroppings in the distance, a lightbulb plucked from the sky by unmoving fingers."; "# Exiled 28" = "It'll start getting dark soon."; "# Exiled 29, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Sheriff knows where the mines are. Bartholomew said he never saw them, and Jacob was never a miner, he had no reason to go to the mines.\""; "# Exiled 30, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"What, so he never saw 'em? That don't make sense.\""; "# Exiled 31, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I'm not saying that, I'm saying even if he did see them back then, he wouldn't remember where they were now.\""; "# Exiled 32, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Sheriff still knows where they are because they're the biggest danger to the town.\""; "# Exiled 33, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I'd wager Sheriff even checks up on them every so often to make sure it's undisturbed.\""; "# Exiled 34, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"...Huh, ah guess that checks out. We don't have the time for a stakeout though.\""; "# Exiled 35" = "You balled your hand into a fist, the grass yielding and turning to dust."; "# Exiled 36, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"We don't need ta know where they are anyway. We got all we need, knowing where the mines are would jus' be a penny in the hat.\""; "# Exiled 37, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"We should think about our next move.\""; "# Exiled 38" = "You ignored the tiny knot in your stomach as you thought about what to do next."; "# Exiled 39" = "You should just leave, but..."; "# Exiled 40, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"There's nothing else to do here, we should just think about resting. Getting dark soon.\""; "# Exiled 41, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I think we could stay at the saloon. Sheriff did offer.\""; "# Exiled 42, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"...Ya sure you wanna stay here for a night?\""; "# Exiled 43, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Seems like least we can do. Before we leave.\""; "# Exiled 44, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Unless camping outside has some mighty appeal to you.\""; "# Exiled 45" = "Joseph flashed a wry smile."; "# Exiled 46, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Awright, let's go have a look first. No point bringing the horses down if I can't afford the rooms.\""; "# Exiled 47" = "Standing up, you feel the dust fly between your fingers with the winds blowing east, and follow Joseph, a few paces behind."; "# Exiled 48" = "You walk toward the saloon again, looking forward to having somewhere to rest."; "# Exiled 49" = "You don't remember the last time you actually stayed in a room somewhere."; "# Exiled 50" = "It was always a tent, or just in your bedroll, lying beneath the stars."; "# Exiled 51" = "You see Sheriff and Bartholomew standing on the porch of the saloon talking intently, but can't pick up any clear words on the wind."; "# Exiled 52" = "Sheriff notices you both as you approach, patting Bartholomew on the back as he takes his leave back inside."; "# Exiled 53" = "Sheriff leaves the shade of the saloon's overhang, walking with purpose towards you both."; "# Exiled 54" = "The blue of the sky was starting to fade into oranges, pinks on the edges of the sparse and tiny clouds overhead."; "# Exiled 55" = "You both slow to a stop as Sheriff approaches you quickly."; "# Exiled 56" = "The face approaching you was... different from before, and you see Joseph's face fall a little."; "# Exiled 57" = "Sheriff came to a stop in front of you both, twisting the cane in the dirt a little."; "# Exiled 58" = "The old and frail figure standing in front of you was shaking a tad. You could hear slow and deliberate breaths from the chest."; "# Exiled 59" = "The usual confidence and bluster off of Joseph dissipated under this new glare of Sheriff's."; "# Exiled 60" = "The new and sharp eyes unlike those you'd seen when you arrived."; "# Exiled 61" = "There was a tiredness in them, a fierce tiredness, beneath which was a wild look you'd only seen in the eyes of the newly grieving."; "# Exiled 62" = "Gripping the cane, scaled knuckles turning white, Sheriff spoke in a low and calm voice."; "# Exiled 63, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"Yeah... I shoulda known.\""; "# Exiled 64, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"Thought maybe I was wrong this time, y'all seemed so... I don't know.\""; "# Exiled 65, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"Like you should be here.\""; "# Exiled 66, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"Even so I knew there was somethin' off with what you were asking.\""; "# Exiled 67, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Is everything a-alright Sheriff? We were just going to see if we could stay at the salo-\""; "# Exiled 68" = "Sheriff slammed the cane onto the dirt with such force you feared it might crack the earth beneath."; "# Exiled 69, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"You know damn well things are not alright!\""; "# Exiled 70, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"I had a little chat with my friends around town, talking about the newcomers. What they'd been asking about.\""; "# Exiled 71, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"Just passing through town, gimme a break.\""; "# Exiled 72, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"I shoulda known it was too good to be true - I know when I see the gold fever in them eyes.\""; "# Exiled 73, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"We're not here to cause trouble Sheriff.\""; "# Exiled 74, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"We'll be on our way tomorrow morning.\""; "# Exiled 75, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"Really now? Well.\""; "# Exiled 76" = "Sheriff reached a free hand behind and pulled an old revolver to point at you."; "# Exiled 77, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"I'm gonna say this, and I'm gonna say it once.\""; "# Exiled 78, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"I made a promise to protect this town, and the people who live here. That I would do what was right by them.\""; "# Exiled 79, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"So both of you are gonna turn tail and leave, right now, and you never come back.\""; "# Exiled 80, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"And if I ever see either of you heading this way again, I will shoot you dead before nary fur or feather crosses that town line.\""; "# Exiled 81" = "You stood still next to Joseph, a small fear of walking taking hold as you feel like the wind might knock you off your feet."; "# Exiled 82, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"...Understood, Sheriff.\""; "# Exiled 83" = "Joseph started walking away, not stopping for you even as you stood there a moment longer just to say one word."; "# Exiled 84, Speaker \"$Player\", Duplicated with dialogue Eating 48" = "\"Sorry.\""; "# Exiled 85" = "You knew that didn't make up for it, but it was all you could muster from your tight throat."; "# Exiled 86" = "You turned quickly and walked away after Joseph with your head down."; "# Exiled 87" = "Staring at your feet as they rhythmically sped one after another, through the dust tracks of a town you couldn't come back to."; "# Eating 1" = "The climb back out of the valley was quiet. The wind was the only noise to reach your ears, no words coming to pass between you and Joseph."; "# Eating 2" = "Only the occasional meeting of the eyes when he looked to make sure you hadn't fallen behind."; "# Eating 3" = "Those eyes, that face you had grown accustomed so quickly to having at least the hint of a smile resting, was devoid of much emotion at all."; "# Eating 4" = "He wasn't thinking about it, you felt, but to not think about it meant to not think at all."; "# Eating 5" = "And so he didn't, his limbs carrying him up the path, but no one was home."; "# Eating 6" = "You understood, of course. As much as you'd like to not think about it either, you couldn't ignore the small dread in your chest."; "# Eating 7" = "Like it was in the cavities of your insides, seeping around and between your organs, a creeping tar."; "# Eating 8" = "Not a suffocating tar - just making you feel heavy, dense. If you stopped walking now you didn't know if you'd start again."; "# Eating 9" = "The sun was starting to dip into the horizon when you reached your original meeting spot at the top of the cliff."; "# Eating 10" = "Both your horses were lying in the long shadows of some rocky mounds, your own shadows stretching across the sand as you go to tend to them."; "# Eating 11" = "You both hauled your bedrolls off and started to unpack them, giving the horses some water, and sorting through your belongings."; "# Eating 12" = "Still without a word, a camp for the night quickly formed between you as you worked."; "# Eating 13" = "Joseph had brought a thin metal stand with him to hang the cooking pot over, and gently tossed you his book of matches as he erected it."; "# Eating 14" = "You struck the match in a familiar fashion, placing it in the middle of a dried assortment, blowing gently to encourage the shy flame."; "# Eating 15" = "Lifting your head back up from the budding fire, Joseph was having a little issue getting his stand to, well, stand."; "# Eating 16" = "His face was still the same neutral, empty face from before, and you noticed a little catch on a joint that hadn't flipped properly."; "# Eating 17" = "You brought your hand up to flick it out the way."; "# Eating 18" = "Either the lurch of the stand falling into place, or the momentary touch of your hand against his, seemed to jolt Joseph out of his listless state."; "# Eating 19, Speaker \"Joseph\", Duplicated with dialogue Rest 40" = "\"Thank you...\""; "# Eating 20" = "A smile, just a small one, a weary and wary one, had returned to his face."; "# Eating 21" = "You were glad to see it again. It was enough to make your chest a little lighter. The tar receding just a touch."; "# Eating 22" = "With the fire lit, a modest plume of smoke started billowing into the sky and scattering in the fading sunlight."; "# Eating 23" = "Joseph got up momentarily to rummage in one of his saddle bags, coming back with a tin and some bundled cloth."; "# Eating 24, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"I've got some, uh.. beans, some salted pork too. Not sure what you got with you.\""; "# Eating 25, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Oh right, yeah, hold on.\""; "# Eating 26" = "You had plenty of water still, and if he was propping up the bulk of the meal, you had some molasses to add too."; "# Eating 27" = "You brought them both over and let Joseph, sitting on his bedroll he'd laid out now, take the reins. Wasn't really a two-person job."; "# Eating 28" = "With the beans gently cooking away now in the pot, he sat there, lazily stirring it with a spoon."; "# Eating 29" = "You grabbed your bedroll and laid it out on the opposite side of the fire, squatting and dropping onto it with a thud, tucking your legs towards you."; "# Eating 30" = "Resting your head on your knees, holding them in your arms."; "# Eating 31" = "The two of you sat like this a short while. Watching the pot steaming away, the orange flames licking the underside of the well-used metal."; "# Eating 32" = "You found yourself thinking about what happened in Clemency without even realising."; "# Eating 33" = "The pang you felt in your stomach when Sheriff knew why you were there."; "# Eating 34" = "The sharp chill that shot from your neck to your tail when the gun was pulled on you."; "# Eating 35" = "You weren't scared of being shot, that wasn't it. That wasn't what set your palm into a cold sweat. It was something else."; "# Eating 36" = "Something about having to leave that town."; "# Eating 37, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"...Sorry for letting you do so much of the talking today. I'm more of the quiet type.\""; "# Eating 38, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Sure you figured that out already.\""; "# Eating 39" = "He flashed you a weak, but genuine, smile."; "# Eating 40, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Not like ah did us much good.\""; "# Eating 41, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"It wasn't your fault Joseph. Sheriff was paranoid, and we were bound to be rumbled eventually.\""; "# Eating 42, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Besides, it doesn't really seem like there is any gold here. Unless we feel like setting up a new mining operation.\""; "# Eating 43, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Mm, yup, I'm sure Black Vulture'll love to hear that. Wasn't my fault, I'll say.\""; "# Eating 44" = "He sighed, a sharp exasperated exhale through his nose holes, one knee of his crossed legs fidgeting and bouncing as he stirred the pot."; "# Eating 45" = "You were a little taken aback that he seemed to be mocking what you said... maybe it just wasn't what he wanted to hear right now."; "# Eating 46" = "Still, you understood his frustration. What would your bosses think? If we told them what this place was like?"; "# Eating 47" = "Would they even believe us?"; "# Eating 48, Speaker \"Joseph\", Duplicated with dialogue Exiled 84" = "\"Sorry.\""; "# Eating 49" = "You were snapped from your thoughts by his apology, a slightly guilty look on his face, knowing he must've seen that he hurt your feelings a little."; "# Eating 50, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"You're right, it's not ma fault, exactly, but... Hell. This is a mess, $Player.\""; "# Eating 51" = "His fidgeting was spreading, playing across the feathered fingers of his wings, his face, his eyes, his knees again."; "# Eating 52" = "Like a ragtime tune was playing all across the inside of his body."; "# Eating 53, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"What's he like? Black Vulture?\""; "# Eating 54, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"He's uh, um-\""; "# Eating 55" = "His breathing was ragged too."; "# Eating 56" = "You got onto your knees and reached your hand onto his that was stirring the spoon even now, a gentle but firm grasp, stopping its motions."; "# Eating 57" = "Your eyes met over the cooking pot. He looked like he was seeing you again for the first time in a long time."; "# Eating 58" = "The shaking in his hand came to rest and relax its vice grip on the long spoon as you held each other's gaze."; "# Eating 59, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Let go. I'm here, it's alright.\""; "# Eating 60" = "He nodded a few times, taking his hand away and resting on his haunches, stretching his legs out."; "# Eating 61" = "A few moments passed as Joseph regained his calm, laid-back demeanour - one leg still bounced a little, a quick rhythm, tapping a dance hall tune."; "# Eating 62" = "The sun was almost gone now, the last dregs of its light in the desert turning everything in the distance a single dusty red."; "# Eating 63" = "You could see the stars now as you looked to the sky, the light continuing to fade."; "# Eating 64" = "More and more points of light dotting their way to the east."; "# Eating 65" = "You turned your eyes away from the sky when you heard the sound of a pen knife flicking open."; "# Eating 66, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Oh, don't mind me none, just doing a little preening.\""; "# Eating 67" = "He started taking the knife gently to his wing, very gently."; "# Eating 68" = "He seemed to be scraping away older feathers, while also opening new pinfeathers scattered across the wing, in motions almost like shaving."; "# Eating 69, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Forgive me if I'm talking outta line, but why don't you use your beak for that?\""; "# Eating 70, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Aw well, momma always told us you don't use your beak for things around anyone other than family or lovers. It ain't polite.\""; "# Eating 71" = "He seemed a little sheepish admitting it, like it was an uncommon quirk of his family."; "# Eating 72, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"You asked about Black Vulture, yeah? Dontchu know the stories already?\""; "# Eating 73, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Yeah, but those are just stories. I know what it's like riding with someone with a few tall tales trailing behind them.\""; "# Eating 74" = "Joseph snorted a little, still making his way across the wing with his small knife."; "# Eating 75, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Yup, that sounds 'bout right. Pritty sure some o' the more flattering ones I've heard were left behind by the Vulture himself.\""; "# Eating 76" = "You settled on the side of your legs a little, getting more comfortable as you kept stirring the ever-cooking pot."; "# Eating 77, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Where ta begin with the man himself... jeez.\""; "# Eating 78, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"He's a real piece of work that one, I can tell you that much fo' sure.\""; "# Eating 79, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"He's a city slicker that considers himself a cowboy, even though he hates getting his boots dirty.\""; "# Eating 80, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Acts all gentleman-like and such. A real flannel mouth.\""; "# Eating 81, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"He'd charm the pants off of ya if ya had something he wanted.\""; "# Eating 82, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Then when he's got what he wants-\""; "# Eating 83" = "He jabbed the knife towards you pointedly."; "# Eating 84, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"He'd stick you in the back, and twist it hard to hear you cry.\""; "# Eating 85" = "He turned the knife back to preening."; "# Eating 86, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"He's a terrible shot too. There are some stories that he could shoot the cap off a bottle without spillin' it from fifty paces.\""; "# Eating 87, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"But he ain't the sharpshooter, never, he's almost as bad a shot as me. Got someone else for that.\""; "# Eating 88, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"See, that's how you run in his posse. You make yerself in, dee, spensable.\""; "# Eating 89" = "He tapped his knife on the ground through the word to make his point."; "# Eating 90, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"His gang is on the smaller side, but they're plenty loyal. They need to be. There can't be anyone else.\""; "# Eating 91, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"You're loyal then?\""; "# Eating 92, Speaker \"Joseph\", Duplicated with dialogue Meeting 43, Meeting 44, Sheriff 88, Eating 119, Eating 135, Eating 146, VultureHurt 90" = "\"...\""; "# Eating 93, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"I'm the eyes, I'm useful. I get on good with a lot of 'em, and Black Vulture keeps me around. Win-win.\""; "# Eating 94" = "You understood. What he was saying, what he meant, what he really wanted to say."; "# Eating 95" = "You understood how it felt to be under that kind of looming shadow."; "# Eating 96" = "No one for miles around, but don't say anything, just in case."; "# Eating 97" = "You'd seen what happens to other people. You both had, for sure."; "# Eating 98" = "Joseph was as far from a greenhorn as could be."; "# Eating 99" = "He swapped hands and started the knife on his other wing now."; "# Eating 100, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"So what about Curly Wolf? You said there were plenny of tall tales about him, split fair with me.\""; "# Eating 101" = "You didn't look at him when he asked you. You kept looking at the pot, peeking over to check the beans."; "# Eating 102, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"This looks about done to me.\""; "# Eating 103" = "Joseph stared at you for a moment when you did meet his eyes, and then closed up his knife, kneeling over to look with an approving whistle."; "# Eating 104, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Yeah looks it to me.\""; "# Eating 105" = "You laughed a little as his stomach gave a hearty growl, fetching the bowls and holding them while Joseph served you both a big, slopping portion."; "# Eating 106" = "Night had come now, and you both gathered a little closer round the fire and moved the pot stand to the side."; "# Eating 107" = "You could see him easier now with it out the way."; "# Eating 108" = "With the pot lifted the fire rose, dancing in the wind, sometimes hazing your view - the blur flitting in and out as you glanced eyes while you ate."; "# Eating 109, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Believe it or not but I ain't the cookie back at camp. Someone else got that privilege.\""; "# Eating 110" = "He was clearly joking but the beans were some of the better you'd had."; "# Eating 111, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I never would've guessed.\""; "# Eating 112, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I don't cook that often, but I make some mean donuts from time to time.\""; "# Eating 113, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Oh you do now? I'll have to try them then.\""; "# Eating 114, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I hope so.\""; "# Eating 115, Duplicated with dialogue Riding 9, Meeting 75, Hideout 67, Easter Exit 7" = "..."; "# Eating 116" = "It was so selfish to ignore his question. Say nothing about Curly Wolf. So rude of you, you weren't raised like this."; "# Eating 117" = "You couldn't though. Never. Or more like you didn't know what to say."; "# Eating 118" = "How many years had it been now?..."; "# Eating 119, Speaker \"$Player\", Duplicated with dialogue Meeting 43, Meeting 44, Sheriff 88, Eating 92, Eating 135, Eating 146, VultureHurt 90" = "\"...\""; "# Eating 120, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Sorry. I should've said something when you asked about my boss I just...\""; "# Eating 121, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"I get it.\""; "# Eating 122, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"No, I mean. Of course, you do, but it's also that-\""; "# Eating 123, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"When I said I was the quiet type it's. More than that.\""; "# Eating 124, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"If I'm shootin' straight with you, I don't remember the last time I heard my own voice before today.\""; "# Eating 125, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"At the camp I might say yeah or no but I don't really... talk.\""; "# Eating 126, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"And when I'm away on a lookout there's just no one to talk to. I don't wanna talk to myself and just be reminded I'm alone.\""; "# Eating 127, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I've never... talked about him. I wouldn't.\""; "# Eating 128" = "Joseph looked straight at you, even into you it almost felt like. You could see the fire between you in his eyes, flames fluttering across the irises."; "# Eating 129" = "The intensity of his look gave way to something like relief."; "# Eating 130, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Naw, don't worry about being a quiet one. Ah think it's part of ya charm.\""; "# Eating 131, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"There are lots of wannabe tough guys who wanna act like you with no sweat. That strong, silent act.\""; "# Eating 132, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Besides, guys back home are always tellin' me to shuddup. Not that ah give 'em the satisfaction.\""; "# Eating 133, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I can tell you that being quiet doesn't change things.\""; "# Eating 134, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Same horseshit regardless of whether you make a fuss.\""; "# Eating 135, Speaker \"$Player\", Duplicated with dialogue Meeting 43, Meeting 44, Sheriff 88, Eating 92, Eating 119, Eating 146, VultureHurt 90" = "\"...\""; "# Eating 136" = "You sighed, a long sigh. What words could you even use for a man like him?"; "# Eating 137, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Curly Wolf is... a bad egg. I think sometimes he was born like that.\""; "# Eating 138, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I know he can't have been, but I don't know what god forsaken things happened to him to turn him into what he is.\""; "# Eating 139, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"He's probably the meanest, roughest bastard you'll ever have the misfortune of meeting.\""; "# Eating 140, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Anyone you can think of that you wouldn't wanna run into, he's worse than that.\""; "# Eating 141, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I don't know about Black Vulture, but the stories Curly Wolf leaves behind... I don't think they even match up to how dangerous he is.\""; "# Eating 142, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I've seen him gun down traitors riding away on horseback two hundred paces away.\""; "# Eating 143, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"It's easy to get his dander up, and he's the last person you'd ever wanna do that to, he'd make sure of that.\""; "# Eating 144, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Not the brightest you'd ever meet but his instincts are keen.\""; "# Eating 145, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"He's never made an empty threat, and he'll happily get his hands dirty to make good on them.\""; "# Eating 146, Speaker \"Joseph\", Duplicated with dialogue Meeting 43, Meeting 44, Sheriff 88, Eating 92, Eating 119, Eating 135, VultureHurt 90" = "\"...\""; "# Eating 147, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Shit.\""; "# Eating 148, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Black Vulture's said before he'd be willin' to pick a fight with Curly Wolf but they've never met.\""; "# Eating 149, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Now I'm wondering if he has any idea what that would get him into.\""; "# Eating 150, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"He ain't stupid but he's definitely too cocky for his own good.\""; "# Eating 151, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Oh, eat your bowl 'fore it gets cold. Nothin' worse than cold food.\""; "# Eating 152" = "You did as he said, mulling over what you'd talked about while you ate."; "# Eating 153" = "Joseph had had a head start on you, but even so his eating was voracious, and he finished before you were even halfway through yours."; "# Eating 154" = "He sat back from his hunch over the bowl, wiping his beak on his arm."; "# Eating 155" = "He looked around some. Into the fire. Out into the darkness of the desert. At you."; "# Eating 156" = "You could tell he didn't want to stare, but his eyes took you in anyway with long glances."; "# Eating 157" = "He coughed, clearing his throat to stall for the words he was thinking of."; "# Eating 158, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Say, um, $Player. I wanted to ask.\""; "# Eating 159" = "He grabbed his knife again, taking it to his wing once more. Looking away as he asked a common question."; "# Eating 160, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Your arm... I hope you don't think me cruel fer asking, but what happened? Did he do that to ya?\""; "# Eating 161" = "You were pretty used to questions about it, but you appreciated the genuine warmth behind his words at least."; "# Eating 162, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Ah, this old thing. Yeah it wasn't pretty.\""; "# Eating 163, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"It was a practical joke of sorts, if you'd call it that, by some of the guys during a camp.\""; "# Eating 164, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Took my bandana and shoved it in the mouth of one of the horses.\""; "# Eating 165, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Egged me on like to get it back.\""; "# Eating 166, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Reached my hand in, an' of course the hoss gets all antsy and bites down, starts thrashing trying to get away.\""; "# Eating 167, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I... don't remember much after that. Blacked out from the pain.\""; "# Eating 168, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Next thing I know I'm being hauled to some doctor. Told me they had to amputate 'fore it putrefied.\""; "# Eating 169" = "Joseph had stopped preening at this point, looking at you with some real watery eyes and a soft expression on his brow of both anger and horror."; "# Eating 170, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Got the bandana back, so, you know. Win some, lose some.\""; "# Eating 171, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"...I'm sorry.\""; "# Eating 172, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Nothing to be sorry for, long time ago. You just live with it.\""; "# Eating 173" = "Full and finished, you set aside your bowl, taking another appraisal of your surroundings, looking up to the sky and its carpet of stars."; "# Eating 174" = "It was quickly starting to get cold, so you got up and went to your horses, fishing some blankets out for them."; "# Eating 175" = "Looking inside the bag you couldn't find your usual extra blanket for yourself."; "# Eating 176" = "Hm. Shit, must've forgotten to take it before you left."; "# Eating 177" = "You spied your binoculars in there. You took them, and walked to the edge of the cliff again."; "# Eating 178" = "You were about to put them up to your eyes when you realised you didn't need them to see what was happening in Clemency."; "# Eating 179" = "The whole town was dark, except for the bright lights prominently shining from the saloon."; "# Eating 180" = "You saw the shallow silhouettes of people dancing play out across the street in front, and if you listened very closely - music."; "# Eating 181, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Seems like they're having a rip roarin' time.\""; "# Eating 182, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"...Yeah. I wondered if they would do it tonight. Like Bartholomew mentioned.\""; "# Eating 183, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Why wouldn't they. What have they got to be worried about.\""; "# Eating 184" = "His voice was a little cold, blunt. Ice cubes in a drink bumping your teeth as you sip."; "# Eating 185, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"You know. Out of all the towns I've been kicked out and run out of - this is the only one I'd want to come back to.\""; "# Eating 186, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"This place ain't for us.\""; "# Eating 187, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"We're trouble, $Player. We're no good for these folks.\""; "# Eating 188, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Tomorrow we'll be gone. We'll tell our bosses we didn't find anything, and if we're lucky they'll just go on their way.\""; "# Eating 189, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Maybe in another life, we coulda gone back there. It woulda been nice.\""; "# Eating 190, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"But this is our life. Our only one. It is what it is, we move on. That's how we live.\""; "# Eating 191" = "You could feel the wind blowing behind you, ruffling your trousers, whistling past your ears, as it seemed to push you towards the edge of the cliff."; "# Eating 192, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Yeah. I guess it is.\""; "# Eating 193" = "The wind kept howling, picking up and dying down, whistling off of the valley and kicking up clouds of dust around the buildings down below."; "# Eating 194, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Curly Wolf is gonna ransack this place. Even if they don't have anything.\""; "# Eating 195, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"...And what do you want me to do about it, huh? $Player?\""; "# Eating 196, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"It's not my problem!\""; "# Eating 197" = "You feel now, the desert night on you. Your fingers, the tips of your ears, starting to feel the tenderness of the cold and the wind."; "# Eating 198" = "You were shivering."; "# Eating 199" = "You shouldn't have talked back to him. You knew how that always went, it never ended well."; "# Eating 200" = "You just made him feel worse. Like it was his fault."; "# Eating 201" = "Why should he have to listen to your stupid concerns? It was your shit to figure out. He owes you nothing."; "# Eating 202" = "You just met. You don't know each other. If it weren't for convenience, you would've shot each other hours ago."; "# Eating 203" = "You heard the sound of shuffling behind you as he got up."; "# Eating 204" = "He started walking toward you. Here it came, as you knew it would."; "# Eating 205" = "You tense up as he approaches, closing the distance, expecting the due anger."; "# Eating 206" = "Closing your eyes when you feel him at your back, ready for the blow that's coming."; "# Eating 207" = "You flinch when you feel a weight around your shoulders. A squeeze of them too that you expect to hurt, but is so tender it couldn't possibly."; "# Eating 208" = "Opening your eyes, you see a thick blanket draped around you down to your knees."; "# Eating 209, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"You looked cold. Don't wanna get consumption just standin' there, you know how cold the desert gets...\""; "# Eating 210" = "You dropped the binoculars gingerly by its strap to the floor, now clasping the edges of the blanket with your hand tighter around you."; "# Eating 211" = "You could feel how cold your fingers were just below your chin, almost numb. How long had you been standing here for?"; "# Eating 212, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I-I'm dreadful sorry.\""; "# Eating 213, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"...You got nothing ta be sorry for.\""; "# Eating 214" = "You and he sat back down by the fire, Joseph giving it a thousand yard stare."; "# Eating 215, Speaker \"$Player\", Duplicated with dialogue Goodbye 29" = "\"...Thank you.\""; "# Eating 216, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Nothin' to it. Get warm.\""; "# Eating 217" = "You pull the blanket tighter again, the desert chills still sweeping underneath."; "# Eating 218, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Are you not cold?\""; "# Eating 219, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"I've been round the fire all night haven't I? I'm fine.\""; "# Eating 220" = "He's lying. You can see his feathers twitch and shiver, but he's trying hard to hide it."; "# Eating 221" = "You wonder the truth of what he said, too. That we just had to move on."; "# Eating 222" = "Standing up with the blanket you walk around the fire, standing over him a moment as he looks up towards you with wide eyes."; "# Eating 223" = "You sweep the blanket around him and sit down, shoulder to shoulder."; "# Eating 224" = "You were right, he's definitely cold - but a lot warmer than you'd imagined."; "# Gay 1, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"I told you I'm fine.\""; "# Gay 2, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Don't gimme that blow, tough guy.\""; "# Gay 3, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I know you're not.\""; "# Gay 4" = "He looks like he's going to say something, but just shuts his beak. He suddenly seems a lot warmer."; "# Gay 5, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"I'm sorry. I didn't... mean what ah said.\""; "# Gay 6, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I know. That wasn't the fella I've been around all day.\""; "# Gay 7, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"I'm just-\""; "# Gay 8, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Scared?\""; "# Gay 9" = "He nods softly, as to be almost unnoticeable."; "# Gay 10, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Yeah. More scared than ah have ever been.\""; "# Gay 11" = "Together you huddle, bringing the blanket tighter and tighter, and moving closer to each other."; "# Gay 12" = "He smells like the desert, dusty and sweaty."; "# Gay 13" = "Why is this so... warm? Why do you feel like this?"; "# Gay 14" = "Not warm like you're round a fire, but like there's a fire inside you, warm coals shifting round inside and embers spitting in your throat."; "# Gay 15" = "Have you ever felt like this before?"; "# Gay 16, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Joseph, I...\""; "# Gay 17" = "He looks at you, your faces so close together."; "# Gay 18" = "You lean your head into his shoulder, staring into the wild dance of the fire."; "# Gay 19, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I haven't met someone like me before. Or someone like you.\""; "# Gay 20, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"You're... extremely kind, even to a stranger like me. I wish I could know you more than these few hours.\""; "# Gay 21, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I know I have to ride back in the morning, but of all the hopes I've hoped, the strongest is that I could just stay here.\""; "# Gay 22, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"That the sun would never rise.\""; "# Gay 23, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I don't want to go back.\""; "# Gay 24" = "You stay clinging to him."; "# Gay 25" = "After a few moments, he pulls you tighter."; "# Gay 26, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Ah have to say, ah feel the same way.\""; "# Gay 27, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Ah can see in you someone who's faced so many hardships.\""; "# Gay 28, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Someone who deserves better, who's worked harder than any of the lumpsuckers back where you've come from.\""; "# Gay 29, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"We're a coupla queer fish in a barrel, ah'd say. Lord knows how we found each other.\""; "# Gay 30, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"The sun will come up again. And we'll have to go our separate ways.\""; "# Gay 31, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"We don't have another choice. I just wish it wasn't so. I wish...\""; "# Gay 32" = "You lift your head to look at him, but he just gives you a look and turns back to the fire."; "# Gay 33, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"What're you thinkin'?\""; "# Gay 34" = "He sighs, wearily, like he's been asked to carry the world on his back."; "# Gay 35, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"It's a flight of fancy, that's all. It's not... realistic.\""; "# Gay 36" = "You look at him curiously, catching his eyes. He looks at you, almost for approval, before he thinks about what he wants to say."; "# Gay 37, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"I wish we could run away. That's it. The two of us, far away from everyone and everything.\""; "# Gay 38, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Ride east 'till we know no one's chasing us.\""; "# Gay 39, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"...That sounds nice.\""; "# Gay 40" = "You both cuddle for a little while longer, sitting close and resting your heads together."; "# Gay 41" = "The thoughts of running away tick over in your mind."; "# Gay 42" = "Is that what you want?"; "# Gay 43" = "As if he could read your mind, Joseph asked."; "# Gay 44, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"What do you want to do?\""; "# Gay 45" = "You thought more. No one had ever really asked you that - and even so, you knew what you wanted to say."; "# Gay 46, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I'm tired of running, Joseph. I want to fight. I want to kill Curly Wolf.\""; "# Gay 47, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Really?\""; "# Gay 48, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"...It's the only way I can think to be free of him. You know as well as I do you don't get to just up and leave.\""; "# Gay 49, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Don't get me wrong, I'd love to be free of Black Vulture too, but do you think that's something you could do? Kill him?\""; "# Gay 50, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I can't do it alone.\""; "# Gay 51, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Our gangs, Joseph, they're going to destroy this town.\""; "# Gay 52, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"And after, if we ran away, we'd never be safe. We'd be looking over our shoulders the rest of our lives.\""; "# Gay 53, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I don't want to run away from things anymore. I want to run towards a better life, with you.\""; "# Gay 54" = "Joseph's eyes were sympathetic, but his expression was of discomfort."; "# Gay 55, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Ah... ah think you're right. And ah do want to help you, but I'm useless in a fight, I can't shoot straight.\""; "# Gay 56, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"I don't wanna die, $Player.\""; "# Gay 57, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I wouldn't let that happen. I'll keep you safe.\""; "# Gay 58, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"We can keep each other safe.\""; "# Gay 59, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"We haven't been living our lives, Joseph, just surviving.\""; "# Gay 60, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Something better than that is... worth dying for I think.\""; "# Gay 61, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"A fight feels inevitable. We should face it.\""; "# Gay 62, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"...You really that desperate to get out?\""; "# Gay 63" = "You nod, head held against his shoulder."; "# Gay 64" = "He sighs that same sigh again. Long and heavy, almost theatrical if it weren't for the stakes laid out before you both."; "# Gay 65, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"I think you're right. A chance like this won't come again. Ah might even be tempted to call it fate.\""; "# Gay 66, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"We should talk to Sheriff again I think, somehow, if we can.\""; "# Gay 67" = "He yawns."; "# Gay 68, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"I don't know what we're gonna do, but we ain't gonna figure it out when we're bone tired.\""; "# Gay 69, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"We should get some sleep. Come mornin', we'll talk more. Figure somethin' out, and then...\""; "# Gay 70, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Hope on a kiss and a prayer that we make it out alive?\""; "# Gay 71" = "He chuckles."; "# Gay 72, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Ain't that the story of our lives?\""; "# Gay 73, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"This'll be the last time we have to fight like that. I swear it.\""; "# Gay 74" = "You both fall asleep against each other, dreaming of that promise."; "# Gay 75" = "Praying for a better tomorrow, and willing to fight for it."; "# Morning 1" = "It wasn't the red morning sun, now risen just above the horizon, that had woken you."; "# Morning 2" = "Nor was it the gentle slumbering breath of Joseph against your neck, doing its best to lull you back to sleep."; "# Morning 3" = "What woke you wasn't even the familiar crick at the base of your tail from sleeping on the bedroll, a stiffness you couldn't wait to stretch out."; "# Morning 4" = "It was your thoughts. All the thoughts in your mind, like so many wild horses running, of what may come next."; "# Morning 5" = "What you both had to do."; "# Morning 6" = "The nights spent on a lookout were better than the sleepless nights back at camp, but you still dreaded the dawn that came after."; "# Morning 7" = "At least you had Joseph this time."; "# Morning 8" = "At least you had him for what was to come, you hoped."; "# Morning 9" = "You could feel one big wing of his, wrapped around your stomach, shifting as he started to wake too now."; "# Morning 10" = "As much as you wanted to keep lying here with him for just a few more minutes, you knew you had to get up."; "# Morning 11" = "Coffee wouldn't brew itself."; "# Morning 12" = "You peeled back the blanket as little as you could to let yourself escape, gingerly untucking Joseph's fingers from your side."; "# Morning 13" = "Sliding off the bedroll and through the dirt, you let Joseph's arm down gently."; "# Morning 14" = "Crouching low on your knees you gave his hand a gentle squeeze. Feeling the soft, dry, dusty feathers beneath your fingertips."; "# Morning 15" = "Holding this moment in your head, that it might stay there."; "# Morning 16" = "You stood up, dusting yourself off everywhere you could."; "# Morning 17" = "...Time to get ready."; "# Morning 18" = "Even with Joseph here your morning routine was mostly the same. Just doubled, you supposed."; "# Morning 19" = "Feed and water the horse. Horses. Both of them."; "# Morning 20" = "Make a pot of coffee. Double the amounts though. Let it brew for a little longer too, on the same fire as you'd used last night, together."; "# Morning 21" = "You kept thinking while the coffee boiled. There were many things you didn't have time to think about yet."; "# Morning 22" = "Even so, unimportant thoughts still rose."; "# Morning 23" = "An unimportant thought that kept bubbling up, was how nice it was to not have the usual knot in your stomach."; "# Morning 24" = "The tightness that twisted every time at camp when you had to get food, or a drink, to use the same tools and the same space as the others."; "# Morning 25" = "It was nice not to have to worry right now, you thought, about sharing this."; "# Morning 26" = "Joseph wouldn't complain about having to get coffee from the same pot as you. He wouldn't get angry that you were handling his stuff."; "# Morning 27" = "Could it have always been this easy...?"; "# Morning 28" = "Your stomach rumbling snapped you from your thoughts. Of course, you'd forgotten breakfast."; "# Morning 29" = "You went back to your bag and unwrapped some salted pork, holding it between your teeth and tearing a chunk off."; "# Morning 30" = "You always liked how chewy it was, when you weren't in a rush. The rhythm of your jaw grinding it up helped you think."; "# Morning 31" = "Possibilities were rolling around in your mind, dice cast along the branches of a tree. How things might play out."; "# Morning 32" = "Although you couldn't just keep it to yourself, now. For better or worse, this was about the two of you."; "# Morning 33" = "There was both weight and comfort in that thought."; "# Morning 34" = "As you watched the pot start to bubble and steam, you heard the sound of sleepy shuffling, turning to see a waking Joseph."; "# Morning 35" = "He was propped up on one elbow, blearily trying to figure out what was in front of him, rubbing his eyes with one winged hand."; "# Morning 36" = "You saw his pupils contract to the morning sun that was getting brighter and brighter, focusing on you."; "# Morning 37, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"G'morning, pardner. Is that the sweet smell of coffee ah smell brewin'?\""; "# Morning 38, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Not sure I'd so call it sweet.\""; "# Morning 39" = "You looked into the pot at the dark brown, tar-like substance, regretting the large snoutful you got of its acrid, bitter scent."; "# Morning 40, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Well, the idea's sweet ta me at least. Stuff's damn near magic far as I'm concerned.\""; "# Morning 41" = "With surprising energy for someone who had just woken up, Joseph whipped the blanket off of him, standing and dusting himself off."; "# Morning 42" = "You watched still as he stretched."; "# Morning 43" = "His fingers locked together, wings pushed and pulled, in front and behind."; "# Morning 44" = "The way the feathers of his neck parted and ruffled as he rolled his head around his shoulders."; "# Morning 45" = "The hem of his shirt, usually tucked in but now loose after a night's sleep, rising ever so slightly as he twisted his body."; "# Morning 46" = "He sighed as he finished, wings on his hips, and met eyes with you."; "# Morning 47, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"...What're you lookin' at?\""; "# Morning 48, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Nothing.\""; "# Morning 49, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Uh huh.\""; "# Morning 50" = "A shy smirk crept across his face as he tucked his shirt back in and walked over to you."; "# Morning 51, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Whatcha eatin'?\""; "# Morning 52, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Salt pork. There's some in my bag if you want.\""; "# Morning 53, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"I think ah will, thank ya kindly.\""; "# Morning 54, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Can you get some cups too? This coffee looks 'bout done.\""; "# Morning 55" = "You looked behind you at Joseph, crouched as he dug into your bag, giving you a quick thumbs up."; "# Morning 56" = "You turned to the pot again and stirred it with the spoon a little."; "# Morning 57" = "Joseph came back round and sat beside you, setting two tin cups on the ground with one hand."; "# Morning 58" = "His beak tore at the piece of jerky in his other hand, hungrily swallowing it down after a few chews."; "# Morning 59" = "He picked up the pot and poured you both a hot cup, eagerly tapping his cup with yours before drinking."; "# Morning 60, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Cheers.\""; "# Morning 61" = "You both sipped quietly. You could feel the heat of the coffee travelling all the way down your gullet, burning in your belly."; "# Morning 62, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"How did ya sleep?\""; "# Morning 63, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Hm, good. Like a pup. Didn't wake once.\""; "# Morning 64, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Me too. Slept better than even that hotel ah stayed in one time.\""; "# Morning 65, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Ah swear, the sheets on that bed were the softest darn thing I've ever touched.\""; "# Morning 66, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Sounds nice.\""; "# Morning 67, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"It was. Last night was nicer, mind you.\""; "# Morning 68" = "Another silence between you now."; "# Morning 69" = "Likely you were both thinking the same thing. Thinking about last night, what you talked about."; "# Morning 70" = "Silence, because if neither of you spoke, maybe nothing would happen."; "# Morning 71" = "Maybe the world would stop turning, and the sun would stop rising."; "# Morning 72" = "Of course, it still does. You can see it, charting its course away from one horizon to the next."; "# Morning 73, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"So.\""; "# Morning 74, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"...So.\""; "# Morning 75, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"What's our plan?\""; "# Morning 76" = "Joseph shuffled a little, legs restless."; "# Morning 77, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"We kill Curly Wolf and Black Vulture.\""; "# Morning 78, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"That's what we said, right?\""; "# Morning 79" = "You nodded."; "# Morning 80, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"...Maybe, we don't hafta.\""; "# Morning 81, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"We could just run away.\""; "# Morning 82, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"We... talked about that Joseph.\""; "# Morning 83, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"If we run we'll spend the rest of our lives looking over our shoulders. We'll never really be safe.\""; "# Morning 84, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"...Yeah, yer right.\""; "# Morning 85, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Besides, have you never thought about it?\""; "# Morning 86, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"'Course ah have. It's... not that simple though. Everyone around him is loyal, it'd be hard to even get the chance.\""; "# Morning 87, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Even if ah killed him ah wouldn't get away with my life.\""; "# Morning 88, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"And even when I've thought about it, thought about that ideal world where he's got a bullet in his brain and I'm home free...\""; "# Morning 89, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"There's nothing after, $Player. Ah could never see what would happen in the rest of my life. It was blank.\""; "# Morning 90, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Just a desert.\""; "# Morning 91, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"If you were to kill him now, what do you see?\""; "# Morning 92" = "Joseph looked ahead, thinking. The feathers on his face fluttered in the wind."; "# Morning 93, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"...Something, ah suppose. Not nothing, at least.\""; "# Morning 94, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"...Ah think maybe I can trust that.\""; "# Morning 95, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Are we really going to be able to kill them, though?\""; "# Morning 96, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I don't know. They bleed and die like anyone else, it's just hard to get a chance.\""; "# Morning 97, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"At some point, our gangs are going to go to Clemency and take us with them, whether we like it or not.\""; "# Morning 98, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I think we should try to use that to our advantage... unfamiliar place, for them at least.\""; "# Morning 99, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"What about everyone in town? They... shouldn't hafta be involved with this.\""; "# Morning 100, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"They're already involved. We can't change that.\""; "# Morning 101, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I just wonder if any of them would help us. I doubt it.\""; "# Morning 102, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Do you think...\""; "# Morning 103" = "You looked at Joseph, and he turned to look at you too, his brow furrowed."; "# Morning 104, Speaker \"Joseph\", Duplicated with dialogue Plan 13" = "\"Sheriff?\""; "# Morning 105" = "You felt a cold dread wash over you, even in the heat of the morning sun."; "# Morning 106, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"No, I don't think Sheriff wants anything to do with us. We'd be dead before we even crossed the town line, remember?\""; "# Morning 107, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Ah know, ah know, it just... there was something about it. How Sheriff was when we were told to leave.\""; "# Morning 108, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"I don't know if ah fully believed it.\""; "# Morning 109, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Sorry Joseph, I think that's just wishful thinking.\""; "# Morning 110, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Hey, you listen to me now, I ain't makin' it up.\""; "# Morning 111" = "His voice was suddenly sterner, the timidness that had been in his voice now gone."; "# Morning 112, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"I'm telling you, Sheriff... ah don't think Sheriff wanted to tell us to leave.\""; "# Morning 113, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"There was something far too sad about it.\""; "# Morning 114, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"You saw it too, right? I'm not imaginin' it?\""; "# Morning 115" = "You thought back. It had hurt too much to dwell on it, but now you thought about it, you had to agree."; "# Morning 116" = "It wasn't like other times, when you'd been exiled or barred from places. There was anger but there was also... frustration."; "# Morning 117" = "Disappointment."; "# Morning 118" = "That wasn't normal."; "# Morning 119, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"...You might be right.\""; "# Morning 120, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Even so, I don't think we can go waltzing back in to Clemency and expect Sheriff to welcome us with open arms.\""; "# Morning 121, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"We still don't even have a plan.\""; "# Morning 122, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Ah think we need to talk to Sheriff. Even if we don't have a plan, Sheriff needs to know what's comin'.\""; "# Morning 123, Speaker \"$Player\", Duplicated with dialogue Ending 37" = "\"Yeah. Yeah, you're right.\""; "# Morning 124, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I just don't know how.\""; "# Morning 125, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"We'd need to get to Sheriff without being seen, ideally. I don't want to risk getting shot, however unlikely.\""; "# Morning 126" = "Without being seen..."; "# Morning 127" = "You set your coffee down, getting up and walking to the edge of the cliff."; "# Morning 128" = "You didn't need binoculars to see the shape of the town from up here, how the land moved and shallowed down towards the buildings."; "# Morning 129" = "You looked along the cliff, in the opposite direction to where you'd gone yesterday."; "# Morning 130, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Hey Joseph.\""; "# Morning 131, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I think... if we ride our horses this way, we could maybe get to the town from the back.\""; "# Morning 132, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Sheriff's office is at the back of the town there. If we surrender ourselves, we might get to talk to Sheriff.\""; "# Morning 133" = "Joseph got up from where he was and walked over to you, looking along the cliff where you were pointing, sipping his coffee."; "# Morning 134, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Ehh... ugh, yeah. That could work.\""; "# Morning 135, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"What, not a fan of the idea?\""; "# Morning 136, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Oh, no we can do that, this coffee is just mighty vile.\""; "# Morning 137" = "He held the cup over the edge and tipped it upside down, the brown sludge falling into the sand below."; "# Morning 138, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Less get going. We don't have much time 'fore both of us'll be needing to head back to our gangs.\""; "# Morning 139, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Yeah, 'course.\""; "# Morning 140" = "You took one last look along the cliff face, then started helping Joseph clear up the camp, making haste to get on your horses."; "# Plan 1" = "You rode as quick as you could down the cliff face, taking a long route around the back of the town."; "# Plan 2" = "Climbing off your horses, you tied them up out of sight behind a rocky outcropping."; "# Plan 3" = "You started your cautious walk to the edge of the town together, cautious about being spotted."; "# Plan 4" = "Sheriff's office was right in front of you, the squat building backing up onto this side of the desert."; "# Plan 5" = "Two square windows were cut into this face of the building, holes in the frame from where bars once were."; "# Plan 6" = "As you got closer, you listened out for anything that might tell you where Sheriff was."; "# Plan 7" = "The rhythmic tapping of wood carried on the wind to you from the front porch."; "# Plan 8" = "Carefully, you and Joseph sidled up to the building. Sticking close to the side you shuffled along the stone wall, cold in the shade."; "# Plan 9" = "At the edge, you slowly peeked your head out, squinting through the morning sun."; "# Plan 10" = "Sheriff was sitting on the porch outside, looking out into the town, cane tapping idly on the wooden boards. You hadn't been noticed yet."; "# Plan 11" = "You pulled your head back and nodded to Joseph, him nodding back in turn."; "# Plan 12" = "You both drew your guns, backs to the wall, and called out."; "# Plan 13, Speaker \"$Player\", Duplicated with dialogue Morning 104" = "\"Sheriff?\""; "# Plan 14" = "You hear the panicked shuffling of someone getting out of their chair, and the cocking of a gun."; "# Plan 15, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"Who goes there!\""; "# Plan 16, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"It's us, Sheriff, Joseph and $Player. We mean you no harm.\""; "# Plan 17" = "As you heard Sheriff's footsteps coming towards you round the corner, you both put your hands up, guns hanging limply by the fingertips."; "# Plan 18" = "You stepped back from the building and out of the shade as Sheriff came to face you, a gun loosely pointed in your direction."; "# Plan 19, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"...What am I lookin' at here, why are you back? Are you surrenderin'?\""; "# Plan 20, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Yeah, kinda... Sheriff, we need to talk. For real, this time.\""; "# Plan 21, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"Oh yeah? And I'm s'posed to believe any collywobble you say now, am I?\""; "# Plan 22, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"No, we...\""; "# Plan 23, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"We know we betrayed yer trust.\""; "# Plan 24, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"We lied to ya about why we were here, but we didn't lie about the danger to the town.\""; "# Plan 25, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"We're askin' you fer a chance to explain ourselves.\""; "# Plan 26" = "Sheriff's brow was furrowed, you could see that even under the tough and scaled skin. A few moments of silence passed between you."; "# Plan 27" = "Sheriff holstered the gun slowly and calmly, the click of it uncocking letting you breathe freely again."; "# Plan 28, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"Come into the office then, if we have things to discuss.\""; "# Plan 29" = "You gave each other a look of relief as Sheriff turned to walk back. You put your guns away as well and followed the lizard round."; "# Plan 30" = "The office was darker inside than yesterday, the morning sun not quite shining in the same way."; "# Plan 31" = "Sheriff stood with both hands on the cane, face curious and stern, still untrusting."; "# Plan 32, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"So, boys. What do we need to talk about?\""; "# Plan 33" = "You looked at Joseph, and he met your eyes. They were darting about in the small way they do, even when you're focusing on a point."; "# Plan 34" = "He gave you a little wink. That was all you needed."; "# Plan 35, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Yesterday, when we told you about those outlaws heading here, that... wasn't a lie. Or I guess it was a white lie.\""; "# Plan 36, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Our gangs know about this place, and they're gonna be coming here, gold or not.\""; "# Plan 37, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"So you were scoutin' our town out. Makes sense.\""; "# Plan 38, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"Still, I don't see what's stoppin' you from lying about this town. You both know we can't do much to defend ourselves from a whole gang.\""; "# Plan 39, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"So frankly, if I'm picking up what you're puttin' down - and you don't want to hurt us - then just lie to 'em.\""; "# Plan 40, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"Tell 'em we're armed to the teeth. Scare 'em off, they won't be stupid enough to still try.\""; "# Plan 41, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I... guess we could, but-\""; "# Plan 42, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"But what? Look I appreciate you tryin' to come clean and help somehow, but this ain't our business, you see.\""; "# Plan 43, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"It's not one gang, it's two. I'm from the Curly Wolf gang.\""; "# Plan 44, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"And I'm from Black Vulture's.\""; "# Plan 45, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"...You're from two different gangs? Well, I'll be damned. You seemed so friendly with each other.\""; "# Plan 46, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"The thing is Sheriff, we...\""; "# Plan 47, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"We don't wanna work for 'em anymore. Curly Wolf and Black Vulture. We wanna kill them.\""; "# Plan 48, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"We need each other's help to do that, we can't do it alone, y'see?\""; "# Plan 49" = "Your heart was beating fast in your chest. Saying it out loud, saying it to Sheriff, changed things."; "# Plan 50" = "Before you could convince yourself otherwise, you took Joseph's hand in yours, squeezing it tight as you stood next to him."; "# Plan 51, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Yeah. Besides, there's no guarantee we'd be able to convince them not to come here even if we did lie to them.\""; "# Plan 52, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"We need your help too, Sheriff.\""; "# Plan 53" = "Sheriff's face remained stern, or maybe concerned you thought. Eyebrows flat across the eyes. Thinking."; "# Plan 54, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"...You boys are sure about this? This is what you have to do?\""; "# Plan 55, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Yes.\""; "# Plan 56, Speaker \"Joseph\", Duplicated with dialogue Town Hall 170, Goodbye 32" = "\"Yeah.\""; "# Plan 57" = "Joseph's hand moved, ensuring the grip of his fingers interlocked with yours."; "# Plan 58, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"Psh... getting a little old for things like this, but alright.\""; "# Plan 59, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"I can't in good conscience endanger the people in this town, but I think I might be able to help.\""; "# Plan 60" = "Sheriff got up and started pacing."; "# Plan 61, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"So your two gangs, they're both gonna come here?\""; "# Plan 62, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Yeah, I know Curly Wolf will for sure.\""; "# Plan 63, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Black Vulture is bored, ah can tell. He's itching to do somethin'.\""; "# Plan 64, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"Hmm. Any history between 'em, any scuffles?\""; "# Plan 65, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"Would they fight or make a truce if they met?\""; "# Plan 66, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Black Vulture has said before he'd fight Curly Wolf, but ah dunno if Curly even knows he exists.\""; "# Plan 67, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Curly Wolf wouldn't work with another gang unless he had to. I don't think he'd give up this place so easily.\""; "# Plan 68, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"Seems to me like them meeting up would be beneficial to your goals, don't you agree?\""; "# Plan 69, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"A fight between them would be chaotic... but maybe that's what we need.\""; "# Plan 70, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Someone might even finish them off for us.\""; "# Plan 71, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"It would be dangerous for us though, too.\""; "# Plan 72, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Well now, hold on. When do the lookouts get caught in the scuffle? Almost never, unless we start it.\""; "# Plan 73, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"If anythin', we should be the safest ones of the bunch.\""; "# Plan 74, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"You're right, you're right.\""; "# Plan 75, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"If you can delay their arrivals, then I might have a solution for you.\""; "# Plan 76, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"Clemency gets supplies, monthly. They arrive by train about a day and a half's ride from here, that's where the nearest station is.\""; "# Plan 77, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"Since it's a whole town's supplies, and the trip is long, everyone in Clemency goes in a wagon together.\""; "# Plan 78, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"Easiest and safest for alla us.\""; "# Plan 79, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"As luck would have it, that's in three days.\""; "# Plan 80, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"...So the town'll be completely empty?\""; "# Plan 81, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"Not a soul, I can guarantee that. We ride early in the morning and ain't back till the next day.\""; "# Plan 82, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"You get your gangs here on that day, and do what you need to do. Best I can come up with on short notice.\""; "# Plan 83, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"That could work. Not like we have any other plan, and anything could happen, but it's better than nothin'.\""; "# Plan 84" = "Things were happening so fast. Sheriff really wanted to help, this was incredible."; "# Plan 85" = "Was this really happening? Was this something you could do?"; "# Plan 86, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Three days, right? We need to both be here in three days.\""; "# Plan 87, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"Yup. Do you think you can do that?\""; "# Plan 88, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"I think we can.\""; "# Plan 89" = "Joseph looked at you, both of you holding each other's hand tighter."; "# Plan 90, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"We have to.\""; "# Plan 91, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"Good, good.\""; "# Plan 92, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"And, thank you. For trusting me with this. You took a real gamble comin' back here.\""; "# Plan 93, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"No, thank you, Sheriff. Really and truly.\""; "# Plan 94, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I hope to see you again, when this is over.\""; "# Plan 95, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"God willing, you'll make good on that promise.\""; "# Plan 96, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Fer sure.\""; "# Plan 97, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Ah think we both needta get going, now. We'll be expected back today.\""; "# Plan 98, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Yeah, we need to start riding soon.\""; "# Plan 99, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"God speed, then, both of you. Keep yourselves safe.\""; "# Plan 100" = "You felt sick to your stomach and light on your feet. You nodded at Sheriff, and left, still holding Joseph's hand."; "# Goodbye 1" = "Back with your horses, you made last minute checks of your bags, ensuring everything was secure for the long trip back."; "# Goodbye 2" = "Three days from now... three days from now you'd be back. Both of you."; "# Goodbye 3" = "Some part of you dreaded needing to start this journey. Lingering on the feeling of standing here, not moving."; "# Goodbye 4" = "So much had changed since you got here. Now, you might be risking it all."; "# Goodbye 5" = "Doesn't feel fair. The idea of losing something you only just found, only just got the chance for."; "# Goodbye 6" = "You shoved it down, though. The ride back was long, you didn't need that kind of worry gnawing at your heart."; "# Goodbye 7" = "Pity for you, that every time you saw his face, even a glance as you checked your saddle - it all came rising to the top once more."; "# Goodbye 8" = "Like a drowning man, pushed under the waves, breaching the surface again as he refuses to sink."; "# Goodbye 9, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Ah think I'm all ready.\""; "# Goodbye 10, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"...Me too.\""; "# Goodbye 11" = "Joseph stood by your side now, waiting for you to turn and look at him."; "# Goodbye 12" = "You contemplated just getting in the saddle, not lingering for longer than you had to."; "# Goodbye 13" = "You felt the light touch of his hand on your shoulder."; "# Goodbye 14" = "Twisting, pressing your face now over his shoulder, arms clinging round his side, you were holding him before you could think."; "# Goodbye 15" = "Joseph said nothing. He did nothing too, for a moment, until you felt the weight of his arms on your back tightly clinging to you."; "# Goodbye 16" = "Your hand took a great fistful of his clothes between your fingers where they lay, and as you held him tighter, he squeezed you even more."; "# Goodbye 17" = "You wouldn't care right now if he squeezed you hard enough to break a rib."; "# Goodbye 18" = "Feathers on his neck tickled your face and poked your closed eye. You could feel the way his back bent as he leaned ever so slightly over you."; "# Goodbye 19" = "You don't know how long the hug lasted, but eventually you let go."; "# Goodbye 20" = "You could feel imprints on your skin from where the hardness of his clothes, his buttons, his belt, had dug into you. Still, you didn't mind."; "# Goodbye 21" = "He held you still, facing each other. Holding each other's arms, looking at each other."; "# Goodbye 22" = "Joseph's eyes flicked around your face, and to the top of your head, holding his gaze there for a moment before leaning in."; "# Goodbye 23" = "You felt the gentle prod of his beak on your scalp, the sharp edges tugging at your fur."; "# Goodbye 24" = "He preened through a few more times, pulling gently and spitting the loose hairs to the side."; "# Goodbye 25" = "Done, he pulled back, his face a little sheepish."; "# Goodbye 26, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"There, that's better. Need to look yer best when you go back.\""; "# Goodbye 27, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Thought your mama said it was impolite to use your beak, hm?\""; "# Goodbye 28, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Well, she's not here. 'Sides, ah think you fit the, uh, criteria.\""; "# Goodbye 29, Speaker \"$Player\", Duplicated with dialogue Eating 215" = "\"...Thank you.\""; "# Goodbye 30" = "Your cheeks were hot and flush with what felt like all the blood in your body. You were sure you could see the same under his feathers."; "# Goodbye 31, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"I'll see you in three days, y'hear?\""; "# Goodbye 32, Speaker \"$Player\", Duplicated with dialogue Town Hall 170, Plan 56" = "\"Yeah.\""; "# Goodbye 33, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"We'll kill those bastards.\""; "# Goodbye 34, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Yeah...\""; "# Goodbye 35" = "You nodded. His hands trailed your arms as he walked away to his horse."; "# Goodbye 36" = "You got up in to your saddle too, the reins familiar in your hand."; "# Goodbye 37" = "Joseph trotted his horse round up alongside you, facing the opposite way."; "# Goodbye 38, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Well, pardner. Time to go.\""; "# Goodbye 39, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Wait, Joseph, just... promise me, if something goes wrong, you'll run.\""; "# Goodbye 40, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Promise?\""; "# Goodbye 41, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Killing them isn't worth it if you die too.\""; "# Goodbye 42, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"If you run, ah run. They ain't worth the effort of dyin'.\""; "# Goodbye 43" = "You smiled at him with the same type of smile as when you left home. Weak and worn, but relieved all the same."; "# Goodbye 44, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"G'bye, $Player.\""; "# Goodbye 45, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"See you soon, Joseph.\""; "# Goodbye 46" = "You both started your horses moving, gently trotting until you were no longer beside each other."; "# Goodbye 47" = "You heard Joseph give a \"Cyawh!\" and his horse set off at speed, kicking up dust into the air when you looked behind you."; "# Goodbye 48" = "You set your own horse into a gallop, the rush of the wind in your ears as you rode through and out of Clemency."; "# Goodbye 49" = "Back to your gang."; "# Goodbye 50" = "Back to the man you were plotting to kill."; "# Hideout 1" = "The midday sun hung harsh and bright in the sky as you made it back to the camp, you and your horse both tired from the ride."; "# Hideout 2" = "The current hideout of Curly Wolf and co. was a ramshackle affair, nestled in the depths of rolling hills, hidden from the sight of any passerby."; "# Hideout 3" = "Riding slowly in, you climbed off your horse onto the sun baked ground, and led it over to tie it up with the others."; "# Hideout 4" = "The smell of food wafted, but you could see people cleaning up already. You'd missed lunch."; "# Hideout 5" = "As you made to leave the horse, a sudden thought struck you, and you doubled back to scramble about in your bag."; "# Hideout 6" = "Where was it? You hadn't left it behind, surely."; "# Hideout 7" = "The trickle of panic that had started to leak into your chest thankfully stopped, as your fingers felt the soft brush of what you were looking for."; "# Hideout 8" = "You pulled the feather Joseph gave you out of your bag, holding it closely to yourself. You let out a short gasp of a sigh."; "# Hideout 9, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Oi! Tomboy!\""; "# Hideout 10" = "Your ears pricked up and you stood up straight at the sound of Curly Wolf shouting at you. You hastily tucked the feather away in your pocket."; "# Hideout 11" = "You turned and made your way over to Curly, eyes down at the ground, avoiding the looks of the others."; "# Hideout 12, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"You know how things work around here, don't you tomboy?\""; "# Hideout 13, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"...Yes.\""; "# Hideout 14" = "Curly grabbed a handful of your poncho, pulling you forward, stumbling, before roughly shoving you off your feet onto your back."; "# Hideout 15" = "You'd learned how to take a fall by now. You didn't scramble, you just let yourself lay in the dirt for a moment, waiting."; "# Hideout 16, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Get up.\""; "# Hideout 17" = "You pressed your hand to the ground and got up, not too fast and not too slow."; "# Hideout 18" = "The others still got a laugh out of this routine, but you were too bored of it to be embarrassed anymore."; "# Hideout 19, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"If you know how things work, then I shouldn't hafta punish you for not doing what you're told.\""; "# Hideout 20, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"When you come back, you come straight to me with what you found. You don't stand around playing with your little horsie.\""; "# Hideout 21, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"...Yes, boss.\""; "# Hideout 22, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Right. Come on then, spit it out.\""; "# Hideout 23, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I found the town. Place called Clemency. It's got some gold, from mines, but no bank or anything like that.\""; "# Hideout 24" = "What would you say now? If Curly knew Sheriff was the only person there who even resembles a lawman he'd just go barging right in."; "# Hideout 25" = "This lie was crucial. He couldn't catch you out."; "# Hideout 26, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Place looked armed to the teeth, even so. All the townsfolk had some way of defending themselves, no gun laws like other places.\""; "# Hideout 27, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Well, shit. Was hoping it'd be a breeze, we need an easy win right now.\""; "# Hideout 28, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"We- I, found out from Sh- uh the Sheriff that. That the place is gonna be empty soon.\""; "# Hideout 29" = "You were focused on a hill in the distance, not daring to look directly at him."; "# Hideout 30" = "Still, on the edge of your vision you could see Curly's eyes narrowed, staring at your face. Studying it."; "# Hideout 31, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"How come?\""; "# Hideout 32, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Overheard that they retrieve supplies for the town every so often, and the next caravan drive is in three days.\""; "# Hideout 33, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Whole town is going to be going, it'll be empty and unguarded.\""; "# Hideout 34" = "The suspicion in Curly's eyes melted into a smugness, and a grin split his face from ear to ear."; "# Hideout 35, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Hot damn. Now that is an easy win.\""; "# Hideout 36" = "He turned his face away from you, shouting into the air of the camp."; "# Hideout 37, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Boys! Three days from now, we're gonna be rich!\""; "# Hideout 38" = "He walked away around the camp, kept talking, hyping it up, riling everyone up for what was to come."; "# Hideout 39" = "You didn't need to listen anymore. Your job was done for now."; "# Hideout 40" = "You went back to being invisible. Staying out of the way. The usual."; "# Hideout 41" = "That night, the hills were full of the sound of howling, cheering, drunken songs as the Curly Wolf gang prematurely celebrated their victory."; "# Hideout 42" = "This was a bigger deal than you had maybe anticipated. In any case, your goal was the same, and they didn't know what was coming."; "# Hideout 43" = "Curly Wolf, didn't know what was coming. He was the cockiest you'd ever seen him."; "# Hideout 44" = "The days after were a blur. If you weren't needed to help with some menial work somewhere in camp, you were just sleeping in your tent."; "# Hideout 45" = "Trying to avoid the blazing heat, keeping out of everyone's way, like you always did."; "# Hideout 46" = "Waiting, just like everyone else, for the day you'd ride out."; "# Hideout 47" = "On the night before you were due to leave, you snuck out of your tent, out to where no one would see you."; "# Hideout 48" = "Away from the camp, the sounds of it echoing lightly through the air, you clambered halfway down a hill and sat."; "# Hideout 49" = "You didn't do this often. Who knew when someone might come to your tent, needing to drag you away for something."; "# Hideout 50" = "You couldn't risk it often, being unfindable. But you thought it important enough to do tonight."; "# Hideout 51" = "To come out here and breathe in the cool night air. To stare into the sky, across the horizon, at the blanket of stars in the sky."; "# Hideout 52" = "Trying to pinpoint constellations you were told about when you were much younger."; "# Hideout 53" = "You wondered if Joseph knew any... you didn't think about it at the time."; "# Hideout 54" = "The feather was in your pocket still. The safest place you could think to keep it."; "# Hideout 55" = "At night, when the lights were out, and the tent was filled with the sound of someone snoring, you'd hold it in your hand."; "# Hideout 56" = "Flicking through it with the claw of your thumb, feeling the smoothness against your fingers, just for a bit, before you put it back."; "# Hideout 57" = "It helped you get to sleep."; "# Hideout 58" = "Again, now, while you were alone and sitting under the stars, you pulled it out of your pocket."; "# Hideout 59" = "Fiddling with it in your hand, feeling it tickle the pads of your palm."; "# Hideout 60" = "Your mind wanted to wander, to think about important things. To think about all the ways tomorrow could go wrong."; "# Hideout 61" = "To think about what might happen to you both."; "# Hideout 62" = "You didn't let it. The feather helped, too. For once, you just let yourself be calm."; "# Hideout 63" = "You'll see him tomorrow. Until then, worrying would do you no good."; "# Hideout 64" = "You imagined that was the kind of thing he'd say to you, if he were here. Sitting next to you."; "# Hideout 65" = "The imagined weight of his head on your shoulder. The thought of his warmth sidled up next to you."; "# Hideout 66" = "All the things you wouldn't feel again, if you lost him."; "# Hideout 67, Duplicated with dialogue Riding 9, Meeting 75, Eating 115, Easter Exit 7" = "..."; "# Hideout 68" = "You'll see him tomorrow."; "# Returning 1" = "It's the morning."; "# Returning 2" = "You're awake early. You didn't sleep much anyway, as much as you tried to."; "# Returning 3" = "The sun was as bright as always coming through the yellowed fabric of the tent."; "# Returning 4" = "You laid awake, waiting for others to get up. Waiting for Curly Wolf."; "# Returning 5" = "He'd start rallying guys together for the ride to Clemency soon enough. You needed to make sure you were there."; "# Returning 6" = "The minutes ticked by, and you heard more people get up, the camp coming to life once more with the sounds of work and talk."; "# Returning 7" = "You got up and got yourself ready, sitting on your bedroll after and waiting more."; "# Returning 8" = "Then, the voice of Curly Wolf."; "# Returning 9, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Alright, boys, gather round! We're heading to the town of Clemency this morning.\""; "# Returning 10, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"I need ten or so men with me to haul valuables, it's around a half day's ride from here.\""; "# Returning 11, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Who's comin' to get our gold?\""; "# Returning 12" = "You heard all this as you were leaving your tent, making your way to the small crowd of canines."; "# Returning 13" = "Instantly there were people joining, eager to prove themselves, to get their hands on real gold. One, two, three already..."; "# Returning 14" = "You subtly pushed your way through the crowd, trying to reach the front."; "# Returning 15" = "Pushed out the edge of the crowd by the huddling bodies, you found yourself standing in front of Curly."; "# Returning 16" = "He stared at you even as he clapped the hands and shoulders of other guys walking past, joining the excitable group."; "# Returning 17, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"What you standin' there for, tomboy? We don't need any little pups to help shift the goods.\""; "# Returning 18" = "You needed to be on this crew. You... couldn't talk back to him though, you didn't know what to say. What could you say?"; "# Returning 19" = "You just kept standing there."; "# Returning 20, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"You think you're gonna be of any help with this scrawny stick?\""; "# Returning 21" = "He grabbed your arm, raising it up and down, shaking it by the wrist."; "# Returning 22" = "Every inch of you was screaming to snatch your arm from his hand, but you knew what would happen if you did."; "# Returning 23" = "He threw your arm back at you, making you stumble a little."; "# Returning 24, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Go make yourself useful someplace else. I only need real men for this trip.\""; "# Returning 25" = "You had to say something. You had to. You had to. You had to be there."; "# Returning 26, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I... You'll need a lookout.\""; "# Returning 27" = "He was looking at the assembled group, doing a quick headcount."; "# Returning 28, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Alright boys, that's ten, be ready to move out in five minutes.\""; "# Returning 29" = "He didn't seem to hear you... your words were quiet, whispered."; "# Returning 30" = "You tried again."; "# Returning 31, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"You'll need a lookout, Curly.\""; "# Returning 32" = "His ears twitched. He still didn't turn to face you."; "# Returning 33, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"I heard you the first time. Stop yapping at me about bullshit.\""; "# Returning 34, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"We don't know when the townsfolk will be back.\""; "# Returning 35, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"It'll be bad if they come back while you're there, and even worse if there's no one keeping an eye out.\""; "# Returning 36, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Y'all will have your hands full already.\""; "# Returning 37" = "You heard him sigh, and a little growl rose in his throat, before it subsided into nothing."; "# Returning 38, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Fine then, tomboy. If you're that eager to come, I suppose I'll hafta let you.\""; "# Returning 39, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"You're riding in the wagon. You don't need a horse.\""; "# Returning 40" = "No, you didn't get that privilege when other people needed them, you supposed."; "# Returning 41" = "The wagon was fine by you. You knew it was a punishment of kinds, that you'd be riding in it on the way back too, along with everything else."; "# Returning 42" = "Boxes and sacks and supplies and whatnot, all bumping about, hoping none of them fall over and hit you."; "# Returning 43" = "Cramped space with nowhere to sit or lie, just standing for hours waiting for it to stop."; "# Returning 44, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Get a move on.\""; "# Returning 45" = "You followed after Curly to get ready."; "# Returning 46" = "Of course, what Curly didn't know, was that you weren't gonna be coming back here."; "# Returning 47" = "Neither of you were."; "# Arrival 1" = "From where you sat, slumped in the corner of the wagon, the wind whistled through the gaps in the canvas next to your head."; "# Arrival 2" = "The edges flap, the wind ruffling your clothes and your fur, drying up your nose as you sit with your knees up."; "# Arrival 3" = "The wagon rocks and bumps as its dragged by horse through the desert, and this corner is the only place you feel safe enough to stay."; "# Arrival 4" = "You could at least keep yourself steady even as it tried to knock you about, clinging onto the wooden frame."; "# Arrival 5" = "Looking toward the entrance of the wagon, where the covering split down the middle, you couldn't see much."; "# Arrival 6" = "Or rather, what you could see were great clouds of dust, billowing out from the wheels and into the dry air."; "# Arrival 7" = "As uncomfortable as the wagon was, at least it provided you shelter from the sun, unlike riding on horseback."; "# Arrival 8" = "The winds coursing past your ears were welcome too, cooling your head that was swimming with thoughts."; "# Arrival 9" = "You knew you were close to Clemency now. The entourage had been travelling long enough."; "# Arrival 10" = "As you got closer and closer, the minutes stretched on, you felt sick to your stomach. Less so butterflies, more like hornets."; "# Arrival 11" = "This was going to be it. This was what you'd been waiting for - not just for days, but... years, really. A chance like this."; "# Arrival 12" = "All the anxieties and concerns you'd pushed down last night were rushing back up, like geysers."; "# Arrival 13" = "What if Joseph wasn't there? What if his gang wasn't there? What if you reach Clemency and Curly realises you were lying?"; "# Arrival 14" = "What if you couldn't kill them both? Or they demolished the town, and Sheriff came back to find nothing left?"; "# Arrival 15" = "To find you'd broken your promise? What if you were killed, quickly, or slowly? You'd seen Curly kill traitors before."; "# Arrival 16" = "The simple fear of dying took hold of your heart. The chill of the reaper's shadow."; "# Arrival 17" = "...No. This wasn't going to be it. This isn't all there was going to be."; "# Arrival 18" = "You'd see him again, soon. You'd do what you had to, together. This wasn't going to be it. There would be more, after."; "# Arrival 19" = "It was hard for you to imagine, but you knew it to be true. There would be days after today. You wanted to see them."; "# Arrival 20" = "And if you die, at least it was for a reason. You sure as Hell weren't going to go out without a fight."; "# Arrival 21" = "This was a risk you'd always be willing to take. You and Joseph would take it together, and you were going to see it through."; "# Arrival 22" = "You steeled your resolve, locking the furnace of your heart so that no one may put it out."; "# Arrival 23" = "The rumble of the wagon started to slow."; "# Arrival 24" = "The rocking back and forth became gentler and gentler, until everything came to a stop with a small lurch."; "# Arrival 25" = "The constant motion that had been in your body was gone all of a sudden. Everything seemed impossibly still."; "# Arrival 26" = "Like when the many conversations in a bar all died down suddenly, leaving it quiet in a strange moment."; "# Arrival 27" = "You heard the thud of Curly jumping off of his horse, and crawled the floor of the wagon to the front."; "# Arrival 28" = "Curly came and opened the low wooden door, letting you slide out of the wagon and jump out."; "# Arrival 29" = "The light of the late morning sun was blinding, and you held your arm over your brow to shelter your eyes."; "# Arrival 30" = "As your eyes adjusted, the bright desert became clearer. Hazy rock formations in the distance became familiar."; "# Arrival 31" = "Walking round the wagon you saw the shapes of buildings that set your teeth on edge. The town of Clemency."; "# Arrival 32, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Here we are, boys! What a shithole. No one here, at least.\""; "# Arrival 33, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"We'll take what we're here for and leave sharpish. Won't know what hit 'em. Ain't that right, tomboy?\""; "# Arrival 34" = "He slapped you hard on the back."; "# Arrival 35" = "There was an anticipation in the air amongst yourselves. This was the place they'd been waiting for."; "# Arrival 36" = "You'd been waiting for it too, but, the anticipation was not one of eagerness."; "# Arrival 37" = "Even in your brief visit here many things had happened. In some way, being back in Clemency was comforting."; "# Arrival 38" = "Despite that, you couldn't ignore the chill in your veins at the prospect of what will come next. There was no backing out now."; "# Arrival 39" = "It felt like those few times in the past, when the fuse on a stick of dynamite had been lit, and you were still holding it."; "# Arrival 40" = "There was only going to be a few moments more until the spark reached the end of the wick."; "# Arrival 41" = "Curly started walking into the town, and you followed suit with everyone else, staying close behind him."; "# Arrival 42" = "Clemency was dead quiet, not a soul in sight - just like Sheriff said it'd be."; "# Arrival 43" = "He studied the town as you walked down the main street, peering through windows, drawing up plans in his head."; "# Arrival 44" = "Every building you walked past filled you with a little more fear. You were still waiting for something to happen."; "# Arrival 45" = "For anyone else to appear. Soon enough, Curly would want to get started for real, and ask you where the gold was supposed to be."; "# Arrival 46" = "Then, at the end of the street, you saw what you were waiting for. Who you were waiting for."; "# Arrival 47" = "A hazy, clumped group of guys, making their way up onto the main street from the other side of the town. As they got closer, it became clearer."; "# Arrival 48" = "The figure of a tall and slender bird, with many others in tow straggling behind him, much like you behind Curly."; "# Arrival 49" = "Curly stopped as he spotted the group too, staring them down."; "# Arrival 50, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"...Now who the Hell is that in my town?\""; "# Arrival 51" = "He started walking again, with purpose and menace, and they quickened their pace in turn towards you."; "# Arrival 52" = "You felt your heart beating in your chest now, reaching up to your throat, blood rushing. Adrenaline starting to build in you."; "# Arrival 53" = "They were really here, and you could see Curly wasn't happy about it."; "# Arrival 54" = "Both sides slowed as they came closer to each other, coming to a stop halfway down the street, a few dozen paces between them."; "# Arrival 55" = "Not too close, not too far."; "# Arrival 56" = "You saw Black Vulture much more clearly now, and he was looking with intrigue at Curly."; "# Arrival 57" = "You looked past him though, desperately searching the small crowd of people following in his wake, until you saw the one you'd been waiting for."; "# Arrival 58" = "Joseph, stony-faced and stern, blending in with his compatriots."; "# Arrival 59" = "It was almost funny to compare to the laidback and jovial man you'd gotten to know."; "# Arrival 60" = "After a few moments longer of staring each other down, Black Vulture spoke."; "# Arrival 61, Speaker \"Black Vulture\"" = "\"Well, well, is that who I think it is? The infamous Curly Wolf?\""; "# Arrival 62, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"What's it to you, and what are you doing in my town.\""; "# Arrival 63, Speaker \"Black Vulture\"" = "\"Well, I'd imagine we're both here for much the same reason! I've heard tales of your exploits.\""; "# Arrival 64, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Can't say the same. Who are you.\""; "# Arrival 65, Speaker \"Black Vulture\"" = "\"I'm Black Vulture, gentleman outlaw of the-\""; "# Arrival 66, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Doesn't ring a bell.\""; "# Arrival 67" = "The feathers of Black's neck clearly ruffled at Curly's rebuttal, but he waved it off."; "# Arrival 68, Speaker \"Black Vulture\"" = "\"More fool you, I say.\""; "# Arrival 69, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"You here for the gold, then.\""; "# Arrival 70, Speaker \"Black Vulture\"" = "\"Yes, and how strange that we might run into each other like this. I'm willing to bet you're not a sharing man.\""; "# Arrival 71, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Like I said, this is Curly Wolf property now. So you best go on and fly away.\""; "# Arrival 72, Speaker \"Black Vulture\"" = "\"No, I don't think we will be, Curly. I think it would be a shame for so much gold to be wasted on scum like you.\""; "# Arrival 73, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Should keep that highfalutin beak of yours shut 'less you want the barrel of a gun inside it.\""; "# Arrival 74, Speaker \"Black Vulture\"" = "\"Let us see then, Curly Wolf! To the victor go the spoils, and I intend to spill that tiny brain of yours across the dirt.\""; "# Arrival 75, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Fine by me. Don't need much a brain to shoot you.\""; "# Arrival 76" = "This wasn't how you'd wanted things to go. You and Joseph were still in the thick of it, facing each other. You thought you'd be out of the fight."; "# Arrival 77" = "The air was still. Hands came to hover over guns, every pair of eyes trained on the opposing side. Waiting."; "# Arrival 78" = "In a standoff like this, it was a test of the boss' mettle, their mental fortitude. How long would anyone last before pulling the trigger?"; "# Arrival 79" = "Trying to psyche each other out. Being the first to take the shot wasn't always the best call, but having to react to that first shot could be worse."; "# Arrival 80" = "It was a test of loyalty, too, for everyone following them. Your underlings couldn't step out of line, or take the shot themselves."; "# Arrival 81" = "To break rank early would be a betrayal, but when bullets went flying it was unpredictable. Staying meant a risk to yourself."; "# Arrival 82" = "You knew Curly was a good shot. He had the upper hand here, but you were reminded of something Joseph told you."; "# Arrival 83" = "Black Vulture wasn't the shootist, he had someone else for that. He could brag but he wasn't the real one."; "# Arrival 84" = "You thought about whether Curly should know."; "# Choices:6520" = "Keep quiet"; "Choice at line 6521" = "Tip him off"; "# Arrival 85" = "The seconds dragged on."; "# Arrival 86" = "It felt as though your very breath may tip the scales, chest heavy from breathing the air of people who wanted to kill you."; "# Arrival 87" = "There was safety in numbers. In the crowd. Even so, you found yourself for the first time thinking about running."; "# Arrival 88" = "Never before had you considered it. This time was different, of course. There wasn't going to be a next time."; "# Arrival 89" = "Running would tip the scales for sure, but you couldn't know in whose favour."; "# Arrival 90" = "Play it safe with the gang, or run and let all Hell break loose."; "# Choices:6551" = "Stay"; "Choice at line 6552" = "Run"; "# Quiet 1" = "No, it was better if Curly didn't know about the shootist."; "# Quiet 2" = "As dangerous as it was to leave someone like that hanging around during a fight, it was more a danger to him."; "# Tipoff 1" = "An expert shootist in a fight was a danger, for you, as well as Joseph if things got hairier."; "# Tipoff 2" = "It was risky, but if Curly knew then the fight may be over sooner."; "# Tipoff 3, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Boss... I've heard about Black Vulture.\""; "# Tipoff 4" = "Curly side-eyed you, like someone would a child that had spoken out of line."; "# Tipoff 5, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Tch... What about?\""; "# Tipoff 6, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"He's not the shootist. He's got someone else for that, is what I heard. Can't shoot straight himself.\""; "# Tipoff 7" = "The slight contempt in Curly's face toward you disappeared, morphing into something more contemplative, studying the crowd."; "# Tipoff 8, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"I see him... I got his number now.\""; "# Tipoff 9, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Maybe you're not so useless after all, pipsqueak.\""; "# Tipoff 10" = "A cruel feeling of pride rose in you that you wanted to burn and bury."; "# Stay 1" = "...No, if you ran you might make yourself a target. Better to stick with the gang till they scatter."; "# Stay 2" = "Curly spoke up in a low voice, cast to those behind him."; "# Stay 3, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Watch and learn, boys.\""; "# Stay 4" = "He flexed the wrist of his hand, holding it out, before clutching his gun in its holster."; "# Stay 5" = "You saw Black Vulture react in turn, reaching for his gun. Curly liked to play with his food, to show off."; "# Stay 6" = "He waited for the moment Black grabbed his gun the same, then quickly and expertly pulled it free, pointing it dead straight."; "# Stay 7" = "He knew he'd always be quicker on the draw."; "# Run 1" = "You had to run. Staying wasn't worth the risk of getting shot; not here, not this time."; "# Run 2" = "Across the impossibly long feeling gap between Curly Wolf and Black Vulture's gangs, you looked closely at Joseph, catching his attention."; "# Run 3" = "You nodded once at him, and he nodded back, understanding. If one ran, you both ran, together."; "# Run 4" = "To your right side, you spied a gap, an alley, between two buildings near to you."; "# Run 5" = "Heartbeat pounding like a drum in your chest, you set your feet steady in the dirt."; "# Run 6" = "You ran out from behind Curly as fast as you could, letting the momentum of your legs pounding the ground carry you."; "# Run 7" = "You were down the alleyway and out of Black Vulture's sight before almost anyone could react."; "# Run 8" = "Looking back, you saw Curly's expression vacillate between a moment of surprised anger, then a snarl, before landing on gritted teeth."; "# BothHurt 1" = "The shot rang out - a bang that made your heart jump - and you saw Black Vulture double over, clutching his side."; "# BothHurt 2" = "The smoke was barely rising from the barrel of Curly's gun when another shot rang out."; "# BothHurt 3" = "Full on ego and admiring his handiwork, he hadn't noticed one small bird hanging on the edge of the crowd that had raised his rifle."; "# BothHurt 4" = "Curly's face instantly twisted into a full-toothed cry of pain, eyes clenched shut, staggering back a step as he clutched at the side of his chest."; "# BothHurt 5, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Fuck!\""; "# BothHurt 6" = "A moment passed before the crowd behind you dispersed, everyone running to take cover as the fight broke out."; "# BothHurt 7" = "On the other side you saw the same, the clump of figures scattering like ashes to either side of the street."; "# BothHurt 8" = "You couldn't see where Joseph went, and you couldn't afford to hang around as more shots were fired."; "# BothHurt 9" = "Curly was struggling to move, and he turned to see you still standing there, alone. A bullet whizzed by, striking the ground."; "# BothHurt 10" = "He gave you a look and slumped over onto you, one arm slung over your shoulder, much of his weight bearing down on you now."; "# BothHurt 11" = "You had no choice but to help carry him out of the street, knees shaking as you walked as quickly as you could."; "# BothHurt 12" = "Your compatriots fired a volley of rounds down the street, providing you enough cover to drag your bleeding boss between two buildings."; "# BothHurt 13" = "He was heavy on your neck, and wobbling as you walked together, his strides still outpacing you as you tried to keep up and push him along."; "# BothHurt 14" = "You kept walking through the long clump of houses that lined the main street, pushing through to the other side where it gave way to a hill."; "# BothHurt 15" = "At a corner that led out of the shade, he rested against the wall, lightening the load off of you as he craned his neck to check if the way was safe."; "# BothHurt 16" = "Again without a word he reslumped onto you, and you walked around the corner together."; "# BothHurt 17" = "Curly used the houses as support too now, bloodied hand dragging across the walls as he used you to drag him ever forward."; "# BothHurt 18" = "Gunshots continued to ring out, bouncing through the alleys and streets next to you."; "# BothHurt 19" = "The acrid smell of gunpowder grew stronger, even as your nose was full of the scent of Curly's sweat-laden fur."; "# BothHurt 20" = "You stumbled along this back path a little more before Curly's weight on you suddenly became crushing, like gravity itself had become stronger."; "# BothHurt 21" = "The full weight of Curly lay on you for a moment, before your knees buckled and he slid off with a grunt."; "# BothHurt 22" = "He threw out a hand, trying to catch himself, scraping it on the wall of a house as he fell, coming to sit in the dirt."; "# BothHurt 23" = "He sat with his back flat against the slatted wooden wall, one hand reaching across to grasp his side so hard you could see the tendons."; "# BothHurt 24" = "The other hand clutched his gun, finger resting next to the trigger."; "# BothHurt 25" = "He breathed slowly and heavily through gritted teeth, staring out over the edge into the rest of town, across rooves and into the desert."; "# BothHurt 26" = "His ears twitched with the pop of guns around you, seeming to come from every direction."; "# BothHurt 27" = "This was the best chance you were going to get, you thought. He was so... vulnerable looking."; "# BothHurt 28" = "Some part of your mind, though, said you couldn't. You can't kill him. Something will go wrong. He's a hurt and cornered animal right now."; "# BothHurt 29, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Staring real hard at me there, tomboy. Worried I'm gonna croak on ya? Don't. I'm not going anywhere.\""; "# BothHurt 30" = "You could feel the weight of your gun in your holster as you shifted on your feet. The space where your hand needed to be to grab it."; "# BothHurt 31" = "Curly fidgeted about, like it was impossible for him to get comfortable where he was, before giving up and sitting crooked."; "# BothHurt 32, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"We'll hide out here for the time being. The boys'll take care of things.\""; "# BothHurt 33, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"You're not much good in a fight, but you're better protection than nothing.\""; "# BothHurt 34, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Some of Black Vulture's lot might come this way so keep your eyes peeled.\""; "# BothHurt 35" = "You gently unholstered your gun, letting it dangle on your fingers by the handle."; "# BothHurt 36" = "You didn't want to stick around. You didn't know how the fight was going. You didn't know if Joseph was alright."; "# BothHurt 37" = "You were just wasting time, standing here, with this bastard bleeding on the ground next to you."; "# BothHurt 38" = "Just shoot him. That's all you had to do, just shoot him and be done with it."; "# BothHurt 39" = "You've killed people before. He deserves it more than most."; "# BothHurt 40" = "And still, you can't bring yourself to do anything."; "# BothHurt 41" = "Your ears prick up. You hear the sound of someone running this way, thudding fast against the dirt, and look up."; "# BothHurt 42" = "You swing your gun up hastily, ready for whoever's coming your way."; "# BothHurt 43" = "You don't see anything for a few more moments until a bird comes running out, looking around frantically."; "# BothHurt 44" = "It was Joseph."; "# BothHurt 45" = "Panting, holding his shotgun in both hands, and as he looks your way and his eyes land on you, they light up like the brightest fireworks."; "# BothHurt 46, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Ah shit, there's one.\""; "# BothHurt 47" = "The glint of Curly's gun shone in the corner of your eye as he moved, arm crossing his body, pointing upward."; "# BothHurt 48" = "Joseph's eyes widened, pupils becoming pinpricks, trying to turn tail and run as he saw Curly take aim."; "# BothHurt 49" = "It was all so quick and felt like an eternity as you yourself lifted your gun, aiming directly at Curly's hand as it steadied itself."; "# BothHurt 50" = "Before doubt and fear could take ahold, you squeezed the trigger and saw his hand explode."; "# BothHurt 51" = "The sound of the shot rattled through your head, Joseph staggered and stopped as it went off, Curly snatched his hand away."; "# BothHurt 52" = "His gun dropped to the ground with a dull thud, and he buried the hand into himself, crying out and growling."; "# BothHurt 53, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Graaah fuck! What the- what...\""; "# BothHurt 54" = "He looked bewilderingly at Joseph, failing to understand what had blasted the fingers off his hand; before looking to his side, at you."; "# BothHurt 55" = "Looking at the wisps of smoke from the barrel of your gun."; "# BothHurt 56" = "You felt yourself panting heavily, hand shaking; in fact your whole body, shaking with adrenaline."; "# BothHurt 57" = "You heard the thump of footsteps again and looked up to see Joseph run over, slowing as he neared you and Curly."; "# BothHurt 58" = "The two met eyes, anger and disgust spilling onto Curly's face in equal amounts, while Joseph's became... pitiful, you thought."; "# BothHurt 59, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"So this is him, huh? The great Curly Wolf?\""; "# BothHurt 60" = "Joseph came down from your eye level, crouching to Curly, studying his face."; "# BothHurt 61, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Hah... all makes a lil' more sense now. Found yourself a little buddy, did you?\""; "# BothHurt 62, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"He won't stick around... I can see it in his eyes.\""; "# BothHurt 63, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Shut yer trap, Curly.\""; "# BothHurt 64" = "Anger flitted across Curly's brow, but he wasn't stupid. He knew he wasn't getting out of this situation. He was as good as dead."; "# BothHurt 65, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"You really are two peas in a pod... traitors and cowards who just run... from everything...\""; "# BothHurt 66" = "His breaths were haggard, throat hoarse and harsh. Holding on out of spite more than anything else."; "# BothHurt 67, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Whatever he told you... promised you, tomboy... it's not real.\""; "# BothHurt 68, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"I know people like that when I see it...\""; "# BothHurt 69, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"When things get tough, he'll leave. He'll run... like all the other times.\""; "# BothHurt 70, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Or will you run first... haha...\""; "# BothHurt 71, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"You might say that's not so, but... I know you're a liar... always have been.\""; "# BothHurt 72, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Shoulda known you'd betray me sooner or later... saw it in your eyes all those times... never liked you.\""; "# BothHurt 73, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Do you even know his name.\""; "# BothHurt 74" = "Joseph regarded Curly coolly, but his anger wasn't concealed by the sharp spite in his voice or the clench of his jaw."; "# BothHurt 75, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Does it matter?... What's a name, anyhow. If I call someone and they come... that's their name.\""; "# BothHurt 76, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Answer the question. Do you know his name.\""; "# BothHurt 77" = "Curly squinted up at Joseph, the sun shining in his face, you and Joseph's shadows cast up the wall beside him."; "# BothHurt 78, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"...No, 'course I don't, wh-\""; "# BothHurt 79" = "The deafening blast of Joseph's shotgun cut him short, and you flinched away, averting your eyes from the peppered red mess of his chest."; "# BothHurt 80" = "You followed the momentum of your flinch, turning around, gazing out across the hill and down into the town, breathing in and out."; "# BothHurt 81" = "You heard one last breath of sorts behind you, a gurgle of blood from the mouth, and the rustle of clothes as he fell limp."; "# BothHurt 82, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Wrong answer.\""; "# BothHurt 83, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"$Player?\""; "# BothHurt 84" = "You gingerly reached a hand behind at him, tugging at his shirt when you found purchase, pulling yourself in."; "# BothHurt 85" = "His arms caught you as you took a weak step toward him, returning his embrace as he held you close, your heads over each other's shoulders."; "# BothHurt 86" = "There was a pit in your stomach making you nauseous. You closed your eyes as you breathed in, focusing on his smell, so close to you."; "# BothHurt 87, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Are you alright? Are ya hurt?\""; "# BothHurt 88, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I'm fine, I-I'm fine.\""; "# BothHurt 89" = "You pulled away from each other as you heard more gunshots, the fight starting up again, no doubt caused by Joseph's shotgun."; "# BothHurt 90, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"We need to get somewhere safe, wait for this to blow over.\""; "# BothHurt 91, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Once they realise Curly's dead the guys'll probably hightail it out of here.\""; "# BothHurt 92, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Where's Black Vulture?\""; "# BothHurt 93, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Not sure. Lost him when the fight broke out, ah was more concerned 'bout finding you really.\""; "# BothHurt 94" = "Holstering your gun, you stooped down and picked up Curly's revolver from where it had fallen."; "# BothHurt 95" = "You grabbed Joseph's hand and placed it on your shoulder to pull him with you, walking briskly, keeping on the way you'd been going already."; "# BothHurt 96, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"We can skirt around the edge of town and make our way to the saloon, safest place I can think of.\""; "# BothHurt 97" = "Joseph nodded and followed you, trailing by his arm, your gun held firm and ready in your hand, cautious of every alley you passed."; "# BothHurt 98" = "You kept following the edge of the hill, heading for where the street bent, Sheriff's office being across the way."; "# BothHurt 99" = "You were aiming to loop round the back of the office and avoid the firefight in the street, but as it came into view, a tall figure started to pass by."; "# BothHurt 100" = "He didn't notice you at first, but the sound of you both stopping short caught his attention, and you met the eyes of Black Vulture."; "# BothHurt 101, Speaker \"Black Vulture\"" = "\"Well, well. What do we have here? Taking a prisoner, Joseph?\""; "# BothHurt 102" = "You could see the blood staining his coat, his shirt, on the side of his stomach where he pressed a hand, but he seemed surprisingly unfazed."; "# BothHurt 103" = "Following Black from behind the building came the bird you recognised as the shootist, the one who shot Curly."; "# BothHurt 104" = "He stood behind Black, rifle firm in both hands, a mask covering his face, small eyes watching keenly."; "# BothHurt 105" = "The grip of Joseph's hand on your shoulder grew tighter, and he pulled you toward him a little, continuing to walk you forward slowly."; "# BothHurt 106, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Yeah. Thought he might be useful. Should have some knowledge about Curly Wolf's hideouts and whatnot.\""; "# BothHurt 107" = "Black grunted, hunched over but now standing taller, his crooked neck raising his head above you."; "# BothHurt 108, Speaker \"Black Vulture\"" = "\"Always so quick on your feet, Joseph. It's good thinking. I'm just curious as to why you're not holding him to gunpoint.\""; "# BothHurt 109" = "He took a few steps closer to you both."; "# BothHurt 110, Speaker \"Black Vulture\"" = "\"Or indeed, why I had to take a bullet for your actions.\""; "# BothHurt 111, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"My actions?\""; "# BothHurt 112, Speaker \"Black Vulture\"" = "\"You ran, you slimy traitorous coward, you ran with your tail between your legs and now I'm bleeding from the stomach.\""; "# BothHurt 113" = "Your palms were sweating, your head down, faced away from Black and his shootist, hiding the gun in your hand. It was a bad time to be caught in the act."; "# BothHurt 114" = "You thought about whether this was your chance to kill Black, but he was so close to you both, with his own gun drawn still."; "# BothHurt 115" = "And you knew now, how hard it would be for Joseph to try kill him. The fear dripping inside his chest."; "# BothHurt 116, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"We shouldn't stick around, Curly's guys might find you.\""; "# BothHurt 117" = "You dared to look behind you, look at where they were standing, but you saw in Black's eyes you'd made a mistake."; "# BothHurt 118" = "The glint of a gun in your hand, hidden and now revealed as you twisted your body ever so slightly too much."; "# BothHurt 119" = "Joseph must've seen the connection too, the spark of realisation in Black's eyes."; "# BothHurt 120" = "He swung his arms suddenly toward Black, bashing him upside the head with his shotgun and knocking him to the ground with a grunt."; "# BothHurt 121" = "The shootist, even while watching closely, was caught off guard, and though he readied his rifle quickly, you had already been looking at him."; "# BothHurt 122" = "You aimed the revolver at his head and fired a shot clean through. His mask flew off, twisting in the air."; "# BothHurt 123" = "As the shootist fell, his dying trigger finger squeezed enough to let loose a final shot from the tilted rifle."; "# BothHurt 124" = "You heard the telltale wet thud of a bullet hitting someone and Joseph cried out for a moment, hand snapping to clutch his thigh."; "# BothHurt 125, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Damned little... son of a gun. Still got me.\""; "# BothHurt 126" = "Black was already starting to stir from being knocked down, and you pushed your head under one of Joseph's arms."; "# BothHurt 127, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Come on, we need to go, now!\""; "# BothHurt 128" = "Joseph held his arm around your shoulders, using your help to take some of the weight off, but still limping as fast as he could with the pain."; "# BothHurt 129" = "You abandoned your plan to go around town and ran down the nearest alley, toward the main street, and toward the fight."; "# BothHurt 130" = "You couldn't afford to get caught out by someone again, Black or otherwise. Joseph was too hurt, you just had to get to the saloon."; "# BothHurt 131" = "As you reached the street everything had lulled once again, the air deadly quiet all of a sudden."; "# BothHurt 132" = "You poked your heads out, but wherever people were hiding, it wasn't anywhere near you."; "# BothHurt 133" = "The saloon was just across the street. You looked to Joseph, his face so close to yours, and he nodded."; "# BothHurt 134" = "You pushed off together, running and walking as fast as you could to get across without being seen."; "# BothHurt 135" = "Halfway across the wide street, the saloon porch so close, you looked behind you, only to see Black coming to a halt as your eyes met."; "# BothHurt 136" = "Wiping blood off his face from his cracked beak, he aimed his gun at you both from the alley entrance."; "# BothHurt 137" = "Your heart skips a beat and you crash to the ground, pulling Joseph with you, hoping you might dodge the bullet."; "# BothHurt 138" = "A shot rings out. But it didn't come from behind you, and in fact you quickly look toward Black to see him ducking down."; "# BothHurt 139" = "His hat was knocked off by the unknown shot, and he grabbed it before scuttling back, hiding further in the alley."; "# BothHurt 140" = "The shot spooked the hiding gang members too, as a couple shots were fired back, and then many more adding to the cacophony."; "# BothHurt 141" = "You picked Joseph and yourself up off the dusty ground, seeing down the street that many were shooting up at some attackers on the rooves."; "# BothHurt 142" = "You took off running in a crouch, with your hand balled into a fist around your gun and the back of Joseph's clothes, dragging him with you."; "# BothHurt 143" = "Both stumbling up the stairs of the saloon porch, you flung open the doors and helped Joseph inside with haste."; "# BothHurt 144" = "There was a loud crack as the wooden doorframe was struck and splintered near your head."; "# BothHurt 145" = "As you turn and slam the doors shut, you see Black pull away from aiming at you, now having to reload."; "# BothHurt 146" = "With the doors shut, your eyes adjusted to the dimly lit interior, the sun not quite shining in the same as last time you were here."; "# BothHurt 147" = "Joseph stood with his injured leg slightly off the floor, leaning on a table with one hand."; "# BothHurt 148" = "You go over to him and unholster your gun, handing it to him by the barrel, handle pointed upward."; "# BothHurt 149, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"You take it, you need something better than that shotgun.\""; "# BothHurt 150, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Ah have it for a reason, $Player, I'm a real terrible shot. More likely to hit you than who I'm aiming at.\""; "# BothHurt 151, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Then take it for good luck. I've had it for a long time and it's always done me well.\""; "# BothHurt 152" = "He gave you a hesitant look still, you both knew time was of the essence, but he didn't want to put you in danger."; "# BothHurt 153" = "You trusted him. You knew this wasn't dangerous."; "# BothHurt 154, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Two revolvers isn't much good to me.\""; "# BothHurt 155, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Just take it and hide, Black's still coming after us.\""; "# BothHurt 156" = "Joseph took the pistol from you and slid his shotgun across the floor to the end of the bar, limping over to hide behind it."; "# BothHurt 157" = "You ducked down yourself and scuttled over to the nearest window, listening to the shootout happening outside."; "# BothHurt 158" = "You needed to know where Black Vulture was. You pulled up and peeked over the windowsill."; "# BothHurt 159" = "As soon as you pulled your head far enough up, your eyes landed on the distant figure of Black, rifle aimed directly at you."; "# BothHurt 160" = "You immediately snapped away from the window and pressed yourself against the wall, holding still as one louder shot echoed in the street."; "# BothHurt 161" = "The window next to your head broke with a shrill twang, the panes falling on the sill and shattering either side, the floor covered in glass."; "# BothHurt 162" = "You felt a sharp pain pierce your ear and reached up for a moment to feel the tip missing, your fingers slick with blood as you brought them down."; "# BothHurt 163" = "The side of your face started to feel wet, you could feel your fur matting and sticking to itself inside your ear."; "# BothHurt 164" = "He'd known where you were, he'd almost got you - but you knew where he was now, and he'd probably try to move and throw you off."; "# BothHurt 165" = "You reared your head up along with your gun, spotting Black sneaking away from where he was as he tried to avoid errant bullets."; "# BothHurt 166" = "He saw you as you took aim through the window, but you weren't going to falter and let him get the jump on you again."; "# BothHurt 167" = "You followed his movement with your hand, watching where he was going, and squeezed the trigger just ahead of him."; "# BothHurt 168" = "The gunshot echoed through the saloon and a single moment later Black fell with a small spray of blood, kicking up dust as his legs splayed out."; "# BothHurt 169" = "You stood up a little, still crouched, peering more clearly over through the window to get a better look at him on the ground."; "# BothHurt 170" = "He didn't seem to be breathing."; "# BothHurt 171" = "You kept watching for any sign of life, any movements, but even as bullets from the fight hit dirt and wood beside him, he didn't seem to stir."; "# BothHurt 172" = "You gingerly kicked the broken glass under you aside, taking a deep breath."; "# BothHurt 173" = "You slunk down and sat with your back to the wall, ears down, not wanting to attract any of the shootists still outside."; "# BothHurt 174" = "The wary head of Joseph poked out from the end of the bar, looking at you, his eyes then flicking around the window."; "# BothHurt 175, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I got him. He's dead, Black's dead. We should just... lie low here for a bit.\""; "# BothHurt 176" = "Joseph nodded, shuffling out from behind the bar a bit more."; "# BothHurt 177, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Made a bit a mess of the saloon. Hope Bart won't be too mad about it.\""; "# BothHurt 178" = "You hoped so too. You guessed Sheriff must have told people about what was happening, but you weren't sure."; "# BothHurt 179" = "You'd help fix it up if you could."; "# BothHurt 180" = "You sat there, waiting, listening still as the fight outside died down."; "# BothHurt 181" = "You could hear some distant shouts, sounds of people running, the wind howling through the open window."; "# BothHurt 182" = "The crunch of glass."; "# BothHurt 183" = "You ears flicked towards the noise as a feathered hand shot through the window, grasping at your face."; "# BothHurt 184" = "The arm grabbed under your chin and pulled and jerked you up. Breaths became caught and strained as you were half-choked to the window."; "# BothHurt 185" = "You dropped your gun and desperately pulled at the arm, claws digging into the skin of Black's wing as you tried to break free."; "# BothHurt 186" = "Another arm threw itself in as he got to his knees, pressing your head against the wooden windowsill and tilting your head back."; "# BothHurt 187" = "You could see his face close in your periphery, and his other hand now came to your throat, something sharp and cold resting against your skin."; "# BothHurt 188" = "The shard of glass glinted in the sun and refractions danced around the dim saloon. Your claws hurt from scratching feathers out of his arm."; "# BothHurt 189" = "You didn't want to die. Your head forced back, neck thrust forward, exposed, looking at the nothing of the ceiling above you."; "# BothHurt 190, Speaker \"Black Vulture\"" = "\"This is gonna hurt you much more than it's hurting me.\""; "# BothHurt 191" = "The words brushed past your ear. You felt the arm move, the glass start to prick into your skin."; "# BothHurt 192" = "A loud bang went off, reverberating around the room and vibrating deep in your body for a moment. You fell to the floor."; "# BothHurt 193" = "You crashed into the shattered glass beneath you, twisting to look up at the window, running your hand along your throat with subsiding panic."; "# BothHurt 194" = "The arms that had been around you went limp, hanging through the window along with Black's long neck, his face motionless and frozen."; "# BothHurt 195" = "The bloodied shard of glass in his hand fell to the floor with a tink. The blood from his head started to drip next to it."; "# BothHurt 196" = "You looked over at Joseph and saw him sitting lopsided on the floor, your revolver in his hand still pointed towards the window."; "# BothHurt 197" = "He was looking past you at Black, breathing heavily, and then looked in your eyes, his head not moving an inch, just the flick of his stare."; "# BothHurt 198" = "He blinked after what seemed like an eternity and you felt the roughness of breaths in your throat. A hoarse cough every so often."; "# BothHurt 199" = "You pushed your hand against the floor and sat up, Joseph putting the gun down carefully beside him."; "# BothHurt 200, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Ah think we got him for real, then.\""; "# BothHurt 201" = "You gave a small nervous chuckle, as did he. More gunshots started up outside, only less than before."; "# BothHurt 202" = "You got on your knees, holstering the gun you'd dropped, and crawled carefully over the broken glass, across the floor to Joseph."; "# BothHurt 203" = "He took a gentle hold of your shorter arm, a warm squeeze."; "# BothHurt 204, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"We might be in danger here still if someone sees us, 'specially with ol' big beak there being a window ornament.\""; "# BothHurt 205, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Uh, yeah... we could go in the storeroom for now I suppose.\""; "# BothHurt 206" = "He looked over the bar at the door to the store, the gentle curve of thinking on his brow, before meeting your eyes again."; "# BothHurt 207, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"The saloon has rooms don't it? Think that's what Bart said.\""; "# BothHurt 208, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Yeah, must be upstairs.\""; "# BothHurt 209, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"...Should we go? Up? Would be a darn lot safer and comfier than down here.\""; "# BothHurt 210, Duplicated with dialogue WolfHurt 237" = "You thought about it, for a moment. Your only worry was whether you might get blood on something for when Bartholomew came back."; "# BothHurt 211, Duplicated with dialogue WolfHurt 238" = "Though considering the state of the saloon already, you thought, what the hell. You'll deal with it later. Together."; "# BothHurt 212, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Yeah. Let's.\""; "# BothHurt 213" = "You stood up and helped Joseph, with his stiff thigh still, to get up too. You walked briskly together past the window, out of sight."; "# BothHurt 214" = "You took your time getting up the stairs, taking it slow for Joseph, who was huffing and breathing through gritted teeth as he made his way up."; "# BothHurt 215" = "You stumbled along the landing, one arm around each other, towards the furthest room."; "# WolfHurt 1" = "Curly tried, with a quick and practiced motion, to reach for his gun, but it was too late."; "# WolfHurt 2" = "A shot rang out and a sharp whizz in the air was cut short by a wet thud and Curly flinching hard."; "# WolfHurt 3" = "That was all you saw before you took off, as did everyone else in the town it seemed. You heard the scuffle of many shoes."; "# WolfHurt 4" = "Curly was the most dangerous person here right now, even when hurt, so you were glad to be making distance from him."; "# WolfHurt 5" = "As you ran through the houses that lined the main street, many gunshots started to fill the air, loud cracks that echoed down the alleyways."; "# WolfHurt 6" = "You kept running through the maze of houses, as far away as you could get, slowing down as you reached the last of them."; "# WolfHurt 7" = "These houses led to a hill that sloped into the rest of town. You stopped in the shade and leaned against one of their wooden walls, panting."; "# WolfHurt 8" = "The fight continued, and you listened. It didn't seem to be moving away from the street much. You would be safe elsewhere in town."; "# WolfHurt 9" = "You needed to find Joseph now, that was all you focused on. You'd be safer together, he ran when you did as well."; "# WolfHurt 10" = "You slid your gun from its holster, the grip of the metal a small comfort in your hand."; "# WolfHurt 11" = "If you followed the curve of this ledge along, you'd reach the other end of the street where Black and co. were. Joseph can't have gone far."; "# WolfHurt 12" = "You started walking, carefully, listening and looking at each alley before crossing, steadily making your way past the houses."; "# WolfHurt 13" = "It wasn't long before you heard someone near you, shouting. Familiar."; "# WolfHurt 14" = "You heard the scuffle of feet in the dust before two figures burst out from behind a house, one chasing the other."; "# WolfHurt 15" = "It was Black and Joseph, Black hot on his heels, and you saw him grab the back of Joseph's shirt as he tried to run away."; "# WolfHurt 16" = "He kept running and crashed into Joseph, sending them both tumbling down the rocky incline, kicking up clouds of dust as they did."; "# WolfHurt 17" = "You ran over to the edge of where they fell, watching for a moment as they tried to get ahold of each other in the dirt."; "# WolfHurt 18" = "Clothes stained with brown patches of desert dust, their guns tossed and laying discarded near them. Joseph grabbed at Black, punching his side."; "# WolfHurt 19" = "You hastily holstered your gun and slid down the hill towards them, stumbling as you hit the bottom."; "# WolfHurt 20" = "You carried the momentum of your stumble into a run, then swung your leg towards Black, foot connecting hard with his stomach."; "# WolfHurt 21" = "He let out a grunt and a retch, clutching his stomach, giving Joseph the chance to throw him off."; "# WolfHurt 22" = "Joseph rolled away on to his arms and knees, standing up quickly."; "# WolfHurt 23" = "Black tried to get up too despite still being winded, but Joseph easily kicked him down onto his back with one foot to the chest."; "# WolfHurt 24" = "Joseph shuffled over to you and you both stood over Black, who slowly propped himself up on his hands, leaning back and looking at you."; "# WolfHurt 25" = "He eyed you over, catching his breath back, trying to mask the fear in his eyes with a smug smile that spread across his face."; "# WolfHurt 26, Speaker \"Black Vulture\"" = "\"Well, well now. Who's your little friend, Joseph?\""; "# WolfHurt 27, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"...I'm $Player. I'm another lookout.\""; "# WolfHurt 28, Speaker \"Black Vulture\"" = "\"So you're in league with this treacherous scumbag, then? What a twist!\""; "# WolfHurt 29, Speaker \"Black Vulture\"" = "\"You're very much going to regret this, Joseph, when this is all over.\""; "# WolfHurt 30, Speaker \"Black Vulture\"" = "\"Punishing people is so... distasteful, but sometimes it must be done.\""; "# WolfHurt 31, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Sorry Black, but you ain't gonna get the chance. This is the end of the line.\""; "# WolfHurt 32" = "Black's smile softened a little at Joseph's words, either not having listened or simply not believing him."; "# WolfHurt 33, Speaker \"Black Vulture\"" = "\"Joseph, don't be foolish. Help me up and I won't punish you too harshly - then we can forget all this nasty business.\""; "# WolfHurt 34, Speaker \"Black Vulture\"" = "\"Your... friend, can even join us if you'd like. Let's go take care of Curly, and then we can search for that gold.\""; "# WolfHurt 35" = "You saw Joseph waver for a moment. The offer ticking over in his mind, his breath hitched for a moment. Steeling the resolve of his promises."; "# WolfHurt 36, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"You really don't listen, do ya? I'm going to kill you, Black. For everything you've done.\""; "# WolfHurt 37" = "Black scoffed, brow knotting in anger and indignation."; "# WolfHurt 38, Speaker \"Black Vulture\"" = "\"For everything I've done? You ungrateful little whelp.\""; "# WolfHurt 39, Speaker \"Black Vulture\"" = "\"I'll tell you what I've done, I've been a gentleman and shown you nothing but kindness ever since you joined me.\""; "# WolfHurt 40, Speaker \"Black Vulture\"" = "\"I fed you, mentored you, brought you under my wing - and this is how you repay me?\""; "# WolfHurt 41, Speaker \"Black Vulture\"" = "\"By threatening to kill me?\""; "# WolfHurt 42, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"...Ah can't tell if yer lying to my face or really just that delusional. You don't care about me.\""; "# WolfHurt 43, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"You don't care 'bout any of us. You just like havin' a posse that'll talk you up in saloons and do all the work for ya.\""; "# WolfHurt 44, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"A city slicker playing cowboy for the sheer Hell of it.\""; "# WolfHurt 45, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Maybe you can fool other folks, but none of us ever bought all this gentleman shit for a second.\""; "# WolfHurt 46" = "Black's face was pure contempt, the face of someone used to always being told what he wanted to hear."; "# WolfHurt 47" = "You unholstered your gun, handing it to Joseph on top of your palm. He took it, holding it by his side and cocking the hammer."; "# WolfHurt 48, Speaker \"Black Vulture\"" = "\"How absolutely dare you. You have no idea what I've sacrificed!\""; "# WolfHurt 49, Speaker \"Black Vulture\"" = "\"I gave up my life in the lap of luxury to rough it out in the desert with people like you. To live the life I was told stories about.\""; "# WolfHurt 50, Speaker \"Black Vulture\"" = "\"I made a name for myself. Black Vulture, the gentleman outlaw of the West.\""; "# WolfHurt 51, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"You're not a gentleman. You didn't do anything. Your gang made your name for you.\""; "# WolfHurt 52, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Joseph made your name for you. He's more of a gentleman than you'll ever be.\""; "# WolfHurt 53" = "Black's brow furrowed and his eyes squinted at you, filled with the rage of a man who was never told no. The wind died down for a moment."; "# WolfHurt 54" = "Everything was impossibly still. Not a movement, not a sound, the whole world seeming to take pause. Waiting."; "# WolfHurt 55" = "The stillness was broken as Black's body twitched, and he threw himself towards his gun, scrambling in the dust to try and grab it."; "# WolfHurt 56" = "Joseph shot at him, missing, then shot again as Black just touched his gun, the bullet passing through his head with a spray of blood."; "# WolfHurt 57" = "Black's frantic body fell limp, settling. A few moments passed, the sand under his head becoming a stained dark brown."; "# WolfHurt 58" = "Joseph turned to you. He was trembling, his hands fluttering. He grabbed the gun by the barrel and gave it back to you."; "# WolfHurt 59" = "You took it and holstered it again quickly, stepping closer to put your arm around him."; "# WolfHurt 60" = "He was warm, and as he put his arms around you too, you felt every shake and tremble of his head on your shoulder, arm tight across his back."; "# WolfHurt 61, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"You're alright, you're alright. Are you hurt?\""; "# WolfHurt 62, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"I'm... no, I'm just fine. Few bumps n' bruises is all.\""; "# WolfHurt 63" = "He pulled back, gently grabbing you by the shoulders, eyes meeting."; "# WolfHurt 64, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Are you awright? What happened, where's Curly Wolf?\""; "# WolfHurt 65, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Yeah I'm not hurt. I don't know where he is, I ran before he could follow me. I think he got hit.\""; "# WolfHurt 66, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Ah would say the same, he got shot by Black's shootist. They both tailed me after I ran too.\""; "# WolfHurt 67, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Ah put the shootist down with my shotgun but then Black was right on my behind, that was just before you found me.\""; "# WolfHurt 68, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Right... I think we should get to the saloon. Safest place in town I can think of, we can keep a lookout for Curly.\""; "# WolfHurt 69, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Sounds like the fight's died down too, y'think we can sneak across the street?\""; "# WolfHurt 70" = "You nodded. Joseph picked his shotgun up and you both climbed back up the short hill, cautiously approaching the street."; "# WolfHurt 71" = "You both sidled up against the wall before an alley, staying out of sight, looking and waiting to make sure it was clear."; "# WolfHurt 72" = "You saw and heard no one, not from the street, and if you cut through here you could get to the saloon quickly."; "# WolfHurt 73" = "Joseph thought it a safe bet too, and nodded at you to go. You left the cover of the buildings, walking close to each other."; "# WolfHurt 74" = "As you round the corner, you walk past the thin side door of a house. You take no note of it, or of it being slightly ajar."; "# WolfHurt 75" = "Not until you hear the creak of its hinges as it opens more."; "# WolfHurt 76" = "Not until you feel a hot, piercing pain in your side, and the vice-like grip of a clawed hand on your shoulder, pulling you into the knife."; "# WolfHurt 77" = "You cried out at the sharp metal invading your flesh, flailing to try and grab onto Joseph, who snapped around to look your way."; "# WolfHurt 78" = "Enveloped in the shadow of the dark house against the midday sun, Curly Wolf crouched in the doorway, dragging you down."; "# WolfHurt 79" = "Without a second thought Joseph bounded toward you both, leaping past you to bodily tackle Curly."; "# WolfHurt 80" = "You felt the relief and the searing emptiness of the knife slicing its way out of your body. The flesh below your ribcage staining your shirt."; "# WolfHurt 81" = "You fell to the ground, any twisting of your body pulling at the new injury with new pains."; "# WolfHurt 82" = "Joseph had pushed Curly to the ground, and was rightly wary of the knife, but his hesitation gave Curly too much of an opening."; "# WolfHurt 83" = "Attacking without thought like the hurt animal he was, he swung the knife at Joseph, and Joseph recoiled out of the door with a cry."; "# WolfHurt 84" = "He clutched at his eye as he fell next to you and sat straight up, taking deep, tearful breaths, backing up further."; "# WolfHurt 85" = "You were on your hand and knees, and stood up more, hand scrabbling against the nearest wall to help you get to your feet."; "# WolfHurt 86" = "You reached for Joseph's hand and he eagerly grabbed you by the wrist, both tightly holding on as he got up and started running with you."; "# WolfHurt 87, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Traitor! You can keep running but I'll kill you! There's nowhere to hide in this town!\""; "# WolfHurt 88" = "You hunched over slightly as you ran, trying not to put any stress on the cut to your side. It didn't seem to be too deep but hurt like hell."; "# WolfHurt 89" = "You ran through the many houses until you reached the main street, pelting forward to the saloon, not stopping for anything."; "# WolfHurt 90" = "The street was quiet. Glancing down it you saw the shapes of people tucked into doorways and behind buildings and fenceposts."; "# WolfHurt 91" = "Still waiting for someone else to make a move."; "# WolfHurt 92" = "As you ran to the saloon with Joseph in tow, both of you breathing ragged and your feet stumbling, you tried not to make too much noise."; "# WolfHurt 93" = "Leaping up the short stairs of the porch, you charged into the doors, barrelling through into the dim interior."; "# WolfHurt 94" = "You turned round and slammed the doors shut, giving yourself a moment to breathe with your head down and hand flat against the wood."; "# WolfHurt 95, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"You're bleeding.\""; "# WolfHurt 96" = "You turned to Joseph, getting closer to him. His stony expression was fixated on your side, where blood continued to soak through."; "# WolfHurt 97, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"So are you.\""; "# WolfHurt 98" = "You reached up to his hand on his face and took it away slowly, his arm resisting for a moment before he relented, letting you look."; "# WolfHurt 99" = "The feathers of his right eye were stained and matted with blood. Blood seeped from a red slit that traced from his cheek up to past his eyebrow."; "# WolfHurt 100" = "His eye was closed, and before you could check it further, he clasped your hand in both of his."; "# WolfHurt 101, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"I'm alright $Player, don't worry 'bout it now. We've got a fight on our hands still.\""; "# WolfHurt 102" = "He gave his best confident smile, and a wink with his good eye, the reassurance somewhat lessened by the red stain down half of his face."; "# WolfHurt 103, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Alright, yeah, you're right. You should go hide somewhere, he's gonna come looking for us.\""; "# WolfHurt 104" = "Joseph gave your hand one last tight squeeze before looking around and crouching over to the bar, hiding at the end out of sight."; "# WolfHurt 105" = "You crouched down too, walking low down to the window, peeking over it to see what was happening outside."; "# WolfHurt 106" = "As if on cue, Curly stumbled out of the alley you'd just come from, wildly searching with his head swinging back and forth."; "# WolfHurt 107" = "A growling bellow broke the silence of the street as he shouted into the air."; "# WolfHurt 108, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Come on boys! We've got a traitor in our midst! Start searching!\""; "# WolfHurt 109" = "It was hard to see from where you were, but a few of your fellow gang members crawled out from the woodwork."; "# WolfHurt 110" = "The Black Vulture gang had seemingly been taken care of already, save for Joseph, and one other bird who sprang out from a doorway."; "# WolfHurt 111" = "You saw him start running down the street, towards the entrance of town, his only panicked thought being to try get out with his life."; "# WolfHurt 112" = "Curly pulled his revolver and aimed a single shot that whizzed down the street and felled the running bird."; "# WolfHurt 113" = "He hit the dirt like a sandbag and lay there, unmoving."; "# WolfHurt 114" = "Although he didn't see you, Curly turned to the saloon afterwards, and your eyes saw his."; "# WolfHurt 115" = "You jerked back from the window, head against the wall and covered your mouth to stop the yelp you'd been about to let out."; "# WolfHurt 116" = "Perhaps it was just the stress, the sheer animosity of the situation, but you could swear those eyes made you feel like you were already half dead."; "# WolfHurt 117" = "You heard Curly make a hacking cough before calling out again."; "# WolfHurt 118, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Spread out and search around! They can't have gone far. It's the tomboy and some other bird.\""; "# WolfHurt 119" = "You peeked over the windowsill again. The small group of canines left to listen to Curly dispersed, walking with their guns drawn."; "# WolfHurt 120" = "A couple started heading your way. Toward the saloon."; "# WolfHurt 121" = "This was bad, this was really, really bad, they couldn't find you here, not now. Your eyes searched around the saloon for another way out."; "# WolfHurt 122" = "Before they could reach the porch, however, shots rang out in the street once again."; "# WolfHurt 123" = "You couldn't tell where they were coming from, and seemingly neither could the others. There was a panic as people took cover."; "# WolfHurt 124" = "After a few moments you saw some fire shots back, shooting at the rooftops somewhere."; "# WolfHurt 125" = "Some stragglers from Black's lot must've gotten on top of the saloon at some point, and were now raining fire upon the street."; "# WolfHurt 126" = "Curly had taken cover too, he wasn't stupid enough to stand out in the open still, but as he looked around, yours eyes caught upon his."; "# WolfHurt 127" = "This time, the eyes caught yours too, you saw the flicker of recognition at what must be beady eyes poking from the darkness of the saloon."; "# WolfHurt 128" = "Without hesitation he levelled the gun up towards the window and shot. A loud crack of the wooden wall made you recoil to the floor."; "# WolfHurt 129" = "He'd missed, but now he knew where you were hiding."; "# WolfHurt 130" = "There was no need to look out the window again to know he was coming, undoubtedly striding across the street towards this place."; "# WolfHurt 131" = "You didn't have the time to waste either to make sure, scurrying in a crouch past the door with the bared flesh on your side screaming."; "# WolfHurt 132" = "You hopped on the first couple steps of stairs to the upper floor, and crouched by the door, waiting, waiting."; "# WolfHurt 133" = "Gun drawn and mouth dry, your mind was ticking a million times a second like an anxious metronome, waiting, the short moments so long."; "# WolfHurt 134" = "You heard him now, the cadence of footsteps you knew well, ones that kept you wary and ready and still."; "# WolfHurt 135" = "The thumping of wood stopped at the door."; "# WolfHurt 136" = "Slowly, the door on your side started to open, sunlight pouring into the saloon, and the gunshots cracking the air outside so slightly clearer."; "# WolfHurt 137" = "You didn't dare move, feet planted on the stairs, your arm held close to you and your gun pointed just past the door."; "# WolfHurt 138" = "As you listened and watched, focused on door and figure behind it, you didn't expect the loud shot that came from behind it."; "# WolfHurt 139" = "The bullet lodged itself in the floorboards at the other side of the room, but the noise was what broke your focus."; "# WolfHurt 140" = "You couldn't react in time to Curly's hand sharply reaching around the door to grab your gun, roughly yanking it from your hand."; "# WolfHurt 141" = "You didn't hold on to it for fear of breaking a finger, and Curly stepped out from behind the door with your gun held by the barrel."; "# WolfHurt 142" = "His own gun was pointed your way, arm outstretched and the revolver so close you could see the pitch black of the inside of the barrel."; "# WolfHurt 143" = "He chucked your gun away into the room, eyes still trained on you, it clattering against the floor and sliding out of sight."; "# WolfHurt 144" = "Your heart now felt like it was trying to beat out of you and disappear into the desert, like your chest would burst."; "# WolfHurt 145" = "The rhythm of it pumping was loud in your ears, relentless inside you, as if you'd been sprinting for hours."; "# WolfHurt 146" = "Curly took a step towards you, and you tried to take a step back of your own, only to fall over onto the stairs, your back colliding with the edges."; "# WolfHurt 147" = "He took another step, and another, gun still pointed out toward you as far as he could, and you clambered backwards up the steps."; "# WolfHurt 148" = "Your hand scratched and scraped the wood and your legs bumped against the stairs as you tried to get away on your back."; "# WolfHurt 149" = "Curly just kept looking at you all the while, savouring the moment, his face a smile of unmatched malice. Teeth bared and eyes wild."; "# WolfHurt 150, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Isn't this just the turnabout, huh? The pathetic yellerbelly of the gang decides to stick up for themselves for once.\""; "# WolfHurt 151, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Only to end up at my feet, once again. Quite ironic, don't you think?\""; "# WolfHurt 152" = "He let out a short bark of a laugh."; "# WolfHurt 153, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"I never fuckin' liked you. Not sure why I even kept you around.\""; "# WolfHurt 154, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"You're stupid but I guess you have enough a brain rattling around in there to know I didn't like you.\""; "# WolfHurt 155, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"In the end, this is for the best. For the both of us.\""; "# WolfHurt 156, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Putting a bullet in your skull will put my mind at ease with what to do with you, finally.\""; "# WolfHurt 157, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"If I'd killed you before now, might've put down morale, killing a pathetic sap that did no harm.\""; "# WolfHurt 158, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"I was just looking for an excuse all this time, wasn't I?\""; "# WolfHurt 159" = "He cocked the hammer of the gun with his thumb, a theatric to strike fear in you. His hand was shaking ever so slightly, swaying."; "# WolfHurt 160" = "Despite playing it cool, you could tell it was an effort for him to pull it back, the click of the chamber a relief in his arm."; "# WolfHurt 161" = "You saw now where he'd been shot, just next to his gun arm, a small red hole below his collarbone."; "# WolfHurt 162, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"And don't think I've forgotten about the bird you ran in here with. Once I've taken care of you, they'll be next.\""; "# WolfHurt 163" = "The panic in your heart coalesced as he spoke. You thought about Joseph. Your breath settled in your lungs for the next moment."; "# WolfHurt 164" = "In that moment, you twisted your body and kicked, your leg swung through the air and your foot collided with Curly's hand."; "# WolfHurt 165" = "The momentum of the kick through his arm, stretching on his injury, sprang the gun from his grasp."; "# WolfHurt 166" = "His arm bent inwards and your foot carried the gun away over the bannister to bounce and clatter against the floor."; "# WolfHurt 167" = "You didn't hesitate to scramble around onto your front and start trying to run up the stairs, Curly still reeling in anger at what just happened."; "# WolfHurt 168" = "A few clambering steps on your hand and knees were all you made before you were jerked back, your leg held aloft and dragging you."; "# WolfHurt 169" = "You fell onto the stairs, trying to claw at the landing you'd just reached."; "# WolfHurt 170" = "Slipping as you were dragged, you collapsed and bashed your chin on a step, teeth clattering together in your skull."; "# WolfHurt 171" = "Curly had a firm grip of your ankle, and the panic in your heart once again was spreading through your body, like blood clouding water."; "# WolfHurt 172" = "Your ears twitched at a familiar sound. The sound of Curly's knife being pulled from its sheath."; "# WolfHurt 173" = "No, this wasn't it, this wasn't how you were going to die, scrabbling around on the stairs of a saloon."; "# WolfHurt 174" = "Being pulled up by the leg for a butchering, like a piece of wild game."; "# WolfHurt 175" = "He wasn't unbeatable. He wasn't unkillable. You saw it, he bled, just like any other mortal man. He hurt just the same as you."; "# WolfHurt 176" = "You hurt even more than him. Every day for years. Even now, the tear of flesh next to your ribs being pulled on as you clung to the stairs."; "# WolfHurt 177" = "Pushing off of the stairs, you balled your hand into a fist and twisted your body, carrying the momentum into your arm and thrusting forward."; "# WolfHurt 178" = "You focused your eyes on Curly's face and heard a crack as your fist connected with the end of his snout, knuckles hitting bone."; "# WolfHurt 179" = "Again you fell onto the stairs as Curly cried out, letting go of your leg to clutch at his nose."; "# WolfHurt 180" = "You weren't sure if he was more hurt by his bleeding nose, or simply his pride for being caught off guard like that, but it was enough."; "# WolfHurt 181" = "In the few moments he had reeled back you scrambled up the steps again, making it onto the long landing of the first floor."; "# WolfHurt 182" = "Running wasn't so easy, with the cut in your side and your banged up legs after falling onto the stairs."; "# WolfHurt 183" = "Even so you moved as fast as you could, looking for something to help, some way out on this floor."; "# WolfHurt 184" = "You barely had the time to think about your next move before you heard footsteps bound up the stairs behind you and across the landing."; "# WolfHurt 185" = "Curly was upon you again, and you turned yourself, arm up, trying to shield against him as he flew into you, tackling you to the ground."; "# WolfHurt 186" = "His full weight hit you like a stampeding horse, your body slamming into the wooden floor to knock the wind out of you."; "# WolfHurt 187" = "Your head bounced off the floor as you fell hard, thankful for the rug underneath that softened a little of the blow."; "# WolfHurt 188" = "On your back, your vision swam for a few moments, coming to, you see the ceiling, and then the snarling bloodied face of Curly Wolf above you."; "# WolfHurt 189" = "He pushed himself up to straddle you, kneeling either side, pinning you down before you could think to wriggle away."; "# WolfHurt 190" = "You still pushed up and tried to get away, but it quickly became apparent to be fruitless as Curly just started to chuckle with a growl."; "# WolfHurt 191, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Where was this fight all this time, eh? This fire and attitude, anyone would think you'd grown a spine finally.\""; "# WolfHurt 192, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Might've been useful if you'd been like this more often. Not that it would change your fate now.\""; "# WolfHurt 193, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Traitors don't get any special treatment, no matter how good they been. Have to set an example. You know that, dontcha?\""; "# WolfHurt 194" = "Curly raised his hand with the knife in it, twisting it in his palm to point downwards and grasping tighter."; "# WolfHurt 195, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Say yer fuckin' prayers, kid.\""; "# WolfHurt 196" = "He raised the knife level with his shoulder, aiming it at your chest, and plunged downward."; "# WolfHurt 197" = "No thoughts could even pass through your head before your arm shot out, grabbing at the knife."; "# WolfHurt 198" = "Your hand slid past it and caught onto his fist, locking your arm straight, desperately keeping it away despite his immense strength."; "# WolfHurt 199" = "Every muscle in your arm was screaming with the effort to keep him away, shaking, the struggle of force between you swaying the knife."; "# WolfHurt 200" = "All the bones and tendons in your wrist felt like they were going to snap as Curly still pushed downward, forcing your arm to bend."; "# WolfHurt 201" = "You didn't want to die. There was nothing you feared more right now than the thought of the metal plunging into your heart."; "# WolfHurt 202" = "Every second felt like it stretched on. Curly's snarling, sharp toothed grin was gone, now just a steely gaze that stared towards the knife's goal."; "# WolfHurt 203" = "You weren't strong enough. As you kept putting up the fight you just got weaker, and his arm got lower, and lower with yours in tandem."; "# WolfHurt 204" = "The blade so close now you could smell your own blood still on it."; "# WolfHurt 205" = "You closed your eyes. Your jaw ached from your gritted teeth. Your arm felt like it was on fire."; "# WolfHurt 206" = "With what might be your final breath, you gave one last hard push, stretching toward the sky, the knife edge pressed on your arm."; "# WolfHurt 207" = "You pushed and pushed and pushed against the vile knife, breath held deep in your lungs. A final prayer."; "# WolfHurt 208" = "Your arm sprang out and your eyes snapped open as Curly's arm jerked, and you shoved it away with all your might. Your ears were ringing."; "# WolfHurt 209" = "Two gunshots had gone off, and to the immense relief of your arm Curly rolled off you, bullet holes in his stomach and chest."; "# WolfHurt 210" = "He tried to stay on his knees but couldn't stop himself from falling against the wall, the side of his shirt staining with red."; "# WolfHurt 211" = "You rolled to your side without another moment's hesitation, grabbing at the bannister to hastily pull yourself up and get away."; "# WolfHurt 212" = "Curly was still bewildered, and before he could decide what to do next, you carefully kicked the knife out of his hand down the landing."; "# WolfHurt 213" = "You looked over the bannister to the ground floor where the shots came from, and saw Joseph in the middle of the saloon."; "# WolfHurt 214" = "One arm propping him up on a table, the other pointing Curly's revolver up to you on the balcony."; "# WolfHurt 215" = "He was panting and out of breath, but a smile lit up his face when you met eyes with him."; "# WolfHurt 216" = "Curly was still against the wall, trying to cover up the holes in his side with a hand, but didn't seem to be trying to get away."; "# WolfHurt 217" = "He knew he was too hurt, you had the upper hand now. You waved over the balcony for Joseph to come upstairs."; "# WolfHurt 218" = "He did just that, shakily standing up and then slowly climbing the stairs, still wary of any tricks Curly might have up his sleeve."; "# WolfHurt 219" = "Joseph kept the revolver pointed at Curly as he walked over to you, passing it to your hand, keeping it level all the while."; "# WolfHurt 220" = "The metal of the gun was warm in your hand and sticky with Joseph's blood. You held it firm, wrist straight."; "# WolfHurt 221" = "Finger on the trigger. Curly's face was no longer angry, or focused, or anything else you'd ever seen. It was just tired. Defeated."; "# WolfHurt 222" = "He had nothing left and he knew this was the end. What else was there for him to do?"; "# WolfHurt 223" = "He was at your mercy and it left a great pit in your stomach, a bottomless well that made you sick to think about."; "# WolfHurt 225, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"What are ya waiting for. End it.\""; "# WolfHurt 226, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"...Say your prayers then, boss. We both know you're going to Hell anyway.\""; "# WolfHurt 227" = "He grinned at you, weariness in his eyes, but a smugness in his smile."; "# WolfHurt 228, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Don't worry, I'll save you a spot down there. Not that you'll need it after all you've done.\""; "# WolfHurt 229" = "You squeezed the trigger, slowly, and felt the click and pop of the chamber before the deafening bang that left a hole in Curly's head."; "# WolfHurt 230" = "He slumped against the wall and sat limply, like a child's discarded doll."; "# WolfHurt 231, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"...Ah guess that's it, then.\""; "# WolfHurt 232, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Pretty much. There's still a fight going on outside, but it's not ours.\""; "# WolfHurt 233" = "You looked at Joseph. One eye bloody and swollen and staining his feathers red, the other wide and staring at Curly on the ground."; "# WolfHurt 234" = "You holstered the gun and gently touched your hand to Joseph's, brushing his palm. He felt your hand in turn, fingers intertwining."; "# WolfHurt 235, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"We should wait up here till it's over. Safer. Ah think these here are the rooms Bartholomew mentioned before...\""; "# WolfHurt 236, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"You wanna rest in here?\""; "# WolfHurt 237, Duplicated with dialogue BothHurt 210" = "You thought about it, for a moment. Your only worry was whether you might get blood on something for when Bartholomew came back."; "# WolfHurt 238, Duplicated with dialogue BothHurt 211" = "Though considering the state of the saloon already, you thought, what the hell. You'll deal with it later. Together."; "# WolfHurt 239, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Alright. That seems good.\""; "# WolfHurt 240" = "Already a bit along the landing, you walked together towards the furthest room."; "# VultureHurt 1" = "The deafening noise of a gun going off did not come as expected. Curly kept his arm locked straight down the street."; "# VultureHurt 2" = "Black pulled his gun too, but that wasn't what Curly was waiting for, not quite."; "# VultureHurt 3" = "In the huddle behind Black, a small masked bird brought their rifle to rest on their shoulder, aiming down their eyeline towards you all."; "# VultureHurt 4" = "Towards Curly."; "# VultureHurt 5, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Gotcha.\""; "# VultureHurt 6" = "Your whole body jumped as the shot rang out. The telltale whiz of a bullet down the street was cut short as it hit the small shootist."; "# VultureHurt 7" = "He flailed and fell back with a spray of blood from his head, falling into the crowd."; "# VultureHurt 8" = "The tension in the air shattered like glass as all sides scattered, kicking up dust in their wake."; "# VultureHurt 9" = "Black started to run too, but Curly stayed just as he was, gun held out. His arm swung and tracked Black's movements as he ran."; "# VultureHurt 10" = "He fired another shot, and Black stumbled and fell, tumbling across the ground and out of sight behind a building."; "# VultureHurt 11, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"You know what to do, boys! Take 'em out for me. I'm going hunting.\""; "# VultureHurt 12" = "Curly turned and slinked away before the fight started for real, the air now filling with the cracks and pops of gunshots."; "# VultureHurt 13" = "He walked down an alleyway, heading away from the main street, and you quickly followed, catching up to tail him."; "# VultureHurt 14" = "You followed him into the maze-like clump of houses that lined the street, trailing his shadow as he headed to the other side."; "# VultureHurt 15" = "Emerging at the edge of a hill that sloped into the town, Curly had stopped just around the corner and noticed you as you came out too."; "# VultureHurt 16, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Huh. You really are eager today. Help me find that dandy playin' cowboy, and I might reward ya if he gets a bullet atwixt the eyes.\""; "# VultureHurt 17" = "He kept on walking, along the curve of the hill, past the many houses, with you in tow close behind, your guns both drawn."; "# VultureHurt 18" = "Maybe this would work out for the best. Curly taking out Black for you would be mighty convenient."; "# VultureHurt 19" = "Curly strode with cautious bravado, even as you neared the other end of town where Black's gang was holed up in."; "# VultureHurt 20" = "No one was around to spot you, the air becoming laden with the smell of gunpowder from the fight in the street."; "# VultureHurt 21" = "You couldn't know where Black had retreated to exactly. You were behind enemy lines at this point, so he had to be close by."; "# VultureHurt 22" = "As you started to approach the end of the street, a large figure scurried out from behind a house, walking away from you."; "# VultureHurt 23" = "Looking closer you realised, it wasn't a figure, but two figures, one carrying the other with their arm slung across their shoulder."; "# VultureHurt 24" = "It was Joseph. He was helping Black away from the fight, seemingly headed for Sheriff's office at this end of the town."; "# VultureHurt 25" = "Curly muttered."; "# VultureHurt 26, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"There you are.\""; "# VultureHurt 27" = "He started walking again, softly and quickly, sneaking up closer. You followed suit, the pace of your heart starting to pick up."; "# VultureHurt 28" = "The two birds slowed down as they passed the town well, the low chatter of voices making its way to you on the wind."; "# VultureHurt 29" = "Curly stopped. He raised his revolver slowly, arm held straight, taking his time."; "# VultureHurt 30" = "Reminding you of a hunter in the woods, calm and collected as he raises his rifle, sights set on skittish creatures."; "# VultureHurt 31" = "By luck or circumstance or just fear, Black took a glance behind him, just a moment. You saw the glint of the sun in his eyes."; "# VultureHurt 32" = "Even as he turned his head back he realised what he'd seen and made panicked movements, grabbing at Joseph and stumbling about."; "# VultureHurt 33" = "He pulled Joseph in front of him to face you, grasping a shoulder with one hand, his other arm wrapped across Joseph's neck."; "# VultureHurt 34" = "Using him as a living shield without a second thought. Joseph himself went wide-eyed, struggling for a moment before thinking better of it."; "# VultureHurt 35" = "Curly's arm went a little limp, the gun tilted towards the ground, but his gaze was still fixed on his target."; "# VultureHurt 36" = "Almost like he was looking through Joseph."; "# VultureHurt 37" = "The beat of your heart was thumping now in your ears, almost drowning out the loud shots echoing from the street."; "# VultureHurt 38" = "Curly grumbled with a low growl as he squinted at Black's sorry display."; "# VultureHurt 39, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Coward.\""; "# VultureHurt 40" = "His arm straightened again, elbow locked, his head cocked a little to the side, lining up the barrel with their heads."; "# VultureHurt 41" = "A chill ran down your spine so cold that you forgot you were in the desert. Fur standing on end, body stiff but trembling."; "# VultureHurt 42" = "You stared at his back. It was like a rock wall. Immovable. You were scared of the possibility of even approaching him, even with his back turned."; "# VultureHurt 43" = "You felt like you were going to pass out. Your whole body swaying, as if the ground underfoot was shifting, fear taking ahold in your heart."; "# VultureHurt 44" = "You slowly lurched forward, your sense of balance giving out as you started to fall to the ground."; "# VultureHurt 45" = "As your whole body started to tilt, you felt your feet that had been rooted to the ground, spring forward."; "# VultureHurt 46" = "One foot stopped your fall, the other following and launching you toward Curly. Before you knew it you were running at him."; "# VultureHurt 47" = "There were only a few paces between you and him, but in that moment, you knew he wasn't unstoppable."; "# VultureHurt 48" = "He was the most dangerous man you'd ever met, and you were going to stop him. You were going to kill him."; "# VultureHurt 49" = "Right now though, you stooped into a crouch as you ran, opening your arms wide, and crashed into his legs."; "# VultureHurt 50" = "Your head and shoulders knocked into the back of his knees and you threw your arms around his legs, pushing against the ground."; "# VultureHurt 51" = "Almost instantly Curly fell over, his balance so caught off that all he could do to help himself was twist around as his massive frame toppled."; "# VultureHurt 52" = "He fell beside you, hitting the ground face and hands first, his legs falling out of your hold as he twisted."; "# VultureHurt 53" = "Your body was filled with a rush when you heard him hit the ground, you jumped up on your knees and sprang to your feet."; "# VultureHurt 54" = "There was no time to waste while you had an upper hand. You were just running on instincts."; "# VultureHurt 55" = "You took a step toward him and kicked hard at his hand, foot connecting with his revolver and spinning it across the sand."; "# VultureHurt 56" = "It span away to the edge of the hill, resting and tilting for a moment before tumbling down."; "# VultureHurt 57" = "Curly was still trying to figure out what was going on, and you didn't give him the chance to catch up before you started running."; "# VultureHurt 58" = "You ran at full pelt towards Black and Joseph. Joseph kept still, Black's arm still tight around his throat and head pressed behind his back."; "# VultureHurt 59, Speaker \"$Player\", Duplicated with dialogue NoHurt 248" = "\"Joseph, move!\""; "# VultureHurt 60" = "Joseph tugged at the arm around his throat, and to his surprise Black relinquished, even pushing Joseph aside."; "# VultureHurt 61" = "The side of his shirt was stained red, hunching and holding a hand to himself."; "# VultureHurt 62" = "His face was one of relief, but quickly changed as he laid eyes on you - a frantic and sprinting coyote who somehow knew Joseph's name."; "# VultureHurt 63" = "He'd thought someone who knew Joseph's name would have to be another lackey of his."; "# VultureHurt 64" = "His confusion remained deep-seated on his brow even as you ran fast and punched him hard in the gut, making him collapse to his knees."; "# VultureHurt 65" = "Your hand ached a little in your joints and you shook it off, looking at Joseph whose eyes were wide in surprise but lit up with delight."; "# VultureHurt 66, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Holy Hell! Howdy to you too!\""; "# VultureHurt 67" = "You looked over your shoulder at Curly. He was already slinking off down the hillside to get his gun, tips of his ears just disappearing."; "# VultureHurt 68, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"No time for howdys, we've gotta kill this guy and get outta here. Curly waits for no one.\""; "# VultureHurt 69" = "Joseph understood what you meant, his face becoming solemn. His hand reached up to his shotgun but froze as it touched the stock."; "# VultureHurt 70" = "You could see the trepidation in his eyes. The figure of Black keeled over in pain reflected in his keen gaze."; "# VultureHurt 71" = "You understood the thoughts, the doubts you were also wrestling with about what you were doing."; "# VultureHurt 72" = "Dreams of putting down the people who made your life miserable didn't quite match up to the reality."; "# VultureHurt 73" = "You gingerly reached your hand out onto his, squeezing gently."; "# VultureHurt 74, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"We can do it together. Like we promised.\""; "# VultureHurt 75" = "Joseph, still looking at Black, took a deep breath - and sighed even deeper. He nodded."; "# VultureHurt 76" = "His hand shifted under yours as his fingers wrapped round his shotgun, pulling it from its holster, and you pulled with him, stepping closer."; "# VultureHurt 77" = "Your arms crossed where your hands held on the stock, Joseph's other hand holding the barrel."; "# VultureHurt 78" = "The wind whistled in your ears, the feathers of Joseph's neck ruffling. Your shadows cast across Black as he knelt in the sand."; "# VultureHurt 79" = "He didn't raise his head as he spoke."; "# VultureHurt 80, Speaker \"Black Vulture\"" = "\"Who are you?\""; "# VultureHurt 81" = "You thought for a second. It felt like there were many things you could say. You weren't sure any of them were true anyhow."; "# VultureHurt 82, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I'm another lookout. That's all.\""; "# VultureHurt 83" = "Black scoffed."; "# VultureHurt 84, Speaker \"Black Vulture\"" = "\"That's all? You're a stranger about to kill me, and you won't even give me the dignity of a name.\""; "# VultureHurt 85, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"I'm not sure you ever earned that kinda right, Black.\""; "# VultureHurt 86, Speaker \"Black Vulture\"" = "\"I don't think I earned an execution at your hands, either, Joseph. Yet here we are.\""; "# VultureHurt 87" = "Standing so close to Joseph, shoulder to shoulder, you could feel him freeze up. His face was blank, but his eyes gave him away, flitting about."; "# VultureHurt 88, Speaker \"Black Vulture\"" = "\"Whatever cockamamie plan your friend has come up with here, you don't have to go along with it, Joseph.\""; "# VultureHurt 89, Speaker \"Black Vulture\"" = "\"You're smarter than that. Point that gun somewhere else, and help me, so I can help you. We can move past this.\""; "# VultureHurt 90, Speaker \"Joseph\", Duplicated with dialogue Meeting 43, Meeting 44, Sheriff 88, Eating 92, Eating 119, Eating 135, Eating 146" = "\"...\""; "# VultureHurt 91, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Ah don't believe you. You must think I'm real stupid to try and get me to go along with you.\""; "# VultureHurt 92, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Maybe ah was grateful to you, once. We're way past that now, the idea that you're gonna help me? That dog don't hunt.\""; "# VultureHurt 93, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"This has been a long time comin'. There ain't an honest bone in your body, Black, and you deserve every pellet of this.\""; "# VultureHurt 94" = "Black was silent, head still bowed, face covered by the brim of his hat."; "# VultureHurt 95, Speaker \"Black Vulture\"" = "\"Yes, I suppose you're right... I don't think you're as smart as I gave you credit for.\""; "# VultureHurt 96, Speaker \"Black Vulture\"" = "\"You rode with the best. You know that Joseph, don't you? The gentleman outlaw of the West.\""; "# VultureHurt 97, Speaker \"Black Vulture\"" = "\"Stupid boy. Wouldn't know a kindness if it spat in his face.\""; "# VultureHurt 98" = "You couldn't even tell if he was talking to anyone but himself anymore."; "# VultureHurt 99" = "Joseph's brow furrowed. You felt his hand shift underneath yours as a finger passed over the trigger and squeezed."; "# VultureHurt 100" = "The blast was deafening, the buck of the shotgun rocking you both. Your ears were ringing even as the gunsmoke rose into the air."; "# VultureHurt 101" = "Black fell hard on the sand, his punctured and bleeding body leaving a streak of blood where he landed."; "# VultureHurt 102" = "His arm moved for a moment, like it might've been grabbing at the ground, at the dry grass of the desert."; "# VultureHurt 103" = "There was a tension to the way he lay there, but as the dirt was stained a dark brown, it disappeared. Lying totally still."; "# VultureHurt 104" = "Joseph turned and pulled away from you, wrapping a hand around his beak. His whole chest heaved with quiet breaths."; "# VultureHurt 105, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Joseph...\""; "# VultureHurt 106" = "You reached your hand out to him, but your whole body tensed as your ears flicked to the sound of something down the hill."; "# VultureHurt 107, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Don't move a muscle, beaky. I know you see me.\""; "# VultureHurt 108" = "Joseph was still now, too. He was looking out across the hill, but to his right, a dozen or so paces away, Curly was just peering over the ledge."; "# VultureHurt 109" = "His gun was drawn, and Joseph dared not to move, as Curly clearly knew he'd seen him in the corner of his eye already."; "# VultureHurt 110, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Botha you turn around, hands up, face me. No funny business.\""; "# VultureHurt 111" = "You both turned slowly, backing up a little as Curly climbed up the hill, revolver trained on you all the while."; "# VultureHurt 112" = "He took a few steps away from the edge, gun now held lazily with his elbow on his hip, pointed between you two."; "# VultureHurt 113, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Shouldn't have to tell you to drop the gun, birdbrain.\""; "# VultureHurt 114" = "Joseph flicked his wrist and tossed his shotgun aside, eyes locked with Curly's."; "# VultureHurt 115" = "Curly reached a hand up to his face, rubbing his chin and flexing his jaw. Thinking, some confusion running across his brow."; "# VultureHurt 116, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Real pain in the ass stunt you pulled back there, tomboy. Care to explain?\""; "# VultureHurt 117, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Who's your friend here?\""; "# VultureHurt 118" = "You shifted your weight from foot to foot, full of nervous energy, racking your brain to think of what to say."; "# VultureHurt 119" = "He hadn't immediately assumed you betrayed him, not yet. You'd be on the ground begging for mercy by now if that were the case."; "# VultureHurt 120" = "You'd been still playing along till this point. Helping him out, backing him up, tipping him off."; "# VultureHurt 121" = "He didn't like you, but you'd just about wormed your way into his good books. You can use that."; "# VultureHurt 122" = "Just keep playing along."; "# VultureHurt 123, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"This is Joseph, he's one of Black's lot. We met a few days ago and made a truce.\""; "# VultureHurt 124" = "You relaxed your arms in the air a little, slouching too and putting on airs that you were less tense than you really were."; "# VultureHurt 125, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"He didn't like Black much, so we set up a plan to kill him, and he'd come join our gang.\""; "# VultureHurt 126" = "You looked at Joseph for a few moments, meeting his eyes, seeing that he understood where you going with this. A reassurance."; "# VultureHurt 127, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I know he's... not our usual fit, but he's a goodun. Smart, hard worker.\""; "# VultureHurt 128, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"When it looked like you were gonna shoot him I panicked, I had to stop you.\""; "# VultureHurt 129, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I can only apologise for that.\""; "# VultureHurt 130" = "A silence hung in the air. The gunshots in the street had died down, and as you stopped talking, Curly didn't reply. He just looked at you."; "# VultureHurt 131" = "His gun shifted in his hand, fingers fidgeting about with it as he thought. Contemplating what you said."; "# VultureHurt 132" = "You didn't know if he'd believe it, you were just stalling. It was a lie that broke down under any real scrutiny."; "# VultureHurt 133" = "But it might be enough."; "# VultureHurt 134" = "Beside you was the well, a simple build of stone and wood. Sand was piled up around the base, swept into mounds against it by the wind."; "# VultureHurt 135" = "You hoped that would be your ticket out of here. You just had to wait."; "# VultureHurt 136, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"So you conspired to lead us both here, and then Black would be taken out, leaving the rest for us.\""; "# VultureHurt 137, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Putting everyone in danger just for the sake of... him.\""; "# VultureHurt 138" = "A lump formed in your throat. You squinted your eyes as the wind blew in your face."; "# VultureHurt 139, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"...Tch, it's a stupid gambit, but I can't complain that you showed guts for once.\""; "# VultureHurt 140, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Sounds like something I woulda done when I was younger.\""; "# VultureHurt 141, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"S'all well and good to have you vouch, but I wanna hear from beaky boy himself. Why do you wanna join us?\""; "# VultureHurt 142" = "Joseph looked at you, unsure, a little panic in his eyes. You just nodded at him, and nodded in Curly's direction."; "# VultureHurt 143" = "Joseph stalling for you was perfect. It let you focus on what was more important right now."; "# VultureHurt 144" = "The wind. That's what you were waiting on."; "# VultureHurt 145, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Uh, cahw, well, sir, a-ah was just. Sick of the way Black treated me. There was no respect.\""; "# VultureHurt 146" = "You felt the wind whipping around you, blowing into the town. Whistling through the alleys."; "# VultureHurt 147, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Ah was hoping for a fresh start, I s'pose. New gang.\""; "# VultureHurt 148" = "Curly's face remained the same. Contemplative, a little bored."; "# VultureHurt 149" = "The wind was dying down. A new gust, soon."; "# VultureHurt 150, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Ah can make myself useful, ah know a lot abou-\""; "# VultureHurt 151" = "Curly waved his hand at Joseph and shook his head."; "# VultureHurt 152, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Save it, kid. You've given me a lot to chew on, but I'm not a patient man. I've made my mind up.\""; "# VultureHurt 153" = "The wind was picking up again, blowing past your ears."; "# VultureHurt 154, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"You're a traitor, Joseph. I don't have time for that.\""; "# VultureHurt 155" = "The wind was rushing at your back now, the whistling of the alleyways gone. This was the moment."; "# VultureHurt 156" = "You stuck your foot behind the mound of sand next to you, piled against the well, and swept your leg to kick it all as hard as you could."; "# VultureHurt 157" = "The sand and dust exploded as you cleared through it and sent it into the air towards Curly."; "# VultureHurt 158" = "The desert wind you'd been waiting on rushed in his direction, the grit and rock forming a cloud that covered him."; "# VultureHurt 159" = "He didn't realise what was happening till it was too late, his guard down. It was a momentary sandstorm, in his eyes, in his mouth."; "# VultureHurt 160" = "Joseph and you didn't wait as the dust cloud swallowed Curly, turning tail and running past the well towards the main street."; "# VultureHurt 161" = "Joseph was ahead of you, jumping over Black's body as he ran. You slowed down and stooped to grab Black's revolver from his holster."; "# VultureHurt 162" = "A shot rang out behind you, and another, and another. You ducked down, and there was a loud crack of rock as one of the bullets hit the well."; "# VultureHurt 163" = "Curly, usually a cool and collected shootist, was firing blindly in the direction you ran, just trying to hit anyone he could."; "# VultureHurt 164" = "With Black's gun in hand you peered over the well at Curly. He was standing in the same spot, covering his eyes with his arm, gun held out."; "# VultureHurt 165" = "He couldn't see again yet, but he was listening for if he'd hurt anyone."; "# VultureHurt 166" = "You knew how good his hearing was, just like yours. He was waiting for you to move."; "# VultureHurt 167" = "Crouched on one knee, you leaned forward, feet poised to launch you from behind the well."; "# VultureHurt 168" = "You pushed hard and sprinted from your standstill, running at Joseph who was cautiously waiting round a corner for you."; "# VultureHurt 169" = "Another gunshot, striking the ground near where you ran, and you stumbled as all the momentum of your run propelled you forward."; "# VultureHurt 170" = "You glanced at Curly as you ran and saw him start walking towards you both, round the edge of the building."; "# VultureHurt 171" = "Joseph's hand tapped you on the back and pushed you forward as you ran past, running behind you as you headed towards the saloon."; "# VultureHurt 172" = "Two more shots rang out. A window on the saloon burst and shattered glass fell out of the frame. You heard Joseph cry out behind you."; "# VultureHurt 173" = "There were more shots now, but not from Curly, as you cleared across the street. The fight started again, bullets flying."; "# VultureHurt 174" = "Joseph and you slammed into the doors of the saloon as you leapt onto its porch."; "# VultureHurt 175" = "There was a red gash on Joseph's shoulder. You couldn't stop yourself from staring at it, a deep pit suddenly opening in your stomach."; "# VultureHurt 176" = "Joseph snapped you out of it as he opened the saloon door and rushed inside. You made to follow him, but looked behind yourself first."; "# VultureHurt 177" = "Curly was standing at the end of the street, wary of the shots going off, staring you down all the while."; "# VultureHurt 178" = "Something in his eyes changed when he saw you looking at him. He looked at his gun before tossing it aside, not waiting to reload."; "# VultureHurt 179" = "He pulled his knife from its sheath and started booking it towards the saloon."; "# VultureHurt 180" = "A chill of ice ran down your spine as he started running at you, and you hastily threw Black's revolver across the floor towards Joseph."; "# VultureHurt 181, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Hide!\""; "# VultureHurt 182" = "He looked at you, then saw Curly past you, then looked at the gun on the floor and grabbed it after a momentary pause."; "# VultureHurt 183" = "The last thing you saw as you slammed the saloon door shut was Joseph sliding to the end of the bar, before Curly was upon you."; "# VultureHurt 184" = "You swivelled around in time to see Curly reach toward you as his hand closed around your throat, shoving you against the wall."; "# VultureHurt 185" = "A dull pain throbbed at the back of your head as it bounced off the wood, Curly gripping your neck and keeping you there."; "# VultureHurt 186" = "Your hand snapped to his arm and pulled, claws digging in and scratching the muscles of his arm straining against his skin, drawing blood."; "# VultureHurt 187" = "He had no patience for that and snatched his arm away, snarling, before snatching your wrist and holding your arm up, pinning it to the wall."; "# VultureHurt 188" = "Your back was flush with the wood, forced onto your tiptoes by his pulling on your arm, bringing you to his height."; "# VultureHurt 189" = "His grip was tight around your wrist, your hand starting to feel numb and prickly."; "# VultureHurt 190" = "He came up close to you and brought his knife up, tracing the blunt side around your face before turning it around to threaten your cheek."; "# VultureHurt 191" = "The blade cold and hard through your fur, just below your eye, held still to your skin by Curly. He was so close now, face to face."; "# VultureHurt 192" = "You could smell the days of coffee on his breath and see your own tired, fearful face in the pinprick blackness of his eyes."; "# VultureHurt 193" = "Your mouth dry, your panting breath hurting in your throat."; "# VultureHurt 194, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Always knew you'd turn traitor. I never fuckin' liked you. The way you looked at me sometimes... hate, I think I'd call it.\""; "# VultureHurt 195, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Had me going for a moment back there, though! Thought you'd finally seen some sense, in your own screwy way.\""; "# VultureHurt 196, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Too good to be true, hah. But what should I have expected. It's always been your game, blending in.\""; "# VultureHurt 197, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"You knew what you were doing. Never giving me an excuse, never giving me a chance, cuz you know what I do to traitors.\""; "# VultureHurt 198, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"How I like to make 'em squeal. You're stupid, but not stupid enough to let that be you.\""; "# VultureHurt 199, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Till you blew it today, of course.\""; "# VultureHurt 200" = "You felt the knife twist so slightly in his hand, toying with it. Thinking of what to do with you."; "# VultureHurt 201, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Shame that I don't have time to give you the proper traitor's punishment, but I have your feathered friend to finish off after you.\""; "# VultureHurt 202, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Say yer prayers, kid.\""; "# VultureHurt 203" = "The beating of your heart pitched into the rhythm of a stampeding horse at the thought of dying, of the knife about to slice you open."; "# VultureHurt 204" = "The thought that Curly was about to kill you, but... what scared you even more was the thought of what he might do to Joseph."; "# VultureHurt 205" = "Time felt like it was at a standstill. Curly was going to make his move. You had to do something."; "# VultureHurt 206" = "You weren't going to let this happen, you couldn't, you came here to kill him. You weren't going to die."; "# VultureHurt 207" = "The fear propelled you now as your head lunged forward, you stuck out your neck with the speed of a cracking whip, snapping your jaws open."; "# VultureHurt 208" = "Curly hadn't even pulled the knife back yet and it sliced through your cheek as you stuck your head out and clamped your teeth on his snout."; "# VultureHurt 209" = "You bit as hard as you could on Curly's face, teeth meeting bone and cutting through flesh, all the tension in your body locking up your jaw."; "# VultureHurt 210" = "You tasted blood as it hit your tongue and knew you'd done enough, throwing your mouth open wide and pulling away as Curly recoiled."; "# VultureHurt 211" = "He let go of you, staggering back a couple paces, and your feet fell flat on the deck."; "# VultureHurt 212" = "His hand covered his maw immediately, feeling the damage, wincing, blood starting to pour down his chin."; "# VultureHurt 213" = "You kept your mouth open, not daring to breathe yet, sucking on your teeth and spitting a red glob to your side that splattered on the floor."; "# VultureHurt 214" = "The taste of blood in the back of your throat made you want to be sick."; "# VultureHurt 215" = "Curly was breathing heavily through his fingers, hackles raised, growling, eyes flitting around you but absolutely focused."; "# VultureHurt 216" = "In an instant he rushed towards you, the knife in his hand twisted downwards now, and he raised it up to stab at you."; "# VultureHurt 217" = "You were frozen still for a moment before you threw yourself out of the way and ducked as Curly plunged the knife where you had just been."; "# VultureHurt 218" = "It buried itself deep in the wooden wall of the saloon. You stumbled, hand landing and steadying yourself on the edge of a window."; "# VultureHurt 219" = "Curly tugged at the knife, once, twice, but it wouldn't come loose. You made eyes towards the saloon door, thinking of running."; "# VultureHurt 220" = "Curly gave up on the knife as soon as he saw you make a move, snarling and throwing his weight out to catch you."; "# VultureHurt 221" = "His arms stretched out and grabbed you, both hands digging in under your armpits and pulling you back, lifted up in front of him."; "# VultureHurt 222" = "He held you aloft for a moment in his fit of rage, your feet clear off the ground."; "# VultureHurt 223" = "He swung you one way, then swung you back with all his strength, the inertia lifting your stomach as he hurled you at the window."; "# VultureHurt 224" = "You shut your eyes tight as you were thrown and your whole body tensed as you crashed through, the glass cracking at your back."; "# VultureHurt 225" = "Your senses were overwhelmed as you sailed through the window, the sound of shattered glass deafening in your ears."; "# VultureHurt 226" = "You were in the air for what felt like minutes, totally weightless, before you crumpled upon the ground."; "# VultureHurt 227" = "Your body screamed at the bruises, the cuts, the scrapes covering your body. Your back felt like it was on fire, your face wet and sore."; "# VultureHurt 228" = "You were curled up, lay on your side. You wanted to get up, to move, but you couldn't, your limbs were too weak, your head swimming."; "# VultureHurt 229" = "It was all you could do to crane your neck and lift your head up enough to look towards the window."; "# VultureHurt 230" = "The sunlight was streaming in, so bright from your view on the floor. You heard the sound of wood creaking and cracking."; "# VultureHurt 231" = "Curly walked slowly into view of the window, holding his knife again, breathing hard still, muzzle stained and matted with blood."; "# VultureHurt 232" = "He wiped his arm across his face, getting the blood out of his nose - relaxed, like a boxer who'd won his fight, just cleaning himself up."; "# VultureHurt 233" = "His frame filled the window, silhouetted by the sun, shadow spilling into the saloon. He looked at you with smug relief, and sighed."; "# VultureHurt 234, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"...Getting too old for this.\""; "# VultureHurt 235" = "He started carefully climbing through the broken window when a loud bang went off behind you, echoing off the walls of the saloon."; "# VultureHurt 236" = "Staggering back a step he clutched at his chest, and another bang went off, a second gunshot that made another small red hole."; "# VultureHurt 237" = "He stumbled, trying to catch himself on the porch railing but sliding off, falling out of sight past the window with a series of thuds."; "# VultureHurt 238" = "You heard shuffling behind you as Joseph crawled from the end of the bar over to you."; "# VultureHurt 239" = "His gun rattled on the floorboards next to you as he discarded it, hands gingerly touching you, trying to find some purchase to help you up."; "# VultureHurt 240" = "You could tell he was trying not to hurt you, but you were hurt anyway, there wasn't any avoiding the searing soreness as you tried to sit up."; "# VultureHurt 241" = "Your head was clearing and everything became less muddled, the pain in your body also more noticeable to you."; "# VultureHurt 242" = "Cuts and tears in your back screamed in protest as Joseph helped push you to a sit, and you hunched forward, legs straight, taking a moment."; "# VultureHurt 243, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Uh, ah don't know if you should move yet $Player, just stay put.\""; "# VultureHurt 244" = "You could hear the worry in his voice. You didn't know how bad it looked, only how it felt. You'd live."; "# VultureHurt 245" = "The other thing you heard concerned you more. Past the cacophony of guns outside, past the wind howling through the broken windows."; "# VultureHurt 246" = "You shifted your weight to the side, pressing your hand to the ground and rolling onto your knees. You took another moment to breathe."; "# VultureHurt 247" = "Your back was on fire every time you moved but you could deal with it, you just had to take it slow."; "# VultureHurt 248" = "Facing the floor, you saw yourself reflected in the shards of glass scattered around you. There were gashes on your face, on your cheek."; "# VultureHurt 249" = "A large red wound went around the top of your snout, and you resisted the urge to scrunch your face and see how it felt."; "# VultureHurt 250, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"$Player where are you goin', yer gonna hurt yourself.\""; "# VultureHurt 251, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I... I'm alright.\""; "# VultureHurt 252" = "It wasn't very convincing that you winced as you said that, a long pain-relieving exhale as you slowly stood up."; "# VultureHurt 253" = "Straightening your back felt better even as the many cuts flared up, soreness fading as you stood to your full height."; "# VultureHurt 254" = "You turned to the window and walked gently over to it, stepping between broken glass, towards the sound of struggled breathing outside."; "# VultureHurt 255" = "Your hand passed over the handle of your gun and you pulled it from the holster, pointing it down past the window as you peered over."; "# VultureHurt 256" = "Sure enough Curly was lying there on his front, shirt stained with blood. He met eyes with you as you peeked out, still wary of him."; "# VultureHurt 257, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Hah, came to finish me off did you... Surprised you can stand like that, you look like shit.\""; "# VultureHurt 258" = "You didn't respond. You had nothing to say to him. You fidgeted with the gun in your hand, fingers readjusting."; "# VultureHurt 259" = "Joseph approached carefully behind you, feeling him close at your back, looking at Curly over your shoulder."; "# VultureHurt 260" = "Curly's eyes studied Joseph for a moment, and flicked back to you, before turning them to the sky, staring at the porch ceiling."; "# VultureHurt 261, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"What did he promise you, huh? Sex, money; safety. Whatever it is, he's lying.\""; "# VultureHurt 262, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Life makes liars of us all, sooner or later.\""; "# VultureHurt 263, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"You don't know the real world, pup. You can't trust other people.\""; "# VultureHurt 264, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"At least I was honest with you, wasn't I? Never lied about anything, you knew the stakes.\""; "# VultureHurt 265, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Can you say the same for others? I don't think so.\""; "# VultureHurt 266, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"You'll miss me when I'm gone. You'll regret it.\""; "# VultureHurt 267" = "He'd accepted his death already. There was a bottomless well in your stomach as you aimed at Curly's head."; "# VultureHurt 268" = "You shook away the thoughts nesting in your mind, the little fear that he might be right. Taking a deep breath in, and out."; "# VultureHurt 269" = "You didn't know if there was credence to a dying man's words. You just wanted this to be over."; "# VultureHurt 270, Speaker \"$Player\", Duplicated with dialogue NoHurt 72" = "\"Go to Hell, Curly.\""; "# VultureHurt 271" = "You squeezed hard on the trigger and let your arm jerk as the gun went off, a bang that made your heart jump."; "# VultureHurt 272" = "Curly's head whipped to the side with a wet thud, a hole in his skull. Blood started to pool, dripping to the sand, and his arms fell limp."; "# VultureHurt 273" = "You put the gun back in your holster. You wanted to be sick. Stepping away from the window, walking over to a table, something to fall on."; "# VultureHurt 274" = "A little stability, your fingers tapping the varnished wood, staring at nothing at all."; "# VultureHurt 275, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Hey, hold still.\""; "# VultureHurt 276" = "Joseph walked over to you, close behind, a hand reaching up to your shoulder."; "# VultureHurt 277, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Don't move, ah mean it.\""; "# VultureHurt 278" = "Something in your back, below the shoulder of your shorter arm, you felt it move for a moment. Suddenly a flash of searing pain."; "# VultureHurt 279" = "You barked and covered your mouth, biting a little on a finger to distract from the pain."; "# VultureHurt 280" = "It felt like someone was dragging a white hot poker through the left of your back; it only lasted a couple seconds, but it felt like minutes."; "# VultureHurt 281" = "Joseph's other hand on your opposite shoulder held you in place, and you resisted the urge to struggle until finally it stopped."; "# VultureHurt 282" = "You panted like you'd just run the length of the town. The back of your shoulder felt molten."; "# VultureHurt 283, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Sorry, sorry about that, s'why ah told you not to move in the first place. Real nasty bit of glass in there.\""; "# VultureHurt 284, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"It's alright... thank you.\""; "# VultureHurt 285" = "Your back did feel different, less stiff. You hadn't noticed it before, even if it really hurt now."; "# VultureHurt 286" = "You turned around to face Joseph, your eyes gravitating towards the gash in his shoulder, a great red tear through his shirt and skin."; "# VultureHurt 287, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Are you alright?\""; "# VultureHurt 288, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Yeah, I'm fine, I'll live. Yer in way worse a shape than I am.\""; "# VultureHurt 289" = "He gave you a gentle, worried smile, then looked behind him, through the window."; "# VultureHurt 290, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"We should probbly get out of sight, someone sees us in here we might be in trouble, 'specially with that freak of nature out there.\""; "# VultureHurt 291, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Yeah we should, uh... freak of nature?\""; "# VultureHurt 292, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Curly! The man tossed you through a window, I'd say that's pretty freakish! I'm just glad you made it through that.\""; "# VultureHurt 293, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Maybe I'm the freak, huh? Anyway, you're right, we should hide and wait for this to blow over.\""; "# VultureHurt 294" = "You looked around, your eyes dancing across the saloon for somewhere to nestle into, looking up and seeing the upper floor."; "# VultureHurt 295" = "Joseph followed your eyeline up, and you looked at each other."; "# VultureHurt 296, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"...Bart said the saloon had rooms, didn't he?\""; "# VultureHurt 297, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Yeah, he... did.\""; "# VultureHurt 298, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"...Should we go? Up? Would be a lot comfier than hiding down here ah think. Safer too.\""; "# VultureHurt 299" = "You felt your face warm, and thought about it a moment. You were both bleeding a lot. Would Bartholomew get mad?"; "# VultureHurt 300" = "The saloon was a mess already. You'd deal with it later, together."; "# VultureHurt 301, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Yeah. That would be good.\""; "# VultureHurt 302" = "You had a minute together of trying to help each other, trying to link arms or put an arm over your shoulder."; "# VultureHurt 303" = "You were too hurt and sensitive to really be touched by Joseph though, and his shoulder too busted up to hold your weight."; "# VultureHurt 304" = "Together you just walked up the stairs, closely, side by side, holding yourself steady on the bannister, Joseph watching you with keen eyes."; "# VultureHurt 305" = "You knew he'd be there to catch you if you fell, your legs a little shaky as the adrenaline started to subside, and your heart beating slower."; "# VultureHurt 306" = "The landing stretched across the saloon, and you walked towards the furthest room, Joseph trailing close behind you."; "# NoHurt 1" = "Curly's hand reached for his gun, but something he saw had him hesitate. Hand hovering over the holster."; "# NoHurt 2" = "He ducked and ran, throwing a hand up in the air to signal for the gang to scatter, his large frame running away from you across the street."; "# NoHurt 3" = "He dived out of sight as one unlucky coyote behind him was cut down by a whizzing bullet, blood spraying across the dirt."; "# NoHurt 4" = "You didn't hang around as the fight started, but you knew, you saw, as you took off between the houses of the main street."; "# NoHurt 5" = "You knew Curly had seen you as he'd sat up, eyes piercing from the other side. He was coming for you."; "# NoHurt 6" = "The clump of houses lining the street made a maze that you could hide in as you scurried through."; "# NoHurt 7" = "You heard many sounds of gunshots now, starting to fill the air, cracks and pops."; "# NoHurt 8" = "You ran haphazardly through the alleys, past the many empty houses, catching glimpses of your panting face in dusty windows."; "# NoHurt 9" = "The shelter of a long house with a porch that shaded you from the sun was where you stopped, catching your breath."; "# NoHurt 10" = "Listening to the sounds of people running, shouting, shots going off in cascades."; "# NoHurt 11" = "You were safe here for the moment, but that didn't matter. You needed to find Joseph. He must have run when you did."; "# NoHurt 12" = "Staying here wouldn't help you find him. You needed to get out of all these houses, out somewhere clearer."; "# NoHurt 13" = "You looked round the corner of the building you hid in the shade of, seeing the edge of a rocky hill that went down into the rest of town."; "# NoHurt 14" = "If you skirted this side you should be able to avoid any trouble."; "# NoHurt 15" = "You slinked out, now sliding your gun from its holster, the metal a comfort of sorts in your grip as you emerged into the sun again."; "# NoHurt 16" = "You started walking past the houses, the sheer wooden backsides of buildings looming over you, following the curve of the hill."; "# NoHurt 17" = "Your pace was brisk and cautious, listening for anything or anyone nearby, but the fight continued to rage away in the street."; "# NoHurt 18" = "At this rate you'd be behind enemy lines, on the side of town Black's gang had come from."; "# NoHurt 19" = "You needed to be careful. You couldn't know how many guys Black had brought with him, if there were more waiting elsewhere."; "# NoHurt 20" = "Your steps were cut short and you jolted as a figure jumped out from behind the house you were passing, and you stuck your gun far out."; "# NoHurt 21" = "The barrel was exactly eyeline with Joseph as you regained your footing, the tension in your shoulder giving way as recognition sparked."; "# NoHurt 22" = "You felt the panic melt from your face the way it did from Joseph's as you met eyes. He was holding his shotgun, poised and ready."; "# NoHurt 23" = "A few moments passed as you both lowered your weapons and your faces tried to find the right shape to take."; "# NoHurt 24" = "Surprised, incredulous, almost not believing you were seeing each other, like a missed connection showing up again suddenly."; "# NoHurt 25" = "A warmth started to fill your heart, like sweet coffee, and you couldn't stop yourself from jumping at him, throwing your arms around him."; "# NoHurt 26" = "Joseph didn't miss a beat in catching you, scooping you up into an embrace, your heads over each other's shoulders."; "# NoHurt 27" = "Squeezing each other so tightly, like the desert wind might take you if you let go."; "# NoHurt 28, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"I'm so glad to see you again.\""; "# NoHurt 29" = "You couldn't help but laugh a little, the chuckle caught in your throat that was pressed against his shoulder."; "# NoHurt 30" = "You pulled back, getting a better look at his face."; "# NoHurt 31, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Little formal of you, but I'll take it. It's nice to see you again too.\""; "# NoHurt 32, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Aw come on, $Player, what were you expecting me to say? I'm mighty happy to see you, but my heart's beatin' like a jackrabbit.\""; "# NoHurt 33, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Ah barely got outta there before all Hell broke loose, what made you run?\""; "# NoHurt 34, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I'm sorry Joseph, things just... weren't turning out how I thought they would, I thought running was safest.\""; "# NoHurt 35, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Yeah, probably. We're alive so I'd say it was a good call.\""; "# NoHurt 36" = "He twisted his head sharply, looking around with his piercing eyes, squinting in the sun."; "# NoHurt 37, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Ah think we should hide out a lil', wait till the fight dies down some. They can pick each other off.\""; "# NoHurt 38" = "You let go of each other and he led you round the corner of a house, walking close to the wall, careful and alert."; "# NoHurt 39" = "The sun at your backs as you walked closer to the fight, back into the maze of houses on the main street."; "# NoHurt 40, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"We should head thatta way to the end of the street, where Sheriff's office is, keep an eye on things from th-\""; "# NoHurt 41" = "Joseph halted as he approached the front of the house, coming up short before the porch, you almost walking into him as he stopped."; "# NoHurt 42" = "Breath caught in his throat, slowly taking a step back, then another, one wing protectively reaching out as if to cover you."; "# NoHurt 43" = "You looked past him, confused, only seeing the tall wood slat walls of the houses next to you - until you looked at the ground."; "# NoHurt 44" = "Seeing what Joseph had seen, what made him hesitate, made him take steady, fearful steps backwards."; "# NoHurt 45" = "The barely peeking, almost unnoticeable shadow spilling just past the edge of the house's own shadow."; "# NoHurt 46" = "Unmistakably canine, a snout and the half-shadows of whiskers, a hiding face poking out just enough to give itself away."; "# NoHurt 47" = "The shadow of a face that you felt you recognised, ice creeping down your spine before your mind could even settle an answer."; "# NoHurt 48" = "The joints of your hand straining against your skin as you gripped your gun tighter, finger resting next to the trigger."; "# NoHurt 49" = "Your advance backwards stopped as the shadow recognised it had been spotted, and emerged, knife first."; "# NoHurt 50" = "Curly Wolf, stepping out into the sunlight that streamed through the alley. Even through his squinting, you could see his eyes trained on you."; "# NoHurt 51" = "He stood a few paces away, blocking the end of the alley, filling up the space between the two houses."; "# NoHurt 52" = "A cocky grin spread across his face as he spoke."; "# NoHurt 53, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Well, whadda we have here? Not just one traitor, but two by the looks of it!\""; "# NoHurt 54" = "Curly eyed Joseph over, his wing still held out past you, a feathery gate keeping danger at bay."; "# NoHurt 55" = "You couldn't see Joseph's face but his whole body was still, like a statue. Your own wanted to crumble as Curly looked past him."; "# NoHurt 56" = "The glare of a predator waiting to strike. You didn't want to hide behind Joseph, but your resolve was withering under Curly's stare."; "# NoHurt 57" = "His eyes flitted back and forth between you as he spoke."; "# NoHurt 58, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Alright beaky, I've got no beef with you. You can walk away safe and sound from this.\""; "# NoHurt 59, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Yer Black's problem, not mine. Just... make this easy and hand over that miserable excuse cowering behind you.\""; "# NoHurt 60" = "Joseph didn't move. Even though you knew he wouldn't, there was still a small fear, that understanding of self-preservation."; "# NoHurt 61" = "Maybe he would. Maybe he'd step aside, wordlessly, and let Curly take you away, because it's his best option."; "# NoHurt 62" = "But as you stood there behind him, that small fear slipped further and further away. Joseph didn't move a muscle."; "# NoHurt 63" = "In fact, as he was he was hunched a little, frozen in the pose he'd stopped in. Now, he stood taller, rising up, puffing his chest out."; "# NoHurt 64" = "You didn't know if it was brave or foolish, but Joseph took a step forward, standing firmly in front of you."; "# NoHurt 65, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Sorry Curly, but ah don't think I can do that.\""; "# NoHurt 66" = "Fear and pride swam in your chest as Joseph stood between you and Curly. His large hands gripped his shotgun close to him."; "# NoHurt 67" = "Curly growled a little, the smirk on his face slipping into the starts of a snarl, his knife twisting a little in his hand as he spoke."; "# NoHurt 68, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Maybe you didn't hear me right, birdbrain. You can walk away right now.\""; "# NoHurt 69, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Or you can end up with a knife in your gut. What's it gonna be?\""; "# NoHurt 70" = "Joseph didn't hesitate to retort."; "# NoHurt 71, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"I'm not gonna let you take $Player. Ah think you're the one that's got wax in yer ears, so let me make it clear.\""; "# NoHurt 72, Speaker \"Joseph\", Duplicated with dialogue VultureHurt 270" = "\"Go to Hell, Curly.\""; "# NoHurt 73" = "You barely had a moment to be afraid for Joseph before Curly launched himself, snarling and swinging his knife overhead."; "# NoHurt 74" = "Joseph hefted his shotgun upwards, holding it sideways and clashing it against the blade, knocking Curly's arm off course."; "# NoHurt 75" = "Surprised at Joseph fighting back, he also didn't anticipate Joseph then throwing the shotgun at his head, bashing his muzzle."; "# NoHurt 76" = "Curly's knife dropped from his hand and he stepped back, trying to distance himself, but Joseph ran straight at him, ducking his head down."; "# NoHurt 77" = "Joseph crashed into Curly's stomach, wrapping his wings around the wolf's back, pushing hard to try and topple him."; "# NoHurt 78" = "Curly gave a deep growl, swinging his foot back and digging into the ground, regaining his footing to push back against Joseph."; "# NoHurt 79" = "He wiped blood from his mouth and let out a sharp, snarling bark as he brought his hands up into a fist, then down hard on Joseph."; "# NoHurt 80" = "One blow, two blows against Joseph's back, but he continued to cling on, wrestling with Curly's weight."; "# NoHurt 81" = "Curly grabbed Joseph's sides with both hands and thrust one leg up, knee digging deep into Joseph's stomach."; "# NoHurt 82" = "Joseph grunted and let go, winded and trying not to double over too much as he held his hands to his stomach."; "# NoHurt 83" = "Your heart sank as he tried to stand up straight and defend himself, but Curly took the advantage to score a punch across his face."; "# NoHurt 84" = "Curly pushed him down, and he staggered a moment before falling into a heap on his hands and knees, clutching an arm across his stomach."; "# NoHurt 85" = "You didn't move, you didn't dare. You stayed where you were, watching it happen. Blood running cold against the desert heat. Mind racing."; "# NoHurt 86" = "Stiff but trembling, the chill of fear was creeping into your heart. You had to help but what could you do?"; "# NoHurt 87" = "You were watching Curly beat Joseph to a pulp. Your hand clasped against the metal of your gun."; "# NoHurt 88" = "You stared at him. This indestructible man, a beast in his prime. What chance did you ever stand against him?"; "# NoHurt 89" = "Even now, a small voice in your upstairs was telling you to turn tail and run. Grab a horse and ride away."; "# NoHurt 90" = "Curly looked down at Joseph, watching his movements. Satisfied, he reached for his holster, cleanly pulling his revolver free."; "# NoHurt 91" = "He opened the barrel out, checking it over, flicking it back in. You wondered if he was showing off for you."; "# NoHurt 92" = "That he had the upper hand, that he could take his time. You'd seen it before. You didn't want to see it again."; "# NoHurt 93" = "Your heart was beating hard and fast in your chest, breaths hitched and faltered in your throat as you panted."; "# NoHurt 94" = "You wanted to raise your gun, try and take a shot, but you could feel how much your hands were shaking."; "# NoHurt 95" = "Curly cocked the hammer of his gun back, an unnecessary display, bringing it up to aim at Joseph."; "# NoHurt 96" = "No, no, this couldn't be happening, this wasn't it. You were supposed to do this together, with Joseph."; "# NoHurt 97" = "You stared at the small drip of blood coming from Curly's nose. He wasn't indestructible. He was just a man, like any other."; "# NoHurt 98" = "The fear inside you pitched high, as you took off running, feet pounding the ground. In your heart of hearts, you knew you would kill him."; "# NoHurt 99" = "You ran full pelt towards Curly, his gun still trained on Joseph, and as you got closer his ears twitched, taking notice of you too late."; "# NoHurt 100" = "You didn't slow down as you sprinted at Curly and lunged at him, jumping forward with all your momentum to throw yourself at him."; "# NoHurt 101" = "You caught onto Curly like a hangman's noose, wrapping your arm tight around his neck, clutching past the shoulder."; "# NoHurt 102" = "Your whole weight bore down on his throat, and you clung tightly, squeezing his neck in the crook of your elbow, trying to drag him down."; "# NoHurt 103" = "You flinched as a shot went off, Curly firing as you had jumped on him, and heard the crack of wood struck by a bullet."; "# NoHurt 104" = "Curly staggered and stumbled backwards, you felt the struggle of his throat to draw breath past your arm."; "# NoHurt 105" = "Your face was pressed tight against his back, feet barely scuffing the ground as you let yourself be heavy, weighing him down."; "# NoHurt 106" = "The beat of Curly's heart inside his chest was clear in your ear, another rhythm next to yours."; "# NoHurt 107" = "Curly kept stumbling backwards, now starting to thrash around, wrestling against your weight on his back."; "# NoHurt 108" = "Your stomach lurched and your arm strained as you were thrown around behind him, holding on with all your might."; "# NoHurt 109" = "You felt his desperate hand clutch your elbow, claws digging into your skin, and pulled wildly as he swung his body."; "# NoHurt 110" = "You let go, the strain on your arm too much, and felt yourself in freefall for a few moments. The whole world turning."; "# NoHurt 111" = "You hit the ground flat with a thud that bounced from your head through your body, the breath knocked from your lungs."; "# NoHurt 112" = "From where you lay, looking up, you saw Curly looming over you before he stood straight, rubbing at his neck."; "# NoHurt 113" = "He coughed raspily, a great glob of spit flying from his mouth to hit the dirt."; "# NoHurt 114" = "You lay there as Curly stood over you, regaining his composure; getting his breath back, as you did yours."; "# NoHurt 115, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Fuckin'... brat.\""; "# NoHurt 116, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"I never liked you. Always knew you'd pull a stunt like this someday. No loyalty.\""; "# NoHurt 117" = "His words came out with a breathless, frustrated venom."; "# NoHurt 118" = "He turned suddenly, facing behind with his gun held out, and moved away a few steps, seemingly searching around the houses."; "# NoHurt 119" = "He walked slowly back to you, leaning over, face upside down. A smirk crept across his lips again, crueller and cockier than before."; "# NoHurt 120, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Looks like I could say the same thing about your friend, tomboy. He's turned tail.\""; "# NoHurt 121" = "What. What was he talking about, Joseph? Where did Joseph go?"; "# NoHurt 122" = "Joseph wouldn't run away. He wouldn't leave you, not now, right? He wouldn't leave you here?"; "# NoHurt 123" = "Thoughts swirled in your head. Chest tight and breaths short at the thought that you might be alone."; "# NoHurt 124" = "You sat up urgently, hand and elbows scraping through the dirt, twisting round to look where Joseph had been."; "# NoHurt 125" = "He was gone. You didn't know what to think, staring unblinking, eyes starting to water."; "# NoHurt 126, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"Gonna cry, little pup? Not surprised, but that's what you get for trustin' people.\""; "# NoHurt 127" = "He crouched down low, bouncing on his heels - bringing his gun gently to your chin, tilting it to bring you eye to eye."; "# NoHurt 128, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"I'd say be more careful next time, but, there's not gonna be a next time. You know that, don't you tomboy?\""; "# NoHurt 129, Speaker \"Curly Wolf\"" = "\"I don't have all day, so as much as I'd like to give you the full traitor's punishment - I need to cut to the chase.\""; "# NoHurt 130" = "Even with your faces so close, eyes to piercing eyes, you glimpsed something past his shoulder."; "# NoHurt 131" = "Two figures huddled at the edge of a house, watching. When your eyes came back to Curly, he had noticed, his own eyes flitting to the corners."; "# NoHurt 132" = "His ears flicked and tilted back, listening intently for a moment before he stood up sharply, swinging round to level his gun at the strangers."; "# NoHurt 133" = "Two bangs, one after the other, his shots skimming the house into the alley - you heard birds squawk and curse, scrambling to hide."; "# NoHurt 134" = "As Curly was focused on the birds hiding from him, nearby, you heard the scuffle of someone sprinting from a standstill."; "# NoHurt 135" = "You pushed yourself up and turned around to see Joseph burst from behind a house, running at Curly with his knife raised."; "# NoHurt 136" = "Seeing him again your whole body lit up in excitement, in relief, a wave washing over you."; "# NoHurt 137" = "His face was stony, determined, whole body tilted forward as he ran past you and grabbed at Curly, plunging the knife in his back."; "# NoHurt 138" = "Curly cried out to the sky, letting way to a guttural growl from his belly that rumbled through the air like thunder."; "# NoHurt 139" = "Joseph jumped back, wide-eyed, seeming shocked that he'd been able to do it."; "# NoHurt 140" = "Curly desperately clawed at his back for a few futile seconds before giving up on reaching the knife."; "# NoHurt 141" = "He swivelled, eyes full of rage, teeth bared, his gun arm snapping out to point straight at Joseph."; "# NoHurt 142" = "Panic filled your chest, eyes flicking between Curly's straining arm and Joseph's own panicked face."; "# NoHurt 143" = "You had only one thought in your mind, and acted on it, scrambling off the floor. Your only thought of Joseph, and keeping him safe."; "# NoHurt 144" = "You pushed off the dirt hard, up onto one knee and reached up to grab Curly's arm tight, pulling yourself up on it."; "# NoHurt 145" = "Your jaws opened wide as you pulled with all the strength you could muster to bring the arm in reach, clamping down and biting hard."; "# NoHurt 146" = "Curly cursed and shouted, you felt the muscle of his arm flex and tense around your piercing teeth, the tang of blood reaching your tongue."; "# NoHurt 147" = "You heard Curly's gun clank as it hit the ground, dropping from his hand, and quickly relented from biting his arm to drop to your knees."; "# NoHurt 148" = "Joseph wasted no time in following up, lunging forward and swinging his fist into the side of Curly's face, grunts coming from them both."; "# NoHurt 149" = "You got up on one knee, facing Curly, looking for an opening. You held nothing back as you threw your fist at his stomach."; "# NoHurt 150" = "Your attempted punch seemed fruitless, it felt like your fist had smacked into the dense hide of a bull and your knuckles ached."; "# NoHurt 151" = "Curly took no notice and had no patience for you, his eyes blazing with fury, and he grabbed your wrist and threw you to the ground hard."; "# NoHurt 152" = "You held your shorter arm out and squeezed your eyes shut to try and soften the fall, but your face scraped the dirt all the same."; "# NoHurt 153, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Get your fuckin' hands offa him!\""; "# NoHurt 154" = "Joseph and Curly grunted and growled behind you, you heard the shuffle of shoes in the dirt, the dull thud of a punch hitting."; "# NoHurt 155" = "You picked your head up off the ground, shaking the dust and rocks off of your sore face, craning your neck to look around you."; "# NoHurt 156" = "Looking for anything to fight back with, you needed a gun, you'd dropped yours during the fight. You spied Curly's revolver."; "# NoHurt 157" = "It had fallen under the porch of a house, the black metal hard to see in the shadows. You crawled over and stuck your hand under, reaching for it."; "# NoHurt 158" = "You pressed your face against the wood, stretching your arm out as much as you could, your fingertips skimming the handle."; "# NoHurt 159" = "Pushing and reaching desperately, your muscles protesting as they stretched to their limits, your claws found purchase on the handle."; "# NoHurt 160" = "You flicked the gun towards you and hastily grabbed at it, clumps of sand in your hand that gripped the gun tight."; "# NoHurt 161" = "Gun retrieved, you scrambled off the floor, looking for Joseph. He was next to a porch now, slamming Curly into the wall, the wood rattling."; "# NoHurt 162" = "You ran over and raised the gun, but Joseph was too close to Curly, you couldn't find a clear shot."; "# NoHurt 163" = "The two wrestled for control, grappling each other's arms, gripping tight, neither willing to give up."; "# NoHurt 164" = "Joseph's heels dug into the dirt as he pushed against Curly, sand piling at his heels as they scraped backwards."; "# NoHurt 165" = "You caught a glimpse of Curly's eyes. He knew what you were trying to do, that he was backed into a corner, filled with furious fear."; "# NoHurt 166" = "He wasn't going to die without a fight. Your heart beat fast and loud in your ear, he was going to overpower Joseph any second now."; "# NoHurt 167, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Joseph!\""; "# NoHurt 168" = "You cried out at him, voice cracking, a plea for him to do something, to at least get away safe. You knew he understood, his body shifted."; "# NoHurt 169" = "Joseph pulled back, Curly faltering forward, and threw his arm over his shoulder, grabbing at the knife."; "# NoHurt 170" = "He yanked on the knife, hurting Curly enough to get away from him. Curly barked loudly into the sky, breaking his hold on Joseph."; "# NoHurt 171" = "Curly, in his fit of pained rage, swung his hand at Joseph as he tried to back away - but Curly's claws still reached, slashing wildly."; "# NoHurt 172" = "Joseph stumbled back, falling to the ground, you saw great red gashes on his stomach through his torn shirt."; "# NoHurt 173" = "You dragged your eyes off of Joseph, whole body running cold, and looked at Curly again. Standing there, panting, wildfire in his eyes."; "# NoHurt 174" = "He pushed off from the wall with a strong arm, taking a large step your way, a faltering confidence driving him forward."; "# NoHurt 175" = "With the gun raised to his head, you saw clearly in his eyes, as he tried to run toward you - this was the end. He must've seen it in your eyes too."; "# NoHurt 176" = "You squeezed the trigger, a click before your hand bucked with the crack of the gunshot, a spray of blood from Curly's head as it snapped back."; "# NoHurt 177" = "Curly fell, hitting the floor with the scattered thuds of an uneven fall, as if he'd tripped. You kept your eyes elsewhere, averted from him."; "# NoHurt 178" = "Moments passed, wisps of smoke left the barrel of Curly's gun that you held in the air, you waited, listening."; "# NoHurt 179" = "The pops and bangs in the street reaching you still, and the dying breath of your boss on the ground. Fading, fading, till he was still."; "# NoHurt 180" = "You turned your head back, not looking down at Curly's lifeless body, but at Joseph laying on the ground, scared to move."; "# NoHurt 181" = "You rushed over to him, stepping over Curly, stooping to kneel next to him. Through his torn shirt you could see his stomach, raw and bloodied."; "# NoHurt 182, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Joseph, Joseph! Joseph, I'm here.\""; "# NoHurt 183, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"How... how bad is it?\""; "# NoHurt 184" = "You leant over, gingerly pushing aside the cloth over his belly, examining the best you could how badly he was hurt."; "# NoHurt 185" = "The feathers of his stomach were stained and matted, but you saw nothing that made you worry more than you already were."; "# NoHurt 186" = "The gashes looked painful, but not too deep, slicing through the fat but no more. A deep relief settled in you that you held onto tight."; "# NoHurt 187, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I think I'd say you're lucky, if you can believe it. Tore the skin and such but everything else seems fine...\""; "# NoHurt 188, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"You sure? Lady Luck's got a sick sense of humour is all ah can say. Feel like I've been split open.\""; "# NoHurt 189, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Can you sit up? We need to move, we can't stick around here too long.\""; "# NoHurt 190, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Think so. Just... gimme a second.\""; "# NoHurt 191" = "You stood up first, offering your arm out to help. He looked up at you, taking a deep breath as he braced for the pain."; "# NoHurt 192" = "He reached up, feathered hand grasping your wrist, and you leaned back against his weight."; "# NoHurt 193" = "He groaned as he sat up, eyes shut, leaning forward now with one hand pressed flat to the ground, fingers digging into the dirt."; "# NoHurt 194, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Ow... Ah think I'm alright. Help me get up.\""; "# NoHurt 195" = "You pulled on his arm again, helping him shift to his feet, and as you did you looked up."; "# NoHurt 196" = "You saw the two figures from before, walking towards you. Two birds, their guns out."; "# NoHurt 197, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Joseph, we need to go.\""; "# NoHurt 198" = "As Joseph hefted himself off the ground with your help, he looked up at you, hearing the panic in your voice."; "# NoHurt 199" = "He looked behind him as he stood up, squinting, holding onto you."; "# NoHurt 200" = "The tension of his hand around your arm relaxed as he seemingly recognised the birds walking over."; "# NoHurt 201, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Don't worry, ah know these guys. They're fine.\""; "# NoHurt 202" = "The two fellow gang members jogged over, slowing down and eyes growing wide as they saw Curly's body."; "# NoHurt 203" = "The shorter bird spoke first."; "# NoHurt 204, Speaker \"???\"" = "\"What the hell, is that Curly Wolf?\""; "# NoHurt 205, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Yeah, that's him. Sorry for dragging you two into this, but we needed the help. Saved me and $Player's life here.\""; "# NoHurt 206, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Oh, er, $Player, this is Vic and John. I flagged 'em down earlier to help us.\""; "# NoHurt 207" = "The taller bird shrugged, wiping his beak on his arm as he spoke."; "# NoHurt 208, Speaker \"John\"" = "\"Fat lot of good we were anyway. Bloke shot me hat off, scary good he was. Could barely see us!\""; "# NoHurt 209" = "Sure enough, you could see a small hole in the fabric of his hat."; "# NoHurt 210, Speaker \"Vic\"" = "\"Who killed him?\""; "# NoHurt 211, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"...I did.\""; "# NoHurt 212, Speaker \"Vic\"" = "\"Well, shit! You got him good. Right through the eye.\""; "# NoHurt 213" = "You felt your stomach twisting, a little knot inside. Your eyes were firmly away from Curly. You didn't want to see."; "# NoHurt 214, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Listen, fellas, we don't have time to waste. We're gonna kill Black too.\""; "# NoHurt 215" = "Vic and John's faces dropped, becoming grim. Discomfort played across Vic's features."; "# NoHurt 216, Speaker \"Vic\"" = "\"...I don't... that's... not gonna happen Joseph.\""; "# NoHurt 217, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Why? You gonna stop us?\""; "# NoHurt 218, Speaker \"Vic\"" = "\"No, I just...\""; "# NoHurt 219, Speaker \"John\"" = "\"It's fucking suicide, Joseph. I thought you were smarter than this.\""; "# NoHurt 220, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Ah am smarter than this, but it ain't about doing the easy thing. Where has that gotten me?\""; "# NoHurt 221, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Look, you guys should get outta here, no point dying for a man like that.\""; "# NoHurt 222, Speaker \"Vic\"" = "\"...Are you really gonna kill him?\""; "# NoHurt 223, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Yeah. We will.\""; "# NoHurt 224, Speaker \"John\"" = "\"If you're really set on it... we won't stop you. Black's still a dangerous man, Joseph, much as we like to joke about him.\""; "# NoHurt 225, Speaker \"John\"" = "\"I hope you know what you're doing.\""; "# NoHurt 226, Speaker \"John\"" = "\"You should come back this way, Black's been going down the street picking people off. Hopefully you can take him by surprise.\""; "# NoHurt 227, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Alright. Thank you both, really.\""; "# NoHurt 228, Speaker \"Vic\"" = "\"Good luck...\""; "# NoHurt 229, Speaker \"John\"" = "\"Yeah, good luck. See you around, maybe.\""; "# NoHurt 230" = "They both ran off past you, down towards where the fight had moved. Joseph shouted after them."; "# NoHurt 231, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"That ah should be so unlucky!\""; "# NoHurt 232" = "Vic disappeared behind some houses, and John, just before following suit, gave Joseph the middle finger as he ran."; "# NoHurt 233" = "The wry smile on Joseph's face softened, disappearing as he thought ahead to what you needed to do next."; "# NoHurt 234" = "The show of bravado for his friends fading."; "# NoHurt 235" = "You stooped down, holstering your gun and snatching Curly's off the ground, still avoiding looking his way."; "# NoHurt 236, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"We should head to the saloon. Safest place in town, I think. Wait for our chance.\""; "# NoHurt 237, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"...Yeah, ah think so too. Let's go.\""; "# NoHurt 238" = "You both walked as briskly as you could down to the end of town, sticking close to the houses, away from Black."; "# NoHurt 239" = "Gunsmoke filled the air now, sharp and acrid in your nose."; "# NoHurt 240" = "Rounding the end of a house, you were back on the main street, peeking past the wall to get a look at the saloon."; "# NoHurt 241" = "It seemed clear, no one inside or outside."; "# NoHurt 242, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Come on.\""; "# NoHurt 243" = "You started running, close behind Joseph, feet pounding the dirt, wind rushing in your ears."; "# NoHurt 244" = "Please, God. Please God let us get there safely."; "# NoHurt 245" = "As you neared the saloon, Joseph suddenly slowed down, his head snapping, skidding to a stop in front of you."; "# NoHurt 246" = "You saw what he saw, people down the street, Black's gang, but one person was facing the other way. Facing towards you."; "# NoHurt 247" = "Black Vulture, gun drawn. He'd spotted you both, Joseph caught up short by fear, and you couldn't quieten the desperation in your voice."; "# NoHurt 248, Speaker \"$Player\", Duplicated with dialogue VultureHurt 59" = "\"Joseph, move!\""; "# NoHurt 249" = "You kept running and bumped into him, pushing him to get moving again. He tore his eyes away from Black and stumbled back into a sprint."; "# NoHurt 250" = "You both knew you'd been seen. As you bounded up the stairs of the saloon porch, a wooden post cracked, struck by a bullet."; "# NoHurt 251" = "Another splintered the frame of the doors as you flung them open, scurrying inside the dimly lit bar."; "# NoHurt 252" = "You slammed the doors shut, crouching down, Joseph following suit. You held out Curly's gun to him, balanced on your palm."; "# NoHurt 253, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Take this and hide, quickly.\""; "# NoHurt 254" = "He looked at you, and then the gun, for a moment, his uncertainty plain in the furrow of his brow."; "# NoHurt 255" = "Still he took it, hurrying over to hide behind the other end of the bar, sitting on the floor. You shuffled over to a window, peering out."; "# NoHurt 256" = "Black had moved back up the street, opposite the saloon, bringing a few men in tow as the rest fought what was left of Curly's lot."; "# NoHurt 257" = "As they cautiously walked to surround the saloon, new blasts sounded in the air, the ground being peppered with shots."; "# NoHurt 258" = "Black and a small masked bird near him took cover, split from the rest of the men who backed up, shooting up at the roof."; "# NoHurt 259" = "You didn't know how anyone got up there but you were thankful for it."; "# NoHurt 260" = "Black was still determined. He pointed at the window. At you, you realised, as the small bird took aim with a rifle."; "# NoHurt 261" = "You ducked down, a second later hearing the echoing shot of the rifle before the window shattered."; "# NoHurt 262" = "You covered your head with your arm, the glass falling and breaking on the windowsill, falling to the floor and over you."; "# NoHurt 263" = "You looked up when the glass stopped, small cuts covering your hand. Your felt your heart beat hard in your throat."; "# NoHurt 264" = "Peering back over the ledge, you saw Black and his shootist still taking cover down the side of a house."; "# NoHurt 265" = "The shootist was reloading, and you took the chance, aiming your gun at the small bird through the broken window."; "# NoHurt 266" = "You squeezed the trigger hard. The gunshot was loud in your ears, and the shootist recoiled a moment later as he was struck down."; "# NoHurt 267" = "He fell to the ground, clutching at his chest, the rifle he dropped spinning on its stock and falling too."; "# NoHurt 268" = "Black stared at the bird dying on the ground in front of him for a second, before realising your eyes were still trained on him."; "# NoHurt 269" = "He levelled his gun at you and fired, once, twice, and you ducked again. Bullets struck the walls outside."; "# NoHurt 270" = "You thought to look again, but more shots cracked in the air outside the saloon, and you kept your head down."; "# NoHurt 271" = "A few seconds passed, you waited a little longer until you were sure the shots had stopped."; "# NoHurt 272" = "Warily you poked your head past the window again, looking where Black and his fallen shootist were."; "# NoHurt 273" = "Black was gone."; "# NoHurt 274" = "You looked around again, down the street, but you couldn't see him. Surely he couldn't have run off with the fight still happening?"; "# NoHurt 275" = "You kept looking, but there was no sign of him. You holstered your gun, anticipating you'd need a free hand in a moment."; "# NoHurt 276" = "He must've retreated behind the houses, but that gave you time to breathe."; "# NoHurt 277" = "Ducking down again, you stared into space, studying the grain of the wall, thinking on your next move."; "# NoHurt 278" = "It was then that you felt a movement, a whisper of air on your whiskers, and looked to your right."; "# NoHurt 279" = "Your eyes flitted around the scene - someone's dusty legs, the deep green of a wine bottle in their hand, the open door of the store room."; "# NoHurt 280" = "Black was upon you now, and you were too slow, too surprised, to stop him as he swung the bottle, striking you in the mouth."; "# NoHurt 281" = "A new tang of blood slipped onto your tongue, the fresh sharp pain of a broken tooth shooting through."; "# NoHurt 282" = "The bash of the bottle knocked you over, sprawling you on your front across the ground. Your jaw ached in your head as it lied on the floor."; "# NoHurt 283" = "Your mind was reeling, you couldn't believe he'd weaseled his way round to sneak up on you. You pushed yourself up off the floorboards."; "# NoHurt 284" = "You did your best to try and get up quickly, but it was met with another blow of the bottle, hard against your back, knocking you down again."; "# NoHurt 285" = "Now on your hand and knees, bruises bristling on your arched back, you tried to crawl away, knees crunching on the scattered glass."; "# NoHurt 286" = "You heard Black walk at you, your fur standing on end, you reached out for help, heart galloping in your chest as he stepped forward."; "# NoHurt 287" = "The bottle whacked you on the back again, below your neck, and you hit the floor again, head resting by the leg of a table."; "# NoHurt 288" = "You rolled over, pushing through the pain in your bones, hoping to protect yourself, but too late as the bottle came down on your midriff."; "# NoHurt 289" = "All the breath in your lungs left in a painful tensing of your stomach. You felt like you were going to be sick."; "# NoHurt 290" = "Black, standing over you, tutted disapprovingly, his face as he regarded you like the one of a curious zoo patron, speculating on captive animals."; "# NoHurt 291, Speaker \"Black Vulture\"" = "\"I do quite hate getting my hands dirty like this, but when needs must, I suppose.\""; "# NoHurt 292, Speaker \"Black Vulture\"" = "\"You've given me some real trouble, haven't you? Clearly you had some arrangement with Joseph, wherever that low-life is.\""; "# NoHurt 293, Speaker \"Black Vulture\"" = "\"And then you shot my best shootist! You know how hard people like that are to come by? So many hopped up on their own egos.\""; "# NoHurt 294" = "You sat up a little, tried to roll, wanted to crawl, but the nausea kept you glued to the floor. Black crouched down, stooping over you."; "# NoHurt 295, Speaker \"Black Vulture\"" = "\"Where do you think you're going now? I've still got a lovely bottle here with your name on it.\""; "# NoHurt 296, Speaker \"Black Vulture\"" = "\"I don't like doing this, I really don't... but I may as well make the most of it while I'm here.\""; "# NoHurt 297" = "Black climbed on top of you now, and you screamed in your mind to push him off."; "# NoHurt 298" = "He sat with knees either side, straddling your stomach, pinning your arm to the floor under his leg."; "# NoHurt 299" = "You struggled with as much as strength as you could call on, but you couldn't move him. And as he didn't move, you fought back less."; "# NoHurt 300" = "Your skin crawled as Black relaxed his full weight, sitting happily atop you."; "# NoHurt 301" = "The strength to fight back left your body. What was the point now? You couldn't see a way to get out of this."; "# NoHurt 302" = "The pain in you flared, you felt it so clearly as you lay your head back. You deserved to feel this. This was all your fault."; "# NoHurt 303, Speaker \"Black Vulture\"" = "\"My boys outside are cleaning things up. This town'll be ours soon, and I'll take care of Joseph too when I find him.\""; "# NoHurt 304, Speaker \"Black Vulture\"" = "\"No doubt he's nearby, but he wouldn't dare lay a finger on me.\""; "# NoHurt 305" = "He put both hands on the neck of the bottle, raising it high above his head."; "# NoHurt 306, Speaker \"Black Vulture\"" = "\"I'll make your death as quick as I can. I'm not a monster.\""; "# NoHurt 307" = "His voice was light and quivering. You weren't sure if he was even talking to you anymore."; "# NoHurt 308" = "Fear pitched high in your heart that beat like a drum in your chest, staring up at the vulture about to bash your skull in."; "# NoHurt 309" = "You didn't want this to be it. You didn't want to die, battered and bruised. Dreams of a better life floating away."; "# NoHurt 310" = "You shut your eyes tight and made a prayer."; "# NoHurt 311" = "Your eyes snapped open as you heard the telltale shatter of glass, wetness splashing on you. The sound of a gunshot echoed off the saloon walls."; "# NoHurt 312" = "Another gunshot, before Black could even think what was happening. The wet thud of a bullet hitting someone, the bottle dropped."; "# NoHurt 313" = "Falling off of you onto the floor, clutching at his neck."; "# NoHurt 314" = "You felt the floorboards shudder a little under you as Joseph walked over, still cautious of Black, his face tense and wide-eyed."; "# NoHurt 315" = "He stooped down to you, grabbing you by the arm, hand trembling as he helped pull you to your feet."; "# NoHurt 316" = "You leant against him as you stood up, holding onto his shoulder for balance, and twisted your neck to look down at Black."; "# NoHurt 317" = "He was sprawled on his front, face to the ground, legs curled up. Hands held against his neck."; "# NoHurt 318" = "Feathers and clothes shining with wetness and stained red, dripping to the floor."; "# NoHurt 319" = "His eye was trained on Joseph, staring up at him."; "# NoHurt 320, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"I'll spare ya the slow death, don't worry. Not that you deserve that kindness.\""; "# NoHurt 321" = "Joseph opened his mouth again as if to speak, but nothing came out, just wordless words. He raised the gun to aim at Black's head."; "# NoHurt 322" = "You gave him a reassuring squeeze on his shoulder. Your nose was filled with the smell of his blood, so close."; "# NoHurt 323" = "The shot rang out in the saloon as Joseph squeezed the trigger. With a hole in his head, Black fell limp, tensed arms swaying to the ground."; "# NoHurt 324, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"That's it then, I guess.\""; "# NoHurt 325, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"...Yeah.\""; "# NoHurt 326, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Fight's still goin' on outside, mind you. We should try lay low till it dies out.\""; "# NoHurt 327, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"We can hide in here I'm sure.\""; "# NoHurt 328, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"...Bart said the saloon has rooms, don't it?\""; "# NoHurt 329, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Uh, yeah, I think he did.\""; "# NoHurt 330" = "Your face warmed as you looked up in the saloon, towards the upper floor."; "# NoHurt 331, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"We could hide out in one of 'em.\""; "# NoHurt 332" = "You mulled it over for a moment, your body tired and bruised. You worried whether Bartholomew would get mad if you got things bloody."; "# NoHurt 333" = "...It would be fine. The saloon was already a bit banged up, what was some blood on a carpet. You'd help clean it up. Together."; "# NoHurt 334, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Yeah. I think that would be nice.\""; "# NoHurt 335" = "You both shuffled, arm in arm, over to the stairs, taking slow steps up them, trying to help each other even if it hurt."; "# NoHurt 336" = "Reaching the landing, the beat of your heart still slowing, you walked together towards the furthest room."; "# Kiss 1" = "Twisting the handle, you opened the door with some haste, shuffling inside together."; "# Kiss 2" = "You turned and closed the door as quietly as you could, still bumping against the frame, the handle creaking as it turned beneath your hand."; "# Kiss 3" = "You waited there, facing the door, giving yourself a moment. Breathing slowly, feeling the metal in your palm. Gripping it tightly."; "# Kiss 4" = "With the door closed, the peppering of gunshots from outside was much softer."; "# Kiss 5" = "You could imagine them as raindrops against the window."; "# Kiss 6, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Nice room.\""; "# Kiss 7" = "You let go and turned to look around the room. You agreed. It was nice."; "# Kiss 8" = "It was bright, the sunlight skimming in through the window, curtains open, fading onto the pillows. A clean bed, a side table, a dresser."; "# Kiss 9" = "You wandered over to the bed, reaching out to touch, but thinking better of it when feeling the blood sticking between your fingers."; "# Kiss 10" = "A large rug laid on the floor next to the bed, so instead you lowered yourself down to sit on it, leaning back to rest against the bed."; "# Kiss 11" = "You rested your head against it too, at least feeling the softness of the sheets brushing your fur, meeting the curve of your neck."; "# Kiss 12" = "Joseph still stood where he was, looking into the middle distance. After a few moments his glassy stare turned down to you, coming back to life."; "# Kiss 13, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Whadda we do now?\""; "# Kiss 14, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"...We wait. Wait for the fight to die out. Once they realise who's died, they should leave. Hopefully we won't be looked for.\""; "# Kiss 15, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Right...\""; "# Kiss 16" = "He shuffled over to the bed and leaned down, groaning as he hit the rug, sitting against the bed as you did now."; "# Kiss 17, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Sit here and hope for the best. As good a plan as we've had so far.\""; "# Kiss 18, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"You can get patched up when all the townsfolk come back. I hope.\""; "# Kiss 19, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Yeah I'll be fine, don't you worry.\""; "# Kiss 20" = "You tried not to worry, settling yourself down. Trying to rest."; "# Kiss 21" = "You stared at the wall of the bedroom. Unsure what to think, unsure how to feel. Tracing the grain of the wood with your eyes."; "# Kiss 22" = "You wondered if the numbness you felt made you a monster. Some strange lacking that left you sitting there, bereft of feeling."; "# Kiss 23" = "You were brought back from your thoughts as your ears drew your eyes away from the wall, down to your side."; "# Kiss 24" = "Down to where Joseph's hand fidgeted, tapping against the floor."; "# Kiss 25" = "The softest of patters against the rug, an unheard rhythm from within him."; "# Kiss 26" = "His breathing caught your eye too, the noticeable rise and fall of his chest, the long exhales through his nose."; "# Kiss 27" = "Your eyes continued up to his sullen face, the feathers of his head subtly shaking, nerves bubbling to the surface."; "# Kiss 28" = "You looked back down to his hand and found yourself reaching across, reaching out to take hold."; "# Kiss 29" = "Joseph jolted as you touched him, his hand almost reflexively jerking out of yours. As he came back to the world, he looked down."; "# Kiss 30" = "He relaxed his arm when he saw, squeezing you a little and letting you steal his hand away into your lap."; "# Kiss 31" = "It was trembling as you stroked your thumb over the feathers, squeezing his hand back firmly."; "# Kiss 32" = "Your hands moved around each other, grappling and dancing, exploring each others fingers and palms."; "# Kiss 33" = "A distraction of each other's fur and feathers, just the two of you."; "# Kiss 34" = "Joseph's arm being pulled away from him started to make him lean, his body subtly shifting inch by inch closer to you."; "# Kiss 35" = "He started to tilt, and his head tilted too, laying on your shoulder with a comforting heft of weight."; "# Kiss 36" = "You laid your head on his, feather ends tickling you through your fur. He untwisted his arm into a comfier position, keeping it near."; "# Kiss 37" = "You took ahold again, holding the back of his hand, digging your fingers inbetween his, intertwining."; "# Kiss 38" = "Now you were both still, only the small movements of getting comfortable to disturb you, hands fidgeting together."; "# Kiss 39, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"We're alive, huh. Did we really do that?\""; "# Kiss 40, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Nah, there's no way. When we rolled up on Clemency, and I saw y'all, ah thought we had no shot.\""; "# Kiss 41, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"How did we make it out alive?\""; "# Kiss 42" = "There was an incredulity to his voice that weighed on your heart. He was right. You nearly died."; "# Kiss 43" = "Nearly - but you didn't. You were still alive. You were still here, with him."; "# Kiss 44, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I don't think I care about the how or the why. We're still alive and they aren't.\""; "# Kiss 45, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"All that matters to me is that I'm sitting here with you. That I can feel how warm you are.\""; "# Kiss 46" = "Joseph sat up at that, his head no longer on your shoulder as he turned to look at you."; "# Kiss 47" = "Looking into your eyes."; "# Kiss 48" = "You found your hand let go of his, reaching up. Wanting to feel him, feel his warmth, the way his stomach moved as he breathed."; "# Kiss 49" = "His heart still beating strong inside him, like it was reaching out to you. Quickening as you let your hand lay on his chest."; "# Kiss 50" = "You felt your own heartbeat thrumming louder now, like you had just minutes ago."; "# Kiss 51" = "Not out of fear this time, not that kind, as you reached up past his shoulder."; "# Kiss 52" = "He closed his eyes as your hand rubbed gently up his neck, feathers fluffing, stroking up till you cupped his face."; "# Kiss 53" = "The feathers of his face were soft, intermingled with the dust and dirt, the specks of dried blood that you felt beneath your hand."; "# Kiss 54" = "He opened his eyes again, those big honey gold and brown rings that started to flick around your features, studying you."; "# Kiss 55" = "Looking at you in a way you don't think you ever have been before."; "# Kiss 56" = "He cleared his throat a little, dry and unsure of his words, but wanting to say them all the same."; "# Kiss 57, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Y'know ah didn't... I don't- did I ever tell you... how handsome you are?\""; "# Kiss 58" = "You couldn't help your little snort as you laughed, turning your face away, giggling over the nervous trip of his words."; "# Kiss 59, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"No, no, I don't think you did...\""; "# Kiss 60, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Aw, come on, $Player.\""; "# Kiss 61" = "Looking back at him, it felt like your faces were closer. Your laughter subsided."; "# Kiss 62" = "Cheeks starting to warm as the sweetness of his words trickled into your thoughts like honey."; "# Kiss 63" = "You found yourself leaning in, slowly, slowly, as did he, your eyes glancing at each other's mouths."; "# Kiss 64" = "The stretch of tension in your back as your head pushed forward had your hand, buried in the softness of his feathers, pulling him closer."; "# Kiss 65" = "Eyes meeting once more, just a moment before..."; "# Kiss 66" = "Your faces met. You pressed your lips to the end of his beak, his hot breath on your lips, in your mouth, as yours was in his."; "# Kiss 67" = "You held the kiss there, holding your lips to his, unsure if this was what you were supposed to do."; "# Kiss 68" = "You'd never kissed anyone like this before. You hadn't met anyone like Joseph before either. You just want to be close to him like this."; "# Kiss 69" = "Your heart was beating hard in your chest, your cheeks flushed and hot."; "# Kiss 70" = "You heard what sounded like sweeping, realising it was your tail wagging across the floor."; "# Kiss 71" = "A few more seconds passed before the kiss was broken, your hand falling from his face to hold onto his arm."; "# Kiss 72" = "You looked at each other with quivering breaths. You could feel the strong rhythm of his heartbeat in your hand."; "# Kiss 73" = "A big, gracious smile spread across Joseph's face. You matched it with a more sheepish one, embarrassed still despite everything."; "# Kiss 74, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Guessin' you never kissed someone with a beak before?\""; "# Kiss 75, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Uh, no... no, I haven't. Or anyone without one for that matter...\""; "# Kiss 76, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Well, if that really was your first time ah got nothin' to complain about.\""; "# Kiss 77, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"I'd just say it was a very... mammal kiss.\""; "# Kiss 78, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Oh really now? Do educate me.\""; "# Kiss 79, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"You have a lot of lip to it. Birds can't do that so well, y'see? So we tend to kiss a little differently.\""; "# Kiss 80" = "Your face warmed even more, your ears burning as he leaned in closer, talking softly."; "# Kiss 81, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Let me show you.\""; "# Kiss 82" = "One hand came to rest on your leg as he leaned forward. His beak passed flush with your snout."; "# Kiss 83" = "You closed your eyes as he came closer, the whispers of his breath warm on your face as the tip of his beak gently poked at your cheek."; "# Kiss 84" = "He preened and rubbed his beak through your fur, almost nibbling at you, feeling soft scrapes against your skin."; "# Kiss 85" = "Joseph's affections continued against your cheek, the feathers of his face close to your nose, smelling of sweat and tobacco."; "# Kiss 86" = "He nuzzled through the fur of your face a few moments more, before rubbing his beak all along your snout as he dipped his head back."; "# Kiss 87" = "You opened your eyes again, bemused by Joseph's new kiss, to gaze upon his bashful face."; "# Kiss 88" = "From the blush of his cheeks and the unusual shyness he was trying to shrug off, you felt as if you'd been entrusted a secret."; "# Kiss 89, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Wh... Whadda ya make of that?\""; "# Kiss 90, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Hmm... I think I liked mine better, but I could get used to those too.\""; "# Kiss 91" = "He slipped an arm around your back, holding you closer as your heart fluttered at the thought of familiar kisses."; "# Kiss 92, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Ah would be happy to oblige.\""; "# Kiss 93" = "His face beamed with a warm smile, and he leaned forward to rest his head atops yours."; "# Kiss 94" = "You reached your hand across him and grabbed his other hand, pulling it into his lap, keeping you all close like a bundle of sticks."; "# Kiss 95" = "Letting your mind focus on him. Feeling his hand squeeze your side firmly, squeezing his other hand back."; "# Kiss 96" = "Listening to his breathing, to the small shuffles of his clothes, to the faint beat of his heart in his chest."; "# Kiss 97" = "Your ear flicked around a little as you heard something else, some subtle noise you wanted to ignore, focusing on the warmth of Joseph."; "# Kiss 98" = "The fight in the street seemed to be over. No longer could you hear the muffled shots, the pops or bangs or cracks that split the air."; "# Kiss 99" = "What you could hear now though were rhythmic thuds, distant and soft but growing louder by the second."; "# Kiss 100" = "It was footsteps. First at the stairs, but now coming along the landing, coming closer."; "# Kiss 101" = "You sat up sharply, knocking Joseph in the chin a little, as you heard one of the doors open, and then close."; "# Kiss 102" = "Whoever it was was checking the rooms. Joseph sat up as he took note of the noises as well, realising the same as you."; "# Kiss 103" = "Someone was looking for you, or at least, someone was looking for stragglers."; "# Kiss 104" = "Your hand snapped to your gun and pulled it from the holster, aiming it square at the door."; "# Kiss 105" = "You heard more doors open and close. Whoever it was would be here in just a few seconds."; "# Kiss 106" = "The footsteps grew that little bit louder and you found something familiar within them."; "# Kiss 107" = "There were four footsteps, two people, but there was another offbeat thump there, out of pace. A fifth footstep?"; "# Kiss 108" = "As the hunters came to the door you realised what it was, your hand coming down, pointing the gun away. Joseph whispered urgently."; "# Kiss 109, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"What are ya doing?\""; "# Kiss 110" = "It wasn't another footstep you heard. It was the thump of a cane."; "# Kiss 111" = "The door swung open, with two figures standing in the doorway. A moment of uncertainty had you pointing the gun back their way."; "# Kiss 112" = "You put it away again though as, sure enough, you saw who you were expecting."; "# Kiss 113" = "It was Sheriff, along with a man unfamiliar to you, a lanky serious-looking hare who leaned in, still holding the door handle."; "# Kiss 114, Speaker \"???\"" = "\"Woah, put that thing away there, we don't mean you no harm.\""; "# Kiss 115" = "Both of them had rifles slung over their shoulders, and Sheriff's worried face turned to one of relief when you met eyes."; "# Kiss 116, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"And there I was gettin' all twisted up worrying 'bout you two. I knew you'd be alright.\""; "# Kiss 117, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Sheriff? What are you doin' here, ah thought everyone was outta town?\""; "# Kiss 118, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"Well, everyone is, 'cept for us. Oh, I should introduce you, this is Matthew, he stayed behind to help me.\""; "# Kiss 119, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"I couldn't go with everyone else, I was worried 'bout the town and you boys... so Matthew and I stayed here to help however we could.\""; "# Kiss 120, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"We were up on the roof shooting as a distraction, I hope it was of some help.\""; "# Kiss 121, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Wait that was you? I thought you were supposed to be pacifists.\""; "# Kiss 122, Speaker \"Matthew\"" = "\"Well we didn't actually shoot anyone. We just shot near them, heh.\""; "# Kiss 123, Speaker \"Matthew\"" = "\"Trying to tip the scales in your favour and give them something else to worry about.\""; "# Kiss 124, Speaker \"Matthew\"" = "\"Looks like that made the saloon a bit of a target though, Bartholomew's not gonna be happy about this mess...\""; "# Kiss 125, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I'm sorry, we'll do whatever we can to help...\""; "# Kiss 126" = "Matthew waved it off cheerily."; "# Kiss 127, Speaker \"Matthew\"" = "\"Don't worry, my husband's a very forgiving man, but this saloon is like his baby.\""; "# Kiss 128, Speaker \"Matthew\"" = "\"He'll wanna know you're alright but after that he's just gonna wanna fix it up.\""; "# Kiss 129" = "So this was the husband? You didn't think your first meeting with him would be... like this."; "# Kiss 130, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"Seems like you got banged up pretty bad too, I don't know if we shoulda done more...\""; "# Kiss 131, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"No, I think you may well have saved our lives. We knew the danger of what we were doing.\""; "# Kiss 132, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Thank you for helping us like that. You didn't have to.\""; "# Kiss 133, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Yeah, thanks. We owe you one.\""; "# Kiss 134, Speaker \"Matthew\"" = "\"Don't mention it, we'll ask for your help when you're better, but right now you need some seeing to.\""; "# Kiss 135, Speaker \"Matthew\"" = "\"Lucky for you the town doctor's here.\""; "# Kiss 136, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Where?\""; "# Kiss 137, Speaker \"Matthew\"" = "\"You're looking at him!\""; "# Kiss 138, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Ah, sorry.\""; "# Kiss 139, Speaker \"Matthew\"" = "\"Nothing to apologise for. We've all had quite the day.\""; "# Kiss 140, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"What happened to everyone else?\""; "# Kiss 141, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"We told 'em to leave. Their bosses are dead, and we said more people would be back soon too, none of 'em felt like sticking around.\""; "# Kiss 142, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"You're safe.\""; "# Kiss 143" = "Inside yourself there was some deep sigh of relief you didn't realise you'd been holding onto, like you hadn't breathed right for days."; "# Kiss 144" = "You nodded gratefully. Matthew came in to the room and started tending to Joseph first, looking over his injuries."; "# Kiss 145" = "You were both hurt, and bruised, and bloody - but you were safe now."; "# Kiss 146" = "You wondered how long it would be until you could believe that."; "# BothHurtKiss 1" = "His hurt leg stretched out against the floor as he massaged the muscle gently, bringing the other closer out of the way."; "# BothHurtKiss 2, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Leg's killing me, hah. Well, not really, thank God.\""; "# BothHurtKiss 3" = "The bleeding looked like it had stopped thankfully, but it still needed tending to before it got worse."; "# BothHurtKiss 4" = "Your ears flicked as you turned your head, and you felt the still air stinging against the exposed tip of your ear."; "# BothHurtKiss 5" = "You reached up for a moment, feeling it, fingers running past the matted, sticky fur. The bleeding had stopped there too."; "# BothHurtKiss 6" = "How were you supposed to feel when Curly's sitting behind a house, limp, body baking in the sun."; "# BothHurtKiss 7" = "How were you supposed to feel with Black draped over a window, lifelessly hanging in the shade of the porch."; "# BothHurtKiss 8" = "You couldn't shake the feeling of the glass pressed against your neck through your fur, cold against your skin."; "# BothHurtKiss 9" = "Like it was still there. Like if you moved, in a second you'd find yourself gasping on the ground, drowning, grasping at your throat."; "# WolfHurtKiss 1" = "After he got comfortable he gingerly lifted a hand up to the long slash on his face."; "# WolfHurtKiss 2" = "He let out soft, short groans and noises as he tested the cut, checking how bad it was."; "# WolfHurtKiss 3" = "He pulled his hand away, rubbing his fingers together, inspecting the minimal blood he'd found."; "# WolfHurtKiss 4, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Not bleeding too much anymore... still hurts like hell though, ow.\""; "# WolfHurtKiss 5" = "You leaned forward a little to try look at him too, but got a harsh reminder as the cut in your side flared up."; "# WolfHurtKiss 6, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"At least we'll have matching scars now.\""; "# WolfHurtKiss 7" = "Joseph looked at you, befuddled for a moment till he realised you meant the old scar over your own eye."; "# WolfHurtKiss 8, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Haha, well! Guess it must be fate. Can't complain 'bout that.\""; "# WolfHurtKiss 9" = "You smiled at the thought too, reaching your hand up a little to touch the slice in your side."; "# WolfHurtKiss 10" = "You were lucky. It had gone past the ribs, not through them. If he'd twisted the knife it might've been different."; "# WolfHurtKiss 11" = "Joseph reached up to his face again, still testing his eye."; "# WolfHurtKiss 12, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Hey stop that, you'll make it worse.\""; "# WolfHurtKiss 13" = "He put his hand down shyly, like a naughty kid caught in the act."; "# WolfHurtKiss 14, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Sorry, s'just hard to ignore...\""; "# WolfHurtKiss 15" = "How were you supposed to feel with Black lying in the hills of the town, baking in the desert heat."; "# WolfHurtKiss 16" = "How were you supposed to feel when Curly was just a few steps outside the door, slumped against the wall."; "# WolfHurtKiss 17" = "You went over and over in your mind the knife against your arm, the strain as you fought against him."; "# WolfHurtKiss 18" = "You thought about how close you'd been to giving out, how close the blade had been, the cold metal threatening to spill your heart."; "# VultureHurtKiss 1" = "He sat awkwardly as he tried not to put any pressure on his shoulder. The red gash was painful just to look at."; "# VultureHurtKiss 2, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Shoulder hurts like a son of a gun, gah... least it's stopped bleeding by now.\""; "# VultureHurtKiss 3, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Yeah, mine kinda hurts still, probably not as bad as yours though. Suppose we should be lucky it wasn't worse.\""; "# VultureHurtKiss 4, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Ain't that the truth.\""; "# VultureHurtKiss 5" = "You gingerly touched the cuts on your face, checking over if they were still bleeding, how deep they'd gone."; "# VultureHurtKiss 6" = "Only a little blood came with your fingers, your face sore and raw, but you'd live. What's a few more scars?"; "# VultureHurtKiss 7" = "How were you supposed to feel when Black is crumpled up by the well, desert heat drying the wet and stained sand."; "# VultureHurtKiss 8" = "How were you supposed to feel with Curly lying peacefully in the shade of the porch, windswept fur catching drips of red."; "# VultureHurtKiss 9" = "You thought about how helpless you'd been after Curly threw you. You wouldn't have been able to fight back."; "# VultureHurtKiss 10" = "You thought about his smugness as he came to step through the window. You thought about him walking over, boots clacking against the wood."; "# VultureHurtKiss 11" = "The cold metal of the gun through your fur as he stooped down to press it to your head."; "# NoHurtKiss 1" = "He struggled to get comfortable as he sat, sitting up straight in an attempt to not move his stomach around too much."; "# NoHurtKiss 2, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Ah know you said these cuts weren't too deep, but boy it doesn't feel like it.\""; "# NoHurtKiss 3, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Stopped bleeding at least...\""; "# NoHurtKiss 4" = "You'd already checked it over, but you couldn't resist leaning to look at his stomach again, just to make sure he was alright."; "# NoHurtKiss 5" = "You leaned back and tried to get comfortable too. Breathing through your mouth made your broken tooth hurt more, a cold soreness."; "# NoHurtKiss 6" = "Breathing through your nose made it more bearable but you still had the pain in your jaw, throbbing."; "# NoHurtKiss 7" = "You felt the deep bruises rising in your chest, and your back too, your ribs complaning if you shifted too much. Hopefully nothing was broken."; "# NoHurtKiss 8" = "How were you supposed to feel with Curly lying in the midst of the houses, hidden from sight save for the midday sun."; "# NoHurtKiss 9" = "How were you supposed to feel when Black is curled up downstairs, red stains mingling in the white of his clothes."; "# NoHurtKiss 10" = "Your body was haunted with how you'd felt as you'd laid underneath him, pinned to the ground."; "# NoHurtKiss 11" = "Dizzy and beaten, waiting for the final blows of the deep green glass, for it to crack against your skull till the light faded."; "# Ending 1" = "You're not sure if you knew back then, or when you realised, that you'd carry the scars from that day for the rest of your lives."; "# Ending 2" = "You and Joseph were put up in separate rooms at the saloon by Bartholomew, who insisted you stay so that Matthew could treat you both."; "# Ending 3" = "The month you spent resting and recovering there was full of sleepless nights. Nightmares came often, some more vivid than others."; "# Ending 4" = "You often woke in the early morning to find you and your bedsheets drenched in sweat. Some nights you were woken by Joseph shouting."; "# Ending 5" = "Those nights you'd sit up in bed, waiting for him to come into your room and crawl in, lying with him until he fell asleep."; "# Ending 6" = "Other nights, where you felt shaken and sick by what you dreamt about, you'd wake him asking if you could sleep in his bed."; "# Ending 7" = "Neither of you talked much otherwise. You kept to yourselves in your rooms, resting. Doctor's orders."; "# Ending 8" = "You weren't sure of their benefits, but Matthew brought you medicines occasionally, often some concoction involving whiskey."; "# Ending 9" = "He joked about the perks of having a bartender for a spouse. The taste was vile to you still, but you found it helped just a little."; "# Ending 10" = "It was odd, you thought, that the respite of bed rest felt like just as much work as being up and about at the camp."; "# Ending 11" = "It sometimes felt like resting was the last thing you were doing."; "# Ending 12" = "As the days rolled by, there did come the point you'd been waiting for, where you both were feeling fit enough to get up and do something."; "# Ending 13" = "You still kept to the saloon, only seeing a handful of familiar faces at odd times."; "# Ending 14" = "The saloon was already clean and mostly fixed up by the time you were recovered enough to lend a hand."; "# Ending 15" = "You felt like you'd missed your opportunity to help out, but Bartholomew assured you he'd need help when the new windows were to be fitted."; "# Ending 16" = "He'd also brought up that neither of you had joined in on the nightly gathering at the saloon."; "# Ending 17" = "That now you were better, everyone would love to see you."; "# Ending 18" = "You'd heard the gatherings all those nights you'd been resting. Attendance waxed and waned, but every night the saloon was bustling and merry."; "# Ending 19" = "Full of people enjoying each other's company, singing songs, telling stories."; "# Ending 20" = "The idea of being in the midst of that crowd put ice in your stomach."; "# Ending 21" = "Joseph happily agreed to come along to the next gathering, and so did you. You knew really that it would be good to be around people."; "# Ending 22" = "Now here you were. Standing in front of the window in your room, looking out, past the vague reflection of your face in the glass."; "# Ending 23" = "Night had fallen. Lights in houses down the street snuffed one by one as people left for the saloon, the downstairs filling with the town."; "# Ending 24" = "Already you could hear the muffled sounds of mingling, chatter, spatters of loud laughs that had grown familiar to you through the walls."; "# Ending 25" = "You kept looking out the window, into the dark desert, knowing that you'd have to move soon. Just waiting another second, another minute."; "# Ending 26" = "You had to go, go on, leave the room. A short sigh at yourself sent you off, walking across the room to meekly open the door."; "# Ending 27" = "You pulled it open just a crack, the warm lamp light in the saloon spilling in, and to your surprise you found Joseph standing there."; "# Ending 28" = "One hand raised about to knock on your door, he flashed you a little smile, clearly asking if he could come in."; "# Ending 29" = "You opened it just enough to let him in before closing it, leaning with your shoulder to the door as he stood close to you."; "# Ending 30, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Hey-\""; "# Ending 31, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Hi.\""; "# Ending 32" = "Your greetings practically stumbled over each other, both clearly antsy, trying to get some words out."; "# Ending 33, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"...Are you ready?\""; "# Ending 34" = "You chewed the inside of your cheek a little as you thought. You wanted to be ready."; "# Ending 35" = "You wanted to go down and see the people who had cared for you. Joseph was here too. It would be fine."; "# Ending 36, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"I'm not ready either, if it helps. Ah figure if we dilly-dally about it though we'll never be ready.\""; "# Ending 37, Speaker \"$Player\", Duplicated with dialogue Morning 123" = "\"Yeah. Yeah, you're right.\""; "# Ending 38" = "You sighed and Joseph patted you on the shoulder, a little reassurance to get you going."; "# Ending 39, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Alright. Let's go have a good time.\""; "# Ending 40, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"That's the spirit.\""; "# Ending 41" = "Joseph followed close behind as you opened the door wide and stepped out, eyes adjusting from the darkness of your room."; "# Ending 42" = "He closed the door as you left and you walked along the landing together, down the stairs, looking out over the disparate crowds."; "# Ending 43" = "Clemency was a small town, but with so many packed into here, it felt like even the busiest of bars you'd glanced inside of before."; "# Ending 44" = "As you neared the bottom of the stairs you heard a voice call out."; "# Ending 45, Speaker \"Bartholomew\"" = "\"$Player, Joseph, over here!\""; "# Ending 46" = "You looked over at the bar and saw Bartholomew waving at you, his arm stuck up high to catch you over the taller patrons milling past."; "# Ending 47" = "It wasn't just him either, standing at the bar were other familiar faces you were happy to see, namely Jacob and Sheriff."; "# Ending 48" = "You took Joseph's hand and walked through with him, excusing your way past people to the bar."; "# Ending 49" = "Jacob and Sheriff sidled along to make some room between them, a friendly gap for you both to squeeze into."; "# Ending 50, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"It's good to see you well again, $Player. I found myself rather worried after what happened...\""; "# Ending 51, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I'm glad to see you too Jacob. I didn't lose another limb so I think I have nothing to complain about.\""; "# Ending 52" = "He gave you a gentle reassuring smile, seeming genuinely calmed by your jokey reassurance. Sheriff leaned in to address you both."; "# Ending 53, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"It's good to see you both in good health, for sure, and you'll be in even better health with a drink down you.\""; "# Ending 54, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"Bartholomew?\""; "# Ending 55, Speaker \"Bartholomew\"" = "\"S'what I'm here for! On the house fellas, what're you drinking?\""; "# Ending 56, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Damn, really? Y'sure? We've been takin' up yer rooms and now free drinks, you're really spoilin' us.\""; "# Ending 57, Speaker \"Bartholomew\"" = "\"You need something so we can toast to your health! Go on, take your pick.\""; "# Ending 58, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Ah, well... I think I'll just stick with a beer.\""; "# Ending 59, Speaker \"Bartholomew\"" = "\"Alrighty, how's about you $Player?\""; "# Ending 60, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Hmm... can you do me a whiskey?\""; "# Ending 61" = "You felt Joseph giving you a quizzical look, surprised you'd choose such a hard liquor."; "# Ending 62, Speaker \"Bartholomew\"" = "\"Sure thing! Let me get on those.\""; "# Ending 63" = "He turned and busied himself with finding what you'd ordered, and you looked at Joseph, his face still confused over your choice."; "# Ending 64, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"What? I've acquired a bit of a taste for it.\""; "# Ending 65, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"No, ah can respect it, just didn't see it being your kinda thing.\""; "# Ending 66, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I'm full of surprises, huh?\""; "# Ending 67, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Sure are.\""; "# Ending 68" = "You felt a little blush rise to your cheeks as he gave you a wry smile."; "# Ending 69" = "Bartholomew set down a stout tumbler of whiskey alongside the beer on the counter."; "# Ending 70" = "You took your drinks as Sheriff started to speak."; "# Ending 71, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"That's more like it. Now, a toast! To $Player and Joseph. You boys pulled off something incredibly brave, and I'm thankful you made it.\""; "# Ending 72, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"Hear, hear.\""; "# Ending 73" = "You went round clinking glasses, with Jacob, Joseph, Sheriff, and Bartholomew, before taking a sip of your whiskey."; "# Ending 74" = "Before it even reached your lips the smell was burning in your nose, and continued to burn as it slipped down your throat."; "# Ending 75" = "It was a pleasant burn of sorts, though. You weren't sure if that was the way it was meant to be, but you enjoyed it all the same."; "# Ending 76, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"So, boys. I don't know what your plans are, now you're all fixed up, but I thought I'd take the moment to ask if you'd like to stay in Clemency?\""; "# Ending 77, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"I really... think you'd fit in here. It's just an invitation mind you, no need to gimme an answer now, but- just think about it for me.\""; "# Ending 78" = "You and Joseph glanced eyes for a moment, both humbled and blindsided, unsure what to say."; "# Ending 79" = "Why did the question leave you gripping your glass, fidgeting your thumb over the rim. Wasn't this something you wanted?"; "# Ending 80, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Thank you Sheriff, that's... a very kind offer.\""; "# Ending 81, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"We'll have to sleep on it ah think.\""; "# Ending 82, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"Not a problem. Just a suggestion really, don't mind me none.\""; "# Ending 83, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Truth be told ah can't say we have much in the way of plans as of now.\""; "# Ending 84, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Uh, yeah, no, I haven't- We've not really thought about what to do next.\""; "# Ending 85" = "That was the honest truth. All you'd focused on was getting away from Curly, out from under his shadow."; "# Ending 86" = "Now you were free, you could do anything - and yet could think of nothing."; "# Ending 87" = "A tightness took ahold in your chest."; "# Ending 88, Speaker \"Matthew\"" = "\"If it isn't my favourite patients!\""; "# Ending 89" = "Matthew came wandering over to the bar and greeted you both with a beaming smile."; "# Ending 90, Speaker \"Matthew\"" = "\"Great to see you up and at it.\""; "# Ending 91, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"All thanks to you, doc.\""; "# Ending 92, Speaker \"Matthew\"" = "\"Aw, you're too kind. I'll drink to that.\""; "# Ending 93" = "He took a swig of the beer he held, as did Joseph in kind."; "# Ending 94, Speaker \"Matthew\"" = "\"I'm setting up a poker game right now so thought I'd wander round and see who's game.\""; "# Ending 95, Speaker \"Sheriff\"" = "\"I'll join in.\""; "# Ending 96, Speaker \"Matthew\"" = "\"Alrighty, I've already got another guy as well so just need at least one more person. You able to sneak away from the bar hon?\""; "# Ending 97" = "He spoke past you to Bartholomew who rolled his eyes."; "# Ending 98, Speaker \"Bartholomew\"" = "\"I admire your tenacity Matthew, but I'm not gonna join in on your poker no matter how many times you ask.\""; "# Ending 99, Speaker \"Matthew\"" = "\"Alright, alright, can't blame a man for trying...\""; "# Ending 100" = "Joseph caught your eye and gave you a look to ask \"you mind if I go?\", to which you just nudged him encouragingly with your elbow."; "# Ending 101, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"I'm game, if yer prepared to lose.\""; "# Ending 102, Speaker \"Matthew\"" = "\"Oh that's fighting talk! I shoulda known you'd be up for it, come with me to the table.\""; "# Ending 103" = "Joseph gave your arm a gentle squeeze before he grabbed his beer, and headed with Sheriff towards the back of the saloon."; "# Ending 104" = "You watched him disappear in the throng of people before turning back to the bar, just left with Jacob and Bartholomew."; "# Ending 105, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Not a gambler then Jacob?\""; "# Ending 106, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"Oh, heavens, no.\""; "# Ending 107, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"Not that I have any particular objection, I'm just terrible at it. I have to say my poker face is quite dire.\""; "# Ending 108" = "You chuckled at that, certainly seeing how it could be the case. Your eyes turned down to your drink, small talk dying away."; "# Ending 109" = "Staring into the clear liquid that streaked the glass as you rolled it around in your hand."; "# Ending 110" = "Were you a whiskey drinker now? You couldn't have foreseen that a month ago."; "# Ending 111" = "Nor could you have foreseen before that, that you'd meet Joseph. That you'd end up here, having left the gang, Curly gone."; "# Ending 112" = "Thinking back on it, it felt like you were always going to be under Curly's thumb. What else was there for you?"; "# Ending 113" = "That was going to be your life until the tides of fate swept you elsewhere. You didn't think you'd ever have a chance like this."; "# Ending 114" = "Now you have the chance to choose your life, everything is still just as hazy. What comes next?"; "# Ending 115, Speaker \"Bartholomew\"" = "\"I know that look.\""; "# Ending 116" = "You turned your eyes up to Bartholomew as he put his elbows on the bar, leaning in with a friendly, knowing demeanour."; "# Ending 117, Speaker \"Bartholomew\"" = "\"That's the face of someone with a lot going on in the upstairs. That or there's something very interesting at the bottom of that glass.\""; "# Ending 118, Speaker \"Bartholomew\"" = "\"You thinking about what Sheriff said?\""; "# Ending 119, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Yeah, it's just... I don't know.\""; "# Ending 120, Speaker \"Bartholomew\"" = "\"What are your plans now?\""; "# Ending 121, Speaker \"Bartholomew\"" = "\"You must have some idea of what you want to do.\""; "# Ending 122, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I... can't say I do, I've not. I've not thought about it I guess.\""; "# Ending 123, Speaker \"Bartholomew\"" = "\"You know, you don't have to stay in Clemency. You could go anywhere really!\""; "# Ending 124, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"Oh yes I would say I agree. Travelling is an incredible way to learn, and to discover what kind of man you are.\""; "# Ending 125, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"What... kind of man?\""; "# Ending 126, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"Indeed. It is easy when young to think you know the world, think you know yourself well.\""; "# Ending 127, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"That is what I thought before I went on my pilgrimage.\""; "# Ending 128, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"The man who left Pennsylvania all those years ago is not the same man who arrived in Clemency.\""; "# Ending 129, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"In fact the man who arrived in Clemency and the man sitting at this bar now are not the same either.\""; "# Ending 130, Speaker \"Jacob\"" = "\"Convening with your fellow people gives a great deal of clarity and substance to your character.\""; "# Ending 131, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I... think I see what you mean.\""; "# Ending 132" = "You knew what he meant, of course. You'd run with Curly for years now."; "# Ending 133" = "Who you were when you left home and who you are now are strangers to each other."; "# Ending 134" = "You weren't sure, if that person from years ago met you now, that you'd be someone you wanted to know."; "# Ending 135, Speaker \"Bartholomew\"" = "\"It's not just yourself either! You can learn a lot about someone else from travelling with them.\""; "# Ending 136, Speaker \"Bartholomew\"" = "\"Me and Matthew learnt so much about each other on the trail, both the good and the bad.\""; "# Ending 137, Speaker \"Bartholomew\"" = "\"I don't think you really know someone till you've had to share the same bed for weeks on end.\""; "# Ending 138, Speaker \"Bartholomew\"" = "\"It could be good for you and Joseph.\""; "# Ending 139, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"... Maybe.\""; "# Ending 140" = "You could feel your cheeks turning red. Joseph had talked about riding east before, but that was more like running away at the time."; "# Ending 141" = "What Bartholomew said stuck in your head. Do you even know Joseph? Do you really know him?"; "# Ending 142" = "You thought you did, but really, you've only just met. You don't really know that much about each other."; "# Ending 143" = "While you may feel things for him you never have anyone else, and you've gone through Hell and high water to be here together, is that enough?"; "# Ending 144" = "Is that a reason to stick together? Do you want to know who he is, do you want him to know who you are?"; "# Ending 145" = "You have no idea what the future holds. You have no idea about anything. You don't know Joseph."; "# Ending 146" = "He doesn't know you either. You don't even know yourself."; "# Ending 147" = "Tar was welling up in your chest, coating your insides, making you heavy. Breathing deep, tapping your fingers on the bar."; "# Ending 148" = "It's too warm in here, too many people. You need some air."; "# Ending 149, Speaker \"Bartholomew\"" = "\"You feeling alright, $Player?\""; "# Ending 150" = "His words snapped you out of your thoughts, but the feelings remained. You nodded subtly."; "# Ending 151, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Yeah, uh. I think I'm gonna go outside, get some air.\""; "# Ending 152" = "Giving them both a weak smile of reassurance, you left your drink on the bar and stepped away, passing strangers to head out the doors."; "# Ending 153" = "The night air was refreshing as it cooled your head. You welcomed the chill breeze from the desert that ruffled through your fur."; "# Ending 154" = "You didn't hang around long on the saloon porch, walking away into the town, leaving behind the yellow light that spilled from its windows."; "# Ending 155" = "You left the town too, past the sign that read its name, making your way up a path at the outskirts that brought back forlorn memories."; "# Ending 156" = "Memories of feelings not unlike the ones you were harboring now, as you stood at the top of your climb, on a familiar cliff."; "# Ending 157" = "You took slow, deep breaths of the night air, filling your lungs, clearing your head."; "# Ending 158" = "You wandered over to the cliff edge and gazed over the town, the light of the saloon stark against the inky dark."; "# Ending 159" = "The desert was quiet save for the whistle of wind carrying the chirp of insects."; "# Ending 160" = "You crouched down and fell on your haunches, sitting and letting your legs hang over the edge of the cliff."; "# Ending 161" = "It was funny to think how many life changing things had happened to you up here."; "# Ending 162" = "Meeting Joseph. Spending the night with him. Sowing the seeds of your plans to be free."; "# Ending 163" = "Was there some comfort to being up here, perhaps. Fond and fresh memories that calmed you. Reminding you why you were here."; "# Ending 164" = "Still there was a gnawing feeling on your heart no matter how much you hoped for there not to be."; "# Ending 165" = "Why are you feeling like this? Why are you so worried, why are you so scared, what's wrong with you?"; "# Ending 166" = "Shouldn't this freedom you have now be a good thing? Why does it feel like everything is about to come crashing down around your ears?"; "# Ending 167" = "What about Joseph? Sweet Joseph, that you made a promise with."; "# Ending 168" = "You let out a heavy sigh. You didn't expect to be weighed down with so many thoughts tonight. This was supposed to be a celebration."; "# Ending 169" = "Now you were up here, away from everyone, many contradictions running through your mind."; "# Ending 170" = "That's always been your answer to things. Running away. The only time you didn't was because of that promise."; "# Ending 171" = "How stupid can you be to choose to fight, and then want to run away from everything you were fighting for."; "# Ending 172" = "You'd probably run away from yourself if you could."; "# Ending 173" = "You just wish you could answer why."; "# Ending 174" = "You sat for a little while. The wind up here was still a pleasant breeze."; "# Ending 175" = "It blew past your head, cooling your warm ears, taking small grains of sand with it that floated off the cliff."; "# Ending 176" = "Not thinking about much at all as you looked out into the night, at the distant, dark blue silhouettes of hills."; "# Ending 177, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Howdy, stranger. What brings you out here?\""; "# Ending 178" = "You were drawn from your trance by Joseph's voice all of a sudden. You were so out of it you hadn't even heard him approach."; "# Ending 179" = "You turned and looked up at him. He was standing a few paces away, his beer in one hand, your whiskey in the other."; "# Ending 180, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Mind if ah join you?\""; "# Ending 181" = "You nodded at the ground, letting him know he could come sit."; "# Ending 182" = "He walked over and lowered himself carefully to sit next to you, keeping the drinks steady."; "# Ending 183" = "He held your whiskey glass out to you by his fingers, and you took it as he put it on your palm."; "# Ending 184, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Thanks.\""; "# Ending 185, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"No problem.\""; "# Ending 186, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"So like ah said, what brings you out here?\""; "# Ending 187" = "You absentmindedly scratched the side of your glass with a blunt claw as you thought of your answer."; "# Ending 188, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I just... needed some air.\""; "# Ending 189, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Yeah, it was a lil' stuffy in that saloon. If ya ask me we did Bartholomew a favour breaking some windows. Air out the place.\""; "# Ending 190" = "You giggled a little at that. He was good at making you feel better."; "# Ending 191, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"How are you always so charming? It seems to come so easy to you.\""; "# Ending 192" = "He looked a little bashful at that comment, scratching his head, unsure what to say."; "# Ending 193, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Uh, I don't know. Ah just... picked it up over time I guess. Helps get you out of fights and whatnot.\""; "# Ending 194, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Yeah... that makes sense.\""; "# Ending 195, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"... You feeling alright? Didn't say anything when you left.\""; "# Ending 196, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Sorry, I didn't wanna bother you during your poker game.\""; "# Ending 197" = "You thought about what you wanted to say, but so many things vied for your tongue, everything swelling up inside you, chest fit to burst."; "# Ending 198" = "You didn't know if you could admit how you were feeling to him. It almost felt too personal, it felt wrong, it felt harsh."; "# Ending 199, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I feel... strange. That's the simplest way I can put it.\""; "# Ending 200" = "He looked at you a moment, eyebrow cocked, unimpressed."; "# Ending 201, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Lay it on me.\""; "# Ending 202, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Huh?\""; "# Ending 203, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Lay it on me! Ah wanna know what you're thinkin', I know you've got stuff on your mind you ain't telling me.\""; "# Ending 204" = "You blew through your lips with a sigh, thinking about whether you should. He was right after all."; "# Ending 205" = "You don't have to hide how you feel anymore. If you were honest you didn't want to keep hiding it."; "# Ending 206, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I'm scared, I guess. I don't know what the Hell I'm supposed to be doing, what I'm going to do next.\""; "# Ending 207, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Everyone at the saloon was asking us about plans and I realised I don't have any. I didn't think that far ahead.\""; "# Ending 208, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Now we're here I don't know what to do.\""; "# Ending 209, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I feel like an animal that's been let out of its cage and gotten lost in the wilderness.\""; "# Ending 210, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"But what are ya scared of? What's the worst that could happen?\""; "# Ending 211, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I don't know! That's why I'm scared! What if I do the wrong thing, make the wrong decision?\""; "# Ending 212, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"What if I decide to settle down in Clemency like Sheriff said, and I don't like it. Where would I go?\""; "# Ending 213, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I've had so much of my life... wasted running with Curly.\""; "# Ending 214, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I don't wanna lose more of it to bad decisions. I've made too many of those.\""; "# Ending 215, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"I don't wanna waste my life either. We can make those choices together now, though. We can turn over a new leaf.\""; "# Ending 216, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I know we could but... I'm worried about you too.\""; "# Ending 217, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I was talking with Jacob and Bartholomew and I realised I don't know you. I don't know anything about you.\""; "# Ending 218, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"You don't know me either.\""; "# Ending 219" = "Joseph's face was solemn. He just stared into your eyes, like he was trying to unpick some meaning from your expression."; "# Ending 220, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I've done horrible things Joseph.\""; "# Ending 221, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"So have I.\""; "# Ending 222, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I don't know that I like the person I've become after Curly. I don't trust myself.\""; "# Ending 223, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"You did what ya needed to stay alive. You don't have to like it.\""; "# Ending 224" = "You were growing frustrated with his rebuttals, like he wasn't listening to you. You twisted your body round, one leg up, facing him head on."; "# Ending 225, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I love you. And I'm scared of hurting you.\""; "# Ending 226, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I'm scared that the man who could hurt Curly is the same man that could hurt you.\""; "# Ending 227, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"I'm scared that if we really knew each other, we wouldn't be here in the first place.\""; "# Ending 228" = "The wind whistled in your ears. Joseph's face was still, eyes squinted a little, contemplating your words."; "# Ending 229" = "A few moments passed before he opened his beak to speak."; "# Ending 230, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"I love you too. And I'm not scared of you.\""; "# Ending 231, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"I wanna find out who you are, and hope ah have the courage to let you find out who I am.\""; "# Ending 232, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"I'm scared as all hell too. Ah know what you mean, now that I'm free of the gang, I don't know what to do with myself.\""; "# Ending 233, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"All I know is I wanna be with you. Maybe we'll make bad choices, but who cares?\""; "# Ending 234, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"You helped show me ah don't have to live my life in fear, $Player.\""; "# Ending 235, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"I think if we're scared it means we have our heads screwed on right, but it doesn't hafta stop us from livin'.\""; "# Ending 236, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"We can make whatever mistakes we want. We can stay in Clemency forever, we can go travelling the country, I don't give a hoot.\""; "# Ending 237, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Tonight ain't the night to worry about the rest of your life.\""; "# Ending 238, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Whatever happens to us, if I can kiss yer face at the end of the day, then everything will be alright.\""; "# Ending 239" = "A great wave of relief washed over you as Joseph spoke. You didn't realise how much you'd needed to hear that from him."; "# Ending 240, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"A kiss and a prayer?\""; "# Ending 241" = "He laughed."; "# Ending 242, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Yeah. On a kiss and a prayer, we'll be just fine.\""; "# Ending 243, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Story of our lives, huh.\""; "# Ending 244" = "He leaned in and pecked you on the cheek, bringing a blush of warmth to them that even the night breeze could not cool."; "# Ending 245, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Seems pretty good to me.\""; "# Ending 246, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Now come on, let's get on back down there and have a good time.\""; "# Ending 247, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Ah think someone said they were gonna dust off that ol' piano and play us all a tune.\""; "# Ending 248" = "He made to stand up but you reached out, placing your hand over his."; "# Ending 249, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Wait.\""; "# Ending 250, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"Is it alright if we just sit here a little longer? Then we can go down.\""; "# Ending 251, Speaker \"$Player\"" = "\"It's a nice night is all.\""; "# Ending 252" = "He smiled, eyes softly tilting to the sky, looking to the stars."; "# Ending 253, Speaker \"Joseph\"" = "\"Sure is. You wanna stay here a spell, that's just fine by me.\""; "# Ending 254" = "As he settled back down he scooted over closer to you, shoulder to shoulder, and you tilted your head to rest on him."; "# Ending 255" = "You slipped your hand into his, and he held yours tightly, squeezing back between your fingers."; "# Ending 256" = "The night may be cold, but he was all the warmth you'd need."; "# Ending 257" = "You've spent so long looking out for yourself, looking out for people who didn't care about you."; "# Ending 258" = "Now you can look out for each other."; "# Postgame 1" = "That's the end, thank you for playing Lookouts!"; "# Postgame 2" = "This has been a huge project for both of us and we're super proud and happy we've been able to share it with you after so long."; "# Postgame 3 Gamejolt" = "If you enjoyed the game, please leave a comment or rating on GameJolt, twitter, whatever! We love hearing from people about their time with the game."; "# Postgame 3 Itchio" = "If you enjoyed the game, please leave a comment or rating on itchio, twitter, whatever! We love hearing from people about their time with the game."; "# Postgame 4 GameJolt" = "If you'd like to support us so we can keep making games, you should check out the paid Gold Edition. It's only £5/$6.50 on GameJolt!"; "# Postgame 4 Itchio" = "If you'd like to support us so we can keep making games, you should check out the paid Gold Edition. It's only £5/$6.50 on itchio!"; "# Postgame 5" = "The Gold Edition comes with a bunch of stuff like the full soundtrack, loads of original art and doodles, wallpapers for desktop and mobile, and a development artbook!"; "# Postgame 6" = "Once again thank you for playing, from the bottom of our hearts. You can click the button that'll pop up on the next screen to restart the game."; "# Postgame 7" = "<3 Col and Hawky"; "# Choices:12941" = "To The Start"; "# Easter 1, Speaker \"Hawky\"" = "Woah! You found us!"; "# Easter 2, Speaker \"Col\"" = "Whoa! Good job!"; "# Easter 3, Speaker \"Hawky\"" = "This is our humble little room where we made the game."; "# Easter 4, Speaker \"Hawky\"" = "Or something like it at least."; "# Easter 5, Speaker \"Col\"" = "Welcome to our twisted mind palace >:))"; "# Easter 6, Speaker \"Col\"" = "You can click around and check things out! Clickity click!"; "# Easter 7, Speaker \"Hawky\"" = "Just please don't tell Bart we're in here."; "# Easter 8, Speaker \"Col\"" = "Yeah please don't tell Bart."; "# Easter 9, Speaker \"Hawky & Col\"" = "please please please please please please"; "# Amogus 1, Speaker \"Col\"" = "Huh, looks a lil sus."; "# Amogus 2, Speaker \"Hawky\"" = "Oh it'sa the big dumpy. The amogus pillow my beloved."; "# Amogus 3, Speaker \"Hawky\"" = "Or your beloved I guess."; "# Amogus 4, Speaker \"Col\"" = "Saves me from gamer back because I just work from my bed!"; "# Amogus 5, Speaker \"Hawky\"" = "You fell asleep on this thing so many times sdgjsdgosdjdfh"; "# Amogus 6, Speaker \"Col\"" = "At uni I would fall asleep on this upright with my laptop open."; "# Amogus 7, Speaker \"Col\"" = "And when I woke up I'd go straight back to work!"; "# Amogus 8, Speaker \"Hawky\"" = "Uni was very healthy for us. Not really obviously, fuck uni."; "# Amogus 9, Speaker \"Col\"" = "Yeah, fuck uni."; "# Amogus 10, Speaker \"Hawky\"" = "handshake meme but its me and you and bad unis that fucked us up"; "# Apollo 1, Speaker \"Hawky\"" = "Col got this little Apollo figurine for me off ebay and I treasure it with my life :pleading:"; "# Apollo 2, Speaker \"Hawky\"" = "It's some sort of Japanese blind box or smth?? That the ebay seller had imported, it seemed quite lucky to find."; "# Apollo 3, Speaker \"Col\"" = "We tried getting smth like this when I was a kid but they never arrived :(("; "# Apollo 4, Speaker \"Col\"" = "I live vicariously through you, brother."; "# Apollo 5, Speaker \"Hawky\"" = "And now my bird husband sits on my shelf :)"; "# Blahaj 1, Speaker \"Col\"" = "I think an ex gave me this?"; "# Blahaj 2, Speaker \"Col\"" = "I stopped talking to them bc they were annoying and kept getting crumbs all over my bed like a caveman."; "# Blahaj 3, Speaker \"Col\"" = "But I could never stop talking to Blahaj :))"; "# Blahaj 4, Speaker \"Hawky\"" = "It's just another comfy friend. Gay people love blahaj we know this."; "# Computer 1, Speaker \"Col\"" = "Hey Hawky how many rams does your pc have"; "# Computer 2, Speaker \"Hawky\"" = "Idk but a few months after I first got this computer literally all the ram died and I had to send it back to get fixed LOL"; "# Computer 3, Speaker \"Hawky\"" = "This was the computer I spent most of Lookouts development on, where it all started. It's been through a lot with me, I got it when I was 16."; "# Computer 4, Speaker \"Col\"" = "When I was in primary school there was a joke where kids would ask you if you had a pc and if you said yes they'd laugh at you and say \"plastic cock\"."; "# Computer 5, Speaker \"Hawky\"" = "Yeah that was not a thing anywhere else your classmates were just like that i guess"; "# Computer 6, Speaker \"Col\"" = "I fully thought this was a universal kinda thing but no, only Colin."; "# Cream 1, Speaker \"Hawky\"" = "Col had so much cream soda in his room oh my god."; "# Cream 2, Speaker \"Col\"" = "I love Barr brand cream soda so much and my mum is worried."; "# Cream 3, Speaker \"Hawky\"" = "You left the window open at night to keep it cool because Scotland is just like that."; "# Cream 4, Speaker \"Hawky\"" = "But it meant I was always cold too ;v;"; "# Cream 5, Speaker \"Col\"" = "Put a jumper on, I'm not having a warm sodie pop."; "# Cream 6, Speaker \"Hawky\"" = "It is very good though......"; "# Cream 7, Speaker \"Hawky & Col\"" = "Creamy Creamy Creamy Creamy Creamy Creamy Creamy MMM SO GOOD!"; "# Poster 1, Speaker \"Hawky\"" = "This poster's the bane of my life but I can't do anything about it."; "# Poster 2, Speaker \"Hawky\"" = "It just hangs on my wall being cringe and impossible to avoid in any photos of my bedroom."; "# Poster 3, Speaker \"Hawky\"" = "My boyfriend makes fun of me for it all the time asdgjisodgjo"; "# Poster 4, Speaker \"Col\"" = "I pointed at this and laughed in Hawky's face when I saw it too."; "# Poster 5, Speaker \"Hawky\"" = "I never asked for it!!"; "# Poster 6, Speaker \"Col\"" = "Get a new poster, cringeass!!!"; "# Fine Dog 1, Speaker \"Col\"" = "This is maybe the least cringe thing I own?"; "# Fine Dog 2, Speaker \"Col\"" = "It's one of those This is Fine dog plush toys they made for a while."; "# Fine Dog 3, Speaker \"Hawky\"" = "K.C. Green is cool, they responded to an email I sent them about one of their comics a while ago haha."; "# Fine Dog 4, Speaker \"Col\"" = "Wait what, what did they say??"; "# Fine Dog 5, Speaker \"Hawky\"" = "I asked about the ambiguous gender of a character in one of their comics and they responded that they were indeed a non-binary character, so that was cool!"; "# Fine Dog 6, Speaker \"Hawky\"" = "He was very very nice with his response ;v;"; "# Fine Dog 7, Speaker \"Col\"" = "Chad."; "# Frankie 1, Speaker \"Frankie\"" = "Grrrrrrr"; "# Frankie 2, Speaker \"Col\"" = "Oh hello Frankie!!"; "# Frankie 3, Speaker \"Col\"" = "This is my dog!! He's such a good and sweet boy!"; "# Frankie 4, Speaker \"Hawky\"" = "He's a good boy who growls at everyone but not aggressively. It's like purring or something."; "# Frankie 5, Speaker \"Hawky\"" = "He's just a weirdo."; "# Frankie 6, Speaker \"Col\"" = "Yeah he's craaaaaazy. Love him!"; "# Frankie 7, Speaker \"Frankie\"" = "*He's wagging his tail now but is still growling*"; "# Big Garf 1, Speaker \"Col\"" = "This is my big wife!"; "# Big Garf 2, Speaker \"Col\"" = "I love her so much."; "# Big Garf 3, Speaker \"Hawky\"" = "The big garf wife that sits on your bed."; "# Big Garf 4, Speaker \"Col\"" = "She watches me sleep!"; "# Big Garf 5, Speaker \"Hawky\"" = "I rested my head on it a lot during the end of development when sitting on your bed lol"; "# Big Garf 6, Speaker \"Hawky\"" = "Where did you get the big garfield again?"; "# Big Garf 7, Speaker \"Col\"" = "I got my wife on ebay like any normal person does"; "# Big Garf 8, Speaker \"Hawky\"" = "(Wif)ebay"; "# Big Garf 9, Speaker \"Col\"" = "Ebay is good fuck amazon lol amazon got no bitches"; "# Garfs 1, Speaker \"Col\"" = "I uh, really like vintage garfields..."; "# Garfs 2, Speaker \"Col\"" = "During the pandemic I had a phase of bidding on them on Ebay because they're so cheap."; "# Garfs 3, Speaker \"Col\"" = "Honestly I couldn't bring myself to draw as many as I actually have, I have 5 industrial sized boxes of vintage garf plushies alone."; "# Garfs 4, Speaker \"Hawky\"" = "There's lots on the shelf at my home too. Nowhere escapes them. Not that I'm complaining."; "# Garfs 5, Speaker \"Col\"" = "Oh my god I left Daddy Cool Garfield at your house!!!! Noooooooo!!!!!!!"; "# Irn Bru 1, Speaker \"Hawky\"" = "I bought a big bottle of Irn Bru but despite being Scottish no one in Col's family likes it so I had to drink the whole thing myself."; "# Irn Bru 2, Speaker \"Hawky\"" = "All part of the plan B)"; "# Irn Bru 3, Speaker \"Col\"" = "Tastes like blood..."; "# Jotaro 1, Speaker \"Hawky\"" = "This is another little figurine of mine, it's Jotaro Kujo. I... don't even remember where I got it in the first place."; "# Jotaro 2, Speaker \"Hawky\"" = "It might've been one of the few anime cons I went to in The Before Times."; "# Jotaro 3, Speaker \"Col\"" = "I went to an anime con once and someone dressed as the weird chef from danganronpa stole my partner so I've never been back out of spite."; "# Jotaro 4, Speaker \"Hawky\"" = "I have however convinced Col to start watching Jojo, we've almost finished part 5 as of time of writing."; "# Jotaro 5, Speaker \"Col\"" = "I don't watch much anime but I gotta say... these bitches gay! Good for them!"; "# Chair 1, Speaker \"Hawky\"" = "I tried sitting in this chair at the desk but it's such fucking hard wood even with a cushion on it my ass hurt after a couple of hours."; "# Chair 2, Speaker \"Col\"" = "We had an actual desk chair before I moved out for uni and they replaced it because it \"didn't go with the decor\"."; "# Chair 3, Speaker \"Hawky\"" = "WHAT"; "# Chair 4, Speaker \"Col\"" = "And now we can't afford a new desk chair :(("; "# Chair 5, Speaker \"Col\"" = "Every purchase of Lookouts: Gold Edition brings me one step closer to having an actual desk chair, please, in this time of need, think of Hawky's ass <3"; "# Vape 1, Speaker \"Col\"" = "I used to smoke cigarettes but Hawky made me stop because it \"is bad for me\" or something."; "# Vape 2, Speaker \"Col\"" = "So now I blow vape puff puffs in his eyes."; "# Vape 3, Speaker \"Hawky\"" = "Ah my eyes! They're so minty!"; "# Vape 4, Speaker \"Col\"" = "My child, it's time for me to take a fat rip!"; "# Wires 1, Speaker \"Hawky\"" = "There's always a tangle of wires by Col's bed. It's like a snake pit."; "# Wires 2, Speaker \"Col\"" = "I need all these wires for my funny little devices!"; "# Wires 3, Speaker \"Col\"" = "Like my laptop and my phone and to charge the tiny vacuum to clean up all the fucking hair I shed."; "# Wires 4, Speaker \"Hawky\"" = "There was one casualty of the wires when he spilt a mug of coffee on the carpet lmao"; "# Wires 5, Speaker \"Col\"" = "I soaked it all up and hoped to GOD your mum did not notice."; "# Wires 6, Speaker \"Hawky\"" = "Tbf you did get all of it, I can't see where it happened at all. Cleaner skills."; "# Wires 7, Speaker \"Col\"" = "Working a summer as a cleaner at [REDACTED] really came in clutch! Even if they did take away our water because we didn't work fast enough."; "# Wires 8, Speaker \"Hawky\"" = "I've heard your horror stories about that place so many times but they never stop being fucked up."; "# Wires 9, Speaker \"Col\"" = "Being a furry artist on funni game projects with my best bro keeps me out of working at [REDACTED], so thank you! The person reading this right now!"; "# Wires 10, Speaker \"Hawky\"" = "Yes, thank you!"; "# Wires 11, Speaker \"Hawky & Col\"" = "Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you"; "# Easter Exit 1, Speaker \"Hawky\"" = "Oh going so soon? Well thanks for stopping by."; "# Easter Exit 2, Speaker \"Col\"" = "Yeah tysm! We love having people round, just don't tell Bart!"; "# Easter Exit 3, Speaker \"Bartholomew\"" = "Don't tell me what now?"; "# Easter Exit 4, Speaker \"Hawky & Col\"" = "Gasp!"; "# Easter Exit 5, Speaker \"Bartholomew\"" = "Wh- what's- You two again? Get outta here! Go on, scram!"; "# Easter Exit 6, Speaker \"Hawky & Col\"" = "Ok byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"; "# Easter Exit 7, Speaker \"Bartholomew\", Duplicated with dialogue Riding 9, Meeting 75, Eating 115, Hideout 67" = "..."; "# Easter Exit 8, Speaker \"Bartholomew\"" = "Well."; "# Easter Exit 9, Speaker \"Bartholomew\"" = "I think we can both agree that was a lil' strange. I don't know how those two got into my store room or... what all these knicknacks are."; "# Easter Exit 10, Speaker \"Bartholomew\"" = "Let's just get back to where we were and not talk about this again, shall we? Our little secret."; "# Settings Title Text" = "Settings"; "# Music slider text" = "Music Volume"; "# Sound slider text" = "Sound Volume"; "# Fullscreen toggle text" = "Fullscreen"; "# Resolution dropdown text" = "Resolution"; "# Screen reader toggle text" = "Screen Reader"; "# Font dropdown text" = "Font"; "# Textbox palette dropdown text" = "Textbox Palette"; "# Text speed slider text" = "Text Speed"; "# Auto forward toggle text" = "Auto Forward"; "# Auto forward time slider text" = "Auto Forward Time"; "# Save Title Text" = "Save"; "# Load Title Text" = "Load"; "# Clear Saves Prompt Text" = "Are you sure you want to delete all saves?"; "# Slot number text" = "Slot {0} - {1}"; "# Clear saves button text" = "Clear Saves"; "# Languages Title Text" = "Languages"; "# Confirmation popup text" = "Do you want to overwrite this save?"; "# Quit button text" = "Quit"; "# Quit Confirmation Prompt" = "Are you sure you wish to quit?"; "# Language button text" = "Language"; "# History button text" = "History"; "# Fast forward button text" = "Fast Forward"; "# Example text first" = "This is some example text to display in the box."; "# Example text second" = "This is more, longer example text. This box lets you see the different text speeds, fonts, and colour palettes available."; "# Auto forward plural" = "{0} secs"; "# Auto forward singular" = "{0} sec"; "# Slow text speed name" = "Slow"; "# Normal text speed name" = "Normal"; "# Fast text speed name" = "Fast"; "# Faster text speed name" = "Faster"; "# Fasterer text speed name" = "Fasterer"; "# Very fast text speed name" = "Very fast"; "# Near-instant text speed name" = "Near-instant"; "# Instant text speed name" = "Instant"; "# Default font name" = "Default"; "# Pixel font name" = "Pixel"; "# Plain font name" = "Plain"; "# Black, Brown palette name" = "Black, Brown"; "# Black, White palette name" = "Black, White"; "# White, Black palette name" = "White, Black"; "# Blackjack hit button text" = "Hit"; "# Blackjack stand button text" = "Stand"; "# Player score text" = "You\\n{0}"; "# Dealer score text" = "Dealer\\n{0}"; "# Your name prompt text" = "Your name?"; "# Enter name placeholder text" = "Enter name..."; "# Name input OK button text" = "OK"; "# Leave easter egg button text" = "Get me outta here!!!!!"; "# Credits text" = "Credits\\n\\nProgramming and Narrative - Hawky @ParanoidHawk\\n\\nArt and Character Design - Colin @Coldoggo\\n\\nMusic - Jamie @fakegamercomics\\n\\nSound effects:\\nFree sound effects from fesliyanstudios.com\\nStill North Media\\nFreesound.org users:\\nIanM_56\\nkangaroovindaloo\\nTRP\\nUnderlinedDesigns\\n\\nOur wonderful beta testers:\\nMike @Nenekiri_Dragon\\nClawe @clawepolish\\nBasil @BasilKuna\\nMint @jellicores\\nGunsparce @actuallyagun\\n\\nAll our love to our friends and family and partners who supported us and made it possible for us to make this gay little game. You mean the world to us <3"; "# Player starting hand" = "You've got the {0} and {1}, making your total {2}."; "# Natural win hand" = "A natural!"; "# Dealer face up hand" = "Dealer's face up card is the {0}, making his current total {1}."; "# This line has a space at the end that needs to be kept for the sentence to make sense" = "{0},"; "# Player hand total" = "Total is now {0}."; "# Draw result" = "Push! No one wins, go again."; "# Player wins round by bust" = "Dealer's bust! You win this round."; "# Player wins round by total" = "Your total is higher! You win this round."; "# Dealer wins round by bust" = "You're bust! Dealer wins this round."; "# Dealer wins round by total" = "Dealer's total is higher! Dealer wins this round."; "# Card pile empty" = "Ran out of cards... Joseph quickly shuffles the discard pile back into the deck."; "# Card id AD" = "ace of diamonds"; "# Card id 2D" = "two of diamonds"; "# Card id 3D" = "three of diamonds"; "# Card id 4D" = "four of diamonds"; "# Card id 5D" = "five of diamonds"; "# Card id 6D" = "six of diamonds"; "# Card id 7D" = "seven of diamonds"; "# Card id 8D" = "eight of diamonds"; "# Card id 9D" = "nine of diamonds"; "# Card id 10D" = "ten of diamonds"; "# Card id JD" = "jack of diamonds"; "# Card id QD" = "queen of diamonds"; "# Card id KD" = "king of diamonds"; "# Card id AH" = "ace of hearts"; "# Card id 2H" = "two of hearts"; "# Card id 3H" = "three of hearts"; "# Card id 4H" = "four of hearts"; "# Card id 5H" = "five of hearts"; "# Card id 6H" = "six of hearts"; "# Card id 7H" = "seven of hearts"; "# Card id 8H" = "eight of hearts"; "# Card id 9H" = "nine of hearts"; "# Card id 10H" = "ten of hearts"; "# Card id JH" = "jack of hearts"; "# Card id QH" = "queen of hearts"; "# Card id KH" = "king of hearts"; "# Card id AC" = "ace of clubs"; "# Card id 2C" = "two of clubs"; "# Card id 3C" = "three of clubs"; "# Card id 4C" = "four of clubs"; "# Card id 5C" = "five of clubs"; "# Card id 6C" = "six of clubs"; "# Card id 7C" = "seven of clubs"; "# Card id 8C" = "eight of clubs"; "# Card id 9C" = "nine of clubs"; "# Card id 10C" = "ten of clubs"; "# Card id JC" = "jack of clubs"; "# Card id QC" = "queen of clubs"; "# Card id KC" = "king of clubs"; "# Card id AS" = "ace of spades"; "# Card id 2S" = "two of spades"; "# Card id 3S" = "three of spades"; "# Card id 4S" = "four of spades"; "# Card id 5S" = "five of spades"; "# Card id 6S" = "six of spades"; "# Card id 7S" = "seven of spades"; "# Card id 8S" = "eight of spades"; "# Card id 9S" = "nine of spades"; "# Card id 10S" = "ten of spades"; "# Card id JS" = "jack of spades"; "# Card id QS" = "queen of spades"; "# Card id KS" = "king of spades"; "You character name" = "You"; Plus symbols will split the sentence and be replaced with spaces in-game "Player draw hand" = "You draw the {0}.+Total is now {0}."; Plus symbols will split the sentence and be replaced with spaces in-gam "Dealer full hand" = "Dealer's hand is the {0},+{0},+and {0},+making his total {0}.";